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Madeley High School

Newcastle Road, Madeley, Newcastle Under Lyme, CW3 9JJ
DFE Number:4090
Headteacher: Mr Lee Nixon
Phone:01782 987800Call
Summary:View Ofsted summary
Pupils enjoy Madeley High School and feel safe. Pupils’ high attendance is evidence of how much they like school. Pupils are proud of their school. They look smart in their uniform and they keep the building litter and graffiti free. Pupils are very welcoming to visitors. All pupils spoken to would recommend the school to others. Teachers expect pupils to do well. Teachers are approachable and helpful. Pupils like the friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times. Bullying is rare and, when it does happen, teachers deal with it quickly. There are many opportunities for pupils to learn beyond lesson time. They take advantage of this and take part in numerous activities. These include sport, photography, a young engineers club, eco club, drama and music. Pupils achieve strong and improving outcomes in some subjects, but not all. Leaders are fully aware of this and are taking effective action. They are addressing the right things at the right time. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education. They move on to take up places at further education, at college or on apprenticeships.
TypeAcademy converter
ReligionDoes not apply
mr ofsted
Ofsted ReportLatest Report - All Reports
National avg. 16.3:1
Pupil teacher ratio
meals 150
Pupil Admission Number for September 2024 entry
59% National
avg. 45%
GCSE Grade 5 (strong pass) or above in both English and maths
KS4 Attainment Core 50.4 National
avg. 46.3
Attainment 8 score
Results in 8 core subjects
Progress 8 score +0.17 National
avg. -0.03
Progress 8 score
91%National avg. N/A
Pupils who went onto further education
8.9%National avg. N/A
Pupils who went on to an apprenticeship or other work-based learning
meals 9.2% National
avg. 27.1%
Pupils registered for free school meals