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School Details
Walton High School
The Rise, Walton On The Hill, Stafford, ST17 0LJ
DFE Number:4111
Mr David Foskett
Summary:View Ofsted summary
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. You, well supported by senior leaders and governors, provide honest and principled leadership that is valued by pupils, parents, carers and staff. Leaders and governors know the school well, including its strengths and weaknesses. Leaders’ plans to address weaknesses are clear and well focused on key priorities. However, leaders do not always evaluate the impact that actions are having as well as they could. The school’s stated aims are to ensure that pupils achieve well academically and develop the skills and attitudes to be happy and successful members of society. The school is successful in achieving these aims. The curriculum provides a very wide range of choices for pupils that successfully engages them in their learning. It is supplemented by a vibrant extra-curricular programme that pupils enjoy. Pastoral care and support are strengths of the school. Staff know pupils well and are quick to provide support when it is needed. Pupils and parents value the school’s caring and supportive ethos. The school was previously inspected in 2012, before it opened as an academy. At that time, inspectors charged leaders with further developing aspects of teaching and improving communication with parents. Both areas have improved since that time.