All work is differentiated as the class teacher sees fit to match each individual child’s ability in their class. Pupils who have been identified as having SEND receive further differentiation, scaffolding and support to allow them to access the curriculum just as their peers do. The curriculum and learning environment are adapted to meet the individual needs of children with SEND by being provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Pupils with SEND will be provided with ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.
To facilitate access to the curriculum whilst also developing independent learning, staff provide interventions including EP Literacy Approach, Beat Dyslexia, Toe by Toe, Motor Skills United, Lego Therapy, Nurture groups, Time to Talk and Forest Schools. These interventions run in school alongside support from external agencies such as Autism Inclusion Team, Learning Support Team, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy teams.
Additional support is offered in the form of specialised equipment to help pupils have full access to the curriculum, these include buff/blue books, overlays, reading rulers, desk slants, seat cushions, fiddle toys, pencil grips, spring loaded scissors and word mats/prompts. Alongside these, we offer ICT help and additional adult support.
In the first instance, class teachers will have discussions about any pupils who are identified as having SEND needs with the school SENDCo. Together, they will discuss any reasonable adjustments that the class teacher has made and then collaboratively plan what support the pupil requires. The class teacher will then put this plan into action in the classroom normally taking the shape of an assess, plan, do, review model. This Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be monitored by the SENCDCo and reviewed every 6-8 weeks when targets are reviewed and new targets are set.
During exams (in particular, Year 6 SATs) children with SEND needs will have access to either a reader, scribe or additional time. In some cases pupils will have access to more than one of these. Each individual pupil’s needs are taken into consideration when the need arises.