The Faber Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school where every child is valued and respected as a child of God. We work to support all our students to make progress in their learning, their emotional and social development, and their independence including those with SEND. We cater for children aged 3-11 years. Since September 2012 the school, along with other neighbouring Catholic schools joined Painsley Catholic School to form ‘The Painsley Catholic Academy’, ensuring high quality Catholic education. We ensure that all pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life throughout our school. It is the aim of Faber to work in partnership between home, school and parish, with Christ at the centre. It is important for parents’, carers and teachers to work together so that each child can reach their full potential in all areas of school life.
All teachers are teachers of special educational needs. The SEND Code of Practice is followed and all teachers receive training in the SEND Code of Practice. The Faber Catholic Primary School recognises that it is the teachers’ responsibility to meet the needs of all children in their class through high quality teaching, classroom organisation, seating arrangements, carefully planned lessons, a range of teaching styles, teaching materials and differentiation.
Faber also supports the recommendations made by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in their support and teaching of students with SEND. See link below:
Faber also has a strong team of staff who support children within the classroom, out of the classroom, 1:1 and in small groups where necessary. All staff have received a range of training, have excellent subject knowledge and provide the base for a child’s academic learning and emotional support. The ethos of the school is a supportive one, in such that staff are happy and comfortable to complete additional training in order to support children. Those children with an EHCP have a specified member of staff who offers support, but all staff are aware of needs. Children also have access to the Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA), who is specially trained to deliver high quality interventions based on emotional need. This ranges from, but is not limited to; bereavement, trauma, emotional distress, self-esteem, confidence and friendships.
Some pupils require targeted intervention. These are planned onto a provision map and interventions are delivered by Teaching Assistants. Interventions may include small group or individual work.
A wide range of interventions are provided for all areas of SEND and may involve bespoke packages or a programme developed and personalised specifically for a student or group of students. Current interventions include Precision Teaching (helping children with spelling High Frequency words) Handwriting (through the Letterjoin programme), RWI Fresh Start, RWI 1:1 and Numbersense Maths.
Additional support may be offered for homework, handwriting, maths, English, counselling, self-esteem, lunch time and break time support, meet and greet in the morning.
We provide information for parents through: newsletters, information on the website, parents’ evenings; text message service, emails, letters home and on the school Facebook page.
Pupil progress is shared with parents each term with parents through reports on attainment and effort. Parents can view schemes of learning on the school website and have access to homework tasks, either through a paper copy sent home, or using Purple Mash or Century Tech to support and consolidate the learning within the classroom. Parents can arrange an appointment to discuss progress with the child’s Class teacher or SENDCO. There are two parent’s evenings held each academic year, where parents can discuss any issues and celebrate successes.
We welcome parents support through their encouragement of their child to fully engage with their learning and any interventions offered by: helping them to be organised for their day (including wearing the right uniform, bringing required equipment, reading books and diaries, and PE kits ) ensuring punctuality and full attendance; checking that they have completed their homework activities, accessing Class Dojo for class related updates, attending parents’ evenings and Pupil Passport review meetings. We will make our best endeavours to take your views, and those of your child, into account.
All students with an EHC plan will meet at least once a year with the SENDCO to review progress and provision against targets set within the parameters of the EHC.
The SENDCO reports termly to the SEND governor who monitors and reviews the work of the SENDCO against the School Improvement Plan.
Where a student is failing to meet expected levels of progress, interventions may be put into place and the outcomes of these monitored at curriculum intent meetings between the class teacher and the Principal.
When action is required to support increased rates of progress, this will follow a graduated a response model: Assess, Plan, Do, Review.
Assess: Faber will assess the pupil’s needs using teacher assessment, experience, previous attainment and data tracking against peer and national data.
Plan: Parents/carers will be invited to a meeting to plan support and intervention. The student will receive a pupil passport and all staff who work with the student will be made aware of the child’s needs and support required.
Do: The class teacher will implement the plan in the day to day classroom, ensuring that the logistics and specified success criteria of the interventions and targets are met.
Review: The parent will be invited to a review of the impact of the support each term. The class teacher will also review the passport each half term and share this with parents in order to offer them a chance to give their opinions. Targets are reviewed constantly based on interventions and quality first teaching within the classroom. The class teacher will revise support in line with the outcome of the meeting.
SEND support will be recorded on the child’s ‘Pupil passport’ which will have clear expectations and targets for the student. Progress will be monitored and reviewed half termly, with termly meetings with parents, the pupil (where appropriate) and class teacher. Where necessary, the SENDCO and Principal may attend these meetings for additional support and input.
Students with SEND are placed on the SEND register, with the consent of parents and this register is accessible to all staff in the school.
If progress rates are deemed to be inadequate, despite additional support and interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies with the permission of the parents/carers.
Such agencies may include:
Autism Inclusion Team
Hearing Impairment Team
Visual Impairment Team
Educational Psychologist Service
Occupational Therapy
Educational Welfare Workers
School Nurse
School Counsellor
For pupils who may have significant or more complex needs or who fail to make expected levels of progress despite SEND support, the academy or parents may consider requesting an Educational Health Care plan (EHCP) that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.