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School SEN Details

Flax Hill Junior Academy

Chestnut Avenue, Tamworth, B79 8QZ


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

We know when pupils need help if:
* If a child has a formal diagnosis
* Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
* Tracking of attainment outcomes indicates a lack of progress
* Pupil voice feedback
* An outside professional raises concerns
* Pupil observation indicates that they have additional needs in one of the four areas -
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, mental and emotional health
4. Sensory/physical

Children who fall into one or more of these categories are monitored for a six-week period, with regular discussion between the class teacher and SENCo. A conversation is had with parents to explain the process. During this period, interventions or classroom adaptations are implemented to identify whether there is an additional need. In addition, standardised assessments in areas such as spelling and comprehension may be undertaken to gain a more detailed picture of the pupil. Following this monitoring period, a further discussion is had to decide on the next steps for this pupil. Sometimes, a decision is made to place the pupil on the SEND register. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean that children will be recorded as SEND. Parents/carers will be contacted to explain the Individual Learning Plan process and how the school will provide support. Parents/carers will be invited to termly meetings to discuss their child’s progress against these targets and to contribute to the setting of new targets. We work closely with a range of outside agencies and in agreement with parents/carers we will refer to the appropriate agencies when appropriate.

If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress or social, emotional and mental health needs, you should speak to your child’s class teacher initially. Your child’s class teacher may recommend that a conversation with the SENCo may be beneficial. A phone or in person consultation can be booked via the school office.

The school website has a dedicated SEND section under 'Parents'. Here you can access the school's ethos surrounding SEN, as well as the school's policy, which details the provisions available for children with SEND. In addition, explanations on how to access support for your child and the practices involved in placing a pupil on the SEND register can be found here.

SEND Policy and other related documents

SEND information

School Policies

Teaching, learning and support

Children with SEND will be supported in a variety of ways dependent on their individual needs. In the first instance, reasonable adjustments will be made to quality first teaching practice. Where appropriate, additional interventions, programmes and resources will be used.

We follow a graduated approach, which includes a cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, and Review. Each pupil on the SEN register will follow this approach with an Individual Learning Plan. These will have specific targets for each pupil to achieve, along with the strategies, adaptations, resources or interventions put in place to help achieve each target. Sometimes, these plans include targets which have been set by outside agencies who provide specialist support. Those children who have an EHCP also have specific targets, which are reviewed annually by the Staffordshire Hub Team.

Additional support may include:
* Intervention groups
* Use of individual learning plans for children with SEND
* Specialist equipment and resources for pupils where required
* Access arrangements for SATs

Any interventions may be carried out by class teachers or teaching assistants at set periods throughout the school day.

Teachers plan for the needs of all children in the classroom. Differentiation can be implemented in many ways. For example, the deployment of the adults in the classroom, or the use of concrete resources and scaffolds can be used to support the children. In some instances, adaptations are made to the task to support those who may have physical needs. These adaptations are utilised to allow opportunities for children to develop their independent learning skills.

Recommendations made by outside agencies will be implemented within the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle.

We always endeavour to keep children in the classroom environment with adjustments and adaptations if necessary. Any intervention that does require children to be supported outside of the classroom will be kept to a minimum. Curriculum adaptations may include, but are not exclusive to, adjustments such as a greater scaffolding to support a pupil, prompt cards, visual resources, intervention programmes or support from Teaching Assistants.

Following the guidance from the Standards and Testing Agency, access arrangements are put in place for children who have difficulties, which range from reading, writing and concentration, as well as needs including English being an additional language, or physical impairments. The arrangements can include, but are not restricted to, additional time for children to complete the tests, a scribe, a reader for particular tests, or a modified version of the test (braille/enlarged print). Teachers who feel children will benefit from such arrangements must apply to the local authority in advance of the tests taking place, with appropriate supporting evidence. Particular circumstances, such as children who require modified large print or have an EHCP, do not require an application to the authority and automatically qualify for additional time.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources including: a proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit); The National SEND budget; The Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria.

In addition, for those pupils with the most complex needs, the school may be allocated Additional Educational Needs funding (the school must fund the first 10 hours of support). This funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities through:
• In-class support from teaching assistants
• Small group support from teaching assistants, e.g. nurture groups, literacy and numeracy support
• Specialist support from teachers, e.g. 1:1 tuition
• Bought in support from external agencies, e.g. access arrangement assessment, speech and language support
• Provision of specialist resources, e.g. assessment software
• CPD relating to SEND for staff

For pupils without an EHCP, decisions regarding the type and amount of support will be based on recommendations from outside agencies, classroom observations, assessments and discussions between school staff and parents.

For pupils with an Education Health and Care plan, this decision will be reached when the plan is being produced or at annual review. At annual review of pupils with an EHCP, representatives from the family, school, local authority and any other actively involved agencies will discuss and come to a decision on how best to utilise the funding allocated to that pupil.

The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEND is led by the child’s individual needs. Many of the resources pupils with SEND access at school, such as manipulatives to use in Maths or specific items to aid fine motor development, are purchased via the school's SEND or even main budgets. There is a wide range of resources for class teachers to access. If a class teacher feels that additional resources are required, then the SENCo and senior leadership will assess this.

Children with an EHCP may have an amount of banded funding to ensure that they can meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation.

Flax Hill firmly believes in developing a strong partnership with all parents/carers to enable children to achieve their potential. We recognise that parents/carers have a unique overview of the child’s needs and how best to support them, which gives them a key role in the partnership. We consider parents/carers of pupils with SEND as valued partners in the SEND process.

Depending upon age and appropriateness, pupils with SEND will be encouraged to participate in any decision-making affecting them.

At Termly review meetings with parents/carers, we will try always to make sure that the child’s strengths, as well as difficulties, are discussed. Parents/carers are always invited to contribute their views to the review process during termly review meetings. Parents/carers will be provided with a copy of IP’s following the meeting.

Parents will also have twice yearly parents' evening and an end-of-school-year written report. Half-termly assessments will be discussed with parents at these meetings.

* We encourage children to read for up to ten minutes per day and provide an appropriately levelled reading book.
* All children have access to MyOn, which is a reading-based online platform. On MyOn, they are able to access quizzes to check their understanding of what they have read. This can be accessed at home.
* All children have a Times Table Rockstars log-in and are encouraged to access this regularly at home via school-based incentives.
* Parents/carers are invited to attend the termly SEND discussion meetings with the teacher and Inclusion Manager. Advice about activities, which can be carried out at home, can be provided.
* In between termly meetings, any concerns that arise will be shared with parents via the class teacher.
* We arrange meetings between parents and outside agencies when appropriate.
* SENCo’s and class teachers are contactable via e-mail through the school office.

* Children are involved in the planning and reviewing of their learning through discussion and gaining the child’s views throughout the process. These views are recorded on their IP following a discussion with the class teacher.
* When referring to outside agencies, the child’s views are recorded as part of the process.
* Wherever appropriate, children are involved in any meetings, which take place between parents/class teachers/SENCo.

We evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEND by:
* Reviewing pupils’ individual progress towards their goals each term
* Reviewing the impact of interventions after 8 weeks
* Carrying out focused learning walks
* Daily monitoring of work completed during lessons
* Monitoring books by the SENCo and SLT
* Using and evaluating provision maps to measure progress
* Holding annual reviews for pupils with statements of SEND or EHC plans

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

•At Flax Hill, we believe that safeguarding is always our top priority.
•At the start and end of each school day, gates accessing the school are manned by senior leadership. Alternative drop-off procedures are considered on a case-by-case basis.
•Each class has a dismissal book detailing the specific adults, who are allowed to collect each child. This also contains any paperwork for children allowed to walk home. This ensures that any adult teaching the class are aware of the dismissal procedures. Children will not be dismissed to an adult unless a parent/carer has specifically named them on the dismissal form. Any changes to dismissal forms must go via the school office.
•At the start of the school day, all gates are locked and all external doors revert to a key card entry system. Only staff members have access to key cards.
•Areas such as the staffroom, school kitchens and main offices are also key card protected and storage cupboards have keypad locks.
•At break times, all teaching and support staff for the specific year group are present on the playground to ensure all parts of the playground are highly visible.
•Any children whose behaviour is a risk to themselves or others will be provided with a behaviour support plan and risk assessment where necessary.
•Risk assessments will also be written when children are accessing learning off-site. These are completed by the trip leaders and checked by the EVC (educational visits co-ordinator).

•We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying. Details of policies around bullying are available on the school's website.
•All children participate in weekly PSHE lessons.
•Alterations to timetables may be made depending on the needs of the child and in consultation with outside agencies.
•Staff are available during break times and lunchtimes to support children in social interactions and developing friendships.
•We have resources on the playground to support pupils such as a buddy bench and quiet area. The quiet area has cushions, cosy blankets, books and a mindfulness colouring station.
•Staff run a number of clubs, which support social development such as sports clubs, gardening club, choir, drum club, computing and art clubs.
•Sessions may also be delivered by external agencies, which are tailored to each child’s specific need.

* The 2014 Act requires us to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions. These requirements extend beyond children and young people with SEND and disabilities.
* Individual healthcare plans will normally specify the type and level of support required to meet the medical needs of pupils with such conditions. Where children and young people also have special educational needs, their provision should be planned and delivered in a co-ordinated way with the healthcare plan.
* Any member of staff providing support for a pupil will medical needs will have had appropriate training.
* Any short-term medication prescribed by a doctor requires the completion of a medical awareness form by a parent/carer.
* Non-prescription medications will not be administered by school staff.
* Individual personal care needs will be discussed on an individual basis.

*At Flax Hill, children follow three rules. These are, ready, respectful and safe. These are communicated to children through our behaviour policy and reinforced throughout the school day.
*Children who demonstrate as having additional behavioural needs will have an individualised behaviour plan and/or risk-assessment agreed in consultation with parents. These will support the child in positive interactions within school and ensure reasonable adjustments are made where needed. *External agencies may be consulted with parental permission for further advice.
*Children who are identified as struggling to manage their behaviour and are at risk of exclusion will be known to the SLT via behaviour logs, pupil progress meetings and informal discussions. A discussion with parents will then be carried out and, with permission, an individual behaviour plan and risk assessment will be written.
*Children who are at risk of exclusion will also be made known to SEND Hub who will provide further support and guidance.
*Flax Hill will always look to understand any underlying causes of behaviour and support with these as required.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour Policy

The processes and procedures described in this SEND information report are fully implemented for looked after children with SEND. Consultations with key workers are regular and SEND needs are always discussed. Support from virtual schools may be requested as part of this consultation process.

Working together

Class Teacher – They are responsible for:
* Ensuring that all children have access to high quality first teaching and that the curriculum is adapted to meet your child’s individual needs (also known as differentiation).
* Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need (this could be things like targeted work, additional support, adapting resources etc..) and discussing amendments with the SENCo as necessary.
* Ensuring that all staff working with your child in school are supported in delivering the planned work/programme for your child, so they can achieve the best possible progress. This may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources.
* Ensuring that the school’s SEND Policy is followed in their classroom for all the pupils they teach with SEND.

A Teaching Assistant (TA) may be allocated to a class or individual child. However, any questions regarding your child’s learning and progress should be directed to the class teacher, in the first instance.

-The SENCo’s – Mrs Coleman and Miss Wellings are the SENCo's at Flax Hill. They can be contacted via the school office. Both SENCo's are also full-time class teachers.

The SEND co-ordinator is responsible for coordinating all the support for children with special educational needs (SEND) and or disabilities and developing the school’s SEND Policy to make sure all children get a consistent, high-quality response which meets their needs in school.

They are also responsible for ensuring you are:
* involved in supporting your child’s learning
* kept informed about the support your child is getting
* involved in reviewing targets, with their class teacher, and setting new goals.

In addition to this, their role includes:
* liaising with outside agencies to help support your child’s learning, e.g. The Speech and Language Therapy Service, The Educational Psychologist, Autism outreach Service.
* completing referrals to outside agencies as required.
* updating the school’s SEND record of need, (a system for ensuring all the special educational, physical and sensory needs of pupils in this school are known and understood) and making sure that there are records of your child’s progress and needs.
* providing specialist support for teachers and support staff in the school so they can help your child (and other pupils with SEND and/or disabilities in the school) to achieve their potential.
* supporting your child’s class teacher to write your child’s IP.
* organising training for staff so they are aware and confident about how to meet the needs of your child and others within our school.
* attending SEND hub meetings to present children as needed.

Head Teacher- Mr Lane:
Along with Mrs Booth (Head of Schools) and Mr Williams (Deputy Head), Mr Lane is responsible for:
* the day-to-day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEN and/or disabilities. They will give responsibility to the Inclusion Manager and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
* to ensure all staff are aware of and acting in accordance with statutory guidance.- Making sure that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND. This may be in addition to the SEND report compiled by the SENCo’s each term.
* Mr Lane is the designated safeguarding lead. Mrs Booth and Mr Williams are deputy safeguarding leads.

* All staff are provided with an updated SEND list each term or whenever changes have been made.
* Children’s SEND information is stored on a central staff drive so that all relevant adults are able to access information.
* SENCo’s meet with class teachers to discuss any new diagnosis or information.
* SENCo’s update staff on any changes or development regarding SEND in staff meetings.
* Staff training on completing IP’s and writing SMART target is delivered at each completion point.
* Outside agencies are invited to deliver staff training.
* At key transition points, handover meetings are held and one page pupil profiles are filled in. These ensure new members of staff know which strategies work well for the children.
* When transitioning to a new setting SENCo’s and teachers will meet with key members of staff from the new setting. Information is also shared.

* Mrs Coleman and Miss Wellings are both qualified SENCo’s.
* All staff have received Autism awareness training, training from the hearing impairment team and training on supporting ADHD in the mainstream setting.
* Some members of staff have Makaton training and/or British sign language.
* Teaching assistants have been trained in delivering specialist programmes including speech and language programmes and recommended educational psychologist reading schemes.
* All staff have received safeguarding level 1 training.
* Nominated staff are trained in basic first aid and paediatric first aid.

At Flax Hill, we are committed to working with other professionals and practitioners to maximise the learning opportunities and well-being of our pupils. We ensure that we always seek the expert advice of education and health professionals to ensure the maximum impact of our interventions whilst minimizing duplication and disruption for pupils, families and practitioners.

These services include but are not limited to:

* Educational Psychology service
* Specialist support services visit regularly to provide specific information, shares resources and provide teacher and TA clinics
* Autism Outreach
* Community paediatrics
* Speech and language
* Hearing and visual impairment teams
* Occupational therapists
* Social services
* Education welfare service
* Malachi
* Action for children
* Children’s and Young Persons Autism team

Parents/carers are always consulted before any outside agency is involved.

The first person of contact should always be your child’s class teacher. Telephone or face-to-face appointments are bookable through the school office.

Following this, you may wish to discuss your concerns further with your child’s designated SENCo (whose name will be on your child’s IP). Again, appointments can be made via the school office. Should you wish to make contact via email, please use office@flaxhill.staffs.sch.uk and mark your email for the attention of SENCO.

In cases of emergency, please always phone the school office on 01827 215333.

Flax Hill has two SENCO’s. These are Mrs Coleman and Miss Wellings. You can find the name of your child’s designated SENCo on your child’s IP.

You can contact either SENCO via the school office. Contact can be made via phone or e-mail.

The SEN governor is Marion Couchman. She oversees the coordination of SEND and reports back to governors on at least a termly basis following feedback from the SEND team. The governing body is responsible for overseeing the provision and coordination of SEND across the school, including those children who are looked after. The SENCO’s provide reports for full governors' meetings in order to keep governors up to date on any current SEND developments.

As part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, all pupils have an active voice in their learning journey. They have the opportunity to share their views on their learning, what works well and what they would benefit from to aid them further. Pupils feel happy, safe and confident to air their concerns at any other point with the adults in the classroom.

Flax Hill has opportunities for parents to become parent governors. Parent-governors are elected by the parents/guardians of children who attend Flax Hill. When a governor position becomes vacant, nominations will be asked from all registered parents and guardians and an election will take place. Their term in office is four years.

As part of our SEND procedures, reviews and meetings are held regularly to ensure parents are kept up to date. We offer specific meetings to discuss termly IP targets in addition to termly parents’ evenings. Meetings with the SENCo can be arranged via the school office.

If parents require support, they can contact the school office who will direct them to the relevant member of staff. Support can be provided with completing paperwork or completing forms. The school SENCo’s will be able to direct families to appropriate services for additional support.

Inclusion and accessibility

Pupils can access all parts of the curriculum, regardless of their SEND. Flax Hill has a wraparound service, which caters to families who require childcare, starting as early as 7:45 am and as late as 5:15 pm daily.

After school clubs, focusing on physical activities/sports are available to all pupils.

Pupils with SEND access all trips the same way every other pupil does. Appropriate risk assessments are put in place and shared with relevant parties in advance of the trip taking place. This ensures that all pupils can access the same quality of education.

Close collaboration with parents means that we are able to remove barriers, which could impact access to experiences and visits.

The majority of the building is wheelchair accessible. The first floor (comprising of four classrooms) is accessible via two flights of stairs, located at either end of the main building. However, adaptations are made as and when necessary to support the individual needs of pupils. Pupils with mobility difficulties would not be placed in a classroom on the first floor.

Flax Hill offers a range of resources and strategies to support the needs of individual children. These include Dyslexia and Autism friendly teaching strategies. Children may be offered sensory breaks, weighted blankets, safe spaces, fine and gross motor interventions and have the use of ICT if necessary. One-page profiles will be completed and communicated with staff to ensure everyone has the knowledge and skills to meet children’s needs. Additional workspaces, to meet pupils’ needs, may also be provided and external agency support may be sought to further support the child following parental permission.

Flax Hill communicates with parents in a variety of ways, including email, text, Seesaw and phone calls, in addition to regular face-to-face contact. Parents and carers can view a weekly video sharing updates and information about current school events.

For families who have English as an additional language, communication varies on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes parents bring along their own support to aid understanding. Where necessary, interpreters would be sourced by the school.

If parents require any additional support, then they can contact the school office and arrangements will be made on an individual basis.

Joining and moving on

Please contact the school office to discuss joining Flax Hill and to arrange a tour of the school.

You can find our policies on admissions, including those with SEND and disabilities, on our school website under the policies tab.

Links to information

Admissions Policy

Parents can contact the school office if they wish to look around the school when applying for a school place.

Annual open days also take place to allow prospective parents to come to visit the school.

A number of strategies are in place to enable effective pupil’s transition. These include:
On entry:
* a planned timetable of visits are provided in the spring and summer terms for pupils starting in September.
* parents/carers are invited to meet their child’s new class teacher at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine.
* if requested, the SENCo is happy to meet with new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be located prior to entry.
* communication with the previous setting allows information to be shared so that times of transition run as smoothly as possible.
* if pupils are transferring from another school, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a meeting will be set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns.

Transition to the next school:
* the transition programme in place for pupils in Year 6 provides a number of opportunities for pupils and parents to meet staff in the new school. These opportunities are further enhanced for pupils with SEND.
* parents will be encouraged to consider options for the next phase of education and the school will involve outside agencies, as appropriate, to ensure information is comprehensive but accessible.
* accompanied visits to other providers may be arranged as appropriate.
* for pupils transferring to local schools, the SENCos of both schools will meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEND in order to ensure a smooth transition.
* the records of pupils who leave the school mid-phase will be transferred within five working days of the parents notifying their child has been enrolled at another school.

Additional information

There are many services available to support families. Some examples include:
* Malachi family support
* Early Help Team
* Action for Children

This information was added in March 2023 and will be reviewed annually.

In the first instance, we always ask parents to speak to the class teacher to voice their concerns. This can be done by contacting the school office email address. The class teacher will then speak to parents. If it is required, the issue will then be passed onto the school's SENCo. This may then be escalated to the senior management team. If parents still wish to make a formal complaint following this process, they must follow the complaints policy as listed on the school website, under 'School' and 'School Policies'.

Link to complaints policy

Compliments and Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other support/equipment

    • Bought in support services

    Other setting facilities

    • Partly wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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