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School SEN Details

Cheslyn Hay Primary School

Saredon Road, Cheslyn Hay, WS6 7JQ


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Your child may be identified as having SEND at any stage of their education. This may be a long-term difficulty requiring continuous support, or a short-term difficulty requiring a specific intervention. A pupil who is working below age related expectations does not necessarily have SEND. It could be that they need extra support to fill gaps within their learning to enable them to achieve their best. Information about your child’s SEND may come from a variety of sources:
• Testing from reading and spelling
• Observations
• Teacher/Teaching Assistant concern
• Transfer information from a previous setting
After identification, the first steps would be to make reasonable adjustments in the classroom. This could be by giving the pupil access to more resources to help support their learning, such as reading rulers, 100 squares or additional reading, and differentiated lessons through high-quality teaching. SEND support will then arise from a four-part cycle, known as the graduated approach, through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised, leading to a growing understanding of your child’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes. The four stages of the cycle are:

• Assess
• Plan
• Do
• Review.

The graduated approach starts at whole-school level. Teachers are continually assessing, planning, implementing and reviewing their approach to teaching all children. However, where a potential special educational need has been identified, this cyclical process becomes increasingly personalised:
• Individualised assessment leads to a growing understanding of the barriers to and gaps in your child’s learning.
• Continual reflection on approaches to meeting your child’s needs leads to a growing understanding of strategies that enable the pupil to make good progress and achieve good outcomes.
In this spiral of support, the graduated approach draws on more personalised approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to tailor interventions to meet the particular needs of your child.

If you feel your child may have a specific need then you can speak directly to your child’s class teacher or the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), Mrs Sivorn.

Teaching, learning and support

Cheslyn Hay Primary School support children with SEND, without an ECH plan, by following the graduated approach four-part cycle.
Assess. This is the first stage of the graduated approach. The class teacher will focus on high quality teaching and differentiated work according to your child’s ability within the classroom setting, paying attention to classroom organisation, teaching materials and learning style. Pupil Progress meetings are held termly where the progress of your child is discussed and evaluated.
Plan. When a pupil is still not making progress equal to that of their peers, the class teacher should consult with the SENDCo. Once the need for SEND support has been identified, the first step in responding to a child’s identified needs is to ensure that high-quality teaching, differentiated for individual children, is in place. Targeted provision is provision that is additional to or different from that made for the majority of children in school. Your child will be given a Passport for Learning and appropriate, and challenging, targets will be set based on your child’s area of need.

Do. This is where the Passport for Learning is implemented by your child’s class teacher. All teaching assistants and support staff who work with the pupil are made aware of the Passport for Learning. The class teacher is responsible for planning, supporting and measuring the impact of the interventions that have been put in place to support the pupil. The SENDCo supports the class teacher in the effective implementation of the provision.

Review. Your child’s progress is reviewed termly; this includes the pupil, parents/carers, class teacher and SENDCo. At the review, there are three possible outcomes:
• Your child may have made sufficient progress and no longer needs targeted interventions and support to help them maintain their academic progress.
• Your child may need to have opportunities to continue with existing or further interventions to support their needs.
• Outside advice and guidance may be required if your child continues not to make progress in line with their peers after two cycles of the Assess, Plan , Do, Review process.
Support for your child with SEND may include:
• Support in targeted groups,
• Support on an individual basis,
• Support as part of their whole class.
• Additional resources/teaching styles for some your child to enable them to learn more effectivly.
• Staff being available on request to discuss individual pupil progress and the SENDCo acting as a support to review and personalise learning opportunities when required.
• Staff are available to discuss what the progress to date looks like for your child and will identify areas of strength and development.
• Individual learning programmes (Passport for Learning) being put in place for any pupil requiring additional support. These are developed with the class teacher and parent/carer.
Personalised invervention programmes may include:
• Talkabout
• Turnabout
• Plus One
• Power of Two
• Rapid Reading
• Inference Training
• One Minute Reading
• Precision Teaching
The school works with a variety of different professionals to ensure that your child is offered the opportunity to reach their full potential. These agencies include:
• The Educational Psychology Service
• Entrust SENIS Learning Support
• Entrust SENIS Behaviour Support
• Autism Outreach Team
• School Nurse Service
• Speech and Langauage Therapy Service
• Social Care
• Family Support Team
• Education Welfare Team
• Occupational therapists
• Physiotherapists
• Children and Young Person’s Autism Service
For children who have an EHC plan, the school puts the relevant support and interventions in place that are identified in the EHC plan, so your child has the means to maximise their progress towards their personalised targets. Along with termly Passport for Learning reviews, an annual review will also be held with parents/carers, and all relevant professionals involved, to discuss and suggest amendments to your child’s EHC plan targets and provision.

Teachers plan lessons based on children’s needs against age related expectations, differentiating work closely to match pupil’s ability and learning needs. This will be done through high-quality teaching and reasonable classroom adjustments. When a child has been identified with SEND, their work will be further differentiated, if appropriate, to remove any barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily.
In addition to differentiated work, your child may also be provided with additional support. This may include equipment or resources, ICT and/or additional adult help, such as pre-teaching. If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to your child, for example a writing slope, sensory cushion, a coloured reading ruler, ergonomic pencil, pencil grip or easy-use scissors.
If your child is identified as having SEND they will be given a Passport for Learning (PfL) and targets will be set according to their area of need. These targets will be regularly monitored by the class teacher and reviewed by the SENDCo three times a year. Teaching Assistants may be allocated to work with a small focus group of children, or on a 1:1 basis, to target needs that are more specific. Questions and activities during lessons may be adapted by the class teacher for groups or individual children, the level of work set will be matched to your child’s age and the level they are working at academically. If more specialist support is required, the school may refer your child to outside agencies, such as the Educational Psychology Service, for advice which would offer support and interventions that would help promote independent learning and access to the curriculum.
The education programme that is delivered in school is overseen and monitored by the school’s senior leadership team (SLT), which includes the SENDCo.
Some children with specific needs may need additional arrangements so they can take part in the end of Key Stage 2 Statutory Attainment Tests (KS2 SATs).
Types of support include:
• early opening of test packs, to adapt test papers
• additional time to complete the tests
• the use of scribes, word processors or other technical or electronic aids
• making transcripts
• written or oral translations
• readers
• the use of prompts and rest breaks
• the use of accessibility objects in the mathematics test
• highlighter pens
• arrangements for children who are ill or are injured at the time of the tests
School will use the access arrangement guidance published by the DfE (Department for Education) to help support any children that frequently require reasonable adjustments to help them access leaning.

Cheslyn Hay Primary School receives funding to respond to the needs of children with SEND from a number of sources:
• A proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education;
• The Notional SEND budget;
• Pupil Premium funding for those children who meet the criteria.
In addition to this, the school may apply for Additional Educational Needs funding for those children who have the most complex needs. If the criteria for AEN funding is met, the school will then be allocated additional funding for a set period of time. This funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support children with SEND. Resources are allocated depending on the needs of each individual pupil who has SEND. These can range from physical resources, such as writing slopes, small group or 1:1 support, and staff training. If a pupil requires additional funding to help support them with their education the school will follow the graduated approach and then apply to the local authority for this funding.
The budget is reviewed and managed by the Finance and Resources Committee on behalf of the Governors and SEND development is discussed at these meetings. The Headteacher and SENDCo, with the governors, decides where funding should be allocated and this is dependent on pupil need in order to access the curriculum.

When your child has completed two cycles of the Assess, Plan, Do Review process the class teacher and SENDCO will review the progress that your child has made. If the progress is in-line with their peers, then another cycle will be completed to help sustain this progress. This process may continue until there is evidence that your child no longer needs this support and can maintain their progress without specific targets identified on their Passport for Learning. If the support and interventions have not helped your child to achieve the necessary progress then the SENDCo, in consultation with the class teacher and parents/carers, will discuss any additional support your child may require. This support can vary depending on your child’s ability to access the curriculum, for example, a child may require support for literacy and mathematics but not for creative and physical activities such as art or PE, however, some children may require additional support to help them access all areas of the curriculum. Decisions about support will be agreed at Pupil Progress Meetings according to your child’s needs and progress. If appropriate, and after following the graduated response, the school may decide to seek support from outside agencies. The outside agency that will be contacted will depend on the advice and support that your child requires, for example advice could be sought from the Educational Psychology Service or the Autism Outreach Team. The support that is recommended will be implemented wherever possible. For children with SEND, but without an EHCP, the decision regarding support required will be taken at meetings with the SENDCo, class teacher, parents/carers, and other relevant staff where appropriate. Children with EHCPs will be allocated the level of support recommended on their EHC plan.

The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEND is led by the child’s individual need. Children with an EHC plan will have an allocated amount of time to be given as a minimum, to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHC plan clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation. Other children will also receive support linked to their needs as indicated on their Passport for Learning. This support may take various forms:
• In class support from teaching assistants
• Small group support
• Specialist 1:1 support
• Support from external agencies
• Provision of specialist resources

Class teachers monitor each child’s progress through standardised assessments, teacher assessments and pupil books.
Children are given additional and differentiated support, interventions are put in place to support their learning and the impact of that provision measured. The impact of these interventions is monitored and the class teacher gathers information about the child before they start the intervention. They will monitor the impact the provision is having by collecting data before the intervention begins and again at the end to see how effective the intervention has been. If interventions are not having the expected impact, then the SENDCO may refer to external professionals in discussion with parents to enable further support to be provided.

Each child who has an additional need will receive a Passport for Learning (PfL). The passport is formulated with the SENDCo, class teacher, parents/carers and the pupil. The passports focus on your child’s goals and the provision your child requires. The aim of the PfL is to ensure that your child has three individualised SMART targets (specific, measureable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) that will help them make progress with their learning. The targets will have information on how your child will be supported in school to help them with their learning, and how they can be supported at home. The PfL will be reviewed termly and discussed with parents/carer.
In addition to the school’s normal reporting process you will be invited to the school every term to review your child’s Passport for Learning. The views of parents/carers form a vital part of the review process. The meeting will take place with you, your child and the class teacher. The SENDCo may also attend review meetings if required.
The school operates an ‘open door’ policy and parents/carers are welcome to discuss their child’s needs at any time. If a more detailed discussion is required, then an appointment can be made for an after school meeting with either the class teacher, the SENDCo or the Headteacher.

During Passport for Learning reviews, the class teacher will suggest activities that can be completed at home to help support your child with their personalised targets. This can range from additional reading every day, helping the child learn a specific set of multiplication facts or using similar strategies, such a visual timetable, that is used in school to help structure time at home. Staff will always offer support on how to implement the strategies and resources.

Each child that requires a Passport for Learning will be involved in the decision-making process of their targets to help them work towards their dreams and aspirations. They will be involved in creating their one-page profile with the class teacher which makes any adults that work with them aware of their needs, what they find challenging and how best to support them. All targets and interventions are shared with your child. When it is time to review the Passport for Learning, your child will also attend the meeting where their success and next steps will be discussed. Your child is the central part of this process and their views and opinions are extremely important.

The class teacher is required to monitor all ychildren’s progress and submit data every term to the Senior Leadership Team. Pupil Progress Meetings are held every half term where the data is analysed and pupil progress discussed. The SENDCo regularly monitors the impact of the interventions that are put in place by the class teacher, completes observations and reiews work in the child’s books to check the quailty of provision offered to any child with SEND. It is the expectation that the class teacher will complete intervention sheets where data that is collected before the intervention begins and again at the end of the intervention will be submitted so progress can be measured.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Depending on your child’s needs will depend on if they will need an individual risk assessment to keep them safe outside the classroom. The SENDCo or Headteacher will discuss the risk factors with the parents/carers and then create a risk assessment that is personalised for your child. This could include easier access to the school site by allowing access to the staff carpark and collection from the main office or providing support on the playground during break and lunchtime. When children are to take part in educational visits, their risk assessment will be reviewed and adapted where necessary, if required 1:1 support may be put in place. The risk assessments are shared with the company providing the educational visit and activities will be modified and adapted. Staff will also complete a pre-visit.

For children who have sensory needs, there is the option for them not to use the dinner hall during lunchtime, but to have access to a quiet area of the school which is supervised by a member of staff. To help support them with their learning, they may also be provided with their own learning zone within the classroom which will allow them to focus on tasks for more sustained periods of time.

The Headteacher is responsible for the overall well being of all children. We have good links and relationships with the Local Support Team. Support staff have training in a range of interventions to support vulnerable children through periods of difficulty. The SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social And Cultural) policy and practice is a strength of the school and through the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) programme we ensure that all children are able to access support to ensure that they thrive.
All Yochildrenare supported by their class teacher and class teaching assistants. The school also has a Family Support Worker (Nicola Harrison) who can help with any specific difficulties relating to emotional wellbeing or family support. Children with SEND may have more support in class, at break and lunchtimes if needed.
Children are offered pastoral support in the form of:
• A new and improved PSHE curriculum, providing children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to enhance their emotional and social knowledge and wellbeing.
• Members of staff, including the class teacher, support assistants, SENDCo and Family Support Worker being readily available for children who wish to discuss personal issues.
• Our Family Support Worker runs wellbeing sessions targeting social skills, self-esteem and anger management.
• Children who find less structured times of the day more challenging are provided with alternative opportunities, for example, they are able to join lunchtime clubs run by staff and if necessary a quiet eating area is provided.
• The school regularly accesses the support from external services for talking base therapy interventions, such as Action for Children (previously known as Kaleidoscope+) and referrals can be made for individual pupil counselling by the SENDCo or Family Support Worker.
• Delivery of nurture sessions to support children’s wellbeing; these interventions are designed to target social interaction skills, improving resilience and emotional wellbeing.
• We ensure that each child has two hours of PE provision a week to support fitness, health and generally impacting on a child’s wellbeing.
• Depending on the needs of your child, the school can access further support from an independent behavioural specialist when school led interventions are not having a positive impact for the pupil.
• All staff regularly receive training from the SENDCo to develop nurture based support for children who are struggling with social, emotional and mental health difficulties with resources readily available and introduced at all times.
• Additional needs that result in complex and concerning behaviours are supported by the SENDCo who will meet with parents and staff and create an individual behaviour plan. This plan outlines consistent ways in which behaviour will be addressed in school and at home. The SENDCo and class teacher will review the plan regularly to monitor for progress. Please contact the school SENDCo if you would like to discuss this further.

Management of first-aid arrangments are undertaken by staff who are first-aid trained. Any treatment of first-aid or medication given to your child is recorded according to the school’s Administering Medication in School Policy. If it is considered necessary for your child to have a Health Care Plan due to a significant health condition, this will be carried out in consultation with the health care professionals involved with your child, the school nurse and the SENDCo. Plans are regularly reviewed amended where necessary.
A child with medical needs will be provided with a detailed Medical Health Care Plan compiled by the school and medical professionals in partnership with parents and your child if appropriate. The medical health care plan will detail:
• The child’s specific medical needs and presentation
• Daily care requirments
• What to do in case of ememgency
• Follow-up requirments
• Procedures to follow when not on school site, including educational visits
• Risk assessments (if appropriate)
Staff who support the pupil with administering medication are trained by the relevant health care professionals and all medicine adminstration procedures adhere to the Local Authority policy and DfE guidelines included within Supporting Pupils At School With Medical Conditions (2015). https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/803956/supporting-pupils-at-school-with-medical-conditions.pdf

The school employ a Family Support Worker who will meet with families to help identify barriers to attendance and identify what we can do to support this.
The school has a clear Behaviour Policy, which focuses on reward and sanctions. When issues with behaviour arise, then contact with the family is made and meetings are had with them. This can result in a referral being made to Family Support Services or the SEND and Inclusion Hub, which will help identify the most appropriate pathway or strategies to follow.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour and Discipline Policy

Children with SEND and are looked after by the local authority will also receive additional support from the Virtual School. In addition to your child’s termly PEP (Personal Education Plan) meetings, they will also receive termly reviews for their Passport for Learning. The targets and interventions that are outlined in the Passport for Learning will be shared with the Virtual School and, if the Virtual School feel it appropriate, they will offer additional support to help you child achieve their full potential in achieving their targets.

Working together

For an up-to-date staff list, please visit Cheslyn Hay Primary School’s Who's Who website page.

The class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the children in their class, including where children access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. They are responsible for ensuring each child, no matter their starting point, makes progress in their class through high-quality teaching, reasonable classroom adjustments and differentiation. They are also responsible for the interventions that are put in place and monitoring the impact of these interventions.

All children with SEND will have a One Page Profile which identifies their strengths, what they find challenging and the best way to support them with their education. This will be child friendly format, and the pupil (if age appropriate) will have helped the class teacher develop this. This will then be shared with all staff that work with your child. It is the class teacher’s responsibility to share this information when your child is transitioning to a new year group, along with any other relevant information about your child. Transition meetings are held at the end of every academic year. Where necessary, training and support will be put in place to support staff with their understanding of the different needs of your child with SEND.

All staff at Cheslyn Hay Primary School have been trained in Autism Education Trust Tier 1. A number have staff have received training with the following:
• Turnabout
• Inference Training
• Dyslexia Awareness
• Rapid Reading
• Attachment Difficulties
Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the the needs of specific children in their class. The SENDCo completed the National SENDCo Award qualification in January 2017 and regularly attends Local Authority Updates and training where appropriate. Where a specific need has been identified with a pupil, staff working with that child have the opportunity to attend relevant training course to help enhance their knowledge, skills, understanding and practice.

The school works with a variety of different professionals to ensure that your child is offered the opportunity to reach their full potential. These agencies include:
• The Educational Psychology Service
• Entrust SENIS Learning Support
• Entrust SENIS Behaviour Support
• Autism Inclusion Team
• School Nurse Service
• Speech and Language Therapy Service
• Social Care
• Family Support Team
• Education Welfare Team
• Occupational therapists
• Physiotherapists
• Children and Young Person’s Autism Service
• SEND District and Inclusion Hub

The first contact is your child’s class teacher. Mrs Sivorn is the SENDCo and can be contacted if you are worried or require further information about your child’s needs. Helpful leaflets are available in the main reception area and the school office staff have a list of helpful contacts, such as The Special Eduational Needs and Disabilities Advices and Support Service (SENDIASS) Staffordshire Family Partnership (staffs-iass.org)

Mrs Caroline Sivorn
01922 667950

SEND Governors:
Wendy Powell wpowell@chps.school
Alexandra Birch abirch@chps.school
The SENDCo and SEND governors have regular meetings where they discuss current information about SEND children and their provision.
Governor for Looked After Children:
Jan Toplis jtoplis@chps.school

Your child with SEND are activity encouraged to take part in the School Council. They are also included in Pupil Voice meetings.

All parents are actively encouraged to become involved in the school by joining family support groups that are run by our Family Support Worker. Parents are also invited to become governors when vacancies become available. More information about this can be found on the school website.

At Cheslyn hay Primary School we have a Family Support Worker (FSW) who is available to support all families and children within school. She can signpost and refer to partner agencies as necessary and will assist in completing paperwork/ chasing up outcomes. She will link closely with Staffordshire children's services to ensure the correct support is available at the right time.
The FSW is available to meet parents during school times and can be accessed via email, phone or face to face.

Inclusion and accessibility

At Cheslyn Hay Primary School we promote an inclusive ethos which means that all children are included in trips, events and activities off site. It is acknowledged that some children may require individual support on these activities and so discussion will take place with staff, parents/carers and other professionals to plan for this. Risk assessments are completed for all off site activities and events as part of our health and safety practice, but individual risk assessments will be completed with parents/carers for any child who has additional needs which may cause them to be deemed at risk whilst off site.
All of our children with additional needs are supported and encouraged to be fully involved in all areas of school life. We are an inclusive school which endeavours to provide opportunities for all children to participate in activities including off-site visits and school clubs. All clubs and trips are offered to children with SEND and individual arrangements are planned for in advance to encourage them to participate. Any issues around SEND, medical or physical needs will always be discussed with parents/carers as necessary.

The site is fully accessible to wheelchair users and there is a disabled toilet. Disabled parking is located to the front of the building. The school has a good record in obtaining equipment for children requiring additional resources and managing this to impact positively on learning. An accessibility plan is in place and can be obtained from the Headteacher or accessed from the school website.

The site is fully accessible to wheelchair users and there is a disabled toilet. Disabled parking is located to the front of the building. The school has a good record in obtaining equipment for children requiring additional resources and managing this to impact positively on learning. An accessibility plan is in place and can be obtained from the Headteacher or accessed from the school website.

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Policy

Our staff and Family Support Worker share information via face-to-face, text messages, paper letters, newsletters, Facebook and the SchoolApp. For those whose first language is not English we will endeavour to make appropriate arrangements to access translating services when necessary.

Joining and moving on

f you wish for your child to attend Cheslyn Hay Primary School then you can contact Mr Craig Griffiths (Headteacher) or Mrs Caroline Sivorn (Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo). The school admissions policy, including details of arrangements for admissions of disabled children, can be found on the school website.

Visits to Cheslyn Hay Primary School can be arranged by contacting the school office where a convenient day and time will be organised.

Before your child joins Cheslyn Hay Primary School a meeting with the SENDCo and parents/carers will be arranged. During this meeting your child’s needs will be discussed, and an action plan put in place to make sure your child has the best transition they can before starting Cheslyn Hay Primary School. This could include a phased transition by visiting your child in their current setting and introducing new staff gradually before they begin Cheslyn Hay Primary School.

When your child transitions from Cheslyn Hay Primary School to a new setting, the SENDCO will liaise with the SENDCo at the new setting to share information about your child. During the discussion, transition will be planned, which will be bespoke to your child, and may include visits with key staff from Cheslyn Hay Primary School with your child to their new setting.

Additional information

For a full list of agencies that can offer help and support please visit Staffordshire Local Offer Directory or Staffordshire Family Partnerships SENDIASS.

Updated: July 2021
Review: July 2022

If you have concerns about your child’s progress, you should initially speak to your child’s class teacher. If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed and your child is still not making progress then you should speak to the SENDCo, Mrs Sivorn. If the complaint has not been resolved then you should speak to the Headteacher, Mr Craig Griffiths. If you are still not happy then you can speak to the school SEND Governors, Mrs Wendy Powell and Mrs Alexandra Birch.

Link to complaints policy

Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Fully wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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