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School SEN Details

St. Chad's CE(VC) Primary School, Newcastle

Crackley Bank, Newcastle Under Lyme, ST5 7AB


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

We know when pupils need extra help if:

* Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, support staff, or the pupil’s previous school
* Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress
* A pupil asks for help, or indicates they are having difficulties in learning
* Pupil observations by those in school (teachers, support staff, the leadership team) indicate that they have additional needs in one of the four areas of SEND: Communication and Interaction; Cognitional and Learning; Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH); or Sensory/Physical Needs.

Following identification of the need for additional help, there will be discussions between the class teacher, parents/carers and the SENDCO where concerns and issues can be raised. Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow an assess, plan, do, review, model (APDR). Parents will always be invited to this early discussion to agree the actions put in place and to share their views on their child's needs and the support needed.

During these initial meetings, additional action to increase the rate of progress will be then identified, discussed and recorded. This will include a review of the impact of the differentiated teaching being provided to the child and, if required, provision to the teacher of additional strategies to further support the success of the pupil.

If review of the action taken indicates that ‘additional and different from’ support will be required, then the views of all involved including the parents and the pupil will be obtained and appropriate evidence-based interventions identified, recorded and implemented by the class teacher with advice from the SENDCo. This will then place the child on our SEND Register and identify them as requiring SEND support.

SEND support will be recorded on an individual plan which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will be stretching, ambitious and relevant academic and development targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed termly with the parents and the pupil. If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate, despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice may be sought from specialist external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.

Not all children who require extra help will be identified as having SEND, it might be that the child is able to access some early intervention programmes in order for them to make some accelerated progress to come into line with their peers including:
Pathways to Progress for Writing
Little Wandle Keep Up/Catch Up for Phonics and Reading
the Staffordshire EP Reading Intervention for reading
Rising Stars for Maths

If you have concerns you should discuss these with someone in school. Initially, this is likely to be your child’s class teacher. It is always a good idea to make an appointment to speak to them by either contacting the school office or messaging them through Class Dojo. This will ensure that you have the necessary time, and will provide you with a dedicated opportunity to discuss your concerns. It is important that you tell them the reasons why you're concerned, and ask what will happen next. You may also want to speak to the school's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENDCo). Our school SENDCo is Miss M. Steele and Mrs S. Alcock can also provide SEND support and attend SEND meetings. You can contact either of these members of staff on 01782 567750 or by emailing the school office: office@st-chads-newcastle.staffs.sch.uk

The Governor with specific responsibility for SEND is Mrs Zoe Comley who visits the school regularly.

Throughout the academic year, all parents and carers are encouraged to discuss their child’s education. This may be through:
* Parent consultation meetings (3 times per year)
* Discussions with the class teacher either informally or at a formal meeting

We do encourage parents to raise concerns as quickly as possible and not wait until parents evening if they are several weeks away.

The school SEND policy can be found on our school website (link below) alongside other related policies including the Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Strategy, Admission Policy, Behaviour Policy, Teaching and Learning Policy, Public Sector Equality Policy, Supporting Pupils at school with medical conditions Policy and the Health, Safety and Well-being Policy.

A paper copy of all policies can be requested by contacting the school office on 01782 567750.

The website also has a link icon to the Staffordshire Connects website, where a wealth of information can be sought in relation to children and families, including the Local Offer which includes information, support and services for children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs and disabilities. There is also a link to this website below.

SEND Policy and other related documents

School website

Staffordshire Connects Local Offer

Teaching, learning and support

All children are provided with quality first teaching. We expose all children to the same learning and same objective and make changes to allow our SEND pupils to reach these same outcomes. These changes may include scaffolding the learning, using practical equipment, giving children extra resources, working with a partner or adult, providing images to support work and much more. There maybe some cases when we do need to differentiate the learning for an individual, but they will still be accessing the same area of learning as their peers. The quality of such teaching is monitored through processes including learning walks, observations by the senior leadership team and external verifiers, on-going assessment of pupil progress, book scans and staff performance management.

Children with identified SEND, who do not have an EHC plan, will be provided with support as discussed at the APDR meetings held with parents three times yearly. This support may take the form of interventions which could be 1-to-1 or small group. These interventions are delivered by support staff and monitored by the class teacher, SENDCo and SLT. The support is based on SMART targets which ensure any intervention is Specific to the child, Measurable to see progression, Achievable to allow for successes, Relevant and Time-bound so that they are not on-going for too long without review.

Children who do have an EHC plan will have specific targets to work towards noted in their plan, these plans are subject to a statutory annual review, although we do still meet the parents/carers of these children three times a year.

Where necessary we may, with parental permission, refer children to outside agencies in order to seek advice or access further support. This might include the Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS), Speech and Language Therapy, an Educational Psychologist, Autism Inclusion Team or Behaviour Support. Where recommendations are then made, the school will endeavour to put these into place and parents will be informed of this.

Teaching approaches are modified to meet the needs of individual children by differentiating the curriculum or outcome for a particular lesson, providing additional support where needed and purchasing and using specialist resources and equipment where necessary.

Where a child has being identified as having SEND, we still set high expectations and aim to enable everyone to achieve the lesson objective wherever possible with high quality first teaching and resources, TA/Teacher support and/or the provision of concrete resources where needed.

If it is then necessary to amend the level of work or change the learning objective, the child's work will be scaffolded by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum appropriately. Teaching assistants (TAs) may be allocated to work with a pupil 1:1 for a period of time, this could be to pre-teach a concept before a lesson or to address misconceptions following a lesson. Small group work may also be carried out. TAs are also employed to teach intervention groups and to deliver support as noted during the APDR meetings with parents, the SENDCo and the class teacher.

When a child has an EHC plan, this usually means that specific funding is given to employ a 1:1 teaching assistant for a number of hours per day/week. Some children may also be eligible for other funding from Early Years Forum or Additional Educational Needs in order to provide individual hours specifically to deliver the discussed learning support.

The provision is planned in consultation with the SENDCo, the class teacher and the parent/carer at the APDR meetings. Intervention is monitored and overseen by the SENDCo and other members of the SLT.

It is part of the whole school culture that 'reasonable adjustments' will be made when delivering the curriculum and may include providing specialist equipment in a lesson, providing additional adult support or changing the activity or learning outcome but only when necessary.

For children on the SEND register consideration will be taken for supporting children during testing periods. Access arrangements are set by the government and include guidance on if a child is eligible to have a reader or scribe and/or additional time during formal assessments including KS2 SATs. The SENDCo will apply via the Government Gateway in order for these arrangements to be put in place. The SENDCo will then ensure that arrangements are carried out and that the parent has been informed and is aware of such access arrangements.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources and this is then allocated and managed through discussions between the SLT, Governors and the school finance officer.

Funding sources include: a proportion of the funds allocated per pupil from the government to the school to provide for their education; the Notional SEND budget; Pupil Premium funding for those who meet certain criteria; and other monies which may be applied for by the school as needs arise. Children in the Early Years department may be eligible for funding from the Early Years Forum, or Additional Education Needs funding may be applied for higher up the school. For children with the most severe needs, school may consider an Education Health Care Plan assessment, which if granted, allocates funding for specific support.

Funding is then used to provide the support needs of the children with SEND and could include the following (although this list is not exhaustive):
* In-class support from teaching assistants
* Small group interventions delivered by teaching assistants
* Bought in support from external agencies e.g. Educational Psychologist hours/support from the Special Educational Needs Support Service
* Continued professional development for staff, including support staff
* Provision of specialist resources or equipment to support the child in class

All children will be delivered high quality first teaching, regardless of their needs. We expose all children to the same learning and same objective and make changes to allow our SEND pupils to reach these same outcomes. These changes may include scaffolding the learning, using practical equipment, giving children extra resources, working with a partner or adult, providing images to support work and much more. There maybe some cases when we do need to differentiate the learning for an individual, but they will still be accessing the same area of learning as their peers.

For children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), the decision on the type and amount of support will be made when the plan is being produced or through the annual review process; this is in consultation with all persons involved with the child including SLT, professional bodies, parents/carers and the child themselves if appropriate.

For children with SEND who do not have an EHCP, the decision regarding the support required will be taken jointly between the SENDCo and the SLT. This is reviewed termly, with decisions being based on tracking of pupil progress, and as a result of assessments made, including by outside agencies. Parents and carers will be informed of the additional support their child is receiving at the termly APDR meetings with their child's class teacher and the SENDCo.

The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support a child with SEND is always led on an individual needs basis.

Resources available including additional support programmes, interventions or specialist equipment are monitored by the SLT and reviewed termly.

The processes to secure these resources are made by the SENDCo and the SLT and may involve applying for additional funding where necessary.

All children are regularly assessed as part of their educational journey, there are set testing periods in school which include national testing as dictated by the government including Key Stage 2 SATs and the Year 1 Phonics screening.

Each half-term, class teachers meet the SLT to discuss and record progress in the core subjects of Reading, Writing and Maths. During these discussions, a child may be identified as needing extra support.

All parents have the opportunity to meet their child's class teacher three times per year at parents evening, and this is strongly encouraged. Children on the SEND register will be invited to meet their child's class teacher and the SENDCo three times per year to go through the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle (APDR). Parents can also talk to their child's class teacher by appointment. All information from outside professionals will be discussed with parents with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, a written report will be given to discuss with the SENDCo. The SENDCo can also meet with parents outside of the APDR process by appointment through the school office.

A home/school diary may be seen to be necessary to communicate things on a daily basis.

Parents of children with SEND are actively encouraged to be part of their child's learning journey and there are a number of ways in which we can assist in communication to all parents including by phone, email, text messaging, Class Dojo, Facebook and the school website. All policies and communications can be printed (and enlarged if needed) by the school office on request.

We work in liaison with numerous specialist support services to ensure that all children on the SEND register have access to the right support, and that teachers are given professional advice on strategies which may help your child. Before we liaise with any external agency, parental permission will always be asked for prior to accessing such services. Support services we work with include, but are not limited to Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy, CAMHS, Autism Inclusion Team, Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS), GLOW and the Dove Service.

By having an initial discussion with your child's class teacher you can find out how best to support your child at home. The teacher may suggest how best to help your child with their homework or how they can use specific computer programmes/apps to promote learning. The APDR meetings are also where you will be given advice on what you can do at home to help. If a specialist support service is involved, they too may give parents guidance of what they can do at home.

Parent training has taken a break recently due to COVID, however as a school we are hoping to invite parents in school in the near future to participate in workshops to help them assist in their child's learning. These will be advertised on our school website, on the fortnightly newsletter and on our school Facebook page.

At the beginning of each academic year (or when initially added to the register), children on the SEND register have an overview written by the class teacher which celebrates their strengths and identifies where they need further support. The child is asked to contribute to this overview and they are asked to share what they enjoy; where they think they struggle; and what they think we could do to help them. This overview is shared with the parent at the initial APDR meeting in the Autumn term and the child's suggestions are taken into consideration when planning support.

When an external agency is involved e.g. SENSS, the child is alway asked to give their views at the consultation.

We assess and evaluate the effectiveness and provision for children with SEND (thus measuring outcomes and impact) in a number of ways:
* Evaluation of interventions and support by the SENDCo and SLT
* Book scrutinies of the SEND pupils
* Standardised scores in core subjects
* Observations of pupils within their classes and interactions with peers
* Specific assessments linked to an assessment (e.g. EP Reading programme)
* Pupil Voice
* Parental Feedback through annual reviews, questionnaires and APDR consultations

Parents are asked for their views at the APDR meetings and anonymously through parent surveys online. Children are asked for their views in discussions with the class teacher, or by the SLT, Curriculum Leaders, Governors or external moderators during pupil interviews.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Where there is a need for flexible arrangements regarding the start and end of the school day, the child's class teacher and/or SENDCo will liaise with the child's parent to ensure safe handovers. This might mean a slightly earlier start/end time, or the child being met by a teaching assistant and then going to a different room instead of directly to the busy classroom or cloakroom. We want smooth transition times in order to make drop off/pick up safe and calm for the child, parents, other children and staff.

At lunchtimes and break times we have a good ratio of staff on duty. All staff are aware of children who might have additional needs at such times. In some instances, alternative provision may be made for the child should they not be able to access a full break/lunchtime. Children may also eat in alternative rooms if the dining hall is proving to be too stressful to eat in.

We are a split site and children regularly move between buildings. Children with SEND are supervised as necessary, this may mean being at the front/back of the line with an adult. In PE some children are supported by an extra adult and reasonable adjustments are made for children with a physical or sensory disability. On school trips, children with SEND are closely monitored and we have high staff to pupil ratios. Children with SEND are not discriminated against in any way and are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life, including after-school clubs and residential visits.

Where necessary, risk assessments for individual children are written in order to keep everyone safe. These are shared and agreed with the child's parent and then shared with all staff who work with the child. These risk assessments identify hazards and show what control measures are in place. Risk assessments are reviewed and amended accordingly at the APDR meetings or as needs arise when things change. Risk assessments are monitored by the Head teacher.

As a school, pastoral support is high on our agenda. We have a dedicated 'school ranger' - Mrs Kirkham - who works in the afternoons to provide nurture and pastoral care activities for our children, many of whom are on the SEND register. Many of the activities are outdoor tasks like gardening and nature walks which give children the opportunity to talk in a relaxed atmosphere and share their thoughts and feelings, worries and concerns. All teaching assistants and some teachers have been trained in Trauma and Attachment and are able to support children through difficult times they may be having.

Bullying incidents are rare, although we are not a school where we say 'it doesn't happen here'. Children discuss bullying and the effects of this in Character Education lessons and the topic is raised in whole school assemblies. Class teachers provide a box in the classroom where children can write their concerns down and then put a note in the box if they don't feel confident enough to speak out about something. Childline posters and information is displayed around school and the school takes part in Anti-Bullying week activities annually. The school's Bullying policy can be found on the school website and a printed copy can be requested from the school office.

We help children make friends by modelling and encouraging appropriate play in the Early Years department, partnering new children up with a buddy if needed, and by utilising our school ranger to help if there is a particular friendship issue within school. We are also a Trailblazer school, where mental health practitioners can support the school with strategies and programmes to follow in order to establish positive friendships. This includes 'Bouncebackability' in Year 2 which is about being resilient in friendship groups. Year 5/6 also follow the 'Tweensafe' programme run by the Early Help Team where they learn about healthy relationships, gang culture and peer pressure. These schemes, our Character Education curriculum, and Christian ethos help the development of good self-esteem and confidence.

Where a child is particularly struggling, we will discuss with the parent the possibility of referring the child for specialist support in the form of a discussion with our Trailblazer mental health lead, a CAMHS referral or a referral to an agency specific to a particular need e.g. the Dove Service for bereavement or GLOW for those who have been witness to domestic violence. This could lead to counselling services being provided to the child and/or their family.

Support can be offered for all family members where necessary, including siblings. A referral to the Early Help Team may be discussed and we can also signpost people to other agencies offering support including the Food Bank and housing department.

The school website gives access to the Supporting Children at School with Medical Conditions Policy and the Intimate Care Policy, these policies are reviewed on a cycle by the SLT and governing body.

In the case of a medical emergency the school has a protocol of what will happen including contacting the relevant emergency services and completing any necessary paperwork. Early Years staff are trained in Paediatric First Aid and other staff are trained to give first aid in the workplace. Staff receive training on asthma and epi-pen use when appropriate to children in their care; this is delivered by the school nurse team.

Children can be given medication on school with agreement from parents/carers, a form must be completed with the school office to ensure the safety of both the child and the staff member administering the medication.

We encourage medical appointments to be made for holiday times or after school, but understand that this is not always possible, particularly for children with ongoing or complex medical needs. Staff will endeavour to support children who have had time off to 'catch-up' and also to provide support for children who are absent from school with a long-term illness.

Pupils with complex medical needs will be required to have an individual Care Plan, this will be completed in partnership with parents, SLT, class teacher and any medical agencies or professionals. Care Plans are written and monitored by Mrs McLawrence and are shared with all adults who come into contact with the child.

Exclusions are rare and only carried out in extreme circumstances. The school has a clear Behaviour Policy (found on our website under the 'Our School' tab/Policies) which is followed by all staff. This policy is reviewed on a cycle by the SLT and governing body.

We work with external agencies in order to avoid behaviours which would possibly lead to exclusion including Behaviour Support and the Early Help Team.

We value attendance and set high attendance targets. If we notice any attendance issues the class teacher, in the first instance, would contact the parent to see if there was anything that we could help with as a school to improve attendance figures. If attendance did not improve, a member of the SLT could follow up this discussion and invite the parent in to discuss this further. Letters for children whose attendance which drops below our target percentage are sent out termly from the school office.

Looked After Children (LAC) are all monitored by the LAC Designated Teacher (Miss Steele) who liaises with the Virtual School in regards to the education of LAC. Termly PEP meetings are held which are attended by the child's carers, LAC Designated Teacher, Social Workers and a representative of the Virtual School. Pupils also contribute to this meeting, giving them a voice. PEP forms are completed and funding targets set for all children in local authority care.

On the PEP there is a detailed section for children with SEND where their needs, targets and support in place is recorded. This is monitored by the Virtual School who are responsible for ensuring that LAC, particularly those with SEND are receiving a high quality of education.

Working together

If you have concerns about your child's education or think that they may be struggling in school please speak to your child's class teacher. They might be able to reassure you, or give you some support to help your child at home.

The SENDCo is Miss Steele who can be contacted via the school office on 01782 567750. The Acting Deputy Head, Mrs Alcock, is also highly qualified and experienced to help with SEND questions and issues, again she can be contacted via the school office.

Further professionals from outside agencies may also work with your child, but this is always in consultation and agreement of the parent/carer.

The class teacher's role is to provide high quality first teaching for all the children and to report any concerns to parents at the earliest opportunity. The class teacher is there to provide a safe, secure learning environment for your child and help them to reach their potential both academically and socially.

When children are moving on to their next year group, transition meetings are held between the previous teacher and the new teacher where SEND children are discussed at length. In the Summer term, parents are invited to come in and meet the receiving class teacher and discuss any worries, and in the Autumn term Meet the Teacher sessions are held to go through class routines and procedures which will hopefully help the child to settle in well.

Strategies and support in place for SEND pupils is recorded on a Pupil Intervention Record which shows all relevant staff what is in place to help an individual child and the interventions/support the child has received above and beyond the other children.

Class teachers will share information about a pupil's needs with any person necessary to ensure needs are met, this will include teaching assistants, cover staff and lunchtime support staff.

The SENDCo and Acting Deputy Head Teacher are both highly experienced at working with SEND pupils. Relevant training is completed where necessary and then this is delivered to other teaching staff at staff meetings. Staff are also updated on the SEND Code of Practice and any changes in relation to SEND services.

Teaching assistants and some teaching staff are trained in Trauma and Attachment.
The SENDCo is a mental health trained first aider.
The SENDCo is also the Looked After Designated Teacher for children in care and is up-to-date in relevant training.

Ongoing support is available to staff when required to support children with SEND. This can be discussed with the SLT should a staff member wish to participate in training in a particular need.

The school liaises with many outside agencies in order to support pupils with SEND and their families. The SEND governor Mrs Zoe Comley meets with the SENDCo and as part of her discussions asks who the school are working in partnership with. The list of agencies is ever-growing and includes:
* Educational Psychology Service
* Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
* Behaviour Support
* Autism Inclusion Team
* Speech and Language Therapy Service
* The Dove Service (bereavement counselling)
* GLOW (support for those who have witnessed domestic violence)
* Early Help Team
* Occupational Therapy
* Family Support Services
* Merryfields Outreach Support
* Trailblazers Mental Health Support Team

In the first instance contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo, or by telephoning the school office on 01782 567750.

The SENDCo (Miss Steele) and Acting Deputy Head (Mrs Alcock) again can be contacted via the school office.

SENDIASS are a family partnership service who can support schools and parents of children with SEND - they can be contacted through the Staffordshire Connects website (link button on the school website) or they have a Facebook page and Twitter.

Miss M. Steele SENDCo/Mrs S. Alcock Acting Deputy Head 01782 567750 or office@st-chads-newcastle.staffs.sch.uk

SEND Governor Mrs Zoe Comley via the school office as above.

The SEND governor Mrs Comley meets with the SENDCo and completes learning walks. A discussion then follows where the governor questions the SENDCo as to the provisions being made for SEND children, ongoing issues, budget implications and impact of interventions. This is then reported back at full governor meetings.

The SEND governor also has been shown how PEPs are completed for Looked After Children and is aware of the legal obligations to complete these.

The SEND governor attends governor training where necessary and reads up-to-date information in governing body papers/handbook.

Pupil voice is of high importance in school. We have a school council and an Eco council and SEND children are actively encouraged to stand for positions on these councils. Should SEND children be appointed to these roles, reasonable adjustments are made in order for them to participate in meetings fully.

In Year 6 a selection process for Head Boy, Head Girl and House Captains has been developed so that all children, including those with SEND, have the opportunity to represent the school in these roles.

In staff/pupil discussions about the curriculum, SEND children are always invited to share their views and work.

Looked After Children are encouraged to share their views, achievements and aspirations in their termly PEP meetings.

SEND pupils are invited to share their strengths prior to the initial APDR meeting in the Autumn term (or when initially added to the SEND register).

Parent/grandparent volunteers are welcome, you will not necessarily be working in your child's classroom, however there is always help needed somewhere within school.

Parents sit on our governing body and any vacancies are advertised on the fortnightly newsletter. Parent governors are elected via nomination, followed by a vote from the parent population.

If your family require any support, please ask someone for help via the school office. We may be able to help you complete paperwork or access information to help support you.

If we can not help you directly, we can signpost you and/or refer you to other agencies or groups that may be able to help.

If you are struggling for food/household goods/items for your children, please ask and we can refer you to the local Food Bank or the Alice Charity.

Inclusion and accessibility

All children including those with SEND have access to a wide range of activities in addition to the curriculum. Some of these activities include after-school or lunchtime clubs led by staff, or by our outside provider Bee Active. SEND is not a barrier in attending these activities and reasonable adjustments will be made as necessary. The clubs include sports activities, arts and crafts and academic 'booster' clubs. Clubs run by school staff are usually free of charge but might incur a small contribution to buy cooking ingredients for example. Bee Active sessions are charged for and the up-to-date information on prices and the clubs available can be found on the Bee Active website: https://beeactive.co.uk/

Before and after-school provision is provided by Bee Active as above, bookings and enquiries can be made via their website as above.

Reasonable adjustments will always be made for children with SEND to participate in additional activities, residential trips, day trips and clubs. A risk assessment may be needed and this will be made in consultation with the parent/carer. Parents/carers might be invited to accompany their SEND child on a school visit. Required pupil to staff ratios for school trips and residential visits are always upheld and extra adult support will be given if needed.

Although we are a split site with many buildings, the majority of areas are accessible to a wheelchair as we have ramps or no step doors to access all buildings.

There is a disabled parking space within the staff car park which can be utilised. Cars could access the site if needed to pick up/drop off, although this must be agreed by the SLT and a risk assessment put in place.

Unfortunately we do not have a disabled toilet or changing facilities. We will endeavour to work with the local authority for building upgrades in order to provide these facilities in the future.

The curriculum, activities, trips and residential visits are accessible to children with SEND and are as inclusive as possible, with reasonable adjustments made wherever necessary.

Quiet spaces are provided for children who need to be able to move themselves away from classroom life for a while, this might be due to behavioural issues or sensory needs. Quiet spaces are calming and safe for the child to retreat to while they calm down or have some thinking time.

Our Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Strategy can be found on our school website under the 'Our School' tab and then SEND & Inclusion.

We have very few parents/carers whose first language is not English but for those that find communicating in English difficult we would encourage them to bring a relative/friend to any meetings to help facilitate discussions. We could also signpost them in the direction of translation services if necessary.

We use a range of communication tools in order to communicate with parents/carers including via Class Dojo, the school website, texting service and our school Facebook page in order to reach out to as many parents and carers as possible.

All policies and letters are available in large print from the school office.

Joining and moving on

Nursery places in our governor led nursery are allocated by ourselves, please contact the school office for further information.

Reception places are allocated through the local authority admissions system.

Throughout the year we have a number of open days where you can come and visit our newly designed EYFS department.

If your child requires a place if you are moving area or changing schools for another reason, please telephone the school office on 01782 567750 to make an appointment to meet the Head teacher/member of the SLT and for a tour of our school. If your child has SEND, please make the office aware, as a meeting with the SENDCo would be beneficial.

Our admissions procedures can be found on our website under the 'Our School' tab/Policies.

Parents should contact the school office to arrange a visit on 01782 567750

Open Days for Nursery/Reception are offered at a number of times throughout the year, these are advertised on the school website and on our Facebook page.

If your child joins us in Nursery/Reception then there are a number of sessions where you will be invited for your child to 'stay and play' and meet the department staff and other new starters.

EYFS staff always liaise with previous settings including pre-school nursery settings and child minders. Wherever possible staff will visit the setting to see the child in their surroundings and share information with the nursery staff/child minder.

If your child joins mid-year, or from another school, a transition day may be arranged for your child to meet their new teacher/classmates. Staff will also telephone the previous school to discuss your child. For a child with SEND the SENDCo will telephone the previous school to see what support was needed.

On transfer to another school staff will discuss children with the receiving school and make them aware of any support needs or SEND. For children moving on to high school extra transition visits may be necessary and these will be arranged with the SENDCo from both the current and receiving school. Academic, safeguarding and health information is always passed securely on to the receiving school.

Additional information

SENDIASS is the parent partnership service who can help parents of children with SEND through sometimes difficult processes. Their website link is below and they also have Facebook and Twitter pages.

You can also follow the link on our website to the Staffordshire Connects page which provides a wealth of information to support young people and their families - this is also linked below.

Policies referred to in this Information Report are reviewed by the SLT and governors on a rolling programme at termly governor meetings. When they are reviewed, the date is recorded and the review date noted.

The information report itself will be reviewed annually, the current report was written in December 2022.

Parents can give feedback to the setting in a number of ways including by email, letter or by answering anonymous parent surveys when sent out.

The school has a Complaints Procedures Policy available on the school website under the 'Our School' tab and then follow OFSTED Compliance (link below).

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Partly wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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