All pupils at Gorsemoor Primary School experience high quality teaching. This is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers are aware of the pupils in their class with SEND and ensure any additional needs are taken into account. The views of our SEN pupils are very important to us and the members of the Inclusion Team will speak with pupils on a regular basis to gain their views. The quality of teaching and pupil progress is monitored through processes including: classroom observations by the Phase Leads/SENCo/Inclusion Lead, discussions during Progress Meetings, ongoing assessment of progress, work sampling, scrutiny of planning, and pupil and parent feedback. Pupils with a disability will be provided with 'reasonable adjustments', that are tailored to their individual needs, in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum. These too are closely monitored to ensure they are effective. Individual assessments of the pupil will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs.
Some pupils will require additional support in the form of a small focus group. This will be run by the teacher or teaching assistant. Any interventions will be reviewed regularly to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. Where there are still concerns regarding rates of progress, even after high quality interventions, parents/carers will be invited to discussions in order to support the identification of action needed to support their child.
SEN support will be recorded through an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), giving a set of expected outcomes individual to the pupil’s needs. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed at least termly, with the parents/carers and the pupil. At Gorsemoor Primary School, we feel that it is essential that the pupil is part of the decisions that are made to support their learning and that their individual views are listened to regarding their support and learning. If progress rates are still judged to be too slow, despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from Outside agencies, according to pupil need. This could include; the Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS), Educational Psychologist (EP) Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) and/or the Autism Outreach Team (AOT). All pupils have targets set to ensure ambition, whether these are academic or supporting social, emotional and mental health. These targets are discussed with parents/carers at formal events, such as Parent Evenings but also in-between to meet the needs of the pupil. Progress towards meeting these targets are tracked using the whole school tracking system. Anyone who is failing to make expected levels of progress are identified quickly and are discussed during progress meetings between the Phase Leads and Inclusion Lead.
For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex, and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonable be met from within the school's own resources, a request will be made to the Local Authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs. If the assessment is accepted by the authority, this may result in an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) being provided. More information regarding EHCP and the process can be found by clicking on the following link:
Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding can also be applied for if felt appropriate and if the pupil’s needs match the criteria set by Staffordshire SEN department.