Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class.
High-quality teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEN. This will be differentiated for individual pupils.
We make the following adaptations to ensure all pupils’ needs are met:
-Differentiating our curriculum and providing reasonable adjustments to ensure all pupils are able to access the curriculum. For example, by grouping, 1:1 work, teaching style, content of the lesson, etc.
-Adapting our resources and staffing to support children with additional needs
-Using recommended aids, such as laptops, coloured overlays, visual timetables, larger font, etc.
-Differentiating our teaching strategies, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud, etc.
-Reviewing and adapting interventions offered within school to support children with additional needs.
-Bespoke reasonable adjustments for social, emotional and behavioral needs.
All classes have an SEND toolkit available in their classroom which provides a number of resources to support learners with SEND. Where children require individualised resources, these will be provided directly to the child and can move through school with them.
All subject leaders work alongside the SENCo to evaluate the quality of SEND provision in their subject area. This includes identifying the ambition for SEND children in that subject and identifying and understanding assessment to know how children are achieving. The use of reasonable adjustments and resources available to support children with additional needs as well as the policies in place.
We have two levels of support in place here at Glenthorne.
If a child is being closely monitored, they will be added to the provision map. This will identify what targets the children are working on and how they will be supported in meeting these targets, whether through additional intervention or reasonable adjustments.
If a child requires more support, possibly accessing support from an outside agency or more frequent support in school, they will be placed on the SEN register and will be given a learning programme. These targets may reference advice from other agencies or strategies they are using linked to a specific intervention.
Interventions and reasonable adjustments made in the classroom will be closely linked to their targets to provide them with the best access to the curriculum.
Each cycle of assess, plan, do, review will be shared with you through discussion at Parent Consultation Evening. If your child has an EHCP or is on the journey towards EHCP, you will be invited in for an additional annual review meeting each year. If you wish to arrange further meetings to discuss your child's education, we will accommodate where possible. These meetings will be more frequent if your child is going through diagnosis of a condition or external agencies are involved and advice is being implemented in school.
At Glenthorne we offer a range of interventions including;
Toe by Toe
Lego Club
Nessy Reading and Spelling
Sensory circuits
Fine motor and gross motor skills programmes
Catch up phonics
Accelerate Reading
Comic Strip Conversations
Time to Talk
Forest School
Same day intervention (Red Star)
As well as interventions for those children struggling with reading, writing and math.
Where children have an Education and Health Care plan, they may receive additional adult support during lessons and break times.