Your child will be discreetly assessed and monitored on a daily basis with more formal assessments occurring each term. These assessment may be through discussions with your child, discussions with staff, parents and external agencies and also standardised testing. Daily work will be assessed in order to inform planning and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children.
Progress will be formally reviewed at the end of each term, this will be done collaboratively between SENCO, class teacher, child and parents. Progress will then be discussed with parents, in relation to age expected attainment as well as the progress they have made from their starting points. We will always discuss what progress we expect and will always we aspirational for all of our children.
Each term, parents will be invited to attend parents evening with the class teacher, the SENCO will also be available to review any additional SEN concerns. The SENCO will also make themselves available at any other point across the year, should parents require additional opportunities to discuss needs.
Each child will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which will detail their individual targets and how we as a school intend to support them. Whole class teaching is differentiated for each level of need to ensure that all children are accessing a broad and balanced curriculum alongside their peers. At times, there may be a need to pre-teach key vocabulary, concepts and elements of learning in order to ensure lessons and learning opportunities are accessible to all.
Communication books can be set up for regular updates to be shared with parents and families. As a school we use G Suite and Class Dojo to communicate and celebrate achievements. We also text parents and email relevant information. Class teachers and teaching assistants are available at the end of most days should you have any concerns; this can be face to face, via a phone call or email.
We always aim to be accessible to all parents and employ strategies for good communication. We are happy to meet to discuss individual needs and how they can be met.
As a school, as additional learning needs are identified, we aim to access specialist services at the earliest possible point. We would refer, alongside parents to the most relevant specialist. These include: Speech and Language Therapists, Peadiatrician, School Nurses, Educational Psychologists, Behaviour Support, CYP Autism Services, Autism Outreach, Mental Health in Schools Team, CAMHS