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School SEN Details

King Edward VI School, Lichfield

Upper St John Street, Lichfield, WS14 9EE


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

For students who have been identified as having special educational needs at primary school the Achievement Leader for Y7 and the SENCo request information from Primary Schools and carry out visits where appropriate; as part of this the SENCo may attend Year 6 Annual Reviews or final
progress meetings. External agencies contact the school at transition, regarding students who already receive their support.

When students join us in year 7 we carry out in-house testing in maths, reading and spelling during Key Stage 3, to identify students who might need differentiation, intervention or support. This is supported by information from KS2 and teacher assessments.
Throughout the school year teaching staff raise concerns where there appears to still be a need despite adapted, differentiated lessons. Additional information is requested from all subject teachers to establish the pattern of need. This is reviewed in conjunction with progress information collected as part of the school’s assessment policy.

After identification our first steps would be to share information with teaching staff about the difficulties the young person faces and then suggest appropriate strategies to support quality first teaching. This may be formalised in a one page profile format. If additional support is required then interventions may be provided to support students in their core skills such as literacy and maths. It may be that subject-specific intervention sessions are provided by teaching staff at specific times throughout the year. In order to ensure that all students can access the curriculum specialist equipment may be provided for students, where appropriate.

We offer additional support in the form of social skills groups, mentoring, spelling groups as well as some additional support for literacy and numeracy.

Contact school on 01543 255714 or office@keslichfield.org.uk and ask to speak to Mrs Pemberton (SENCo) or your child’s achievement leader. Once you have raised your concerns we will consider all the information available to us from the primary school; data, including standardised test scores;
teacher feedback and class assessments.

Once the information has been considered the outcomes will be shared and next steps will be decided. This could be a further assessment, a recommendation to speak to your GP, contact with student support or a referral to a specialist agency.

Please find the links to our SEND policy and other related documents

SEND Policy and other related documents

School policy page

Teaching, learning and support

How will you support children and young people with SEND with or without an EHC plan?

We wish to support all students regardless of whether they have an educational, health and care plan. Students are assessed and identified and then decisions are based on the whole child. This could be intervention, social skills groups or additional support. We want to consider a holistic approach to supporting children as we know one size doesn't fit all.

How does the school plan support?

We review the needs of the child and plan support this way. Using the APDR profile we are looking at the needs of the child and how well they respond to support in place before moving on the next phase, this could be a reduction in support or an increase in support depending on the review element of the process.

How and when will I be involved in planning my child or young person's education?

We will involve parents and carers if it is appropriate to offer an intervention to a child. It is important that they parents are involved and feel supported in the process. Any information from external specialists is shared with parents and we aim for open and transparent communication.

What additional learning support is available?

Learning Support has a base in Kings Hill House where we are able to offer support to young people. We have interventions, social skills groups and alternative curriculums for KS4 here as well.

How will teaching approaches be modified to meet my child or young person's needs?*

Student profiles are shared with staff in order to ensure that tailored strategies are used in the classroom to support the learning of young people with SEND.

What is your approach to differentiation? How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted to meet the individual needs of children with SEND?

All staff are teachers of SEN and receive information and training to enable them to meet the needs of students in the classroom. The school and teaching staff will make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of students with SEN based on personalised information about each child. The Learning Support Department is led by the SENCO and includes a team of qualified teachers and LSAs who provide a variety of interventions that include in class support, small group teaching and 1:1 mentoring. We have qualified assessors who can are able to carry out testing for access arrangements.

The school has a Learning Support Department with its own resource centre as well as a Student Support Department for social and emotional support.

What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning?* (This may include support from external agencies and/or equipment/facilities)

We have some word processors and reading pens that we can loan to students to enable them to access the curriculum and promote independent learning.
For young people who social, emotional and mental health needs we have support from our pastoral team, school mentors and a good working relationships with CAMHS. If needed then a referral to an Educational Phycologist can be completed for further guidance or advice.

What training or expertise do school staff have?

The SENCO is a qualified teacher who is due to complete National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.
The SENCO attends the termly SENCO updates offered by Entrust
There is in-house and specialist CPD offered to all staff in aspects of SEN through the annual programme of CPD.
The Learning Support Department has a team of qualified teachers and LSA colleagues who have various qualifications and specialisms.
Specific training in aspects of SEN is funded for staff via the appraisal system, linked to the School and Team Improvement Plans.

What additional learning support is available?

If additional support is required then interventions may be provided to support students in their core skills such as literacy and maths. It may be that subject-specific intervention sessions are provided by teaching staff at specific times throughout the year. We also offer mentoring sessions, lunchtime social skills groups and spelling interventions.

In order to ensure that all students can access the curriculum specialist equipment may be provided for students, where appropriate.
Examination Access Arrangements are applied for where there is a history of need and sufficient evidence to support an application. This follows a rigorous process to ensure that the criteria is adhered. More information on this can be found in the SEN policy.

All students in year 9 have the chance to take their options and there opportunities for some students to follow an adapted curriculum if identified by the school.

Who will oversee and plan the education programme?

The curriculum is developed by Heads of Department and overseen by the Senior Leadership Team. In learning support the education programmes are devised based on the needs of the student to make sure that it targets specific areas of difficulty.

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support to the pupil during exams?

Students are supported with reasonable adjustments by class teachers. This includes but is not limited to making sure that resources are printed in the appropriate font or on coloured paper, extra time or readers for assessments.
Students who have a history of need and normal way of working are assessed no earlier than the summer term of year 9 for examination arrangements. Once agreed these are in place for internal assessments, internal examinations and external examinations. Decisions on access arrangements are based on normal way of working and history of need to make sure that they are matched to the needs of the child.

Where can I find information on the courses, qualifications and subjects that are available within the setting?

Information on our Key Stage 3 curriculum and Key Stage 4/5 option choices can be found on our website.

How is your budget for SEND allocated and managed?

The SENCo in conjunction with SLT manages the budget for SEND.

How would you secure additional funding for a pupil?

If appropriate then an application for short term higher needs funding or an Education, Health and Care plan application would be submitted.

How does your setting further meet need?

All staff are teachers of SEN and receive information and training to enable them to meet the needs of students in the classroom. The school and teaching staff will make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of students with SEN. The Learning Support Department is led by the SENCO and includes a team of qualified teachers and LSAs who provide a variety of interventions that include in class support, small group teaching and 1:1 mentoring. We have qualified assessors who can are able to carry out testing for access arrangements.
The school has a Learning Support Department with its own resource centre as well as a Student Support Department for social and emotional support. We have also have good relationships with alternative provisions so we could consider additional support if necessary.

The decision-making process.

The decision-making process is based on a range of information including but not limited to data (assessment and internal testing), teacher comments, parental conversations and information from the student. Decisions are based on the needs of the child including their academic ability and consideration given to their social, emotional and mental health needs.

Who will make the decision and on what basis?
The Learning Support Department in conjunction with the achievement leader, student support and, if appropriate, SLT.

Who else will be involved?

Parents, students and where appropriate external professionals.

How will the parent/carer be involved?

Parents and Carers are involved from the start of the process to ensure that they are fully informed of any concerns and at each stage of the progress. They will be informed of testing results and next steps are then discussed.

What resources are available?

Students that require additional equipment such as radio aids will be supported to access these pieces of equipment to ensure access to the curriculum.
We have some word processors and reading pens that we are able to lend to students if these resources are of benefit to them,

What is the process to secure these resources?

The Learning Support Department will work with external services such as the hearing impaired service to support these needs.

Student progress is tracked termly with reports being shared with parents. Teachers also regularly engage in assessment for learning to ensure that teaching and learning is matched to the needs of the students.
Progress is reviewed termly through assessments but these assessments will engage and challenge students in a variety of different ways to ensure that progress is measured accurately across the skills required for each subject.
Yearly parents evenings are available to discuss progress but your child's achievement leader or the learning support department will be happy to discuss progress if you are concerned.
Learning is planned through Key Stage 3 plans and then yearly schemes of work which are then used by teachers to plan effective lessons for their teaching groups. This information can be seen on the school website.
Communication between the learning support department and parents is open and transparent. We will speak to parents if any concerns about their child are raised and we will seek permission before referrals to any external specialists.
Where appropriate we work with specialist support services to ensure that students get the support they need. Any adjustments that need to be incorporated into the school day or curriculum will be considered and implemented.

If there are any concerns about your children then these will be shared with you.
You can support your child by;
Checking/monitoring homework and ensuring that this is completed on time and to an appropriate standard.
Talking to your child about their school day including asking about what they have liked learning about.
Encourage reading as this will support your child's understanding of the world and vocabulary.
Monitoring achievement and behaviour points using Go 4 Schools.
Contact school if you have any concerns.

Parent Training
We offer sessions on R.S.E and students use of IT for parents who have students in year 7.

Students with education, health and care plans are invited to attend their annual reviews to ensure that they are part of planning and reviewing their education.
During the year 9 options process all students with SEND have additional option meetings alongside their parents to ensure that their curriculum is appropriate and matches their needs.
If students receive intervention in the learning support base then their progress will be discussed as part of their sessions.

Students who have additional support through the learning support department have their support recorded using the Assess, Plan, Do, Review format to help us identify progress and, if needed, where further support might be needed. Students are involved in this process through deciding on targets and contributing to the review.
If support is required, concerns then next steps, interventions and outcomes will be shared with parents to ensure that they are fully involved in the process.
Parent surveys have been completed to gather student views.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Students have the option to access student support and learning support at the beginning of the school day, during break and lunch times and at the end of the school day. There are many extra curricular opportunities for students that run at lunchtimes and spaces can be offered during break time and lunch time if needed. Students are supervised during PE lessons and appropriate risk assessments are undertaken in preparation for school trips.
Risk assessments are completed where necessary. This is sometimes done with a particular need in mind to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to make sure that all students can participate in the available activities.

Our first step to supporting young people is through the role of the form tutor. Building this relationship can be really important for the young person as they see the young person every day. Bullying is not acceptable in our school and we spend some time on our PSHE curriculum on building good relationships within the form group. We can support a buddy scheme within the form group, we have a social skills group that is also used for developing friendships and we also have sixth form mentors, learning mentors and an external counselling service. We also have a good working relationship with CAMHS.
Our policy on bullying can be found within the policies section on the school website.
We do have a mentoring/counselling service that can be access through student support.

Administration and personal care would be supported through an agreed care plan which is reviewed with parents and, where appropriate, medical professionals. The school has a team of first aiders but in the event of a medical emergency we would follow procedures outlined on a care plan and, if necessary, call the emergency services.
Parents can inform school of any medical appointments.
Staff have access to care plans via our schools information system and any updates are emailed to staff. All first aiders have access to and are aware of care plans.

Our student support team are instrumental in working with students to reduce behaviour incidents and the risks of exclusions. This can be done through building relationships with staff and we particularly focus on the role of the form tutor but if further support is needed then we would look at working with a mentor; sixth form or pastoral, external counsellors and CAMHS. We are also looking at similar processes to help and promote attendance.
Where appropriate we work with external agencies to support the young people in our setting.

Links to external agencies

School Policy

The SENCo will attend PEPs of young people who are identified as having SEND. We do this to make sure that their educational needs are being met. The SENCo works closely with the designated teacher for LAC.

Working together

Whilst at King Edward VI School your child will be taught by subject specialists, they will have a form tutor whom they will see once a day and will be the first point of contact at school. Other members of staff involved could be their achievement leader, the SENCo or student support.
Teachers are there to ensure that the learning matches the needs of all the children in the classroom through providing quality first teaching. Teaching will celebrate progress and achievement as well as supporting young people who may need additional help.

If you wish to contact a member of staff please email office@keslichfield.org.uk

SEND information is shared through a pupil profile which students, parents and the learning support department then this is shared with the wider teaching staff. We trust our teachers to use this information to help inform their teaching and the delivery of lessons.

All staff have an awareness of SEND and we are working to increase the knowledge of staff so that they are in the best position to support all students in their classroom.
We audit staff training needs and incorporate these in our training and development plans for the year ahead.
Within the team in learning support we have a member of staff who has completed a qualification in dyslexia and have two members of staff who are able to complete our access arrangements testing.
Where appropriate specific training will be provided to enable staff to meet the needs of students with complex needs.

We welcome multi agency working and would work with any social care agencies to support young people if they require it.
Any health or therapy services that are working with a young person are welcome to visit and assess the young people on the school premises providing the appropriate safeguarding checks are completed and we have parental permission,

The first point of contact would be the form tutor if you have any concerns.

Please use the following email; office@keslichfield.org.uk and your email will be forwarded on to the appropriate member of staff.

The SENCo is Mrs Katy Pemberton and all enquiries can be directed to her via the email office@keslichfield.org.uk

From June 2022 Mrs Pemberton will be on maternity leave so please direct any enquiries to office@keslichfield.org.uk

Our governors hold us accountable and the named SEN Governor will meet the SENCo to discuss all matters relating to SEND.
Governors also hold the Senior Leadership Team accountable through regular meetings.
An assistant headteacher - Mr Goodhead is the designated teacher for looked after children.

Students, if necessary, will be supported to share their thoughts and feelings based on their needs. This will be appropriate to the young person and so may include being supported by a trusted adult or scribing their thoughts so they can focus on what they need to communicate. Students can be supported in sharing their aspirations and we have a dedicated careers advisor who could help support in their pathway to understanding this.
We have a student council and students with SEND have an opportunity to be part of this as well as other student focus groups, all students are able to share their views through their tutor time sessions and then these are shared at school council.

There are parent governor opportunities.
Parents can also get involved in the PTA.
We also have parental surveys which allow parents to give feedback.

If and when appropriate we would look to support parents with completing referrals for external agencies. We would to support parents through what can be difficult referral systems.
This would be a member of staff that families feel comfortable with.

Inclusion and accessibility

All students have the opportunity to join our extra curricular clubs. King Edward VI School offers a wide range of lunchtime and afterschool clubs, including sports, music and performing arts. There are also subject related clubs such as coding club and art club. Further details can be found on our school website.
We do not offer holiday/before/after school care due to being a secondary school.
If a young person needs adjustments to ensure that they can access a club then we will make reasonable adjustments to support their attendance at a club.

We have a car park that is available for drop off and pick up but this needs to be agreed with the school. The site is not fully wheelchair accessible.
We have some disabled toilets but no changing facilities.

Our site is a multi building site setting that was built over time. This means that there are different sensory environments. Adjustments can be made to support students with sensory needs and we introduce individual strategies to help students in the different environments.

Link to accessibility plan

School Policies

We use English but would use interpreters if appropriate.

Joining and moving on

Our admissions are managed by Staffordshire County Council.

Links to information

Admission Arrangements

Parents can make contact through office@keslichfield.org.uk.
Our open evenings are in September, of the year in which the student is in year 6, for new year 7 admissions and we would support with additional visits as appropriate to the needs of the child and their family.

Primary Transition
There are strong links with primary schools. The transfer of information begins in May of Year 6.
Primary transition meetings may take place with Y6 teachers, Achievement Leader and/or
Extra transition sessions are provided for SEN students and their parents, over and above
the LA Transition Days for all students.
The SENCO may be invited to attend Y6 Annual Review or other meetings for identified
students planning to attend this school.
A year 7 settling-in evening with form teachers takes place in the Autumn term of year 7 to ensure transition is going smoothly. A member
of the learning support department is also available to speak to parents at this evening.

Post-16 and Post-18 Transition
There is specialist Careers Advice from year 9 onwards, an opportunity to complete work experience in Year 10, alongside careers education in the curriculum, including information about post-16 and Post-18 options. Students have a careers interview with a careers advisor, and information is provided regarding Post-16 and Post -18 alternative provision.
Transition meetings are arranged and relevant information is shared with support staff at
the college or training provider.
Future Planning as part of Annual Review/EHCP and Student Profile review meetings.

Additional information

Independent Advice

Staffordshire Family Partnership:
SENDIASS Tel; 01785 356921
Local Authority Support Services

ENTRUST Tel; 0300 300 1900 Special
Educational Needs Support Service

Educational Psychology Service
Hearing Impairment Team (HI)
Visual Impairment Team (VI)
Physical Disability Support Service (PDSS)
Occupational Therapist
Autism Outreach Team (AOT)
Children's Services
Education Welfare Officer (EWO)
Careers Advice

Health Services
School Nurse/GP
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Speech and Language Therapists (SALT)
Midlands Psychology

Links to other support

Staffordshire Local Offer

The information was updated in June 2022

It will be reviewed in 2023

Parents should raise their concerns with the person they feel is most appropriate. This is likely to be through contact with the relevant Achievement Leader, SENCO or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Telephone: 01543 255714 or email office@keslichfield.org.uk
The relevant person will consider the best way of dealing with the concerns raised according to the circumstances. It is preferable for all concerned that issues raised are resolved at an informal stage rather than later. If parents are still not satisfied with the outcome, they can refer to the formal procedure set out in the school’s Complaints Policy.

Link to complaints policy

Link to the complaints policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Not wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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