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School Details

Woodhouse Academy

Woodhouse Lane, Biddulph, ST8 7DR
DFE Number:4154
Headteacher: ' ' Deborah Farr
Phone:01782 973600Call
Summary:View Ofsted summary
The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. There is a sense of purpose in the classrooms and around the school. You are proud of your school and seek to give your pupils resilience and confidence so that they can learn new skills and gain knowledge. Pupils are proud of their school and speak supportively of their teachers, appreciating the help and guidance they receive. You, the senior leaders and other leaders at the school have a shared vision and the determination and capacity to improve the school. Parents and staff are supportive of you and your leadership team. They speak positively of your care, leadership and your teachers’ detailed knowledge of their children. A typical response to the Parent View questionnaire was: ‘I feel very lucky that my child attends this school.’ You took over as headteacher in September 2016 and have ensured that there are clearer lines of accountability within the school. With the support of your leadership team and other leaders, you have focused on the curriculum and have ensured that pupils are provided with a good range of curricular as well as extra-curricular opportunities and experiences. Strong emphasis is given to music and the arts, with pupils given opportunities to experience activities such as sculpting and African drumming. On the day of my visit, Year 6 were benefiting from a visit to an outdoor education centre.
TypeAcademy converter
ReligionDoes not apply
mr ofsted
Ofsted ReportLatest Report - All Reports
National avg. 19.9:1
Pupil teacher ratio
meals 120
Pupil Admission Number for September 2024 entry
61% National
avg. 60%
% pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths
9% National
avg. 8%
% pupils achieving the higher standard in reading, writing and maths
KS2 Reading Average 108 National
avg. 105
Average scaled score
KS2 Maths Average 106 National
avg. 104
Average scaled score
Reading Progress 2.2
Reading progress score
Writing Progress -2.3
Writing progress score
Maths Progress 0.7
Maths progress score
meals 10% National
avg. 25.9%
Pupils registered for free school meals