St Dominic's Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school where every child is valued and respected as a child of God. Our Mission statement 'As Children of God We Love One Another' echoes this. We work to support all our pupils to make progress in their learning, their emotional and social development, and their independence including those with SEND.
All teachers are teachers of special educational needs. The SEND Code of Practice is followed and all teachers receive training in the SEND Code of Practice. St Dominic's recognises that it is the teachers' responsibility to meet the needs of all children in their class through high quality teaching, classroom organisation, seating arrangements, carefully planned lessons, a range of teaching styles, teaching materials and differentiation.
Our children with special educational needs are fully integrated into the educational, social and cultural life of school. We recognise the strengths and areas for development of every individual and offer a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. Most of our children follow a traditional curriculum but a small number of pupils have a more personalised curriculum to match their individual needs. Differentiation of work and support is normal classroom practice for all children so that work is matched to your child's ability. If your child has SEN work may be further differentiated to suit their needs more closely.
St Dominic's Catholic Primary School supports the recommendations made by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in their support and teaching of pupils with SEND. See link below:
Your child will experience a range of different strategies to enable them to make progress in their learning. This may involve the use of more practical activities or using resources such as ICT. Children may require additional Teaching Assistant support, sometimes within the classroom or sometimes out of class. Some pupils require targeted intervention. These are planned onto a provision map and interventions are delivered by Teaching Assistants. Interventions may include small group or individual work.
They may be part of an Intervention group or individual programmes such as: RWI Fast track tutoring, RWI Fresh Start, School Led Tutoring, Century Tech Intervention, 'Plus 1, Power of 2, Toe by Toe, Daily Diary, Daily reading or small RWI, Reading or Maths Groups. They may require playtime support such as through a buddy. Social and Emotional interventions may include Rainbows, Nurture Group, Talkboost, social stories or How to be Happy . Some children may require specialist technology, equipment or resources. Additional support may be offered for, lunch time and break time support or meet and greet in the morning. In addition, children with SEN have a passport with targets and some children may require an Education, Health Care Plan, these are created with support from the Local Authority. All plans are agreed with parents, staff and children and they provide detailed targets for the term ahead.
St Dominic's Catholic Primary School has a SENDCO (Mrs Keeling) There is also a dedicated team of qualified teaching assistants. They have a received a range of training, have excellent subject knowledge and provide outstanding levels of support for academic learning and emotional support. All EHC pupils have a link 1;1 support assistant with whom they work.
We provide information for parents through: meetings with the SENDCO, newsletters, information on the website, information evenings; parents' evenings; text message service and letters home.
Pupil progress is shared with parents at our termly progress meetings and through the end of year reports. Parents can view overviews of learning and progression grids on the school website and have access to homework tasks on Google Classroom and Purple Mash. Parents can arrange an appointment to discuss progress with the child's class teacher or SENCO.
We welcome parents to support us by encouraging your child to fully engage with their learning and any interventions offered by: helping them to be organised for their day (including wearing the right uniform, bringing required equipment and books;) ensuring full attendance and excellent attitude to learning.