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School Details
St. John's CE Primary Academy, Stafford
Weston Road, Stafford, ST16 3RZ
DFE Number:3147
Miss Vicky Evans
Summary:View Ofsted summary
The school is led by a principal and vice-principal since it joined St Chad’s multiacademy trust on 1 September 2016. This is the school’s first inspection since the predecessor school was judged to be good in 2013. The board of trustees is responsible for setting the strategic direction of its academies. The trustees employ a chief executive officer (CEO) to oversee and work with all of the multi-academy trust’s academies. The CEO is currently the chair of the LAC but a new chair is taking over in the autumn. At a local level, the LAC of the trust board holds the principal to account and monitors the day-to-day running of the school. A large proportion of pupils come from military families who are employed at the local Ministry of Defence base.