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School SEN Details

St. Anne's CE(VC) Primary School, Brown Edge

St Annes Vale, Brown Edge, ST6 8TA


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

We know when pupils need help if:
• Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
• Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress
• A pupil asks for help.
• Pupil observation indicates that they have additional needs in one of the four areas: Communication and interaction, Cognitional and learning, Social, mental and emotional health, Sensory/physical
Following identification of the need for additional help, there will be discussions between the class teacher and the SENDCO where concerns and issues can be raised. Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow an assess, plan, do, review, model. An individual assessment of the pupil will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs. Parents will always be invited to this early discussion to support the identification of action to improve outcomes.
Additional action to increase the rate of progress will be then identified and recorded. This will include a review of the impact of the differentiated teaching being provided to the child and, if required, provision to the teacher of additional strategies to further support the success of the pupil.
If review of the action taken indicates that ‘additional and different from’ support will be required, then the views of all involved including the parents and the pupil will be obtained and appropriate evidence-based interventions identified, recorded and implemented by the class teacher with advice from the SENDCo. Parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEN support and their partnership sought in order to improve attainments.
SEN support will be recorded on an individual plan which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will be stretching, ambitious and relevant academic and development targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed termly with the parents and the pupil. If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from specialist external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.

If you have concerns then first, please discuss these with your child’s class teacher. This may result in a referral to the school SENDCo whose name is Mrs Hannah Bowcock and who you can contact via the school office; telephone 01782 503102 or email: office@st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk or Mr Edward Hobson (headteacher)
The Governor with specific responsibility for SEND is Mrs Vicki Moston who visits the school regularly.
All parents will be listened to. Their views and their aspirations for their child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school.

SEND Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_1d66a568d78d4828a5f6530e80e45711.pdf
Accessibility Plan: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_c82792efba9844feb4724df0ebc34386.pdf
Assessment Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_6eeb268907004d8983fa7b572052ce21.pdf
Admission Arrangements: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_bc75a6aaf74c4a7a97f6d48936ab5b6d.pdf
Children with health needs who cannot attend school:
Supporting pupils with medical conditions: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_2030e20c0578447597ef260f37697772.pdf
Behaviour Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_25712ed7ed4c42d3b6db2b5458f1794f.pdf
Schools Exclusion: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_b54e5867788b4d29ad94b70c4296e4ed.pdf
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_61f53fb08f9b496b8aac8ef71550dd12.pdf
Equality Information: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_2c9fa96c0d76484bb9725303862af300.pdf
Teaching and Learning Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_a4010141553945a3810dd8b9b35ad89f.pdf
Remote Education Policy: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_45faa6233b9f4b099ff00167f3da80a0.pdf

SEND Policy and other related documents


Teaching, learning and support

All pupils will be provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Pupils with a disability will be provided with ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.
The quality of teaching is monitored through a number of processes that includes:
• Classroom observation by the SENDCo and external verifiers
• Ongoing assessment of progress of all pupils.
• Pupil progress termly meetings, head teacher and class teachers
• Ongoing assessment of progress made by pupil in specific intervention groups
• Work sampling on a termly basis
• Scrutiny of planning and books
• Teacher meetings with the SENDCo
• Pupil and parent feedback when reviewing target attainment
• Whole school pupil progress tracking
• Attendance and behaviour records
Information on the quality of teaching will be collated in a report to governors and shared with parents in the SEND information Report. All pupils have individual curriculum targets set in line with national outcomes to ensure ambition. These are discussed with parents at events such as SENDCo Parents Evenings. Pupil’s attainments to meet these targets are tracked using the whole school tracking system.

If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from specialist external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil. This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained and may include referral to
• Learning Support Team
• Behaviour Support Services
• Autism Inclusion Team
• Hearing/Visual Impairment Team
• Educational Psychology Service
• Social Services
• Local Support Team
• Speech and Language Team
• Occupational Therapy Team
• School Nurse
• CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Teachers plan using pupils’ achievement levels, differentiating work to match and challenge ability for all pupils in the classroom. When a pupil has been identified as having special needs, their work will be further differentiated by the class teacher to remove barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily. In addition, they will be provided with additional support that may include specialised equipment or resources, ICT and/or additional adult help.

All work is differentiated as the class teacher sees fit to match each individual child’s ability in their class. Pupils who have been identified as having SEND receive further differentiation, scaffolding and support to allow them to access the curriculum just as their peers do. The curriculum and learning environment are adapted to meet the individual needs of children with SEND by being provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Pupils with SEND will be provided with ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.
To facilitate access to the curriculum whilst also developing independent learning, staff provide interventions including EP Literacy Approach, Beat Dyslexia, Toe by Toe, Motor Skills United, Lego Therapy, Nurture groups, Time to Talk and Forest Schools. These interventions run in school alongside support from external agencies such as Autism Inclusion Team, Learning Support Team, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy teams.
Additional support is offered in the form of specialised equipment to help pupils have full access to the curriculum, these include buff/blue books, overlays, reading rulers, desk slants, seat cushions, fiddle toys, pencil grips, spring loaded scissors and word mats/prompts. Alongside these, we offer ICT help and additional adult support.
In the first instance, class teachers will have discussions about any pupils who are identified as having SEND needs with the school SENDCo. Together, they will discuss any reasonable adjustments that the class teacher has made and then collaboratively plan what support the pupil requires. The class teacher will then put this plan into action in the classroom normally taking the shape of an assess, plan, do, review model. This Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be monitored by the SENCDCo and reviewed every 6-8 weeks when targets are reviewed and new targets are set.
During exams (in particular, Year 6 SATs) children with SEND needs will have access to either a reader, scribe or additional time. In some cases pupils will have access to more than one of these. Each individual pupil’s needs are taken into consideration when the need arises.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources:
• A proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit) – all pupils;
• The Notional SEN budget;
• Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria.
• In addition, for those pupils with the most complex needs, the school may be allocated Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding.

Pupils with suspected SEND needs are identified very quickly and are discussed in termly meetings that are undertaken between the class teacher and the SENDCo. Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow an assess, plan, do, review, model. An individual assessment of the pupil will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs. Parents will always be invited to this early discussion to support the identification of action to improve outcomes.
Additional action to increase the rate of progress will be then identified and recorded. This will include a review of the impact of the differentiated teaching being provided to the child and, if required, provision to the teacher of additional strategies to further support the success of the pupil. If review of the action taken indicates that ‘additional and different from’ support will be required, then the views of all involved including the parents and the pupil will be obtained and appropriate evidence-based interventions identified, recorded and implemented by the class teacher with advice from the SENDCo.
Parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEND support and their partnership sought in order to improve attainments. SEND support will be recorded on an individual plan which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will be stretching, ambitious and relevant academic and development targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed termly with the parents and the pupil. If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from specialist external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.
For a very small percentage of pupils whose needs are significant and complex, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs assessment. This will be undertaken by the Local Authority. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided. This is a child-centred document which sets out the aims and needs of the child and what needs to be done to support these aspirations.
Target reviews, baseline starting points and end of intervention attainment will be recorded on individual pupil plan’s and shared with parents at review meetings. Attainments towards the identified outcomes will be shared with parents termly through the school reporting system and SEN Parent’s Evenings. Parents may also find a home-school diary a useful tool to use to communicate with school staff. Parents are encouraged to arrange an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher, the SENDCo or a member of the senior leadership team, where appropriate, when the need arises rather than waiting for SEN Parents Evening.

Extra funding is secured by providing up to date evidence and records of a pupil’s need and applying for Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding or going through the process of an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (as mentioned above).
Once secured, this funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support pupils through: In – class support from teaching assistants, small group support from teaching assistants e.g. Nurture groups; specific intervention groups for literacy, numeracy, speech and language or social support, specialist support from teachers e.g. 1:1 tuition, In-class 1:1 support, bought in support from external agencies e.g. access arrangement assessments, speech and language support; additional SENSS support over and above the school’s allocated hours, parent workshops, provision of specialist resources e.g. assessment software, CPD relating to SEND for staff.

Parents are consulted through each stage of support provided for all pupils through discussions with the class teacher, SEND Parent Consultations and receiving updated Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
Progress is measured through termly formal assessments in reading, writing, maths, and phonics in Key Stage 1 as well as ongoing in-class assessment. These results are tracked and monitored following each assessment point to ensure that adequate progress is being made. All pupils have individual curriculum targets set in line with national outcomes to ensure ambition. These are discussed with parents at events such as SEND Parents Evenings. Pupil’s attainments to meet these targets are tracked using the whole school tracking system.
Every six to eight weeks, IEPs are reviewed and new targets are set. These may include data from formal assessments or in class observations made by the class teacher. The pupil’s targets are reviewed by the class teacher and are discussed with the pupil before setting new targets. These are then shared with parents via email followed by discussion at SEND Parent Consultation evenings. IEPs are working documents and if any targets are no longer relevant or circumstances have changed then these can be amended. Alongside targets, IEPs document which reasonable adjustments have been put in place in class and how each pupil is supported.
If required, a home/school diary can be implemented to encourage regular contact between school and parents/carers. This can be used for behaviour or for support with learning.
If a parent/carer has SEND needs, we can offer meetings with multiple family members or outside agencies online or face to face.

Parent/carer support at home is paramount in ensuring that all pupils make progress. We work collaboratively with parents to help and support the pupils in and out of school.
We offer SEND Parent Consultations twice a year with an open line of communication through the Class Dojo app or email throughout the year. Each pupil has a reading record which acts as a communication tool between staff and parents/carers and home school diaries can be set up if required.
If parents require help with how to support their child, staff are always willing to discuss ways to help as well as sending tasks home.
Please look at the school website. It can be found at www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk and includes links to websites and resources that we have found useful in supporting parents to help their child learn at home.

Every 6-8 weeks, pupils on the school SEND register will have their Individual Education Plans reviewed. This process is completed by the class teacher and then discussed with the pupil alongside gathering their views regarding each target and the progress that they have made towards it.
If a pupil has more complex needs and has been given an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) then they will be involved in the Annual Review process, allowing them to give their opinion on what is working in school and what they feel is not working. This allows the pupil to take ownership over their education and to be involved in the decision making process.

Termly, class teachers complete an intervention overview. This documents what provision is being delivered in each class and allows the SENDCo and headteacher to assess interventions and support across the school. In addition, teaching assistants provide intervention reviews to assess impact of their sessions and if they have been effective. Any formal assessments that are carried out are tracked on the whole school tracking document which clearly shows progress throughout the academic year and school journey.
During the academic year, pupil voice interviews take place to find out the pupils’ opinions on various matters in school. This always includes pupils with identified SEND needs to ensure they feel ‘heard’.
To involve parents/carers there is a Parent/Carer forum. This is an open platform to give feedback to the school regarding SEND provision alongside other points.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Five out of seven classrooms have their own separate entrance where they enter and exit the school at the beginning and end of each day. The other two classes are welcomed in through the main office and are always escorted out by their class teacher at the end of the day. A member of the Senior Leadership team is on hand each morning to greet children and parents.
St Anne’s Primary School provides a before and after school club which runs from 7.30am in the morning until 6pm in the evening. Children are signed in and out by parents/carers and are met by a member of the school club staff.
During break/lunchtime, dependent on individual circumstances children are encouraged to be outside (weather allowing). During these times, staff are available for required support including medical, social, emotional and nurture needs. If a child has more complex needs, provisions can be made for them to stay indoors either in the classroom or in the computing suite and/or go outdoors for shorter periods of time. Lunchtime supervisors have been trained in Jenny Mosely ‘Fantastic Lunchtimes’ to encourage interaction and involvement with the pupils.
Whilst moving around the school, St Anne’s has an accessibility lift to allow pupils who struggle with steps. All other rooms are accessible to wheelchairs via outside doors and are on one floor. All our steps are fitted with grab rails as are the outdoor ramps, and toilets and sinks are low down for ease of access.
When trips are planned, staff assess risk prior to the visit and ensure that the venue is appropriate for all pupils including those with additional needs. Staff to pupil ratio can be amended to account for any pupils needing extra support outside school.

Pupils with SEND have opportunities to voice their ideas and opinions during pupil voice interviews. St Anne’s also operates a School Council and Eco Council whereby pupils give feedback and ideas to improve the school. These two groups are fully inclusive and include any pupils who wish to nominate themselves.
Bullying is taken very seriously at St Anne’s Primary School and is dealt with promptly. Logs of behaviour are kept and parents are involved immediately. The school behaviour policy (see https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_25712ed7ed4c42d3b6db2b5458f1794f.pdf ) is adhered to when issues occur.
We currently operate a ‘Playground Leaders’ programme whereby Year 6 children visit the Key Stage 1 playground at lunchtimes to help with games and to promote an inclusive playtime. In addition to this, we offer nurture support during lunchtimes with a trained member of staff as well as facilitating nurture sessions throughout the week.

Any medication brought onto school premises must be signed in at the office by the parent/carer and details of amount/dosage must be given. School office manager, Mrs Dawn Rosson, is in charge of administering all medication and does so when required.
In the case of a medical emergency, dependent on severity, staff seek advice from any of our trained first aiders on site and, if required, ring parents and the emergency services.
If a child is absent from school for a medical appointment, the absence is authorised and if large amounts of school is missed then work is sent home to ensure children do not fall behind. This would be done following discussions with parents/carers.
If a care plan is required for any pupil, staff would liaise with the parents/carers and any relevant medical professionals (i.e. school nurse, epilepsy nurse, paediatrician) to ensure all areas of need are covered and catered for. This is then shared with relevant staff members whilst also making all staff aware of the pupil’s individual needs.

St Anne’s behaviour policy can be found here: https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_25712ed7ed4c42d3b6db2b5458f1794f.pdf
When there is concerns about children’s behaviour which is impacting on attendance, school would contact our local Education Welfare Officer for advice and support. If the family are struggling with a child’s behaviour and/or attendance, staff would look to refer to another external agency such as HomeStart.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour Policy

When children who are looked after by the local authority are identified as having SEND needs, staff liaise with parents/carers to ensure all needs are met. Regular communication is made with carers and termly PEP meetings are held to discuss funding and the child’s wellbeing.

Working together

The first point of contact regarding any pupil’s education is their class teacher. All teachers can be contacted through the school office on office@st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk or by telephone on 01782 503102. St Anne’s Primary School’s SENDCo is Mrs Hannah Bowcock, she can be contacted through the same avenues as above.
The role of the class teacher is to deliver quality first teaching in an inclusive classroom environment.

All relevant staff can access pupils’ Individual Education Plans, Care Plans, Child in Need Plans and Education Health and Care Plans if needed. Staff training is regularly delivered to ensure all staff are aware of changes to SEND policies or to a pupil’s individual needs. When a pupil transitions to the next year group, the class teachers will meet to discuss reasonable adjustments that the pupil requires and any relevant information that needs passing on.

All staff have Level 1 training in Autism Awareness delivered by the Autism Inclusion Team as well as training on Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), Physical Handling and Restrictive Training and Attachment Disorder.
Staff receive updates on the Code of Practice and SEND awareness delivered by the SENDCo alongside any updates following training as and when is required.
The school SENDCo, Mrs Hannah Bowcock, has achieved her SENDCO Award and has a Masters level degree in Education.
Staff have many opportunities for Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the area of SEND.

When a pupil has involvement with external agencies, links are established with them by the SENDCo and class teacher to ensure the pupil’s needs are met effectively. Agencies that school may liaise with include Speech and Language, Occupational Therapists, School Nurse, Epilepsy Nurse, Autism Inclusion Team and CAMHS, Hearing/Visual Impairment Team, Education Psychologists, Behaviour/Learning Support Team.

The first point of contact at school is your child’s class teacher. They may be able to assist you and if not, you would be signposted to the SENDCo or Headteacher.

The SEND Coordinator at St Anne’s Primary School is Mrs Hannah Bowcock. She can be contacted via the school office on 01782 503102 or by email, office@st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk.

The full list of school governors can be found at https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/school-governors
The current SEND and Inclusion and Looked After Children (LAC) Governor is Mrs Vicki Moston. In her role as SEND governor, Mrs Moston visits school termly to meet with the SENDCO and discuss provision and progress of the SEND pupils using school assessment data. This is fed back to governors during Governors meetings.

Any child with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is asked to contribute to a pupil views meeting prior to the Annual Review meeting. This is to ensure they are happy with the provision the receive, what could be improved upon and what they enjoy. This is usually completed with their allocated teaching assistant or the SENDCo.
For children with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), they are also involved in the target setting and review process by giving their thoughts and opinions regarding their progress in school (educationally and socially). All targets are discussed with the children to ensure they understand what is being asked of them.
St Anne’s Primary School currently runs a School Council and an Eco Council. SEND pupils are welcomed onto either council body.

Termly, there is a Parent/Carer Forum held where parents/carers can have their say on any school issue. This is fed back to the head teacher and staff if necessary. If parents/carers wish to become school governors, when a vacancy arises, they can nominate themselves and be voted onto the governing body by other parents/carers.

If parents need help completing forms or paperwork, this can be facilitated by the SENDCo when appropriate. If support is required for an Annual Review or Education Health and Care Needs Assessment, then Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) can be accessed.

Inclusion and accessibility

St Anne’s Primary School offers an extensive range of after school clubs (seasonal), including Construction Club, Lego Club, Football, Athletics, Computing, Cricket, Dance, Cross Country, Art and Craft, Singing and Book Club. These can be accessed by all pupils.
Before and after school provision is provided by Kids Club. This runs from the school hall and operates from 7.30am to 9am and then from 3.05pm to 6pm. Details about Kids Club can be obtained from the school office. Kids Club does not run in school holidays.
Each year group goes on at least one trip each term. These are planned to be as inclusive as possible and will be planned by the class teacher with their current class in mind. The ratio of adults to children differs dependent on age, however if any pupil has a one to one staff member then they will always be in attendance. There are currently residential trips taking place in Year 4 and Year 6. These trips are as inclusive as possible, and again, activities and trips are planned with the current cohort in mind and the appropriate number of adults would be in attendance. If a particular trip is being planned and staff are unsure of how pupils may cope with it, then parents and carers would be involved before details are finalised.

Please see accessibility plan for full details https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_c82792efba9844feb4724df0ebc34386.pdf
If any child attends our setting who is identified as having EAL (English as an Additional Language) then we would look to involve the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) which is commissioned by Staffordshire County Council to provide one to one support whilst the pupil is adapting to their new environment. If the parent/carer has EAL then we would also contact MEAS for support and advice.

Please see accessibility plan for full details https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_c82792efba9844feb4724df0ebc34386.pdf
If any child attends our setting who is identified as having EAL (English as an Additional Language) then we would look to involve the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS) which is commissioned by Staffordshire County Council to provide one to one support whilst the pupil is adapting to their new environment. If the parent/carer has EAL then we would also contact MEAS for support and advice.

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

St Anne's has close links with the MEAS service from Staffordshire County Council. When applicable, St Anne's would make efforts to translate those whose first language is not English resources into chosen tongue. As part of the budget for EAL pupils, this supports their inclusivity into school.

Joining and moving on

Please see Admissions Arrangements https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_bc75a6aaf74c4a7a97f6d48936ab5b6d.pdf
Any other information regarding admissions, please contact the school office on 01782 503102 and speak to Mrs Dawn Rosson or Mrs Tracey Brown.

Links to information

Admissions Policy

Open days are offered for upcoming prospective Early Years pupils; these are advertised on the school website. If a child is looking to join another year group, then a visit can be arranged through the school office. Parents/carers and the pupil can visit the school and will be shown around by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. School prospectuses are also available.

Before a pupil joins the setting, staff are made aware and in class preparations are made (seating plan, labelled books etc). If the pupil has any additional needs, then staff are made aware of these and reasonable adjustments are made prior to attendance.
When pupils have transitioned from another setting, contact will be made with the previous school and any relevant paperwork/data will be passed over.
During their time in Year 6, pupils start to be prepared for their move up to high school. This includes visits to the linked high school (Endon High School) as well as visits from their staff to introduce themselves. Children with SEND needs will be offered additional visits and meetings when required.
St Anne’s Primary School has well established links with the local high schools and prior to the cohort leaving our school, information and data are passed up. The Year 6 class teacher meets with the Year 7 co-ordinators to make them aware of any needs/issues any pupils may have.

Additional information

Free, confidential support is available for families through Homestart for the Staffordshire Moorlands: https://www.home-start.org.uk/home-start-staffordshire-moorlands
For support regarding SEN needs, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS) can be accessed via https://www.staffordshireconnects.info/kb5/staffordshire/directory/service.page?id=N1WTd8-SHWM

The information in this report was up to date as of January 2024. It will be reviewed annually.

Feedback can be given verbally or via email to office@st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk Complaints procedure including SEND is available on the website under https://www.st-annes-brownedge.staffs.sch.uk/_files/ugd/cac643_1fc607f7eca34c69ae7f348962002ad2.pdf

Link to complaints policy

Complaints Procedure

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Resource for social, emotional and mental health

Other support/equipment

  • Bought in support services

Other setting facilities

  • Fully wheelchair accessible
School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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