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School Details
Sir John Offley CE(VC) Primary School, Madeley
Izaak Walton Way, Madeley, Crewe, CW3 9PJ
DFE Number:3136
Miss Sally-Anne Ward
Summary:View Ofsted summary
The school’s Christian values of love, aspiration and forgiveness permeate the school. Pupils enjoy coming to school. The school is a safe, happy and caring place, where pupils thrive. Leaders have high expectations of pupils. They have created a curriculum that allows pupils to develop their skills and knowledge over time. For example, pupils in a Year 3 art and design lesson could confidently explain how they had used pencils to explore shade and tone. Pupils behave well. They are tolerant and respectful. They talked knowledgeably about how people can be different. For example, they discussed different religions, beliefs and also how some pupils may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). But they were adamant that ‘We are really welcome to all people. We are always accepting of others.’ Bullying is rare. If it happens adults will stop it straight away. Leaders develop pupils’ talents and interests through a wide range of inclusive and unusual extra-curricular activities. For example, pupils gain experience of inclusive sports, such as boccia and curling. Pupils can also take part in clubs such as mindfulness, science, quidditch and archery.
Voluntary controlled school