All students at St. Filumena’s are provided with a broad, balanced curriculum with high quality teaching that is differentiated to the learning
needs of all students. All students are assessed for progress by class teachers regularly. Achievements are monitored termly and discussed with students and parents at parent consultation evenings. Where a student is failing to meet expected levels of progress, interventions will be put into place
and the outcomes of these monitored at data points, in meetings with the SENDCo. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically
mean that a pupil is recorded as having SEND.
We know when learners need help if:
• Concerns are raised by the child, parents/carers, and teachers at school.
• Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress despite differentiation and interventions.
• The child receives a diagnosis from an outside agency.
• Observations of the child indicate that they have an additional need in one of the four areas:
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, mental and emotional health
4. Sensory/physical.
All students will first be provided with “reasonable adjustments” to facilitate their access to the curriculum.
If it is necessary to provide support which is additional to and different from the core curriculum, the student may be placed on the SEND register under SEND support code K. Those students who have an Educational Health and Care Plan are automatically placed on the SEND register as code E.
The school SEND register is shared with all staff at the start of each academic school year and is updated throughout the year. All students on the SEND register support will have a Pupil Passport. These are shared documents and are drawn up in consultation with the pupil and their parent/carer. Pupil Passports have clear information, strategies and targets for the student. Staff use the information in the Pupil Passport to inform their lesson planning, teaching and student learning activities. Progress is monitored and reviewed termly at a meeting with parents, the pupil and, if appropriate, the SENDCo.
When action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow a graduated a response model: Assess, Plan, Do, Review.
Assess: The school will assess the pupil’s needs using teacher assessment, experience, previous attainment and data tracking against peer
and national data.
Plan: Parents/carers will be invited to a meeting to plan support and intervention. The student will receive a pupil passport/profile and all
teachers who work with the student will be made aware of the child’s needs and support required
Do: Subject teachers will implement the plan in their daily teaching and retain responsibility for the pupil if 1:1 or small group support is
Review: The parent will be invited to a review of the impact of the support and this will be evaluated at a termly meeting. The subject
teacher will revise support in line with the outcome of the meeting.
If progress rates are deemed to be inadequate, despite additional support and interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies
with the permission of the parents/carers.
Such agencies may include:
Autism Outreach Team
Hearing Impairment Team
Visual Impairment Team
Educational Psychologist Service
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Workers
School Nurse
For pupils who may have significant or more complex needs or who fail to make expected levels of progress despite SEND support, the
school and parents may consider requesting an Educational Health Care plan (EHCP) that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.