A child or young person with SEND will receive special educational provision, which means they will receive support that is additional to/different from that of other children that are the same age. Springfields First School teaches pupils with SEND in accordance with the Staffordshire Local Offer (https://www.staffordshireconnects.info) and the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress of the pupils in their class, including those on the SEN register or where pupils have support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
Teachers plan using pupils’ achievement levels, adapting work to match ability for all pupils in the classroom. Where a pupil has been identified as having special needs, their work will be further adapted by the class teacher to remove barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily. In addition, they will be provided with additional support that may include specialised equipment or resources, visual prompts, ICT and/or additional adult help. For children that need further support, they may be placed into small intervention groups alongside a small number of peers or individually and will be assessed at the beginning and end of the intervention programme. Intervention programmes are planned specifically to support children in areas that have been identified as requiring support by the class teacher. If a child needs additional support following quality first teaching and interventions, the school may seek the advice of specialist external agencies such as, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, behaviour support, etc. These specialists may work with the child inside or outside of school. Parental consent will be requested before any referrals are made.
We aim to educate all children with SEND alongside their peers, however where this is not possible the class teacher/SENCO will make other arrangements and will ensure that parents are informed of the flexible arrangements.
Parents will be invited in for three meetings throughout the year to discuss/plan the level of support that their child is receiving and to discuss their child’s progress. This will be through parent consultation meetings that occur twice throughout the year and a third SEND parent meeting in the summer term. An individual, targeted plan will be discussed with parents and the child, which will outline the provision available to the child. The plan will discuss the child’s needs, strengths, address the child’s barrier to learning, will set achievable targets and list strategies required to meet them. This information will be included on a Pupil Passport.