All children in our school have Quality First teaching. When planning lessons, teachers take into account any personalised learning needs to ensure that all children have the opportunity to achieve and progress. In order to ensure that this happens, teaching and learning is monitored through a number of processes including:
• Observations of lessons and classroom practice
• Work scrutiny
• Meetings with the SENDCo
• Whole school pupil progress tracking
• Attendance and behaviour records.
For some children, quality first teaching is not enough and they require additional provision. Provision for children which is over and above that for other children is detailed on the school provision plan. When the collective and individual needs of pupils have been evaluated, resources are deployed at class, group and individual level to be as effective as possible.
Children with SEND may be supported through a range of interventions following Staffordshire’s graduated response. These could include, but are not limited to:
• Pre-teach and catch up
• Write from the Start
• Toe-by-Toe
• Nessy
• Daily reading and spelling diaries
• Speech and language programs
• Speech up – handwriting program
• Time to Talk
• Sensory breaks and circuits
• Plus One (Maths)
• Power of Two (Maths)
• Pindora’s Box
Any interventions and strategies being used to support children will be discussed with parents/carers and pupils and recorded on pupil plans. When these are reviewed, if the child is not making expected progress, despite the delivery of high-quality interventions, advice may be sought from specialist external agencies. This will only be undertaken after parental permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
• The Speech and Language Service (SALT)
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
• Occupational Therapy (OT)
• Autism Outreach Team
• Visual impairment Team
• Hearing impairment Term
• Behaviour Support Service
• Educational Psychology
• The Early Years Area SENCO
• The local SEND Hub, including outreach services
• Specific Learning Difficulty Assessors (e.g. Dyslexia)
• The School Nurse
• Primary DIP (District Inclusion Panel)
All services have their own criteria for involvement and some of them are privately funded.
For pupils, where the special educational provision required is such that it cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s available resources, an application may be made to the local authority for additional AEN, (Additional Educational Needs), funding. If the criteria are met and this is granted, it will be used to support very specific learning programmes for the named child.
For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s own resources, a request may be made to the local authority to complete an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided. This is a child-centred document which sets out the aims and needs of the child and details what needs to be implemented to support these aspirations. It is usually, but not always, accompanied by dedicated funds for the named pupil.
Parents/carers can make their own request for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) by contacting the EHC Assessment and Planning Service on 0300 111 8007 (SEND option). For more information, visit the Staffordshire Connects website.