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School SEN Details

River View Primary and Nursery School

Suffolk Road, Stapenhill, Burton Upon Trent, DE15 9HR


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

At River View, children are identified as having Special Educational Need and Disabilities (SEND) through a variety of ways including the following:
• Liaison with previous school, pre-schools and nurseries, and previous teachers.
• Liaison with external agencies e.g. Health Visitors, GP, Educational Psychologists and Speech Therapists to seek advice;
• Health diagnosis through paediatricians;
• Child performing below age expected levels–we will use the data that we will have analysed to highlight any children who may not be working at the expected levels;
• Concerns raised by parents;
• Concerns raised by teachers e.g. behaviour or self-esteem affecting your child’s performance.

It is also very important to note that we have an open door policy which will enable you as a parent, to meet with the teacher at a convenient time to discuss any issues that you feel we should know about. It is important that we work as a team to address any concerns that you may have and provide your child with the highest quality of education.

The first person that you should speak to is your child’s class teacher as they have contact with them every day. You can do this by contacting the school office to arrange a meeting.
You can also contact the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion or the Head Teacher, again this is done by contacting the school office.

Please find the link to the SEND Policy and other important documents at River View Primary and Nursery School below.
Additionally, more information can be found on the SEND page of the school website.

Teaching, learning and support

• To begin with, your child will be given a Growing Goal and the progress towards this will be monitored. They will be placed on the SEN monitoring list. If during this time your child does not make progress they will be progressed further.
• If it is decided that your child has a special educational need, then your child will be placed on a special educational needs register whereby the child will have specific targets which will address his/her areas of difficulty. These will be displayed on an ‘Assess-Plan-Do-Review’ (APDR) format. The APDR will highlight any interventions that your child has received, any outside agency support and other important details.
• Their targets will be personal targets that your child will work on at least 3 times weekly, either with the class teacher or with a Teaching Assistant (i.e. 1:1 focused intervention). They will be reviewed weekly and updated as soon as they are achieved and new targets added. Meetings about your child’s progress will be once a term where you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s achievements and interventions.
• Your child may also be supported by the teacher or the teaching assistant within a small group for English and Maths.
• If your child still needs extra support then, we as a school, can liaise with a number of outside agencies, including Speech Therapists, SENIS [which are our local specialist educational support team], Educational Psychologists and Behaviour Support. We also work very closely with health professionals, taking and acting upon their advice.
• Depending on the type of need your child has, we offer a number of intervention strategies within school to help ensure that your child makes progress at their level. The interventions include, Colourful Semantics, Playdough Therapy, Lego Therapy, Talk Boost, ELSA and Draw Write Therapy. Further details can be found on the SEND area of the school website.
• If your child has a complex SEND, they will have regular meetings as part of their support. If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan there will be an annual formal meeting to discuss your child’s progress, a report written and this will be shared with the Local Authority.

• The class teacher will be responsible for ensuring that your child makes progress through their Quality First Teaching, adapted work, reasonable adjustments and interventions. Teachers will be provided with strategies and interventions that they may use to aid your child’s progress by the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion within school. Reasonable adjustments include learning aids, such as talk tins, personalised word banks and reading rulers, as well as providing children with sensory movement breaks if required.
• The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion will regularly review the quality of teaching and will support and monitor the progress of any child requiring additional support across the school.
• The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion will work in conjunction with the class teacher to oversee, plan and provide strategies for each child with Special Educational Needs to ensure that progress is made in all areas of the curriculum.
• There may be a Teaching Assistant (TA) assigned to work with your child, either individually or as part of a small group, if this is seen as necessary by the class teacher.

• The class teacher alongside the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion will discuss your child’s needs and what support would be appropriate.
• Different children will require different levels of support in order to bridge the gap to help them to achieve age related expectations.
• Children with more complex needs will be referred to outside agencies where they will decide who and how additional support should be provided.
• In some cases it might be used to provide additional human resources (e.g teaching assistants). Funding is matched to the provision required to enable pupils to achieve specified outcomes (i.e outcomes stated on EHCPs). The SEND budget is the responsibility of the Headteacher and regular discussions are held to ensure that resources are allocated appropriately.

• The Class Teacher will meet with you on a termly basis to discuss your child’s needs, support and progress.
• School staff are usually best placed to advise on the nature of the support, but occasionally the school seeks the support of outside agencies. If outside agency involvement is required, there will be an initial meeting held with you and then whenever work or assessments are completed with your child, a report will be sent home for you to read and then discuss with the teacher/ Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion if necessary.

Remember we are always here to help you. Meeting your child’s needs and enabling then to achieve are our ultimate goals.

• The school possess a range of equipment and facilities (e.g writing slopes, coloured overlays, sensory circuit etc) to support pupils with SEND and the Assistant headteacher for Inclusion makes strategic decisions about the allocation of these resources based on the needs of pupils.
• Additional resources are procured as and when required.
• Where more specialist personalised equipment is required the school will liaise with the relevant external advisory services (e.g occupational therapy services) to seek advice on these. Parents will be involved in these discussions wherever possible.

• All school staff have high expectations for all learners. As a school we measure children’s progress in learning against national expectations and age related expectations.
• The class teacher will continually assess and monitor your child’s progress by looking for evidence within their work and identifying any difficulties that may then become a personal target.
• Notes will be kept around where they are improving and where further support is needed.
• As a school we track children’s progress from their entry in Nursery right through to Year 6. This is done using a variety of different methods, including Standardised Scores and age related expectations.
• Children who are not making expected progress are picked up through review meetings with their class teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team. In these meetings discussions take place around why an individual child may be experiencing difficulty and what further support could be given to aid their progress. If our child has been identified as having a Special Educational need, they have targets which are reviewed at least termly.
• When the child’s targets are reviewed, comments are made against each target to show the progress your child has made. If the child has not met the target, the reasons for this will be discussed, then targets may be adapted into smaller steps or a different approach may be tried to enable your child to make progress.
• If the school feels that they have tried all their interventions, they will then seek advice from outside agencies.
• We believe that your child’s education should be a partnership between parents and teachers; therefore we aim to keep communication channels open and communicate regularly, especially if your child has complex needs.
• School is always open for you to come in if you have a worry or concern about your child, or if you want to ask about provisions or next steps.
• If your child has an EHCP then an annual review will be held where the objectives will be discussed and recommendations made as to whether the EHCP is to be maintained, to be amended or to be ceased.

When a child’s targets are set, discussions will be held with you regarding ways in which you can support your child's learning at home. Targets are reviewed and set at least three times each year. However, remember our door is always open if you want to discuss your child’s progress and how you can help.

• Every effort is made to ensure that the opinions, thoughts and feelings of our pupils are an integral part of any plans made about their education.
• We are a school that values and celebrates each child being able to express their views on all aspects of school life. This is usually carried out through the School Council which has an open forum for any issues or viewpoints to be raised.
• Each child with a Special Educational Need will have a One Page Profile which is completed alongside the child, and updated termly. On this the child will be given the opportunity to express their views on their education and the support that they receive. Children who have an EHCP, have a more in-depth Communication Profile which links to the outcomes on their EHCPs.
• If your child has a Special Educational Need or an Education Health and Care Plan, their views will be sought before any review meetings.

• The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, along with the rest of the Senior Leadership Team, undertake regular monitoring of pupil progress and of the effectiveness of provision.
• The success of intervention programmes in school is monitored carefully to ensure they provide high quality outcomes.
• The individual opinions of pupils and parents regarding the effectiveness of support are sought to inform decisions about future provision.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

• Pupil safety is paramount.
• At the start of the day, children are met at the school gates by members of staff before entering the school building. However, if it believed best for the child, they are given the opportunity to enter through the main reception.
• At the end of the day, unless written parent/carer permission is given, each child is handed over to their parent/carer by a member of staff.
• For some children, a risk assessment is undertaken and reviewed regularly.
• If risks are identified at breaktimes or lunchtimes, extra adult support or the use of a separate area may be offered.

• We are an inclusive school; we welcome and celebrate diversity. All staff believe that high self-esteem and confidence are crucial to a child’s wellbeing. We have a caring, understanding team looking after your child, who will encourage them to become independent learners and to persevere when concepts become difficult. We strive to create an ethos where children are not afraid to try and are confident in their own abilities.
• We recognise that pupils with SEND can experience a range of social and emotional issues. As well as a whole school focus on social and emotional wellbeing through our PSHE teaching and My Happy Mind weekly sessions, we offer a range of interventions that can address specific issues as they arise. We use assessment tools to support us in tracking and monitoring pupil’s self-esteem and confidence (e.g Boxall Profile and Me and My Feelings).
• The class teacher has the overall responsibility for the pastoral, medical and social care of every child in their class; therefore, this would be your first point of contact. The class teacher liaises with the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion for further advice and support if required. This may involve working alongside outside agencies such as Health and Social Services, Behaviour Support Team, Autism Inclusion Team, Occupational Therapy etc.
• The school also has a Family Support Manager who works to support vulnerable children and their families. They can make links with outside agencies if required. We try to ensure that at least one of the Inclusion Team is available every morning as your children comes into school if there is something that you need to discuss. Parents can also make individual appointments, if required, by calling the school office.
• The school holds a clear position on bullying, and all pupils are taught to distinguish bullying from isolated acts of unkindness. There are a range of assemblies and whole school events linked to anti-bullying, and class teachers are vigilant in monitoring the children’s behaviour for indications of bullying. Where bullying is suspected, personalised support measures are put in place for both the victims and alleged perpetrators which take into account the needs of all pupils involved.

• Please refer to the policy on the school website regarding the administration and managing of medicines.
• Parents need to contact the school office if medication is recommended by health professionals to be taken during the school day. The class teacher will then be informed.
• All staff have regular training and updates around conditions and medication affecting children to enable them to manage medical situations. Every class has a box for inhalers and epipens, and this is regularly checked.
• Every child who has a significant medical need has a Health Care Plan, which is created with parents/carers detailing the procedure to be followed in the event of an emergency. All staff are made aware of any significant needs.
• Staff in school are experienced in supporting pupils become independent in their toileting and we would seek to support toilet training programmes in place at home. For those children who wear nappies, we request that parents provide us with the appropriate equipment as well as a spare change of clothes in case of accidents.
• Where children need to take extended periods of time off to attend medical appointments, parents are encouraged to discuss how best to support them with missed work with the class teacher in the first instance. Sometimes, it is appropriate to provide “catch up” work for them to complete at home. Wherever possible, the school will work flexibly to support pupils who miss work due to unavoidable medical appointments or through illness.

• As a school we have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a clear reward system that is followed by all staff and pupils (Good to be Green).
• Parents are informed immediately if there is a change of behaviour in a pupil that is a cause for concern. In turn, we encourage parents to inform us of anything that may have happened at home which may have an impact on a child’s behaviour.
• If a child has on-going behaviour difficulties an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) is written alongside the child and parents to identify the specific issues, put relevant support in place and set targets.
• If a child’s behaviour persists, the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion can arrange for Behaviour Support Services to observe your child and then give advice on strategies to help.
• After any behaviour incident, we expect the child to reflect on their behaviour with an adult. This helps to identify why the incident happened and what the child needs to do differently next time to change and improve their behaviour. This involves a restorative conversation.
• If extreme behaviours continue then a record will be opened of incidents and the consequences of their actions.
• An ABC chart can be started which will record the Antecedent [what happened before the incident], Behaviour [What happened], and the Consequences. This record will be discussed and evaluated to see if there is a pattern developing or if something is triggering extreme behaviours.
• If behaviour involves aggression towards adults or towards children, then suspensions can be issued or a part time timetable agreed.
• The attendance of every child is monitored on a daily basis by the Attendance Officer. Lateness and absences are recorded and reported to the Head Teacher. The Attendance Officer and/or the Deputy Headteacher hold meetings for parents of those pupils whose attendance is causing some concern to see if any support is required and look at possible actions.

• Termly PEP (Personal Education Plans) meetings are held for all children who are looked after by the Local Authority. These meetings are attended by Social Care, carers, the Designated Teacher and sometimes the child (depending on their age and level of understanding). In these meetings the child’s attainment and progress is discussed and ways in which their funding can be best used to support them.

Working together

Your child will be supported by their class teacher with support and guidance from the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Gemma Simpson.
You can contact Gemma Simpson on 01283 260157 or via email on gsimpson@riverview.staffs.sch.uk

• Information about SEND needs of pupils are noted on their One Page Profiles, and this document will signpost staff to more detailed documents where required.
• All class teachers and key workers involved with any child with an EHCP are given a copy of their EHCP, and there are regular opportunities to discuss the content of these at meetings with the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion.

• We, as a staff, use any training opportunities to ensure that we are able to meet the varying needs within our school. We share ideas and training with all members of our staff throughout the school so that knowledge can be used not just for one child but for other children with similar difficulties. The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion will lead training sessions for staff sharing their knowledge and expertise.
• All of our teachers and TAs have had training in delivering reading and spelling/phonics programmes.
• We have a member of staff who is ELSA trained.
• We have 2 TAs trained in delivering Playdough Therapy and Lego Therapy.
• We have 3 TAs trained in delivering the Educational Psychologist Reading Intervention.
• We have a member of staff who is trained in Draw Write Therapy.
• Class Teachers and TAs who support children with Autism have regular training sessions with Autism Inclusion Team to draw upon their knowledge and expertise.

• We regularly attend multi-agency meetings to discuss pupil’s needs and aim to ensure good communication with these groups in order to meet the need of pupils and their families.
As a school we work closely with all external agencies that we feel are relevant to your child’s needs:
GP, School Nurse, Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, CAMHS, Social Services including Local Support Teams and Social Workers, Autism Inclusion Team, Mental Health Support Team and Educational Psychologists.

The first point of contact would be your child's class teacher. They can be contacted via the main school office. The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion is also available to support you in matters relating to SEND.

Gemma Simpson is the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and can be contacted via school on 01283 260157 or via email at gsimpson@riverview.staffs.sch.uk

• The Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion reports to the Governors and Senior Leadership Team to inform them about the progress of children with Special Needs.
• There is a Special Needs Governor who is responsible for SEN and meets regularly with the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion. This is currently Mrs Gail Earp.
• The Governors agree priorities for spending within the Special Needs budget with the overall aim that all children receive the support they need in order to make progress.

• Every effort is made to ensure that the opinions, thoughts and feelings of our pupils are an integral part of any plans made about their education.
• We are a school that values and celebrates each child being able to express their views on all aspects of school life. This is usually carried out through the School Council which has an open forum for any issues or viewpoints to be raised.
• Each child with a Special Educational Need will have a One Page Profile which is completed alongside the child, and updated termly. On this the child will be given the opportunity to express their views on their education and the support that they receive.
• If your child has a Special Need or an Education Health and Care Plan, their views will be sought before any review meetings.

• Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the setting (e.g parents listening to readers).
• Parent governors sit on the governing body and when their term of office expires, details of how to stand are advertised on the school newsletter.

• We recognise that there can be a huge amount of paperwork as a parent of a child with SEND. The Inclusion Team, including the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, provides support to parents as required. This might be completing forms with parents or signposting them to agencies who can help further.

Inclusion and accessibility

• All children are included in all parts of the school curriculum and we aim for every child to be included on school trips. We will aim to provide the necessary support to ensure that this is successful.
• A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then alternative activities which will cover the same curriculum areas will be provided at school.

• The school site is wheelchair accessible with a disabled toilet large enough for changing. The majority of the school is on one level with easy access to fire exits.
• There are also two lifts in school for wheelchair access.

• The school makes every effort to provide reasonable adjustments to ensure that its facilities are accessible. Please see our Accessibility Plan on the school website.
• Pupils with SEND are supported to access the facilities available to their peers, for example by providing large print texts for those with visual impairments. Where required, the school seeks to make reasonable adjustments to the auditory and visual environment for those learners with sensory impairments.

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

• Where pupils and their families require communication through languages other than English, we seek to provide translation for key meetings and would discuss with those families their preferred means of communication.

Joining and moving on

Please contact the school office to arrange to meet the Head Teacher, the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Inclusion or our Family School Worker. They will willingly discuss how the school could meet your child’s needs and arrange a visit around our school.

Please contact the school office on 01283 260157 to arrange a visit.
We encourage the families of pupils with SEND to arrange a separate visit with the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion so that information which specifically relates to your child's requirements can be shared.

• We encourage all new children to visit the school prior to starting and have a series of ‘taster’ sessions for those starting in Nursery. For children with SEND, we would encourage further visits to assist with the acclimatisation of the new surroundings. We will also visit them in their current setting, or do a home visit, whichever is most appropriate.
• We liaise closely with staff when receiving and transferring children to different schools ensuring all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood.
• When children are preparing to leave us for a new school, typically to go to Secondary education, we arrange additional visits. All our feeder Secondary Schools run programmes specifically tailored to aid transition for the more vulnerable pupils.
• If your child has complex needs, then a transition meeting will be made during which we will invite staff from both schools to attend.

Additional information

Please use the below links for additional information.

Links to other support

Staffordshire SENDIASS

CYP Autism

The above information was updated on 1st June 2024.
The school information report is updated annually.

• As a school we encourage parents to address any worries or concerns promptly initially with the class teacher, and then if they are unable to help, with a member of the Senior leadership Team.
• However, if after discussing your concerns with these people, you remain unhappy with any aspect of the school’s performance our complaints procedure can be found on our school website.

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Fully wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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