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School SEN Details

The Weston Road Academy

Blackheath Lane, Stafford, ST18 0YG


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

The SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and Transition Manager will liaise with primary schools, parents, pupils and relevant agencies during the year 6 transition process. The SENDCo is also invited to any Education, Health and Care Plan Annual Reviews from year 5 onwards. Information is gathered and shared with teaching staff, teaching assistants and key pastoral staff. Those pupils who require extra support may be invited to attend early transition sessions and all year 6 pupils will attend a full day transition event in the summer term. Upon entry, we will assess each pupil’s current skills and levels of attainment, which will build on information from previous settings. We also collate data from the KS2 SATs and class teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all pupils.

All pupils at The Weston Road Academy are provided with a broad, balanced curriculum with high quality teaching that is tailored and scaffolded to meet the diverse needs of all learners. High quality teaching is monitored and ensured through: formal classroom observations; learning walks; work sampling; work scrutiny of exercise books; moderation of assessments and examinations; teacher meetings with SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo; SEND department meetings; progress tracking.

Pupils who are failing to make expected levels of progress are identified and their progress is discussed in meetings with the Pastoral Leader and a member of the SEND team. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean that a pupil is recorded as having SEND.

We know when pupils need help if:

• Concerns are raised by the pupil, parents/carers, and teachers at The Weston Road Academy or by the primary school.
• Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress despite appropriate scaffolding, personalised tailored work and interventions.
• Results from standardised testing, carried out by our qualified assessor, for reading and spelling indicate the pupil is working below the expected level.
• The pupil receives a diagnosis from an outside agency.
• Observations of the pupil indicate that they have an additional need in one of the four areas:

1. Communication and Interaction
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Social, Mental and Emotional Health
4. Sensory/Physical.

All pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” to facilitate their access to the curriculum.

Initially pupils may be placed on the SEND register under a monitoring code (M), where appropriate interventions and provisions can be put in place and monitored for their effectiveness. If it is then deemed necessary to provide support which is additional to and different from the core curriculum, the pupil will be placed on the SEND register under SEND support (K). Pupils with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are automatically placed on the SEND register as code E.

The Weston Road Academy’s Strategic Overview of SEND is shared with all staff at the start of each academic school year and is updated throughout the year. All pupils on the strategic overview of SEND will have a Pupil Passport, created in consultation with the pupil and their parent/carer. These Pupil Passports are shared with all staff and have clear information and strategies to be implemented to improve outcomes for the pupil. Any changes to these passports are communicated to staff through weekly updates and through our ‘pupil of the week’ process. All pupils with SEND have an assigned member of staff responsible for monitoring their passport and reviewing it regularly (at least termly). The document is available through our electronic class charts system.

Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow a graduated a response model: Assess, Plan, Do, Review.

Assess: The academy will assess the pupil’s individual needs by drawing on the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil, their previous progress and attainment, and information from the academy’s core approach to pupil progress, attainment and behaviour. It will also draw on the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data, the views and experience of parents, the pupil’s own views and, if relevant, advice from external support services and agencies.

Plan: Parents/carers will be invited to a meeting to plan the support and intervention. The pupil will receive a passport and all teachers and relevant staff who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs and support required.

Do: The subject teacher will remain responsible for working with the pupil to implement (do) the plan on a daily basis. Where interventions involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the subject teacher, they will still retain responsibility for the pupil. The SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo will support the subject teacher in the further assessment of the child’s particular strengths and weaknesses, advising on the effective implementation of support.

Review: There will be a review of the support’s impact on the pupil’s progress. The impact and quality of the support will be evaluated, along with the views of the pupil and their parents. The subject teacher, working with the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo, will revise the support in light of the pupil’s progress and development and decide on any changes to the support and outcomes in consultation with the parent and pupil.

If progress rates are deemed to be inadequate, despite high quality support and interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding further strategies. This will only be undertaken with the permission of the parents/carers and may include contact with:

Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENDSS)
Autism Inclusion Team
Hearing Impairment Team
Visual Impairment Team
Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
Educational Psychologist Service
CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Workers
Family Support Service
Action for Children
The Virtual School for Looked After Children
School Nurse
SEND & Inclusion Hub
Social Services

A small percentage of pupils may have significant and complex needs such that require provision that cannot reasonably be provided from within the academy’s own resources. In these cases, a request can be made to the Local Authority to carry out an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in the production an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

For pupils who fail to make expected levels of progress, despite SEND support, the academy or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.

If you wish to raise a concern with regards to your child or young person, please consider the guidance below:

• If the concern is subject-related, contact the Subject Teacher or Subject Leader.
• If the concern is related to social aspects of school, the first contact should be with your child’s Form Tutor, who may then refer to the Pastoral Leader.
• If the concern is regarding SEND or Examination Access Arrangements, contact Mr J Hackett (SENDCo) or Mr Alex Piercy (Assistant SENDCo) whose contact details are: jhackett@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk. apiercy@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk.

Should you require a meeting with the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo, please consider the following prior to the meeting:

• Bring any medical paperwork which may be appropriate.
• Points which you may want to consider before meeting with the SENDCo:
• Why you think your child has SEND
• What the academy can do to help
• What you can do to help

All Weston Road Academy Policies can be found at:


SEND Policy and other related documents


Teaching, learning and support

All teachers are teachers of special educational needs. The SEND Code of Practice is followed and all teachers receive training in the SEND Code of Practice. The academy recognises that it is the teachers’ responsibility to meet the needs of all pupils in their class through high quality teaching, classroom organisation, seating arrangements, carefully planned lessons, a range of teaching styles, teaching materials and appropriate scaffolding.

In addition, The Weston Road Academy promotes the recommendations made by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in their support and teaching of pupils with SEND and guidance from the Staffordshire Graduated Response Toolbox. See links below:



The Weston Road Academy has a large, dedicated team of qualified teaching assistants, including higher level teaching assistants, learning mentors, Assistant SENDCo and SENDCo. We have a school counsellor who is able to offer support for pupils in school. The team provide support both in the classroom and out of classroom in 1:1 and small groups. We have specialised hubs in English, Maths and Science, where pupils can receive personalised targeted support. We also have a Sensory Hub, which provides support for pupils with a communication and interaction need (such as ASC). The team have received a range of training, have excellent subject knowledge and provide outstanding levels of support for academic learning and emotional support. All pupils with SEND have a link TA whom they meet regularly with and who provides close support for the pupil and their family.

A wide range of interventions are provided for all areas of SEND and may involve bespoke packages or a programme developed and personalised specifically for a pupil or group of pupils. Current interventions include Toe by Toe, Power of 2 and Twinkle. Social skills/behaviour interventions may include for example: The Incredible 5 Point Scale, Social Stories, The Unworry book, Positivity diary, Counselling and wellbeing support from qualified practitioners. Advice and strategies are also sought from external agencies such as The Autism Inclusion Team and our Educational Psychologist.

Additional support may be offered for homework in the form of personalised homework sessions, along with lunchtime and after school homework club. We provide targeted support for self-esteem, confidence and resilience through our ASDAN Sport programme, delivered by The Right Stuff Boxing team. We also offer break and lunch time support, a quiet room, meet and greet in the morning, time out and alternative tutor arrangements for those pupils who need additional support with the transition from home to school.

We provide information for parents through: newsletters, information on the website, information evenings; parents’ evenings; text message service and letters home.

Pupil progress is shared each term with parents/carers through reports on attainment and attitude to learning. Parents/carers can view the curriculum overview and learning journey for each subject on the academy website and have access to homework tasks on Show My Homework. Parents/carers can arrange an appointment to discuss progress with their child’s Pastoral Leader, Subject Leader or SENDCo. There is one parent consultation evening held each academic year.

We welcome parents/carers to support us by encouraging their child to fully engage with their learning and any interventions offered by: helping them to be organised for their day (including wearing the right uniform, bringing required equipment and books;) ensuring full attendance and excellent punctuality; checking that they have completed their home learning, using Show My Homework; attending parents’ evenings and review meetings. We will make our best endeavours to take their views, and those of their child, into account.

All pupils with an EHCP will meet at least once a year with the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo to review progress and provision and complete the formal annual review paperwork. This is then submitted to the Local Authority with recommendations as to whether the plan should be maintained, changed or ceased.

Where a pupil is failing to meet expected levels of progress, interventions may be put into place and the outcomes of these monitored at termly meetings, in meetings with the Pastoral Leader and with the SEND team.

Where it is decided that action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow a graduated a response model: Assess, Plan, Do, Review.

Assess: The academy will assess the pupil’s individual needs by drawing on the teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil, their previous progress and attainment, and information from the academy’s core approach to pupil progress, attainment and behaviour. It will also draw on the pupil’s development in comparison to their peers and national data, the views and experience of parents, the pupil’s own views and, if relevant, advice from external support services and agencies.

Plan: Parents/carers will be invited to a meeting to plan the support and intervention. The pupil will receive a passport and all teachers and relevant staff who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs and support required.

Do: The subject teacher will remain responsible for working with the pupil to implement (do) the plan on a daily basis. Where interventions involve group or one-to-one teaching away from the subject teacher, they will still retain responsibility for the pupil. The SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo will support the subject teacher in the further assessment of the pupil’s particular strengths and weaknesses, advising on the effective implementation of support.

Review: There will be a review of the support’s impact on the pupil’s progress. The impact and quality of the support will be evaluated, along with the views of the pupil and their parent/carer. The subject teacher, working with the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo, will revise the support in light of the pupil’s progress and development and decide on any changes to the support and outcomes in consultation with the parent/carer and pupil.

If progress rates are deemed to be inadequate, despite high quality support and interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding further strategies. This will only be undertaken with the permission of the parents/carers and may include contact with:

Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENDSS)
Autism Inclusion Team
Hearing Impairment Team
Visual Impairment Team
Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
Educational Psychologist Service
CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Workers
Family Support Service
Action for Children
The Virtual School for Looked After Children
School Nurse
SEN & Inclusion Hub
Social Services

A small percentage of pupils may have significant and complex needs such that require provision that cannot reasonably be provided from within the academy’s own resources. In these cases, a request can be made to the Local Authority to carry out an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in the production an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

For pupils who fail to make expected levels of progress, despite SEND support, the academy or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.

All pupils at The Weston Road Academy are provided with a broad, balanced curriculum with high quality teaching that is tailored and scaffolded to meet the diverse needs of all learners. High quality teaching is monitored and ensured through: formal classroom observations; learning walks; work sampling; work scrutiny of exercise books; moderation of assessments and examinations; teacher meetings with SENDCo; SEND department meetings; progress tracking.

Teaching staff and Teaching Assistants use a range of methods to support the learning needs of all pupils including: modelling; scaffolding; questioning; sentence starters; storyboarding; chunking information; use of writing frames; guided reading; mind mapping; use of ICT e.g. laptops and reader pens.

Staffing and resources are adapted to accommodate the needs of pupils.

Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” to facilitate their access to the curriculum. The school may provide specialised equipment to support pupils in the classroom, for example: coloured overlays, larger font size, laptops, reader pens, reading rulers, pen grips and exercise books with coloured paper.

Pupils may be assessed for Examination Access Arrangements in school by our own qualified assessor and this information is shared with staff on a weekly basis through the SEND update. Examples of these arrangements include extra time for processing or reading, access to a human reader or reader pen, access to a word processor, rest breaks, a scribe or a prompter.

External agencies are invited to work closely with our pupils with special educational needs. We work with a range of agencies including for example: The Stafford SEND & Inclusion Hub; the Educational Psychology Service; The Autism Inclusion Team; The Hearing Impairment Team; Family Support Workers; Occupation Therapy and Physiotherapy services.

The Curriculum is continually monitored by the Leadership Team to ensure that it meets the needs of all pupils. The curriculum overview can be viewed on the school website. The curriculum is personalised to accommodate the needs of those pupils with more complex needs e.g.: 1:1 Physiotherapy; 1:1 tuition; small group support; counselling. PE lessons are also adapted appropriately for those pupils with a physical disability.

Where a pupil is failing to meet expected levels of progress, interventions are put into place and the outcomes of these monitored at data points and in our termly SEND & Inclusion meetings with key pastoral staff.

Some pupils may be invited to attend a SEND support club which runs on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night until 4.15 pm. Pupils who attend the SEND after school support club have access to teacher assistant support.

Some pupils may require a more personalised curriculum dependent on ability and need and a reduced curriculum may be required for a short period of time to allow a pupil to settle.

From year 9, selected pupils are given the opportunity to engage in The Princes Trust qualification in Personal Development and Employability Skills, delivered by The Youth Net. The qualification recognises a breadth of personal skills, qualities and attitudes required by employers across a range of sectors. The programme has been developed with the aim of progressing learners into further education and/or employment and is a more informal approach to education where evidence is gathered through a portfolio, which documents their progress and their learning.

A very small number of pupils, who are currently unable to manage the school environment due to their complex needs, may have access to alternate provision such as Chase Aqua, Eagles Nest, Equality Training, Edutherapy, SAAAB (Safeguarding against Ani-Social Behaviour through Sport). A referral to the SEND & Inclusion Hub is required for pupils to access these provisions and their engagement and progress is monitored regularly through reports and visits to the provision. The Accessibility Plan, Examination Access Arrangement Policy and Equality Policy are all available on the school website.


The Notional SEND Budget is used to ensure all pupils on the SEND register, or those that are undergoing a period of monitoring, receive the support that they need. This money is not allocated to individual pupils and is used to fund the cost of teaching assistants, interventions and the purchase of resources. Pupils with an EHCP receive support as specified in their individual plans.

At The Weston Road Academy, we aim to support all the pupils in our care and a diagnosis, label or identified special educational need is not required for pupils to access support in the form of reasonable adjustments.

The SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo work with the pupils, their parent/carer, the keyworker, teachers, the pastoral team, teaching assistants and external agencies to develop an individual support package for the pupil. This is supported by classroom observations, book scrutiny, assessments, evidence from classwork and formal standardised testing. Regular reviews, discussions and meetings take place to keep the parent/carer informed of progress.

The SEND notional budget is used as well as top up funding allocated to pupils with EHCPs to purchase equipment such as reader pens, word processors, coloured reading rulers/overlays, coloured exercise books, mini whiteboards, software etc.

The subject teacher will work with the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo and his team to carry out an assessment of the pupil’s needs. This will draw on:
• The teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
• Standardised assessments
• Their previous progress and attainment and behaviour
• The individual’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
• The views and experience of parents
• The pupil’s own views
• Advice from external support services, if relevant

We will follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review. The Weston Road Academy has an open-door policy and meetings are held with parents/carers as frequently as needed. Information is shared by phone calls, TEAMS meetings or face to face meetings in school. The Passport is sent home to parents/carers each time it is amended for their input.

At The Weston Road Academy, we encourage our parents/carers to be actively involved in the education of their child. It has been shown that where school, parents and pupils work together in partnership, the outcomes are positive. Parents/carers receive notification of the rewards and sanctions via our class charts app and we ask that you talk to your child about these, celebrating the successes and discussing the challenges. We encourage parents to support our homework policy and to support organisation of books and equipment to help their child become an independent young person.

We welcome parents to support us by encouraging your child to fully engage with their learning and any interventions offered by: helping your child to be organised for their day (including wearing the right uniform, bringing required equipment and books;) ensuring full attendance and excellent punctuality; checking that they have completed their home learning using Show My Homework; attending parents’ evenings and review meetings. We will make our best endeavours to take your views, and those of your child, into account.

Reading and talking about a text alongside you child has huge benefits, as can watching and talking about current affairs together. For more specific advice parents are advised to speak to the teachers.

Each child’s Pupil Passport is co-produced with the parent, child and assigned staff member and is reviewed at least termly. Parents’ and pupil views will be sought and recorded on the passport.

All pupils with an Education, Health Care Plan will meet formally at least once a year with the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo to review progress towards the outcomes on the EHC plan. This will then be reported to the Local Authority where a decision will be made regarding the updating of the plan.

Pupils meet regularly with their assigned staff member and their views are recorded on the passport. All pupils are encouraged to attend parent evenings, passport review meetings and EHCP annual review meetings.

All pupils, including those with SEND, are assessed on a regular basis in accordance with the Academy’s Assessment Policy and assessments take place regularly for all pupils. Teachers monitor progress throughout the year. Pupil progress is shared each term with parents/carers through reports on attainment and attitude to learning. Each pupil’s progress is monitored in comparison to their peers and against national data.

Upon receiving your child’s report, you may wish to discuss your child’s progress further with the Pastoral Leader. There is one parent consultation evening held each academic year for all year groups. Other meetings can be arranged on an individual basis with the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo and/or Pastoral Leader.

Pupil and parent voice are captured at regular intervals.

External agents involved with the young person may provide regular reports which are sent out to parents/carers.

The academy follows the graduated approach and the four part cycle: assess, plan, do, review.

Contact is made at least termly to discuss progress and amend targets on the Pupil Passports.

Annual reviews are held for all pupils with an EHCP.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

The SEND department offer a range of break and lunch time support in a suite of rooms where a range of activities are on offer including homework support and an opportunity to socialise and eat with peers in a calm environment.

A range of rooms are available for pupils to use in school to access different clubs e.g. Languages club, sports club, ASDAN Boxing club during unstructured times of the day.

Pupils may require their assigned Teaching Assistant or Pastoral Leader to meet and greet them each morning.

Pupils may require alternative tutor time arrangements to help them with the transition from home to school.

Pupils may require alternative changing arrangements for PE and they will be supported appropriately by their assigned Teaching Assistant.

Staff, including teaching assistants and learning mentors, accompany pupils on a range of school trips.

Pupils may require early movement between lessons to avoid crowded corridors and staff will be aware of these pupils through their pupil passport. Similarly, some pupils with additional needs may require teaching assistant support to access the second floor and to be accompanied in the school lift.

Where appropriate, risk assessments are carried out to ensure the safety of the pupils in our care.

Pastoral support is delivered across the Academy through a graduated response involving the Form Tutor, Pastoral Leaders, Learning Mentors, Counsellors, Wellbeing Support Officer, Inclusion Officer and the Safeguarding team to support the wellbeing of pupils at The Weston Road Academy.

The Pastoral team meet each week to discuss pupil wellbeing and there is a SEND & Inclusion Hub meeting every term, where a more comprehensive overview of pastoral & SEND support is discussed.

Pastoral Leaders visit their tutor groups regularly to discuss issues which arise each morning.

There is a qualified counsellor employed by the academy to deliver targeted and bespoke support to our pupils.

Intervention support takes place through activities such as Mindfulness group, SEND rooms during unstructured times, ASDAN sessions for self-esteem, resilience and anger management, managing stress and anxiety, lunch time clubs, meet and greet during the morning, assigned Teaching Assistant and Learning Mentor meeting time, alternative tutor arrangements, and buddy support.

External agencies such as the Autism Inclusion Team offer bespoke sessions such as managing exam stress, managing anxiety, understanding a diagnosis, social skills etc.

If required we will also refer to external agencies such as Early Help, CAMHS, Action for Children etc.

The link to the anti-bullying policy can be found here:


Medical and care plans and the administration of medication are managed in compliance with the Academy policy. Mrs McDonald manages the medical care plans, holds student medication and informs staff of an individual’s care needs. The link to the supporting students with a medical condition policy can be found here:


The Weston Road Academy Behaviour and Attendance polices can be found on the school website see link below:


Attendance across the Academy is monitored by the Pastoral Leader, the Attendance Officer, Mrs Sam Johnson and the Education Welfare Officer, Mrs Steventon.

For emotionally based school avoidance, we may refer to The Action for Children Emotionally Based School Avoidance Programme or seek advice from other appropriate external agencies, such as The Educational Psychology Service.

Our pupils who are looked after and have SEND are supported by the Designated Teacher for LAC, Mr J. Hackett (Assistant Head Teacher and SENDCo), who works closely with the pupils, their carers and the virtual school for looked after children. Termly PEPS take place to ensure that their needs are being met, that appropriate targets are set and that funding is used effectively to ensure that they reach their full potential.

Working together

All pupils have a form tutor who registers their attendance each morning and is their first port of call should they need support. Class teachers and/or Subject Leaders can be contacted for subject specific support. All pupils who are on the SEND Register have a keyworker who updates their passport and will contact home where appropriate. The SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and keyworkers can be contacted for any SEND specific queries.

• An overview of all pupils who need additional support or are vulnerable is shared with staff in September.
• A list of pupils with a social worker, provided by the Local Authority, is shared with key staff on a weekly basis.
• All pupils who have special educational needs are placed on the SEND Register – all staff have access to this via the strategic overview of SEND document and also via the on-line Class Charts system.
• All pupils on the SEND Register have a Pupil Passport – all staff have access to this and weekly updates are sent to staff regarding any changes.
• Pupil of the week ensures a specific focus each week on a pupil with SEND, and also raises the profile of all SEND pupils by keeping them at the forefront of staff minds.
• All pupils who have a medical need are listed and this information is available to all staff.
• Those pupils who have medical needs have an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) – these are regularly up-dated.
• Where needed, risk assessments are shared with support staff and teachers.

The SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo, Mr J Hackett and Mr A Piercy, have both attained the National SENDCo Award and our Assessor, Mrs J Perkins, has attained the Industry Qualification: Level 7 Postgraduate Award of Proficiency in Assessment for Access Arrangements and is qualified to assess for examination access arrangements. The SENDCo has over 8 years’ experience in the role and has previously worked in the Pastoral system as both a Progress Leader and Head of House. He leads a team of 16 dedicated, well-qualified teaching assistants, a number of whom are qualified teachers.

There is an ongoing programme of continuous professional development for all members of staff. Whole school training also takes place, where appropriate. The SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo attend courses on SEND issues in order to keep up to date with local and national issues and to share good practice.

Teaching Assistants have received personalised training programmes including Attachment Awareness, Multi-sensory teaching approaches, the Sensory diet, Examination Access Arrangements, ADHD and Autism level 1 and 2. They are also invited to all staff CPD sessions.

There is on-going sharing of good practice through regular departmental meetings and feedback/advice provided by the Leadership Team, Subject Leaders and the SENDCo/Assistant SENDCo following learning walks and other quality assurance processes.

All staff receive regular updates on Safeguarding and PREVENT training.

The Weston Road Academy has access to the Autism Inclusion Team and they meet at least half-termly with those pupils in school who have a full diagnosis. They offer individual and group sessions to pupils on a variety of themes and also offer in-class observations to support the implementation of strategies for the pupil.
We have close links with our Educational Psychologist, who provides individual work with specific pupils and information for staff training on a range of issues such as school avoidance and trauma informed practices.
The academy has regular access to advice from a range of service providers including the local district SEND and Inclusion hub.
The SEND department work with speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational Therapists and other health professionals who are involved with pupils attending school and a wide range of external agencies which include:

Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENDSS)
Autism Inclusion Team
Hearing Impairment Team
Visual Impairment Team
Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
Educational Psychologist Service
CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Workers
Family Support Service
Action for Children
The Virtual School for Looked After Children
School Nurse
SEN & Inclusion Hub
Social Services

Please contact your child’s form tutor if you have any general queries.
Please contact your child’s Subject teacher or Subject Leader for subject specific concerns.
Please contact your child’s Pastoral Leader for concerns related to social aspects of school.
Please contact the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo for concerns related to SEND:
Mr J. Hackett SENDCo – jhackett@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk
Mr A. Piercy Assistant SENDCo – apiercy@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk

Mr J. Hackett, SENDCo – jhackett@westonroad.staffs.sch.uk

The SEN governor is Mrs Louise Lewis. The role of the governor is to:

Help raise awareness of SEND issues at governors’ meetings.
Monitor the quality and effectiveness of SEND provision in the academy and update the governing body on this.
Work with the SENDCo to develop the strategic development of SEND and provision in the academy.
Termly meetings are held between the SEND governor and the academy SENDCo.

We recognise that all pupils have the right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choice in their education where that is possible. Pupils are encouraged to take part in Pupil Voice activities in school; to regularly evaluate their work and learning in lessons; attend review meetings and contribute to setting targets. There is a school council and pupil voice can be captured during tutor time, Pastoral and Citizenship sessions and at passport review meetings.

We welcome parents to support us and parents are frequently asked to provide their views and feedback at Passport review meetings, annual review meetings and in parental surveys.

Pastoral Leaders meet regularly with families to offer support, signpost services or to provide guidance. The SENDCo, Assistant SENCo and assigned staff members work with families of pupils with SEND and other families to provide support and guidance. Where required, referrals are made to external services e.g. CAMHS, Early Help, SEND and Inclusion hub, Autism Inclusion Team when required

Inclusion and accessibility

All pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities and all clubs, activities and trips are available to all pupils. All pupils are encouraged to fully immerse themselves into the school life by participating in pastoral sessions, workshops, enrichment days, transition days, school productions, sports day, residential trips, Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, work experience etc. Reasonable adjustments are made to facilitate any additional needs and no pupil is ever excluded from taking part in activities because of a special educational need or disability. Additional staff are deployed and if needed and where possible, specialist equipment is provided.

Is the building wheelchair accessible?
Fully Accessible ?
Partially Accessible ?
Not Accessible ?

Are disabled changing facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Are disabled toilet facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Do you have parking areas for pick-up and drop-offs? Yes ?
No ?
Do you have disabled parking spaces for students (post-16 settings)? Yes ?
No ?

In line with statutory guidance, the academy has an Accessibility plan which is regularly reviewed to ensure that pupils are able to access the curriculum and the physical environment. All pupils, including those that have sensory or physical disabilities, have the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of the life of the academy. Some pupils, with an EHCP, receive support from a Teaching Assistant to access the buildings, practical subjects and the full range of learning opportunities thereby facilitating integration into the life of the academy. Translators may be used as required to support EAL families and all EAL pupils have access to a translator app, if required.

The Accessibility Plan can be found on the school website see link below:


Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

Translators may be used as required to support EAL families and all EAL pupils have access to a translator app, if required.

Joining and moving on

Please find the link to the School’s Admissions Policy:


Links to information

Academy Admissions Policy

Our open days take place in October. Families and young people have the opportunity to look around the academy, listen to subject teachers and take part in activities linked to the subjects. Families and young people are invited to meet with the SENDCo to look at the SEND department, meet key staff and discuss individual needs and possible support.

The Weston Road Academy has close links with its feeder primary schools and a very strong transition plan. We have a Year 5 Transition programme so that all pupils have a taste of life in a secondary school. Activities include pizza making and rocket building. All Year 6 come to the academy for an Induction period in July prior to starting the school in September. The Pastoral Leader for Year 7, the Transition Manager and the SENDCo or Assistant SENCo will visit the primary schools in the Spring and Summer terms.
Early transition visits may be arranged for more vulnerable students at the request of the primary school and these commence in January prior to the autumn transition point.
Where practicable, the SENDCo will attend the Annual Review of a Year 6 pupil who has an EHCP to ensure a smooth transition is made. For children identified with additional needs, regular transition visits take place throughout the spring and summer terms.
Additional early transition visits may take place from Year 5, depending upon the additional need of specific pupils, and where the SENDCo and Year 5 staff feel this will benefit a child’s transition.
Parents/carers are invited to a meeting at the academy and are provided with a range of information to support transition.
Relevant information is disseminated to teaching staff before transfer to ensure a smooth transition, including the pupil passport and EHCP where appropriate.
Parents/carers are invited to evenings regarding GCSE courses and post-16 choices.

Preparing for adulthood:
All pupils receive careers advice and have a careers interview with an independent advisor. We also offer extensive careers support through our SHARE curriculum and enrichment days.
Transitional reviews for EHCP pupils take place in Year 11. The purpose of the Transitional Review is to plan for on-going academy provision and post-academy arrangements.

Additional information

The Local Offer






Links to other support

The Local Offer

The SEN Information Report was updated In January 2023 and is reviewed annually

Positive communication between parents and the academy is actively encouraged in order to resolve any issues at an early stage.

Initially, all complaints from parents or carers about their child’s SEND provision is made to the SENDCo or Assistant SENDCo, who will follow this up with the relevant staff. However, if a parent or carer is not satisfied with the response given, the complaints procedure outlined on the school’s website may be followed.

The Academy Complaints Procedure can be found on the website.


Link to complaints policy

The Academy Complaints Procedure

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Fully accessible environment – for pupils with physical or sensory needs

Other support/equipment

  • Sensory room/garden
  • Specialist technology
  • Outreach and family support

Other setting facilities

  • Fully wheelchair accessible
School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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