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School SEN Details

Doxey Primary School, Stafford

Doxey, Stafford, ST16 1EG


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

The progress and attainment of all children at Doxey Primary is regularly reviewed and monitored by class teachers, subject leaders, school leaders and the SENCo. If any child is not making the progress which we would expect a child to over a period of time then these concerns will be raised with the child's parents either at our usual parents evening or by a conversation at another time. At this point the child is usually placed on a monitoring list or directly onto the SEN support list depending on the level of concern, in either case the child's progress continue to be monitored closely to determine their response to any reasonable adjustments or interventions.
All children entering Doxey in the early years are screened using the Wellcomm language assessment which enables us to identify any language difficulties a child may have.
If a child enters Doxey from another setting we will use information provided by that setting to determine if they need to be placed on our SEN support list.

We welcome the views of parents on the progress of their child and often parents can provide us with valuable additional information. If you are worried about any aspect of your child's development then please discuss them with your child's class teacher, this can be informally at the end of the school day or you can make an appointment using Dojo or through the school office.
If you do not wish to raise your concerns with the class teacher then you can speak to the SENCo, Claire Jones, or the head teacher, Tracey Wynn.

The SEND policy and other documents can be found in the policy section on the school website

SEND Policy and other related documents

School policies

Teaching, learning and support

We believe that all children with SEND have the right to be fully included in every aspect of school life and will make reasonable adjustments to allow them to do this. As far as possible children's needs will be met through Quality First Teaching but for some children additional interventions are necessary to enable them to access the curriculum along with their peers. Class teachers will plan for these through the use of provision maps, usually this in the form of a class provision map but for some children an individual plan is made.
Reasonable adjustments have included the following:
The use of visual timetables
Individual workstations
Now and Next approaches
Individual checklists
Worked examples
Visual prompts to support understanding
Picture Exchange
Behaviour reward charts
Interventions in the past twelve months have included:
Toe by Toe
Precision Teaching
The Homunculi Approach
Shine Interventions
Circle of Friends
Lego Therapy
These plans will be shared with parents and carers on a regular basis and with the child if it is appropriate to the age and ability of the child to do so.

Once a child has been identified as have a special educational need then a graduated response model is implemented, this is overseen by the class teacher and monitored by the SENCo.
The graduated response at Doxey begins with Quality First Teaching which may include reasonable adjustments to support individual or groups of children. Some children may require the use of specialist equipment such as a radio aid or writing slope. For a few children additional support maybe provided through structured interventions or one to one support.
During Key Stage 2 SATs adjustments will be made to the test condition dependent on the support usually available to a child, this includes additional time, a scribe or adult to read to the child.
If a child continues to have difficulties in school than referral to an external agency may be appropriate. School can refer to the following agencies to request additional support or input
Speech and Language Therapy - NHS service for children with communication difficulties
Autism Outreach Team - Provide support and advice for children in school with an ASD diagnosis
Children and Young Peoples Autism Service - NHS service for ASD diagnosis and intervention
School Psychology Service - Educational Psychology advice and therapeutic input
Mental Health Support Team - intervention and support for children with mental health difficulties
Children and Adult Mental Health Service - NHS service for children with mental health difficulties
Child Development Centre - NHS paediatric services
Behaviour Support Team - Provide support and advice for children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
Occupational Therapy - NHS service
Hearing Impaired Service - provides support and advice for children in school with a hearing impairment
Visual Impaired Service - provides support and advice for children in school with a visual impairment

The school budget includes a notional SEN budget of £6000 per pupil, this budget in monitored through the use of costed provision maps by the SENCo and School Business Manager, if it is noted that school expenditure exceeds this amount for any pupil then additional funds can be applied for. In the past twelve months additional funding has been secured through the following channels:
Additional Education Needs funding (AEN)
Education Health Care Plans
Individual Inclusion Fund
Early Years Funding

The class teacher is responsible for allocating the resources within the classroom in order to meet the needs of all pupils within their class. If they, or the parents, feel additional resources are required then they can be requested through the SENCO. Resources will then be allocated in consultation between the SENCo and headteacher depending on the needs across the whole school.

The SENCo allocates equipment in school on the basis of need. This equipment includes
Wobble cushions
Fidget tools
Ear defenders
Coloured overlays
Pencil grips
Equipment and facilities are funded in the first instance through the notional SEN budget, additional funding may be used to secure further equipment and facilities depending on the nature of the funding applied for.

The progress of all children at Doxey is tracked and regularly monitored by class teachers and the leadership team. At Doxey we use a points approach to determine if a child is making expected progress, this progress is shared with parents at the termly parents evenings or more regularly if appropriate. In addition to a teacher's professional judgment we use a number of standardised assessments to ensure that a pupil's attainment is in line with national expectations. These assessments include:
NTS reading
NTS maths
End of Key Stage assessment
Year 4 multiplication test
Year 1 phonic screening check
Salford Reading test
Wellcomm language assessment
These summative assessments along with a teacher's formative assessments form the basis for planning individual lessons to meet the needs of the pupils within a class. Planning is shared with parents through topic webs, these are shared on the school website and through Dojo every half term. Teachers use Dojo to communicate with parents and carers about the learning covered every week and to make suggestions about how parents can help their child at home. Each child has their own portfolio on Dojo so learning can be shared and recorded privately between the class teacher and home.

At Doxey Primary School we believe that homework encourages parental involvement in children’s learning
and gives an opportunity for parents to engage in tasks with their child. Homework should take up a
manageable amount of a child’s balanced life. It should be an enjoyable portion of children’s time, when
parents can take an interest in their progress. It is essential that homework does not dictate the pattern of
every evening as pupil’s need time to:
Follow their own interests and hobbies
Attend out of school clubs and go out with families
Have time to relax and enjoy leisure activities
Spend time exercising and playing with friends
Reading Expectations
At Doxey we aim to promote the love of reading. Reading is a non-negotiable for homework and the
expectations are as follows:
10 minutes daily reading with an adult. This includes Read Write Inc. phonics work.
20 minutes daily reading of an age appropriate text, which can be done independently but children should
enjoy reading to an adult at least once a week.
Spellings - KS1 and KS2
Age appropriate spellings are and posted on Class Dojo for children to practise weekly.
Number Bonds - KS1
Children will work towards a bronze, silver or gold sticker in a particular number bond. There are lots of
ways to help your children learn their number bonds at home. These include:
chanting them
singing them
playing games with them
computer activities, including Numbots
Times Tables - KS2
Children will be working towards a bronze, silver or gold sticker in a particular multiplication table. There are
lots of ways to help your child learn their times tables facts at home. These include:
Reciting them.
Writing them out.
Singing them.
Playing games with them.
Computer activities, including TTRockstars
Colouring them on a hundred square and spotting the patterns.
Optional tasks
Each child in Years 1 to 6 will receive a homework ‘menu’ once a term with a variety of optional homework
tasks to complete. This will provide an opportunity for pupils to work independently or with their families on
more creative based projects
Specific Year group homework
In Reception ‘Active homework’ is given via Class DoJo. This homework will relate to the development
matters; the different areas of learning and will enable parents to be involved with their child's learning,
sending photographs of their children completing the homework back to school. In Year 6 additional
homework is given to support the learning in class and SAT revision guides are also provided.
Additional homework
We encourage any additional work that is done at home to be shared with the class teacher through
ClassDojo so that it can be celebrated in school.

Parent workshops on various aspects of the curriculum are offered in school throughout the school year

Parent consultation evenings take place at regular intervals throughout the year, children are encouraged to attend these meetings with their parents and work is shared in this meeting. Work is also shared with parents through ClassDojo.
Individual targets, shared with pupils, are set in English, these are recorded in the child's English book and reviewed as regularly as necessary.
SEND pupil voice takes place on a termly basis, this give us an opportunity to consult with the children about their provision and any improvements or changes that they would like to see.
SEND pupils are also represented on the school council which meets weekly.

Provision maps, individual plans and interventions are reviewed at least every half term by the class teacher and the SENCo, the progress of each child against the targets set by the class teacher, parent or child is reviewed and if there is little or no progress then alternative strategies will be planned. Parens and children will be involved in the process either through the usual parents evenings or through other meetings arranged between the class teacher and the parents.
Progress may be measured in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the target set, this may include pupil voice, attendance, progress in standardised tests, numbers of behaviour incidents or feedback from staff and parents

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

The safety of all children at Doxey Primary School at all times is paramount. Members of the leadership team and class teachers are available on the playground every morning to speak to parents, staff can also be contacted by telephone, email or Dojo messages and face to face meetings can be arranged if appropriate.
During breaks and lunchtimes children who may struggle with these more unstructured times have access to The Bottled Room, a number of clubs are also offered at lunchtime which many of our pupils with additional needs choose to attend.
For children where there is a particular risk to their safety or of others then individual risk assessments are drawn up jointly between the parents and either the SENCo or member of the leadership team. Risk assessments are then reviewed regularly and adjusted accordingly. Risk assessments may cover PE lessons, moving round the school building, lunchtimes and playtimes or individual risks on school trips. All risk assessments for individual children are in addition to the risk assessments in place for all lessons and trips.

At Doxey we recognise that well-being is crucial to learning and that the development of a child's social and emotional skills underpin any academic success. We offer a values based, inspirational curriculum based on our core values of Respect, Curiosity, Perseverance, Self Belief and Pride and promote excellent relationships between all members of the school community so that the children can thrive, become lifelong learners and achieve their best. Further details can be found in our Behaviour Regulation Policy available on the school website.
We employ a number of different strategies to support the development of children's social and emotional development, as with other areas of the curriculum this take the form of a 'graduated approach'.
All classes follow the Jigsaw curriculum which is designed to equip children with the skills they need to develop their emotional regulation and well-being.
Every classroom is equipped with a Regulation Station where children are encouraged to use a variety of strategies to help them manage their own emotions.
There is a 'worry box' placed centrally in school where all children can record any worries or concerns, this box is check on a daily basis to enable timely actions if appropriate.
In the centre of the school is The Bottled Room, this is an emotionally honest space which can be accessed by any child at any time during the school day, the room is permanently staffed and children's attendance is logged and tracked. Staff are on hand to help children to self-regulate and return to learning as soon as is possible.
For children who experience ongoing emotional difficulties they can be referred to one of two Emotional Support Assistants or to the Mental Health Support Team provided by the NHS, these two services are school based. If children continue to experience difficulties then the SENCo can assist with referrals to CAMHS or other external agency.
A small number of children in school who are identified as having particular social or emotional difficulties may attend The Den for a period of up to 4 terms. This is a small provision which offers a nurture style approach to education. Progress is tracked using the Boxall Profile which enables us to target the provision to suit the child's individual needs.

For children with medical or healthcare needs then an Individual Healthcare Plan is put into place, further details can be found in the appropriate policies on the school website

If a child is experiencing difficulty with regulating their behaviour then they maybe referred to the Behaviour Support Team or other appropriate agency, further details can be found of agencies that the school may use can be found on the Staffordshire Connects website.
Children at risk of exclusion maybe referred to the SEND Inclusion Hub for discussion and advice. This is a panel of professional based in Stafford and includes representatives from local schools.

Links to external agencies

School policies

Staffordshire Connects

All children who are looked after by Staffordshire will have an electronic Personal Education Plan, ePEP, which is reviewed on a regular basis, and are the responsibility of the virtual school. The Designated Teacher, at Doxey this is either the headteacher or SENCo, attends the ePEP meetings which involve setting targets for the child and allocating additional funds to meet any particular needs. Carers, social workers and the child also attend the meeting.

Working together

The class teacher is responsible for the education of every child in their class, they may liaise with other members or staff and delegate specific activities or lessons to appropriately trained staff.
You can contact your child's class teacher in any of the following ways:
In person at the start or end of the school day
Through Dojo message
Through the school office

The SENCo is responsible for ensuring that all the relevant information about a child's special educational needs is shared with the appropriate staff. The SENCo meets regularly with class teachers and other supporting specific children and arranges training so that all staff are equipped with the necessary skills and information to meet a child's needs.

Staff within school have received the following training over the past three years
Understanding Autism tier one training (Autism Education Trust)
Managing Challenging Behaviour (School Psychology Service)
Diabetes training (NHS)
Understanding hearing impairment (Hearing Impaired Service)
Enhanced Speech and Language provision (NHS)
Enhanced Autism provision (Autism Outreach Team)
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (Summit Psychology)
Child Bereavement and Loss (School Psychology Service)
The school is working toward the STIAA award, Staffordshire Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware awarded by SCC

Doxey works closely with a wide range of external agencies and facilitates school based interventions whenever possible. The following services have been accessed by children in school:
Speech and language Therapy
Social Care
Occupational Therapy
Mental Health Support Team

A child's class teacher will be the first point of contact for a parent, class teachers are available at the beginning and end of the school day, through Dojo message or through the school office.
Parents may also contact the SENCO directly either through Dojo or the school office

The SENCo is Claire Jones, she can be contacted through the school office, 01785 450120 or email c.jones@doxeyprimary.co.uk

The governing body hold the head teacher to account for the running of the school, the SENCO and SEN governor meet regularly to discus SEND provision in detail and to ensure that the school is meeting its statutory SEND responsibilities.

The SENCo meets with a selection of SEND pupils on a termly basis to listen to their views on a range of topics, this information is used to track the success of particular provisions or interventions or to inform action plans.
Every class elects two children to sit on the school council which meets weekly, children with SEND are often represented on the council.

Elections for parent governors are held when vacancies arise and are publicised through the school newsletter.
Parents are welcome to assist on educational visits and other special events.

The Family Inclusion Worker, SENCo or head teacher are all available to assist parents with completing forms and paperwork. They can be contacted through Dojo or the school office.

Inclusion and accessibility

Doxey offers a range of extra-curricula activities, we aim to offer activities which have a broad appeal and are accessible to all pupils. Over the past twelve months these have included:
Multi sports
Jigsaw club
Chess club
Nature club
Cooking club
Clubs are usually offered with no charge although sometimes a small charge is made to cover costs or because the club is offered by an outside provider.
Wrap around care is offered, this is on a paid basis.
We endeavour to make all our extra-curricular activities are as inclusive as possible, reasonable adjustments are often made to allow this and extra staff or parents asked to support particular children if appropriate.
If a parent experiences difficulty in paying for an educational visit then they are encouraged to discuss this with the school office, head teacher or SENCo. Pupil premium is used to subsidise educational and residential visits.

Doxey Primary is a single storey building which is wheelchair accessible. There are two disabled toilets and disabled parking places in the school car park
Full details can be found in the Accessibility Plan on the school website

The school is fully carpeted and acoustic tiling has recently been installed in the school hall. The school also has a sensory room which is equipped to meet the sensory needs of some pupils.
Many pupils use ear defenders to help them to access areas of school or lessons where noise is an issue.

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility plan

Doxey uses Dojo to communicate with parents, this has a translate facility. The school also has access to the interpreter service offered by the Minority Ethnic Achievement Service, SCC

Joining and moving on

Parents and carers should contact the school office 01785 450120 if they wish to enquire about their child joining Doxey Primary. If their child has a special educational need then they can arrange to speak to the SENCo to discuss their child's individual needs.
Our admission policy can be viewed by clicking on the link below

Links to information

Admission policy

Parents and carers are encouraged to visit the school prior to enrolling their child. Visits can be arranged through the school office, 01785 450120.
Open days and visits are held in the Summer term for children starting in the reception and nursery classes in the September intake.

Following a visit to the school then all new pupils and their parents or carers will be asked to compete a pupil passport which will help us to get to know your child before they arrive.
On completion of the appropriate forms then all new parents and carers are provided with a welcome pack which contains all the information needed on starting school.
When children move on to a new school then information is shared with the receiving school either through the usual transition arrangements in the case of moving to key stage three or through telephone call and sharing of records if a child transfers at other points in the year.

Additional information

Further information about the services offered in Staffordshire to children and families with additional needs, including SENDIAAS, can be found on the Staffordshire Connects website.

Links to other support

Staffordshire Connects

This information was updated in September 2022, it will be reviewed in September 2023

If a parent or carers is not happy with a decision or what is happening they should first contact the person concerned to attempt to resolve the issue. The school complaints policy can be found on the school website

Link to complaints policy

Complaints policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other support/equipment

    • Sensory room/garden
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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