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School SEN Details

Biddulph High School

Conway Road, Knypersley, ST8 7AR


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

• We will seek to identify a student’s needs at the earliest opportunity. Each student’s current skills and level of attainment will be assessed upon entry, building on information from the previous setting and key stages. Teachers will also make regular assessments of the progress of all students and identify those who need additional support or adjustments.
• If a student is not making expected progress, high quality teaching should be used to target any areas of weakness. If difficulties persist, relevant teaching staff together with the SENDCo should assess whether the student has SEN.
• Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow an ‘assess, plan, do and review’ model.
• An individual assessment of the student will be undertaken in order to make an accurate assessment of their needs. Parents will be contacted to discuss the support and the identification of action to improve outcomes.
• If review of the action taken indicates that “additional to and different from” support will be required, then the views of all involved including the parents and the student will be obtained and appropriate evidence-based interventions identified, recorded and implemented by the class/subject teacher with advice from the SENDCo.
• Parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEND support and their partnership sought in order to improve attainments.
• In some cases, assessment will be undertaken by the SEND team to identify needs and support. When considering whether a student has special educational need, any of the following indicators maybe evident:
? Early identification through transition work with middle schools
? Analysis of CATs, SATs and other assessment results
? Referral to the Learning Support Service – SENESS
? Little or no progress even when teaching approaches are targeted specifically at a student’s identified weakness
? Difficulty in developing literacy or mathematics skills which result in poor attainment in some curriculum areas
? Sensory or physical problems and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of specialist equipment
? Communication and / or interaction difficulties and continues to make little or no progress despite the provision of an appropriately differentiated curriculum
? Emotional, social or mental health difficulties which substantially and regularly interfere with the student’s own learning or that of the class despite having an individualised support or care plan
? SEND or physical needs that require additional specialist equipment or regular advice or visits by a specialist service or agency
? Communication and / or interaction difficulty that impedes the development of social relationships and causes a substantial barrier to learning.

• Should concerns be raised by parents/carers, the SENDCO will consult with teaching staff regarding the concerns and then follow the above process if necessary.

If you have concerns, then please firstly discuss these with your child’s teacher/subject teacher/progress tutor. This may result in a referral to the school SENDCo, Miss R Davies, who can be contacted at:

Biddulph High School, Conway Road, Knypersley, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST8 7AR

Tel: 01782 523977 or Email: office@biddulphhigh.co.uk

All parents will be listened to. Their views and their aspirations for their child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school.

The school website provides you with all the relevant school policies relating to provision offered to our students. Please visit https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/

Policies can be found using the below link:

SEND Policy and other related documents

School website

Policy link

Teaching, learning and support

• All teachers are teachers of SEND. Teachers are responsible for the progress and development of all the students in their class. High quality teaching is always the first step in responding to students who have SEND. Staff may include the following adaptations:
? Differentiating how students are taught, for example giving longer processing times, reading instructions aloud and pre teaching key vocabulary
? Adapting resources such as providing writing frames or scaffolding tasks
? Using recommended aids such as laptops, larger fonts or spell checkers.
• The quality of teaching is monitored regularly through a number of processes including:
? Classroom observations and learning walks by senior and middle leadership team and external verifiers.
? Work sampling
? Progress and attainment monitoring
? Behaviour and attendance monitoring
? Student and parent feedback
? Early career teachers monitored and supported
? Staff training.
• All students will have individual curriculum targets set in line with national outcomes to ensure ambition. These are discussed with parents at events such as parents’ evenings and tracked using the whole school tracking system. After each data drop student attainment is reviewed by the senior leadership team and departments, students who are not making the expected levels of progress are identified and action plans or interventions are put into place to support next steps.
• If additional learning support is required then staff will follow the graduated response model of ‘assess, plan, do and review’. If the student is still not making progress a referral to the SEND department will be made for further investigation. If a student is identified as having SEN parents will be informed and an individual plan created to support outcomes, again following the graduated response. Students on the SEN register will be allocated a key worker to support with their needs. Parents will be invited to three SEND consultation meetings throughout the academic year to review the student’s progress. If difficulties still persist, referrals will be made to external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of the individual with parental consent, these may include:
? School Nurse
? Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
? The SEND and Inclusion HUB
? Visual Impairment Team
? Autism Outreach Team
? Hearing Impairment Team
? Occupational Therapist
? CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
? Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
? Educational Psychologist.
• The school also has access to the following resources to support in meeting individuals more complex needs:
? ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
? Acorn centre (Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH))
? BHS HUB (Inclusion Centre)
? Intervention specialist staff
? Teaching and Learning Centre
• For individuals whose needs are complex and significant, a request for an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) may be submitted to support in meeting their needs with the additional support of the local authority.

• To deliver a broad and enriching curriculum through engaging and challenging lessons that provide a wide range of opportunities for all students to achieve their potential. Students will all be prepared to take their next steps in a diverse and ever changing future ready to make a positive contribution to society.
• We provide all students with the same opportunities to access a broad curriculum across both lower school and Sixth Form and allow students to choose their own options. Our Sixth Form offers a range of A Levels, BTEC pathways and a vocational work skills programme.
• To view our subject information and curriculum maps please use the following link: https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/our-curriculum/
• Teachers plan and differentiate lessons using information about the levels and needs of students. Staff will provide quality first teaching to meet the needs of their learners including scaffolding and chunking tasks, providing starter sentences or additional resources to aid learning such as coloured overlays, printed PowerPoints or key word prompts.
• Through a broad programme of extracurricular activities, students will have the opportunities to showcase their talents and experience new challenges. We value individuals and all that they can offer as well as supporting each other with kindness and empathy. Our extra curriculum programme is available to all, adaptations will be made to meet the needs of any learners wishing to join a programme.
• For a small number of students, Biddulph High School works with local Colleges to offer vocational courses. Currently we have students studying at both Stoke On Trent College and Reaseheath College. Both colleges offer a variety of vocational courses to suit the practical needs of some of our learners. The bespoke programmes are successful in providing individuals with a ‘hands on’ experience in a specific area of interest.
• In addition, we work with a number of local businesses to provide students with work experience opportunities throughout the academic year, helping individuals to develop work based practical skills.

• At Biddulph High School we promote inclusive provision through the use of the Hub. The HUB provides small group teaching for students who struggle to access mainstream education for various reasons. This allows them to continue to study Level 2 qualifications in GCSE English, Maths, Science in addition to their option subjects. Biddulph High School’s Hub also works with different alternative provision providers to enable students to access a variety of ASDAN short courses to suit the needs and interests of the individuals, for example: gardening and animal care.
• Biddulph High School’s Acorn Centre supports individuals with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEHM) through various interventions. Students will complete core subject work tailored to their needs in addition to developing social and emotional skills.
• Department reviews take place with the support of SLT and external verifiers to ensure the curriculum is varied and matches the intent and purpose.

Exam dispensation
• To support students within their exams the school has a qualified Level 7 Assessor to assess needs of individuals in order to provide tailored exam dispensation. Should staff have concerns over individuals they will be asked to refer to the SEND department with examples of work. Students may be offered the following exam dispensation:
? Rest breaks
? Extra time
? Screened area
? Enlarged paper
? Prompter
? Reader
? Scribe
? Smaller room
• In order to apply for dispensation, we must provide evidence of need, this also needs to be the student’s ‘normal’ way of working in order for the exam board to accept the request for dispensation.

• The SEN budget is allocated each financial year and is used to provide additional support or resources dependant on an individual’s needs, this may include:
? Staff training
? Brought in External support such as Outreach teams or Entrust or Together we make a difference
? Specialist resources e.g. Overlays, assessment software, laptops, reading pens
? In class support from Teaching Assistants
? Interventions, small group work for literacy and numeracy skills
? SEMH interventions
? Key Worker provision

? ELSA trained staff
? Specialist support e.g. 1-2-1 provision or intervention
? Teaching and Learning Centre
? Physio equipment
? Sensory equipment.
• In order to secure additional funding to meet the needs of learners we must firstly complete the graduated response and refer to the SEND and inclusion HUB with parental consent. The SEND and inclusion HUB allows us to access additional needs funding on a case by case basis.
• In order to obtain higher needs funding for more complex and challenging needs an educational needs assessment would need to be completed in order to access support from the local authority.

• The SEND budget spending is decided in consultation with the Headteacher and Governors on the basis of the needs within school.
• Decisions on the level of support provided to individual students will be made by the SENDCo based on the needs of individual learners. This may result in TA provision in lessons, key worker allocation, interventions to target specific areas of difficulty, Staff CPD, resources to support or liaison with teaching staff to support quality first teaching.
• For students with an Educational Health Care Plan, this decision will be made when the plan is produced or during an annual review.
• Parents are involved in our Graduated response model and be invited to SEND consultation review evenings to support in reviewing current provision and any next steps.

• The school has access to various equipment and resources to aid the learning of our students including access to technology and laptop use, reading pens, coloured overlays, intervention games and online learning facilities such as ED Shed.
• Specialist equipment such as physio balls, back supports or sensory tools are purchased on an individual basis with guidance from external agencies’ recommendations and guidance.
• Should your child require any specialist equipment we will seek out guidance and advise from agencies involved to assist in purchasing the relevant required resources where possible.
• Our partnership with other schools allows us to share practice and resources specific to individual’s needs.

• Progress and working at levels are assessed by both formal and informal assessments at various points throughout the academic year. Attainment and progress is shared with parents termly through the school reporting system. Parent evenings are scheduled throughout the year to allow feedback from individual staff to be obtained, this is done through a mixture of online and face to face meetings.
• In addition, students on the SEND register have an additional termly consultation evening with key workers to review current plans and passports. Each SEND learner is provided with a key worker who may communicate with you on a more frequent basis regarding your child’s progress or any concerns raised.
• Should additional concerns be raised staff will contact you directly to discuss this. If you have any concerns, please contact the office who will pass on the details to the relevant staff member to return your call.
• The progress of children with an Educational Health Care Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual review with all involved in the student’s education.
• To maintain regular contact, we use the ‘My Child At School’ app (MCAS) to communicate daily progress, where you are able to access real life behaviour events, see homework and keep up to date on what is happening within the school.
• As a school we are proud to celebrate and share what is happening within our school, we do this with the use of our school newsletter and our social media Facebook page, ‘Biddulph High School’.
• Should any parent have difficulty accessing the online platforms of communication, paper copies of information can be requested.

• Parents have access to My Child At School which provides parents with updates and will inform you of your child’s homework.
• The school website shares information on the curriculum and curriculum mapping to ensure you are aware of what topics your child is covering and when.
• When choosing options for KS4, parents are invited to an information evening to share information about the subject choices available to them.
• We also provide information evenings to support in preparing for exams and how to support your child and Sixth Form options open evening, to ensure you have all the information to support your child’s learning.
• The school will post any parental training opportunities on the social media platform Facebook page.

• Each term we hold a student panel SEND meeting to encourage individuals to express themselves and their views.
• Every child on the SEND register is allocated a key worker who will provide regular check ins and be their key point of contact in school should they have any questions or concerns. Each child will complete a student passport with their key worker which is reviewed annually to allow them to express their likes, dislikes and any suggestions they may have to support their learning. Students and parents are invited to our consultation evenings and SEND coffee mornings to support communication and reviewing current provision.
• If your child has an EHCP we will consult and collect their views before the annual review meetings take place.
• During department reviews, including the SEND department review, students with SEND are consulted on their education and given the opportunity to express any concerns or recommendations to improve.

• The effectiveness of provision is constantly being evaluated through weekly SEND meetings which may result in alterations to the timetable of support or additional interventions being set up. The department will work closely with both parents and external agencies to assess the effectiveness of the provision provided and seek support if needed.
• All students on the SEN register who receive additional support follow the ‘assess, plan, do and review’ model, at each termly review point the effectiveness of the provision is evaluated in consultation with both parent and student, this may lead to the provision adapting and changing to meet the change in need or for the individual to be removed from the SEN register if they have made enough progress.
• For students with an EHCP the effectiveness of the provision is reviewed during the annual review process.
• As a department we complete a SEND annual review to assess the effectiveness of the department through consultation with senior leadership, governors and other agencies/schools. This will involve reviewing provision and packages of support by using student voice, parental feedback and book reviews.
• After each parental consultation evening parents are asked to complete a questionnaire relating to their experiences with the SEN department.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

• During lesson changeover students walk to their next class unsupervised, unless otherwise stated as part of their package of support. School staff maintain corridor presence during lesson changeover and patrol staff are assigned throughout the day for additional support. The school has an extensive CCTV system allowing most areas of school to be viewed.
• For students who require supervision and support with movement around school, a member of the support team may escort them and a risk assessment will be completed if required.
• All social areas are staffed at both break and lunchtime. As the pastoral offices are close to the social areas, students can seek out support easily if required. The school does have a Library which students can access at social times should they want a quieter environment. For our more vulnerable learners, the Teaching and Learning Centre is available to use during these times.
• The school has a number of clubs that run both at lunch and after school that students can access.
• Any trip that takes place will have a risk assessment in place that is completed using Evolve, individual’s additional needs will be taken into account and parents consulted on the risk assessment to support students in accessing the trips.

• The school has a large Pastoral Support team to assist in meeting students’ individual and well-being needs.
• Students can access support from their progress tutor at the start of each day, their progress tutor will follow them through their school journey to support consistency and relationships. Each year group has both a Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year (non-teaching staff) and a Head of Lower School (pastoral lead) to support with the daily school life, safety and wellbeing. As a school we pride ourselves in the relationships we form and support we provide our students on a day to day basis.
• To support SEND students and their pastoral support, the SENDCo works closely with the pastoral team to ensure consistency and to ensure the relevant support is accessed at the right time.
• The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs E Moss and the Deputy Safeguarding Lead in Mrs S Evans, as a school we use ‘My Concern’ to allow staff to report any concerns in real time to ensure they are dealt with effectively.
• To further support the individual’s wellbeing, we have a school counsellor who works in school two days per week, we also have access to the Mental Health Support team and are able to refer to outside agencies if required for additional support. We also run a school Sixth Form Mentor programme and utilise a Buddy system for new starters to support transition if needed.
• Our PSHE programme aims to prepare our students for all aspects of life. This means learning about topics such as road safety, financial management and preparing for the world of work. We also value the teaching of healthy relationships, staying safe online, drugs awareness and respect, ensuring that all of our students are safe and make informed choices. All students access PSHE lessons for one hour per fortnight. Additional sessions may be included in our school enrichment days.
• To support the student voice, we have termly meetings as well as a school council system.
• For students who are struggling with their wellbeing we have a Teaching and Learning centre which is a staffed room to allow students to access some quiet time if needed. We also offer a range of interventions to support individuals and their needs including, anger management, self-esteem and confidence building and ELSA (Emotional literacy).
• For students who have complex or profound needs, our school Acorn Centre (SEMH base) can provide a 6-week programme of intense support to assist with meeting the social and emotional needs of our learners.
• Our school behaviour policy is very clear on bullying and expectations of all of our learners, we offer an open door policy to allow students to seek out support at any point, to raise awareness of bullying we incorporate this into our PSHE schedule and assemblies. You can find details of our bullying policy using the attached link:

• The academy wishes to ensure that students with medical conditions and specific medication needs receive appropriate care and support at the academy. We also aim to ensure that students with medical conditions are able to participate fully with all aspects of academy life.
• The academy will treat any medical information about a student as confidential and it will only be shared on a need to know basis to ensure that the student receives the most appropriate care and support during their time at the academy. Our supporting students with medical needs policy can be found using the following link https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/policies-gdpr/
• The academy will work with parents/carers and medical professionals to enable the best possible support for students. Parents are responsible for providing the academy with comprehensive information regarding the students condition and medication. Relevant staff will be made aware of the information provided.
• For each individual with long term or complex medications needs the academy will ensure that an Individual Health Care plan (IHCP) is drawn up outlining emergency procedures and medication needs.
• An IHCP (Individual Health Care Plan) may be initiated by a member of school staff, school nurse or other healthcare professional involved in providing care to the child and be set up with parental/carer and student (if applicable) input. This will be reviewed annually or sooner if parents inform us of any changes.

Medication administration in the academy
• Parents/carers are advised, in the Academy prospectus, that students who are unwell should not be sent to school. However, we recognise that many students need to attend school while taking prescribed medicines either because they are:
a) suffering from chronic illness or allergy
b) recovering from a short-term illness and are undergoing or completing a course of treatment using prescribed medicines.
• Where possible, it is preferable for medicines to be prescribed in frequencies that allow the student to take them outside of academy hours. If this is not possible the following will apply. Each item of medication must be delivered by the parent/carer, medication must be provided in a secure and labelled container as originally dispensed. Students will never be prevented from accessing their medication; however, medications will only be administered if it would be detrimental to the student not to do so. Staff members may refuse to administer medication; in this case the Headteacher will delegate the role. If a controlled drug is required to be administered this will be done so by a member of staff who is fully trained in its administration. Where possible to do so, students will be allowed to administer their own medication. Parents will be asked to confirm in writing if they wish their child to carry the medication with them in school.
• It is acknowledged that given the age range of the students at this school (13-19) many students may carry their own medication, without disclosing it to staff.
• The school has a number of staff who are first aid trained with procedures in place to support emergency procedures. Staff are trained annually on Epi pen use and asthma awareness.
• The school has access to the Teaching and Learning Room for students to use both during lessons and social times if required to provide a staffed quiet working environment if needed.
• The school has lift access and accessible toilets.

• The school behaviour policy can be found at https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/policies-gdpr/
• At Biddulph High School we insist on excellence in work and conduct to develop all students into polite, confident and resilient individuals. We believe that every student deserves a positive, disruption free environment where they are safe and can enjoy learning and we aim to deliver this through a warm-strict approach to behaviour management.
• The school has a clear ‘warn, move and remove’ policy to behaviour in order to support a positive working environment. Should behaviour concerns be raised, additional strategies may be implemented such as a school report or referrals to additional agencies if required. Progress tutors and Heads of Year will monitor both behaviour and attendance to allow plans to be put into place at the earliest opportunity
• The school will act promptly to meet with parents of individuals whose behaviours challenge, and put into place a pastoral package of support tailored to meet the needs of individuals. We can also refer to the SEND and Inclusion HUB for further guidance or access to additional support with parental consent.
'Reasonable adjustments will be made if necessary to support individuals behaviour in relation to our school policy where required
• In addition to support in preventing suspensions, the school has two internal alternative provision bases, The Hub and The Acorn centre, both offer short term packages of support to assist in preventing escalations in our behaviour policy and to support areas of need. The Acorn Centre is a Social, Emotional and Mental Health base to support individuals with attachment, trauma, emotional dysregulation etc. The Hub is our school behaviour unit to provide respite from the mainstream setting and prevent further sanctions.
• The academy uses VIP Education to support with attendance concerns raised, who can support parents and the school in putting the relevant strategies in place to support progress. Should attendance concerns persist, a referral will be made to the educational welfare team for further support and guidance. In more complex cases a referral may be made to the local authority for alternative provision should the child be unable to attend due to ongoing medical concerns.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour policy

• Each Looked after Child will be assigned a key worker in school who is available to support with any difficulties.
• Each term the school will hold a PEP (Personal Education Plan) meeting, with the child’s social worker, key worker and Designated Teacher. The student’s attainment and progress is discussed and appropriate smart targets are put into place to support next steps. The school can access Student Premium Plus money to support achieving these targets using a variety of interventions including Maths or English tuition or purchase of resources.
• For individuals with SEND we will also discuss their additional needs, targets may be used to support these areas of development. For students with an EHCP we will try to hold the PEP and annual review at the same point throughout the year to support all professionals being involved in both plans.

Working together

All Staff:

“All teachers are teachers of special needs”

• All staff need to be aware of the school’s SEND policy and the procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for students with SEND.
• Teaching staff must adhere to the relevant Teacher Standards with provision made for SEND students as follows:
? Know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable students to be taught effectively
? Have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit students’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these
? Demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support students’ education at different stages of development
? Have a clear understanding of the needs of all students, including those with special educational needs and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them
? Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on specialist advice and support
? Deploy support staff effectively. Teaching assistants and class teachers liaise regularly on planning, assessment and progress in order to contribute effectively to the graduated response (assess, plan, do, review).

• In collaboration with the SEND Governor, Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team the SENDCo determines the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision with the ultimate aim of raising the achievement of students with SEND.
• The SENDCo takes day-to-day responsibility for the implementation of the SEND policy and with support from Teaching Assistants co-ordinates the provision for individual students, working closely with staff, parents/carers, students and external agencies. The SENDCo provides relevant professional guidance to colleagues with the aim of securing high quality teaching for students with SEND.
• The principle responsibilities of the SENDCo include:
? Overseeing the day to day implementation of the SEND policy
? Co-ordinating provision for SEND students and reporting on their progress
? Advising on the graduated approach to providing SEND support – Assess, Plan, Do, Review
? Advising on the deployment of the school’s delegated SEND budget and other resources to meet students’ needs effectively
? Planning, monitoring and evaluating SEND training for staff
? Overseeing the records of all SEND students and ensuring they are maintained accurately and are kept up to date
? Liaising with parents/carers of SEND students

? Being the main point of contact for external support services and agencies.
? Being the main point of contact for the Local Authority with regard to SEND provision and students with EHC Plans
? Liaising with other schools, FE providers and training providers to ensure transitions for SEND students are planned well and implemented effectively
? Monitoring and evaluating the impact of interventions provided for students with SEND
? Providing relevant information on the individual needs of SEND students to ensure that teachers can plan appropriate in class support for mainstream provision
? To lead on the strategic development of high quality SEND provision as an integral part of the school development plan
? Ensuring that the school meets its statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements.

Teaching Assistants:
• The school employs a team of Teaching Assistants with a range of qualifications, skills and experiences. Teaching Assistants may provide support using the following strategies:
? support to students in class and during the day to facilitate and maximize inclusion on the life of the school
? Track and monitor tailored intervention and the impact
? coordinate literacy, numeracy and social skills and feed back to class teacher, Head of Curriculum Area and SENDCo where appropriate
? provide support / clubs / activities to promote participation and independence. These include pre-school, lunchtime and after school support sessions
? Liaise with parents/carers through student planners, telephone communication an emails
? Work with teachers and students to set targets and review targets termly through student passports
? Differentiate teaching and learning activities where appropriate
? Support students in examinations with Access Arrangements
? Attend or contribute to Annual Reviews and other meetings
? Provide support to students throughout the day and support organization for the day in form time
? Provide support to specific departments in school when requested
? Work collaboratively with the Speech and Language Therapist and Educational Psychologist to deliver specific support to students.

• We use a Student Need spreadsheet to provide all relevant information to staff, this is a working document so is updated on a regular basis to reflect any changes that may occur. The spreadsheet has links to an individual’s plans or strategies of support. The school uses Bromcom which will also display a student’s SEND status ensuring that staff have up to date and relevant information.
• As a school we provide regular updates to our staff via email or during pastoral briefings. Updates and training on areas of need are also included in our Inset day or CPD evenings.

• Both SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo hold or are working towards the NASENCO and have completed the NPQML qualification. They both have Level 2 Safeguarding Lead training.
• We have a level 7 trained CPT3A staff who is able to assess students for all access Arrangements to support exam arrangements
• Our SEN team have a variety of expertise and have completed training in the following course although not limited to:
? Dyscalculia Level 2
? Autism Awareness Level 2
? Emotion Coaching Level 2
? Attachment and Trauma Training
? Physio Training
? Exam dispensation
? Rapid Reader programme
? Mental Health First aiders.
• We are an accredited ELSA setting with a designated ELSA and another ELSA in training, (emotional literacy support assistant).
• Our school intervention Lead has completed a number of additional training opportunities to support the individuals they work and will continue to do so on a need basis.
• All staff complete training on Epi pen and have a CPD programme in place (not limited to but including) to support Quality First teaching, supporting learners with SEN, Tourette’s awareness and trauma informed practices.
• Our setting is in the process of setting up a Social and Emotional support base (The Acorn Centre) due to open in September 2022, staff who work in the provision will be working towards additional qualifications to support the needs of the learners through excellent practice and by providing provision such as Art therapy, confidence and self-esteem workshops and anger management etc.
• The school seeks advice from SENSS specialist teachers, the SEND and Inclusion Hub and other specialists to support the success and progress of individuals and will adapt CPD programmes as and when needed to support staff knowledge when required.

• There are a number of agencies we work with, including:
? Educational Psychology Services
? Occupational Health
? SEND and inclusion Hub
? Together We Make a Difference
? Behaviour Support
? Autism Outreach
? Educational Welfare Service
? Mental Health in Schools Team
? Hearing and Visual Impairment Team
? Dyslexia Association for Staffordshire
? EP Literacy Programme Coordinators
? ELSA Association

• If you have any worries or concerns then please discuss this firstly with your child’s teacher, progress tutor or Head of Year, this may result in a referral to the SENDCo, Miss Davies or Assistant SENDCo Mrs Jones.
• If you wish to contact the SEND team directly regarding your concerns, please do so via the school office, we will aim to return all call back requests within 48 hours where possible.

• The school SENDCo is Miss R Davies and the assistant SENDCo is Mrs G Jones. You can contact the school office on 01782 523977 or emai: office@biddulphhigh.co.uk
• Information and call back requests will be passed onto the relevant staff who will aim to respond or return your call within 48 hours.

• The role of a Link Governor is to maintain specific oversight of a particular aspect of the work of the Academy as an institution within the Potteries Educational Trust. It is the responsibility of a Link Governor to familiarise themselves with their area(s), provide support to the staff involved and provide a link between the governing body and the subject or departmental area(s) they cover. The importance of those links is recognised by the Local Governing Body and the Academy. The academy has the following Link governors:

? Link for Leadership & Management
? Link for Sixth Form
? Link for Curriculum
? Link for Teaching & Learning,
? Link for Business
? Link for Safeguarding and Disadvantaged Learners
? Link for Careers
? Link for SEND

• The SEND link governor should meet with the SEND Coordinator on a regular basis to:
? Understand what reasonable adjustments the academy is making to ensure that disabled children and young people are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with other students
? Check what information the academy publishes to describe arrangements for the admission of disabled students, the steps taken to prevent disabled students from being treated less favourably than others, the facilities provided to assist access for disabled students, and academy accessibility plans
? Ensure that the academy is taking all necessary steps to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and encourage good relationships between disabled and non-disabled students
? Understand how students with SEND engage as fully as possible in the activities of the academy alongside other students.

• Student Voice is an important aspect to our academy, we have scheduled student panel meetings each term to provide opportunities for feedback and any concerns or suggestions to be made.
• The academy also runs a school council system to allow opportunities to discuss changes and provide feedback, all students have the opportunity to sign up to be a member of the school council.
• We have a large pastoral team who offer an open door policy to allow students to seek out support as and when needed. Students are also involved in department reviews and provided opportunities to provide feedback and recommendations.
• Every child on the SEND register is allocated a key worker, an adult in school who students can go to if they have any worries or concerns, the key worker will review the student’s passport with them annually to consider their strengths and any areas of development. Individuals are also invited to join our SEND consultation evenings and involved in the review of their plans.
• For students with an EHCP, their views are collected both before and during the annual review. We encourage participation on students in all meetings regarding their needs and attainment.

• Should any governor vacancy become available it will be advertised via our school newsletter, website and social media page.
• Parents are encouraged to support our setting through scheduled events such as Christmas Fayres or to attend our musical and drama performances.
• Parents are kept up to date with what is going on in the school via the My Child At School app and social media.

• Parents can access advice and support from progress tutors, the pastoral Team and SENDco who will be able to support you in completing paperwork if required. In addition, the school can provide information and guidance on signposting to relevant agencies to assist you with your area of need if required.

Inclusion and accessibility

• All students have access to activities outside the classroom including school trips where appropriate. Parents are informed of activities and school trip(s) via letter and are individually contacted where further discussion or planning is required with the relevant member(s) of staff.
• Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in all school activities.
• The school has a large extra-curricular programme consisting of a range of physical, intellectual and fun activities which are open to all students, adaptations will be made to support accessibility where required. Extra-curricular clubs take place both before and after school dependant on the activity.
• Some activities include:
Duke of Edinburgh
Chess Club
Homework club
Games club
Our co-curricular clubs can be found on the school website using the following link, https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/co-curricular-clubs/

The building is fully wheelchair accessible with two lifts in school to support reception entrance and accessing the top floor, pupils who require lift access are provided with access to the lift key.
The school has disabled changing facilities available and has 4 disabled toilets providing toileting access in different parts of the school.
The school has parking available on the carpark for pick up and drop off and has disabled parking available

Improving the physical environment of the school.
• We have continued to make improvements installing lifts and ramps, lowering curbs and ensuring that designated parking is clearly marked.
• We cater for disabilities in our transport arrangements including sports / PE coaches / school minibus bookings.
• We support students with mobility difficulties by special arrangements e.g. being allowed to leave lessons 5 minutes early.
• All rooms have clear Health and Safety signage i.e., First Aiders, Fire Evacuation notices and emergency procedures
• We suggest and are able to provide alternative activities for disabled students who cannot engage in particular activities.
• We provide ICT facilities for disabled students which reflect and support our current population and are regularly reviewed and upgraded in the light of changed circumstances or new intake.
• School visits take into account students with disabilities. Visits are planned for in advance, an assessment is undertaken and an action plan produced. We aim to ensure that all students will have the opportunity to participate in school visits irrespective of attainment or impairment.
• We ensure staff have the necessary training to teach and support students with disabilities, and regularly assess training requirements for new staff or with regards to new need.
• We plan lessons responsive to student diversity. Projects and lessons that educate the whole community of disability, e.g. PSHE
• We provide specific classrooms for students with Learning Needs.
• We review our emergency evacuation policy to ensure that physically disabled or immobile individuals are fully considered.
• We will ensure that any new build / major upgrade will incorporate full access arrangements for disabled people, including suitable furniture (adjustable) and fittings (e.g. non slip flooring).

Our accessibility plan can be found using, https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Accessibility-Plan-September-2021.pdf

Link to accessibility plan

accessibility plan

We will always adapt out communication as and when necessary to meet the needs of our learners, we have a number of children who need visual aids to support or voice recognition software to support clear communication.
Where English is a second language we utilise technology to support learners with their understanding including the use of ipads with translation apps.

Joining and moving on

To view our school prospectus please use the school website link, https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/admissions/
To apply for a school place use, https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Admissions-secondary/Apply/Overview.aspx
To apply for an in year admissions place please use, https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Admissions-primary/In-year/In-year-school-admissions.aspx

Our admissions policy can be found, https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/?smd_process_download=1&download_id=1880

Links to information

admissions policy

We offer open evenings for new intake groups to allow parents the opportunity to look around the school, find out more about the school and meet staff.
We are happy to provide visits to our setting, to find out more please contact the school office on 01782 523977

Joining us
Intensive transition support is provided across all key stages throughout the year including regular liaison with middle schools. A number of strategies are in place to enable effective student’s transition. Calendared support also includes (this list is not exhaustive):
? Taster day programme in the summer term
? New intake day and evening and A-Z transition day
? Visits and workshops at the middle schools
? Coffee mornings for parents
? A planned programme of visits is provided in the summer term for students starting in September. If the student needs more support for transitioning to Biddulph High School, we will endeavour to put into place a transition provision which is tailored to meet the individual need
? The SENDCo or Head of Year will liaise with parents of students who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be reached prior to entry.
? All record related to pupils will be passed on from the previous school to us before The new September intake

Leaving us
Should your child move to a different setting we will communicate with the school to support transition and pass on all information and records within five days of the parent notifying us their child has been enrolled at another school.

The school has a full time careers advisor who works with all pupils to support with next steps, pupils with EHCPs and other disadvantaged learners will also receive careers meetings with Entrust (external careers advisor). We support all of our pupils with applications and preparing for next steps through our enrichment programme and pastoral support.
Our Work skills programme in the academy sixth form further supports next steps and supports in developing life skills, further information on this programme can be found on our website.

Additional information

For further information, support and guidance the Staffordshire SENDIASS team is available to contact, please follow the link to their website for more information, https://www.staffs-iass.org/home.aspx
Staffordshire’s SEND Local Offer can be found at www.staffordshireconnects.info
Staffordshire County Council Special educational needs, https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/SpecialEducationalNeeds/Home.aspx

Updated September 2022
To be reviewed September 2023

Parents have opportunities to feedback on the setting through parental questionnaires including OFSTED feedback requests during visit periods.
If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs or are unhappy about something regarding your child’s schooling, please contact your child’s progress tutor or Head of Year through the school office. If they cannot provide you with the information you require they will pass this onto the relevant staff member to discuss with you further.
If the concern is related to the SEND needs of your child, please contact the SENDCo through the school office
For complaints about SEND that have not been satisfactorily resolved by the SENDCo please contact the Head teacher or SEND governor link via the school office.

Information regarding our complaints policy can be found, https://biddulphhigh.co.uk/?smd_process_download=1&download_id=1894

Link to complaints policy

Complaints policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Resource for social, emotional and mental health

Other setting facilities

  • Fully wheelchair accessible
School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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