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School Details
The John Bamford Primary School
Crabtree Way, Etchinghill, Rugeley, WS15 2PA
DFE Number:2360
Mrs Louise Ferguson
Summary:View Ofsted summary
The school has a strong, inclusive ethos. The school values of respect, resilience, collective responsibility and reflection thread through every aspect of life in school. This helps pupils develop a strong sense of community and belonging. Pupils attend school well and are punctual. Pupils feel secure and safe at school. The school is ambitious for all pupils. Pupils achieve well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils show a vibrant love of learning. They get off to a flying start in early years. Learning in the early years is exciting and engaging. Older pupils help younger pupils to care for the school rabbits, Betty and Derek. Leaders develop a nurturing and caring learning environment. Many parents and carers speak about the support shown by staff and how well-being is given a high priority. Pupils enjoy earning ‘JB pounds’. These are awarded for living the school values in their daily lives. Classes collectively agree on how to spend their rewards. They learn to save them up for class treats. These activities, alongside opportunities to be part of the Junior Leadership Team and Junior Lunchtime Supervisors, help pupils become responsible members of their school community.