If pupils have an identified special educational need or a disability before they join our school, we work very closely with the people who already work with them. We use the information already available to identify the possible barriers to learning and to help us to plan appropriate support strategies.
If you tell us that you think your child has a special educational need, we will discuss this with you and assess your child accordingly. Often these assessments will be carried out by the school; sometimes school seeks advice from more specialised services such as: Educational Psychologist, Speech Therapy, Autism Outreach Team- we will share their advice with you and the next steps that we need to take.
If teachers feel that your child has a special educational need, this may be because they are not making the same progress as other pupils. Within school, children will be assessed by class teachers in Reading, Writing, Maths, Spelling and depending on their age range Phonics. This baseline data is used for staff to work from and identify any specific areas where children may require additional support. Pupils who are working significantly behind their peers may be assessed further using standardised assessments such as YARC, Sandwell and Salford. Pupils with standardised scores below 80 will require additional support for their needs. he earlier we act and change our provision, the sooner we can help your child towards success. We will observe your child’s learning characteristics and how they cope within our learning environments. If school become concerned about your child, you will be contacted by their class teacher or the school’s SENCO Miss S Harrison. At this meeting, we will discuss how we can best support your child to succeed within our learning environment and what the outcomes of this support will be. Your child’s class teacher will be involved in this meeting and your child, if appropriate, so that they can share their views. These outcomes will be reviewed after an agreed timescale. Progress will continue to be monitored.
If there has not been expected progress or no progress then school will inform parents that they feel their child may need SEN support and parental consent sought in order to improve progress and attainment. Following this, your child’s class teacher will write an Individual Education Plan. This document will consist of up to four targets for your child’s needs and agreed provision and frequency of support that will be put in place to support progress. These targets will be reviewed termly and progress outlined against them. This forms part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle.