We know when pupils need extra help if:
* Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, support staff, or the pupil’s previous school
* Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress
* A pupil asks for help, or indicates they are having difficulties in learning
* Pupil observations by those in school (teachers, support staff, the leadership team) indicate that they have additional needs in one of the four areas of SEND: Communication and Interaction; Cognitional and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH); or Sensory/Physical Needs.
Following identification of the need for additional help, there will be discussions between the class teacher, parents/carers and the SENDCO where concerns and issues can be raised. Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow an assess, plan, do, review, model (APDR). Parents will always be invited to this early discussion to agree the actions put in place and to share their views on their child's needs and the support needed.
During these initial meetings, additional action to increase the rate of progress will be then identified, discussed and recorded. This will include a review of the impact of the differentiated teaching being provided to the child and, if required, provision to the teacher of additional strategies to further support the success of the pupil.
If review of the action taken indicates that ‘additional and different from’ support will be required, then the views of all involved including the parents and the pupil will be obtained and appropriate evidence-based interventions identified, recorded and implemented by the class teacher with advice from the SENDCo. This will then place the child on our SEND Register and identify them as requiring SEND support.
SEND support will be recorded on an individual plan which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will be stretching, ambitious and relevant academic and development targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed termly with the parents and the pupil. If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate, despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice may be sought from specialist external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.
Not all children who require extra help will be identified as having SEND, it might be that the child is able to access some early intervention programmes in order for them to make some accelerated progress to come into line with their peers including:
Pathways to Progress for Writing
Little Wandle Keep Up/Catch Up for Phonics and Reading
the Staffordshire EP Reading Intervention for reading
Rising Stars for Maths