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School SEN Details

Gorsemoor Primary School

Gorsemoor Road, Cannock, WS12 3TG


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

At Gorsemoor Primary School, our staff strive to ensure all our pupils achieve their potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum. Our school values which we encompass within everything we do are: nurturing, caring, welcoming, resilient, respectful an happy. For this to be achieved, quality teaching is essential and we actively monitor teaching and learning within our school.
For some of our pupils, further additional support may be needed to help them achieve. This may be sought from within school or through the involvement of outside agencies.

The Special Education Needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years defines a Special Educational Need of Disability (SEND) as:
'A child or young person has Special Education Need (SEN) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has learning difficulty or disability if they:
• Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age; or
• Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.”

At Gorsemoor, we investigate whether additional support is needed for a pupil if:
• Concerns are raised by parents/carers,
• Concerns are raised by teachers.
• Assessment and tracking procedures indicate a lack of expected progress over a period of time.
• Observations by those in school; teachers (including those from a child's previous school), support staff, Inclusion Lead, Assistant Head Teachers indicate a child has an additional need in one of the four SEN areas. (Communication and Interaction; Cognition and Learning; Social, Mental and Emotional Health; Sensory/Physical.)

If a parent/carer has any concerns regarding their child, the first port of call would be the child’s class teacher. Any concerns will then be pass on to our Phase Leaders.
If parents/carers feel they need to, the can also contact their child’s phase leader directly
Phase 1 (EYFS, Years 1 and 2) Mrs Jukes
Phase 2 (Year 3 and 4) Mrs Davies
Phase 3 (Years 5 and 6) Mr Brown
Alternatively, our SENCo/Inclusion Lead, Mrs Deeley can be contacted
01543 274788 or email at senco@gorsemoor.staffs.sch.uk

Our SEND policy and related documents can be found on our website, see link.

Alternatively, a copy can be obtained from the main office on request.

SEND Policy and other related documents

Gorsemoor School Website

Teaching, learning and support

All pupils at Gorsemoor Primary School experience high quality teaching. This is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers are aware of the pupils in their class with SEND and ensure any additional needs are taken into account. The views of our SEN pupils are very important to us and the members of the Inclusion Team will speak with pupils on a regular basis to gain their views. The quality of teaching and pupil progress is monitored through processes including: classroom observations by the Phase Leads/SENCo/Inclusion Lead, discussions during Progress Meetings, ongoing assessment of progress, work sampling, scrutiny of planning, and pupil and parent feedback. Pupils with a disability will be provided with 'reasonable adjustments', that are tailored to their individual needs, in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum. These too are closely monitored to ensure they are effective. Individual assessments of the pupil will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs.

Some pupils will require additional support in the form of a small focus group. This will be run by the teacher or teaching assistant. Any interventions will be reviewed regularly to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. Where there are still concerns regarding rates of progress, even after high quality interventions, parents/carers will be invited to discussions in order to support the identification of action needed to support their child.

SEN support will be recorded through an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), giving a set of expected outcomes individual to the pupil’s needs. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed at least termly, with the parents/carers and the pupil. At Gorsemoor Primary School, we feel that it is essential that the pupil is part of the decisions that are made to support their learning and that their individual views are listened to regarding their support and learning. If progress rates are still judged to be too slow, despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from Outside agencies, according to pupil need. This could include; the Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS), Educational Psychologist (EP) Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) and/or the Autism Outreach Team (AOT). All pupils have targets set to ensure ambition, whether these are academic or supporting social, emotional and mental health. These targets are discussed with parents/carers at formal events, such as Parent Evenings but also in-between to meet the needs of the pupil. Progress towards meeting these targets are tracked using the whole school tracking system. Anyone who is failing to make expected levels of progress are identified quickly and are discussed during progress meetings between the Phase Leads and Inclusion Lead.

For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex, and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonable be met from within the school's own resources, a request will be made to the Local Authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs. If the assessment is accepted by the authority, this may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) being provided. More information regarding EHCP and the process can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.staffordshireconnects.info/kb5/staffordshire/directory/site.page?id=aYb6AfFVT1s

Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding can also be applied for if felt appropriate and if the pupil’s needs match the criteria set by Staffordshire SEN department.

When a pupil has been identified as having a Special Educational Need, their provision will be differentiated by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum at their level to enable them to make progress.

Teaching Assistants (TAs) may be allocated to work with the pupil 1:1 or in a small group to target more specific needs. Teachers oversee all support given by our TAs to ensure that it is effective. If appropriate, additional specialist equipment or resources, ICT and/or additional adult support may be provided.

An Individual Learning Plan (ILP), with targets being set according to individual needs will be put in place to support any of our pupils with an additional need. These will be monitored regularly by the class teacher/Phase Lead. Our Inclusion Lead will also monitor the provision in place. The review of ILPs takes place at least 3 times a year. The setting of new targets will be discussed with parents/carers and pupils.

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we focus very much on the need of the individual pupil. Resources, will be allocated in terms of what if felt will best support a pupil’s learning.

We can apply for additional budget through the Local Authority by applying for Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding.

For our pupils with a Special Educational Need but without an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) in place, the decision regarding the support required will be taken jointly between the class teacher, Phase Lead and Inclusion Lead.

These are reviewed regularly, using evidence based upon tracking of pupil progress, pupil observations, staff views, pupil and parent/carer views. As a result of the review process, changes may be made, including the involvement of Outside Agencies.

For our pupils with an EHCP, the type and how much support a pupil will receive will be stated in their individual plan. How this is implemented will be a decision between class teacher, Phase Lead and Inclusion Lead.

We are very lucky within Gorsemoor Primary School to have a specially designed Regulation Hub. This is an area within school that can be accessed by any pupil when it is needed. This area provides a calm space, with planned resources, which allow pupils to become regulated when needed, and therefore enable them to access learning afterwards effectively.

How funding for equipment and facilities to support pupils is secured will depend on the need of the pupil. As a school, we will always try to ensure that any pupil within our school has access to the equipment and facilities they need to learn.

Within class, your child’s progress will be closely monitored by their class teacher. This enables the class teacher to ensure your child is provided with what is needed to enable them to learn and make progress. Additionally, Assessment weeks are carried out at points during the year, which help to provided further information. Pupil progress is also monitored by Phase Leads and the Inclusion Lead.

We offer an “Open Door” policy at Gorsemoor, and class teachers are always willing to chat with parents/carers regarding the progress of the pupils in their class. This can be arranged through contacting the teacher directly or calling the office. We also hold Parents Evening sessions, where parents/carers are able to meet up with class teachers, either face-to-face, or remotely to discuss pupil progress.

An initial discussion with your child's class teacher will be able to provide you with suggestions of ways in which you can support your child's learning. If your child has an Individual Learning plan, further guidance will be included within the plan. Mrs. Deeley, our Inclusion Lead, or a member of our Inclusion Team can also meet with parents/carers together with class teachers to further discuss how to support your child.

If Outside Agencies are involved with your child, they will also suggest further strategies and resources which can be used to help your child.

In the past, we have ran parent workshops during the year to provide parents with more information about the curriculum and suggestions regarding ways to help your child, and we are hoping to be able to offer these again soon.

At Gorsemoor Primary school, we work collaboratively with our pupils. They are involved with setting and reviewing their targets in an age-appropriate manner. We will often talk to our pupils regarding their learning to establish their own views on school and their learning.

The provision for all our pupils, including those with SEND is closely monitored to ensure it is effective. This is carried out by Subject Leads, Phase Leads, Inclusion Leads and Co-Head Teachers.

For our pupils who find learning more difficult, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) will be put in place by class teacher, with the support of the SENCo. These are updated at least termly, and are shared with parents/carers and pupils.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

The main gate to the site is opened by a member of staff in the morning. This member of staff remains on the gate until the last pupil enters, when the gate is then locked. As pupils enter school via the playground, staff are available at key points around the playground to support pupils entering school.

At playtimes, the Teachers provide supervision, while a TA is on duty to administer any first aid required.
During Lunchtimes, Lunchtime Supervisors supervise our pupils, both while they are eating in the classroom/hall and outside during their playtime. Our Lunchimes are split into two Phases to ensure that there are not too many pupils in one area at a time.

At the end of the day, class teachers ensure that pupils are handed over to the adult responsible for collecting them. Written permission from parents is provided for any pupils walking home on their own. We follow our Safeguarding procedures for any pupils who are not collected or when an unknown adult comes to collect.

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we pride ourselves in ensuring that the emotional needs of all are pupils are supported. We do this through a number of ways:
• Teachers spend time getting to know the pupils in their class and check in with them individually every day when they arrive.
• Teaching assistants within Phases are able to offer a pupil any individual pastoral support that may be needed.
• As a school, we have access to Your Emotional Support Service (YESS), who are able to offer bespoke counselling sessions for our pupils.
• We have trained member s of staff who can run Forest School sessions, which helps to support the social, emotional and mental health needs of those to take part.
• We have a Regulation Hub within school. This is a dedicated area within school, which can be accessed by all pupils, as and when they need it. It has been carefully designed and planned to be able to provide the stimulation required for pupils to become calm. It is equipped with 3 different stations, which enable pupils who need to self-regulate the tools to do so.

A central record of pupils' Health Care plans is kept in the office, to which all staff have access to. Individual copies of Health Care Plans are signed by and copies given to class teacher. These are kept in a blue Healthcare folder in each classroom. Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers, prescribed medicines can administered in school by a trained member of staff. All medicine administration procedures adhere to the LA policy and DfE guidelines included within ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions DfE 2014’.
A number of staff hold qualifications in paediatric first aid and/or have attended the three-day First Aid at Work course.

At Gorsemoor, every child has the right to a happy and safe school life so that they can progress with their learning and social development. We promote, “Growing together, hand in hand”, and all members of staff are committed to teaching behaviour through our school values: nurturing, resilient, collaborative, welcoming, respectful and happy. These are reinforced on a daily basis, and are celebrated at the end of the week with certificates, and the end of the half term, with our Growth Awards.

We praise positive behaviour through the use of “Monster Points” through Class Dojo. Once pupils have earned a multiple of 100 points, they earn themselves a Privilege day, when they can come into school wearing their own clothes.

We, as a school, also recognise that a minority of our pupils will have been identified as having an additional learning, or have a social and/or emotional need which can make it more difficult for them to adhere to school rules. We are committed to acknowledging the contextual needs of all our pupils, and we make reasonable adjustments to our management of behaviour to ensure they continue to experience our high expectations but are not disadvantaged or discriminated against in their efforts to achieve this. Our Phase Leads and the Inclusion Lead, works alongside members of all staff to ensure that our practice is inclusive of all of our pupils.

Our SENCo/Inclusion Lead is also our Designated LAC teacher, oversees the support in place for pupils who are looked after by the Local Authority and have a SEND receive the support they need. The support provided for these pupils is decided following regular meetings with those involved with their care and is regularly monitored.

Working together

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we work together as a team to support your child’s education. Your child’s class teacher will be most involved in the education, alongside a Teaching Assistant who may be directed by the teacher.
At Gorsemoor, our classes are split into 3 phases;
Phase 1: Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Phase 2: Year 3 and Year 4
Phase 3: Year 5 and Year 6
Each Phase is overseen by a Phase Lead, who is also an Assistant Head.

We have an Inclusion Lead who oversees the support in place for disadvantaged pupils, including those with an SEND. The Inclusion Lead leads the Inclusion team. This currently consists of: a TA who is able to deliver Speech and Language support and a SEN TA.

During the second half of the summer term, we hold transition meetings to ensure that all SEND information is shared with new class teachers, ready for September. We also plan in times for staff to meet with their new classes to enable pupils and teachers to begin to get to know each other. Individual Learning Plans will be reviewed by current class teachers, updated and then shared with new class teachers and parents/carers ready for September. Parents/carers are also invited to meet with new class teachers before September to enable any relevant information to be shared.

Within school, we have a dedicated Inclusion Team who, between them are able to offer a range of expertise. This includes: the understanding of Autism and Speech and Language.

As a school, we work very closely with a range of Outside Agencies who offer support to our pupils with SEND. This includes: the Educational Phycologist, the Speech and Language Therapy team, Early Years Forum, Behaviour Support, Autism Service, the Autism Outreach Team, the Child Development Centre, Social Care, Your Emotional Support Service (YESS), CAMHS, Occupational Therapy, Diabetic Nurse, Alternative Provision providers and others.
We fund for YESS to run sessions for our pupils to access within school, which ensures that our pupils can access additional counselling support when they need it.

Your first point of call would be your child’s class teacher. They can be contacted via Class Dojo or by calling the office to arrange an appointment.

At Gorsemoor Primary School, our SENCo is our Inclusion Lead, Mrs Deeley. She can be contacted by either calling the office on: 01543 274788 or emailing senco@gorsemoor.staff.sch.uk

Our SEN Governor Is Mrs Wright who is also the LAC Governor. Mrs Deeley, our Inclusion Lead meet at regular times during the year to ensure that the Governors have all our current SEN and LAC information.

At Gorsemoor Primary school, we pride ourselves on listening to the voice of our pupils to ensure that support is not “done” to a pupil but is part of a collaborative experience. In September, teachers take time to get to know the pupils in their class, enabling a connection to be built up. This continues throughout the year, ensuring that pupils’ views and feelings are listened to.
Subject Leads, Phase Leads, the Inclusion Lead and the Safeguarding Lead will also talk to your child throughout the year to gain pupil voice.

Parents/carers will be informed if there are any vacancies within our Governing Body

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we understand the importance of ensuring that families receive any support they may need. Please contact our Inclusion Lead, Mrs Deeley, and she will be able signpost you to the help you need.

Inclusion and accessibility

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we provide a wide range of clubs, based on the pupils own choices. All pupils are able to access any of the after school clubs we provide. At lunchtime on a Friday, our Sports Coaches provide a lunchtime club, which all pupils are able to participate in. The activities covered during these are based on the pupil’s choice. All class trips that are planned for our pupils are inclusive, ensuring that all pupils’ needs are catered for.

Our school building is wheelchair accessible and we have disabled changing facilities.

Parents/carers are able to drop off and collect at the main entrance if required.

At Gorsemoor Primary School, we are aware of the importance of our pupils’ Social, Emotional and Mental Health. We recognise that there will be times when a pupil may become “overwhelmed” within the school day, or may struggle with transition times, such as the start of the day or after lunchtimes. During these times, learning cannot take place until the pupil has become calm. To enable pupils to do this, we have a specially designed Regulation hub within school, which is accessible to all our pupils when they need it. Within this area; are three specific stations, which have been carefully designed to enable pupils to self-regulate, therefore enabling them to become ready to return the classroom and learn.

At Gorsemoor Primary School, parents/carers are able to contact school via email, class dojo, by calling the main office or by dropping in to make an appointment.

Joining and moving on

If you are interested in your child/ren joining us at Gorsemoor Primary School, please contact the main office on 01543 274788. An appointment can be made for your child’s move to our school.

At Gorsemoor Primary school, we operate an Open Door Policy. Please just contact the main office on 01543 274788 to make an appointment to visit us.

A number of strategies are in place to enable effective pupil transition. These include:
• Discussions between the previous or receiving setting prior to the pupil joining/leaving.
• An invitation to attend a transition session where pupils can spend some time with their new class. This will be tailored to the needs of the pupil and could include more than one visit
• Additional visits are arranged for vulnerable pupils or those with a high level of need.
• Staff are always willing to meet with parents prior to their child joining the school. This may be the class teacher, Inclusion Lead or your pupil’s Phase Lead

For Year 5 pupils with an Education Health Care Plan, the Annual Review will focus on beginning the process of looking at secondary school choice, with parents and pupils.

For pupils transferring to local schools, the Inclusion Lead and/or key staff will meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEN in order to ensure a smooth transition. This includes any medical needs a pupil may have.

Where a pupil may have more specialised needs, a separate meeting may be arranged with the Inclusion Lead/Phase Leader, Outside Agency representatives, parents/carers and where appropriate the pupil.

Additional information

SENDIASS – Staffordshire Family Partnership
They provide a range of support surrounding education, health and social care issues for parents and carers of children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged 0 to 25. Their helpline number is 01785 356921 and website address is https://www.staffs-iass.org/home.aspx

Staffordshire Local Authority have also published a Local Offer on their website. This can be found at:

The Staffordshire Umbrella Network (SUN) is a networking group looking at issues affecting children and young people with special needs and their families. More information can be found at:

Support from the School Nurse Service which is now part of the Families’ health and Wellbeing Service can be contacted on: 0300 303 3924

The SEN information report was updated on 14th November 2021 and will next be reviewed July 2022.

In the first instance, please contact your child's class teacher to raise any concerns you may have.
You can also contact your child’s Phase Leader, or our SENCo, Mrs Deeley.
Our Co-Head teachers, Mrs Costello and Mrs Lees can also be contacted.

For any comments or complaints, see the school’s procedure on the school website, or contact the School Governor with responsibility for SEND.

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Fully accessible environment – for pupils with physical or sensory needs

Other support/equipment

  • Sensory room/garden
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