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School SEN Details

Betley CE(VC) Primary School, Newcastle

Church Lane, Betley, Newcastle Under Lyme, CW3 9AX


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

At Betley Primary School, we aim to identify whether a child needs additional provision to support their educational, social, emotional or physical needs as early as possible in order for the correct provision to be given to them from a young age. The class teachers will provide high quality first teaching, adapted activities and make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of all their pupils. Following this the class teacher and SENCO, working closely together if they have any concerns, will carry out assessments and observations to create an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. This may incorporate additional interventions. Learning will then be monitored carefully and any additional support that is needed will be discussed with both parents and pupils. The SENCO will be consulted in order to provide additional advice or to refer to specialist agencies. Where a child is identified as having SEND, parents will be formally notified and invited to regular meetings to discuss the progress of their child.

If you think that your child needs extra help either academically, socially or emotionally, in the first instance, speak to your child's class teacher. From here the concerns will be reported back to the SENDCO, who will then provide advice to the class teacher or organise a meeting with parents. There are also termly SEND clinics, where parents are free to chat to the SENDCO about any concerns they may have.

You can find information regarding SEND and the school's SEND policy on our school website or by coming into school.

Teaching, learning and support

- All children will receive high quality teaching that is adapted to meet the needs of all individuals in the first instance.
- The quality of teaching is monitored through a variety of processes including: (senior leadership team, SENDCo and external verifiers), on-going assessment of pupil progress, work sampling, scrutiny of planning, meetings with SENDCo/leadership team, pupil and parent feedback.) Reasonable adjustments are part of everyday practice and we ensure that these too are monitored.
- Children with SEND all have specific targets that are developed by the class teacher using a range of assessments. These targets form part of a child's APDR, which is discussed and reviewed with parents at least 3 times during the school year. Some children will require additional support in the form of a small group or individual support. This will be run by the teacher or teaching assistant, the interventions will be reviewed regularly (at least termly) to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning.
- Where there are still concerns regarding rates of progress, even after high quality interventions, parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEND support, they will be invited into school to discussion next steps in the identification of action to improve outcomes. SEND support will be recorded on an individual APDR, following the Graduated Response process.
- If progress is still considered to be slow despite the delivery of high-quality interventions, advice may besought from external agencies, according to pupil need. These could be Speech and Language Therapy, Autism Inclusion Team or an Educational Psychologist.
- For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be met from within the school’s own resources, a request will be made to the Local Authority to assess for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment. This may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) being provided .As part of the differentiation your child may receive one or all of the following:- work matched to your child's ability; external support, such as counsellor, SALT; small group class support; small group interventions ; 1-1 interventions.
Class teachers take into account the needs of all learners and provide additional resources to support learning such as: talking tins, laptops, word mats, adapted font sizes, visual reminders, visual timetables, now and next boards, safe spaces.

Where a child has been identified as having SEND, the class teacher is then responsible for the progress and support provided to the child; this will be carefully planned and implemented based on the child's needs. During independent learning, additional support staff may be deployed to work alongside an individual or a small group, as well as the class teacher. Children are encouraged to use learning aids, such as vocabulary banks, post its, talking tins as part of regular practice. The class teacher will have more information about the reasonable adjustments that are in place. The SENDCo will work closely alongside class teachers to ensure that the curriculum and learning environment are accessible to children with SEND.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of children with SEND from a number of sources: a proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school provide for their education, (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit); The Notional SEND budget and Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria. In addition, for those pupils with the most serious and complex needs, the school may apply for and be allocated Additional Educational Needs funding or the child may be eligible for an EHCP (Education, Health Care Plan). Funding is then used to provide the resources to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities through:
- In-class support from teaching assistants.
- Small group support from teaching assistants e.g. English and Maths support.
- Individual support, such as one to one support during lessons, one to one interventions.
- Bought in support from external agencies.
- Continuing professional development for all staff regarding SEND.
- Provision of specialist resources to support the child in class.

The first step in the decision making of support is identifying the child's needs. There are 4 main areas of need: Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social and Emotional Mental Health, Sensory and Physical Needs. Through assessments, observations and discussions with the SENDCo, targets will be set following the Graduated Response. Through the decision making process the Senior Leadership Team will also be involved and crucial in the deployment of additional adults. If a child with SEND is still making limited or very slow progress, specialist advice is sought and following that there may be a request for an EHCP. As a parent, you will be involved in all parts of the process. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress three times a year with the class teacher: these meetings coincide with parents’ evenings but you can speak to your class teacher or the SENDCo at any time throughout the year. Your child’s class teacher will be available at the end of the school day should you wish to raise a concern. For a more detailed discussion, you are able to request an appointment to see your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo by arrangement through the school office.

The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEND is led by the child’s individual need. Children with an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) will have an allocated number of hours of support to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation. Other children will also receive support linked to their needs as indicated on their APDR. Tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data highlights children who are not making expected progress. Children are given additional and differentiated support and interventions are put in place to support their learning and the impact of that provision measured. The interventions and the impact are recorded in the pupil’s provision map. If interventions are not having the expected impact, then the SENDCo may refer to external professionals in discussion with parents to enable further support to be provided.

- Children who are identified as having SEND, will have targets set along with a provision map of support. These will be reviewed during the year and new targets will be set at least three times throughout the year(more as and when needed).
- Parents can talk to the class teacher about their child’s progress on appointment. The class teacher reviews the progress of all the children each half term and adapt their teaching accordingly. We hold a termly parents’ evening where parents can look at the children’s books and meet with the class teacher along with a detailed report at the end of each academic year.
- The SENDCo is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have, by appointment. All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in the form of a written report.
- A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
- Class teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo, but are not expected to reply after 6pm.
- The SENDCo offers regular half termly coffee mornings, where you can discuss any concerns or progress.
- We can signpost you to SENDIASS if you feel you need further support with any SEND issues.
- We work closely with specialist services to support learning.

In the first instance, a discussion with the class teacher would be the most beneficial to share strategies to support learning at home. Following this, the SENDCo can offer further suggestions and signpost different websites or organisations. If external agencies and specialist support services are involved, they may suggest further strategies and resources to help your child. A number of parent workshops are organised over the school year, these are advertised via our newsletter, on our website and Facebook page and aim to provide useful opportunities for parents to learn more about the curriculum that is being offered to their child.

Children are involved with target setting and the intervention process. They have the opportunity to express how they feel they are progressing and what they think they need to do next. This is done alongside the class teacher and support staff to form the child's APDR, which follows the Graduated Response.

We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes and targets that have been set. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
- Thorough evaluation of interventions and support plan targets.
- Book looks, learning walks.
- SENDCo/SLT/Governor monitoring
- APDRs are reviewed with parents/carers and updated regularly through the year.
- Evaluations, reports with support and guidance from external agencies.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Children with identified safety needs will be met at their door in the morning and dismissed directly at the end of the day to the person collecting them. Children with identified needs have additional support at break and lunch with a high ratio of staff on duty. Regular risk assessments take place to identify hazards and control measures as needed thorough the school day, these are amendment when needed. Risk assessments are updated termly alongside the class teacher.

There is a strong pastoral support network within the school and all children are encouraged to discuss their wellbeing. Emotional literacy strategies are promoted around the school and children have access to the school counsellor where appropriate. Betley Primary has a warm and friendly atmosphere, where children feel included.
At playtimes and dinner times, the school has designated Play Leaders and Buddy Stops for children who may need some support at these times. The school’s behaviour policy is consistent, fair and aims to promote inclusion with clear guidance on rewards and sanctions. Children can receive positive dojos for a variety of different reasons and as a parent you will receive a notification when your child receives either a positive or a negative dojo. The school's bullying policy can be found on the school's website. Attendance is monitored regularly and concerns are shared with parents as applicable. All staff are regularly trained in Child Protection, Prevent, Child on Child abuse and Safeguarding.

Pupils with complex medical needs will be provided with a Care Plan: this is compiled in partnership with parents, medical agencies and school staff. Miss Whittingham, who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, will keep a copy of the plan and ensure all staff who work with the child are aware of their duties. Individual copies of Health Care Plans are signed by and copies given to relevant staff, e.g. Class Teacher, TA, Lunchtime Supervisors and School Cook. All staff receive epi-pen training, asthma training and diabetes training as appropriate to pupils in their care; this is delivered by the school nurse team. A central record of pupils’ Health Care plans is kept in the main school office, to which all staff have access to. Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines can be administered in school, where assigned medical form in in place to ensure the safety of both child and staff member. A selection of staff hold qualifications in first aid and paediatric first aid. External advice is sought when needed to ensure care is appropriate. The SENDCo, Mrs Foy, and Designated Safeguard Lead, Miss Whittingham, work closely together to ensure a child who has to attend medical appointments are fully supported.

Exclusions are avoided as much as possible and alternative provision is considered a preferable response. The school has a clear behaviour policy and this is supported by all staff in school. Miss Whittingham works alongside families to support any attendance issues. Children may have individualised behaviour plans which will be created with advice and support from other agencies – including Autism Inclusion Team, behaviour support, CAMHS, Early Years SENCO. Interventions will be put into place to allow children to develop their emotional literacy and progress will be monitored by completion of Boxall Profiles half termly.

PEP meetings take place termly and these are focused on progress. The Virtual School will offer support as and when needed and also educational psychologist advice. Mrs Foy is also the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. PEP meetings take into account the child's views as well as input from the class teacher.

Working together

Your first point of contact is your child’s class teacher. They will know your child the best. They will work alongside the identified teaching assistant to set targets. The school's SENDCo is Mrs K Foy, she works alongside Miss Whittingham, who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Head of School. Their role is to review targets and seek additional advice and support from external agencies as needed. This may include SALT, SENIS, Educational Psychologist, Autism Inclusion Team, occupation therapy, CAMHS, behaviour support etc. Any referral to an outside agency will be discussed with you and the reasons behind the referral prior to the referral being sent off.

At the beginning of the school year, the SENDCo meets with all class teachers to discuss the needs of the children. Each class teacher and their support staff are required to go through EHCP documentations and reports to ensure they understand what provision must be delivered. This information is then reported back to the SENDCo. The SENDCo carries out lesson drop ins and pupil voice interviews to check provision is carried out correctly. All files are located in a secure shared area that staff have access to at all times. For transition, all teachers meet together and share strategies for any children with SEND and provide other relevant information. When SEND information and children’s needs change staff are updated when needed.

The SENDCo has achieved the National SENCO Award and the staff all receive training from SEND services(as needed).
Staff are updated of any changes through staff meetings when relevant. If a child attends school with a specific need then training will be arranged to support provision and understanding of that need (if needed).Based on the needs of the children, Betley Primary identifies staff members who have received professional training to enable them to support children with additional needs, including medical needs, appropriately. We also invite the school nurse and other agencies into school to support with training when needed. All staff have received training in regards to Dyspraxia, EHCP compliance, Lego Therapy and Emotion Coaching. Staff are encouraged to discuss any training needs with the SENDCo or SLT who will then organise CPD.
Staff are regularly updated on the SEND Code of Practice and any changes in relation to SEND services and how support is accessed by the school.

Betley Primary School works closely with the following agencies where appropriate:
- Education Psychologist
- SENd and Inclusion Hub
- Inclusion Officer
- Advisory Teachers
- Behaviour Support Team
- Autism Inclusion Team
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Glow
- Hearing and Visual Impairment Service
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Family Support
- Education Welfare Officers
- Physical and Disability Support Service- SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Support Service)

The first point of contact if you have any worries or concerns is your child's class teacher. Following this, the class teacher will speak to the SENDCo, Mrs. Foy. If you wish to speak to your child's class teacher, you can make an appointment to speak to them via the School Office.

Mrs K Foy,
01270 820826 or 01782 973865

Mrs Foy is based at both St. Luke's Primary School and Betley Primary School.

The SEND Governor, Mr. A Sutcliffe, he has an active role in school. He works alongside the SENDCo and both have regular meetings to discuss the day to day running of SEND. Mr. Sutcliffe compiles a report termly and shares this with the rest of the Governing Body.

Your child will have an active role in their education and are involved in target setting and review meetings.
As a school, Betley Primary encourages all children to be involved in their learning and to participate in pupil voice discussions. Each class has a suggestion box, which is shared during School Council meetings half termly.

Governor vacancies are advertised in the newsletter to all parents when they become available. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in school life and again opportunities will be posted on the school's newsletter.

Miss Whittingham is available to support any Early Help referrals and can signpost you to different outside agencies. If you need to speak to Miss Whittingham, contact the school's office on 01270 820286 and select Option 3. Mrs Foy is also available to direct you to any SEND organisation that you may require.

Inclusion and accessibility

All provisions, including before and after school clubs, can be accessed by all children regardless of need. If your child is subject to a risk assessment, then a meeting to discuss what this looks like will be arranged.
Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in school activities. However, if it is deemed that an intensive level of 1:1 support is required a parent/ carer/volunteer may be asked to accompany the child during the activity.

Betley Primary School is partly accessible for wheelchair users. There is a ramp to access the school's mobiles but this is accessed via the school's staff car park. There are no specified parking spaces or drop off points.
The school does have a disabled toilet in the main building.

Any children with sensory needs have a plan in place to support their needs and reasonable adjustments are made. All staff are made aware of these needs.

Link to accessibility plan

Related policies

Where necessary the school will involve the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) to support the child and family. They will provide a report for staff which will offer guidance and advice. A support package can be purchased by the school, which will provide, if required, interpreting at meetings or translation of letters, documents or reports for EAL families.

Joining and moving on

Please contact the school's office on 01270 820286 or email office@betley.staffs.sch.uk

Links to information

Admissions link

If you wish to visit the school, please call 01270 820286 and speak to Mrs Cooper. The visit will consist of a tour of the school, meeting staff, seeing pupils learning and a discussion with the Head of School, Miss Whittingham. Alternatively, the school's Facebook page provides information about the school and provides a virtual tour.

A number of strategies are in place to enable effective pupil transition. These include:
- Discussions between the previous or receiving setting prior to the pupil joining/leaving.
- Attendance at transition sessions where pupils spend some time at the new school.
- Additional visits are arranged for vulnerable pupils or those with a high level of need.
- Staff are always willing to meet with parents prior to their child joining the school; this may be the class teacher, SENDCo or a member of the Leadership Team.
- For pupils transferring to local high schools, SENDCo and/or key staff (e.g. Y6 teachers) will meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEND in order to ensure a smooth transition.
- Where a pupil may have more specialised needs, a separate meeting may be arranged with the SENDCo, outside agency representatives, parents/ carers and where appropriate the pupil.

Additional information

If you require further information about what services are available, please contact either Mrs. Foy or Miss Whittingham via the School Office on 01270 820286.

Links to other support



Information is reviewed at least annually. This information was last reviewed 20th November 2023. The next review will be May 2024.

Any problem or concern should be raised promptly with the class teacher. If your concern is more serious, you may prefer to make an appointment to discuss it with Miss Whittingham or a member of the school’s leadership team.

Link to complaints policy

Link to Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Deaf friendly

Other setting facilities

  • Partly wheelchair accessible
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