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School SEN Details

St. John Fisher Catholic College, Newcastle

Ashfields New Road, Newcastle Under Lyme, ST5 2SJ


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

In admitting learners, we would expect to have informative discussions with the young person, family and previous schools.

Initially we will liaise with feeder Primary schools by speaking to their SENCo and/or Year 6 teacher. We may attend Year 5/6 Annual Reviews and observe the learner in their Primary working environment. Parents of Year 5/6 children are welcome to attend coffee mornings or arrange a visit at any time of the year.

We will assess each learner’s current skills and levels of attainment on entry, which will build on previous settings and Key Stages, where appropriate.
This may include a diagnostic maths assessment and a reading test to assess the reading age of every learner in the year group.

Class teachers will also make regular assessments of progress for all learners and identify those whose progress:
• Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
• Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
• Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
• Widens the attainment gap.
This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social needs.

Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a learner is recorded as having SEN. When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the learner and their parents/guardians. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether we can provide it by adapting our core offer, or whether something different or additional is needed.

Each year group has a Head of Year who will assist with all progress-related enquiries. Each year group also has a Pastoral Leader who will all assist with all enquiries relating to your child’s wellbeing. In the first instance, it is recommended that you contact one of these members of staff or your child's formation tutor.

Please phone the school or email directly. Email addresses are on the school website. Members of staff will liaise with the SENCo and discuss your concerns ensuring that a plan is put into place to support your child and monitor the progress that they are making.

Click on the following link to view all information related to SEND.


All published school policies can be found under the Governance section of the school website.

SEND Policy and other related documents

SEND Documentation

Teaching, learning and support

At St John Fisher Catholic College, our primary aim is for all pupils to receive high quality teaching within the classroom from subject specialists. This will include making reasonable adjustments for all pupils with SEND.

All pupils will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum in order to be:
• Successful and resilient learners who aspire to and achieve excellence
• Confident individuals who can explore and communicate effectively
• Responsible citizens who are active, loving and wise in all their endeavours

This may be supplemented by support from LSAs within lessons who work alongside the teacher to improve progress of individual pupils or groups of pupils. Furthermore, interventions may take place outside of the classroom to provide more targeted support to allow learners to thrive with their learning.

Parents are actively involved in the planning for their child’s education. They have access to their child’s pupil passport and learning plan on Edukey. They are invited to discuss their child’s education at least three times per year. More frequent opportunities can be arranged by contacting the school.

All learners access a broad and balanced curriculum that is planned to enable progress from their starting point. Through high quality teaching, differentiation ensures that learners make progress and are prepared for the next stages in their education.

In addition, at St John Fisher Catholic College:

• Year 10 and 11 learners may be given the opportunity to study KS4 Vocational courses each week at Reaseheath College.
• LSAs liaise with teachers to prepare appropriate resources for pupils with specific needs e.g. learners with a visual impairment.
• LSAs support learners with a physical disability in accessing and operating the lifts. Our new food technology classroom has also specially designed to support learners with a physical disability.
• Learners may be supported either one-to-one or in small groups with literacy and numeracy in Learning Express Department by an LSA.

We work with the following agencies to seek expertise and advice to provide support for learners with SEN:

• Visual Impairment Team (VI) and Hearing Impairment Team (HI)
• Educational Psychologist (EP) and School Nurse
• Special Educational Support Service (SENSS)
• Occupational Therapy (OT)
• Autism Outreach Team (AOT)
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

The SENCO, headteacher and governing body establish a clear picture of the resources that are available to the school. They consider their strategic approach to meeting SEN in the context of the total resources available, including any resources targeted at particular groups, such as pupil premium. Resources, including the allocation of support staff, are then allocated to learners, according to need.

Additional funding is secured via the local authority and specialist providers.

Learners will be offered additional SEND support when it is clear that they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

Provision will be placed according to the specific needs and follow the graduated response (assess, plan, do, review), often following advice from external agencies. Parents/carers will be actively involved in this process.

As an inclusive school, we are fully aware that learners may require additional resources to enable access to the curriculum and beyond. This includes a range of resources, depending upon need. Some resources, although not an exhaustive list, include:

• Laptop and other electronic devices;
• Electric wheelchairs;
• Dyslexia friendly resources;
• Specialist support for hearing and visually impaired learners;
• Access to nurture at unstructured times.

Parents, learners and staff may refer to the SEND department for additional resources required. Where available, these will be sourced. Where necessary, further referrals for specialist resources will be made to partner agencies.

High quality teaching is delivered across the curriculum, ensuring that the needs of learners are met. Intrinsic to this, is ongoing assessment for learning, tracking the progress and closing any gaps in learning learners may have.

At St John Fisher Catholic College we will:

• Invite parent/guardian of the SEND learner to school for a meeting to discuss their child.
• Invite parent/guardian to Learning Express Coffee Mornings.
• Invite parent/guardian to discuss their child’s Pupil Passport strategies.
• Hold transition meetings with parent/guardian and learner.
• Invite Parent/guardian/guardians to Annual Review meetings
• Attend Parent/guardian Evenings (SENCo and HLLSA).

We operate an open-door policy within Learning Express and any parent is able to contact the school via phone call or email and welcome to talk to a member of the team. We will have an early discussion with the learner and their parents/guardians when identifying whether they need special educational provision.

These conversations will make sure that:

• Everyone develops a good understanding of the learner’s areas of strength and difficulty
• We take into account the parents/guardians’ concerns
• Everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the child
• Everyone is clear on what the next steps are
Notes of these early discussions will be added to the learner’s record and given to their parents/guardians. We will formally notify parents/guardians if it is decided that a learner will receive SEN support.

The relationship between school and home is vital in ensuring learners progress well.

The curriculum overviews for all students are published on the school website, identifying key topics and relevant information.

Parents are kept up to date with their child’s progress through: parents’ evenings; termly data reports and through the writing and reviewing of their child’s pupil passport and learning plans. In all events, discussions will include how parents can support their child’s learning. This may include the use of further resources, identifying and supporting closing gaps in learning or the use of knowledge organisers to embed learning.

We believe in a child centred approach to education, enabling all learners a voice.

All children on the SEN register are allocated a mentor who they meet with regularly. This includes termly reviews of learning plans and updates to pupil passports. Pupil voice is sought and acted upon in all meetings.

At St John Fisher Catholic College, we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision for learners with SEN following the graduated response (assess, plan, do, review). This includes:

• Reviewing learners’ individual progress each term using progress profiles.
• Listening to parents/guardians and pupils to gain their views.
• Undertaking learning walks and observations of all staff in order to improve practice.
• Reviewing the impact of interventions and learning plans, measuring progress from the baseline assessment.
• Using Pupil Passports to ensure that strategies and interventions are used effectively in the classroom by teachers and support staff.
• Holding Annual Reviews for learners with EHC plans, reviewing the progress against set targets.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

We recognise that learners with SEND are often vulnerable and that further adjustments may be required to ensure their safety.

At the start and end of the day, learners can access the school through Learning Express. LSAs are available to handover and ensure the learner is prepared for the day. Learning Express is also available during unstructured times, where a range of extra-curricular opportunities are available; this may be daily or on an ad hoc basis.

Outside the classroom, staff supervision ensures the safety of all learners, especially those with additional needs. The vision of ‘love, faith and joy’ includes these unstructured times. If necessary, reasonable adjustments can be made to safeguard learners.

We provide support for learners to improve their emotional and social development in the following ways:

• Our Wellbeing and Pastoral Team meet each week to discuss vulnerable learners and ensure that they are effectively supported across all areas of the school.
• Each year group has a Pastoral Leader and Progress Leader who support all learners.
• Vulnerable learners are able to enter school via the door into the Learning Express Department and are supported by LSAs.
• Vulnerable learners are supported in the Learning Express Department during break time and lunchtimes.
• Learners with SEN are encouraged to be part of the school council
• Learners with SEN are also encouraged to be part of clubs to promote teamwork/building friendships etc.
• We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying.

We work collaboratively with a range of external agencies to ensure that any pupil receives the necessary level of support that required. These include but are not limited to NS Mind, CAMHs, emotional coaching and Parkes Education.

For all learners with a medical condition, the relevant Pastoral Leader will meet with parents (and any health professionals) to draw up a care plan, which will be shared with relevant staff. This may include personal care needs.

All medicines are secured in the school office.

The school has staff trained in First Aid and in the case of a medical emergency will call 999.

The school understands that some learners will require time away for school for medical appointments. Teachers will support learners in catching up on missed learning and this support will be personalised for each learner.

As a family of Catholic schools our approach to behaviour management must never conflict with the teachings of Christ. Our behaviour management should provide a well-disciplined Catholic environment with rules which are meaningful and relevant so that all our children become the person God meant them to be.

CtKCC believes that effective behaviour polices should:

• encourage staff to work and pupils to learn, play and co-operate in an atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy;
• encourage the children to be aware of their responsibilities;
• enable the children and staff to have a high level of personal self-esteem;
• enable the children to understand and accept the consequence of their actions;
• reinforce positive behaviour and give children responsibility;
• encourage children to take a pride in themselves, their uniform and their school;
• recognise the effort and attainment of all pupils whilst also valuing their diversity both in academic and non-academic achievements.
To achieve this, our school policy requires the following features:
• A clear approach that everyone understands;
• Praise for appropriate behaviour;
• A system for resolving poor behaviour choices;
• Increased support for those who have difficulty with their behaviour.

Where learners require increased support, this may include: external agencies, LSA support or reasonable adjustments.

Please find a link to the school's behaviour for learning policy:


Links to external agencies

Behaviour for Learning Policy

All learners, including children in care, are supported pastorally and can access Learning Express. We recognise that children in care may have additional and often complex needs.

The school has a designated teacher for children in care who supports learners. They work closely with the SENDCO and teachers to support the learning of individuals.

Working together

At St John Fisher, we share in the responsibility of teaching the Catholic values and academic curriculum.

As such, learners will be supported and guided by a range of staff, including:

• Formation teachers support learners on a daily basis and are the initial contact for parents.
• Pastoral Leaders and Heads of Year support the progress and well-being of Learners.
• Subject specialist teachers deliver a broad and balanced curriculum.
• LSAs provide support within and beyond the curriculum.
• Senior Leadership Team ensure the vision and values are embedded across the school.

Key contacts:

SENCO- Mrs Heather Hodges hhodges@ctkcc.co.uk
Head of Year 7 – Miss L Brabbs – lbrabbs@ctkcc.co.uk
Head of Year 8 – Mrs L Rundle – lrundle@ctkcc.co.uk
Hear of Year 9 – Mrs A Coulson – acoulson@ctkcc.co.uk
Head of Year 10 - Miss M Lockett – mlockett@ctkcc.co.uk
Head of Year 11 – Mr P Goodstadt – pgoodstadt@ctkcc.co.uk
Head of Sixth Form – Mrs R Threadgold – rthreadgold@ctkcc.co.uk

All staff receive professional development, ensuring they are abreast of SEND developments.

All SEND learners are identified on SIMS (management information system), alongside the class registers. For identified learners, pupil passports and learning plans are available to all staff on Edukey. Where changes may occur, these are shared directly with staff via email or in staff meetings.

SEND support staff are available in Learning Express to share further information with staff, should there be any queries

At St John Fisher Catholic College:

• The SENCO has a reduced teaching timetable to manage SEND provision.
• The SENCo has completed the SENCo Award (PGC in Special Needs and Inclusion) and has supported SEND learners for over 10 years.
• We use specialist staff for our visual impaired, hearing impaired, physically impaired and autistic learners. Where appropriate, training will be delivered to all staff or staff who work with an individual pupil.

As part of our CPD offer at the school, all staff will receive updates and training through regular teaching and learning briefings, INSET sessions and staff meetings. Some of these meetings will be focused on SEN provision and sometimes delivered by outside agencies.

We work with the following agencies to seek expertise and advice to provide support for learners with SEN:
• Visual Impairment Team (VI) and Hearing Impairment Team (HI)
• Educational Psychologist (EP) and School Nurse
• Special Educational Support Service (SENSS)
• Occupational Therapy (OT)
• Autism Outreach Team (AOT)
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

The school works with the local authority regarding learners with an Education, Health and Care Plan, in completing annual reviews in line with statutory guidance. The school will also submit applications for needs assessments to the local authority, where necessary.

At St John Fisher, we have an open-door policy. In order to best support all learners, the first point of contact should be the child’s formation tutor. This can then be escalated to the Pastoral Lead and Head of Year, if necessary.

If directly linked to SEND, the SENCO may be contacted.

Mrs Heather Hodges
01782 307551

Governors play an active and vital role within the school. Not only do they hold the school to account ensuring the provision is good, they also have a font of knowledge. The SEND Link Governor is a former SENCo and has high levels of experience in relation to SEND.

The school has a safeguarding link governor with responsibility for reporting to the governing body on all matters concerning children in care.

The school has several methods of collecting and acting upon stakeholder voice, including that of all learners, particularly those with SEND with regular surveys of all learners regarding the quality of their education.

All learners with SEND have a mentor who they will meet with regularly and have the opportunity to contribute their views.

The school has a sixth form leadership team who meet with the Headteacher fortnightly to make suggestions to improve provision at the school. The Fishers group actively contribute towards the Catholic Life of the school, and is open to all learners.

The school has a strong governing body and there will be opportunities for parents to become governors. Any governor vacancies will be communicated via the school website and across social media. Any interested parents should email the Headteacher directly.

Parents can also become involved in the PTFA and information is communicated regularly over social media platforms.

If any parent has an idea or interest in becoming involved with the school, please contact office-sjfcc@ctkcc.co.uk

The school employs two family support workers who may assist families in need.

The school will always look to support all families to ensure that their children have all opportunities to receive the best education possible. Parents should contact the respective Head of Year, if they require any assistance or questions.

Inclusion and accessibility

All of our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our learners, including our before-and after-school clubs.

All learners are encouraged to go on our educational visit(s) to, for example, Alton Castle, Music tours, drama productions and opportunities across other subjects.

All learners are encouraged to take part in sports teams, music and choir.

No learner will be excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEND or disability.

In addition:
• SENCo meets with the parent/guardian and learner to discuss their disability and how best to support them in school.
• Advice and strategies are followed from outside agencies and this information is made available to teachers and support staff.
• SENCo ensures that all staff at SJFCC are aware of the needs of SEND learners and how best to support them.
• Supervised access to lifts to all floors in both the Siena block and Romero building are available for those learners who require it.
• Ramps have been installed where there is a change in floor height.

If a parent/guardian has a concern regarding their child’s participation (or lack of) in an activity, they are encouraged to make contact with the SENCo that the situation can be resolved efficiently.

Fully accessible including wheelchair friendly and accesible toilets/changing facilities.
There is a drop off/pick up area as well as allocated student parking.

he school is fully accessible to all learners, including those with physical and sensory impairments. The environment is adapted to the needs of learners as required.

This includes:
• Ramps;
• Elevators;
• Corridor width;
• Accessible parking bays;
• Accessible toilets facilities;
• Library shelves at wheelchair-accessible height;
• Multi-height station in the Food Technology room;
• Multi height tables.

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

The school communicates via the school website, various social media platforms and a school newsletter, emailed weekly to parents. The school website can be translated into a number of common languages and this can be found at the bottom of each webpage.

Letters are sent electronically to parents but can be printed for any parent requiring a hard copy. This will be following a request from a parent/carer.

Joining and moving on

Parents who have a child in Year 6 and wish to apply for admission to St John Fisher Catholic College for Year 7 need to contact their relevant local authority.

Parents who have a child currently in secondary education but who wish to apply for a place/transfer to St John Fisher Catholic College need to complete our application.

Links to information

Admissions Information

The school hosts Open Evenings for all young people and families wishing to attend St John Fisher.

For learners with SEND and their families, additional visits, coffee mornings and meetings can be made by contacting the school directly.

All enquiries should be made via the school office, in the first instance.

We will ensure smooth transition into our school from the previous phase and into the next phase of education.

We liaise with feeder primary schools to ensure that we are aware of any additional needs and support required. We also attend reviews of year 6 learners, meet with parents and learners and share information regarding the transition. Additional visits are available for learners with SEND.

Where learners leave the school, information is shared, in line with GPR and statutory requirements.

Throughout the school we offer a wider curriculum, including: RSE, PSHE and CEIAG, planning for the next phase in education. CEIAG is offered to learners to support their decisions for their next stages in education. Year 10 and 11 learners may be given the opportunity to study KS4 Vocational courses each week at Reaseheath College.

Additional information

Telephone: 01785 356921
Email: sfps@staffordshire.gov.uk

Postal Address:
SENDIASS Staffordshire Family Partnership
C/o Staffordshire County Council
Staffordshire Place 2
ST16 2DH

September 2022
Review September 2023

At St John Fisher, we have an open-door policy. In working together, we will achieve the best outcomes for our learners.

Should there be any concern the school should be contacted in the first instance, in order to rectify the concern. This should follow the outline above: form tutor, Pastoral Lead, Head of Year, SLT Link.

Should this still not resolve, follow the Complaints Policy (available on the school website).

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Fully accessible environment – for pupils with physical or sensory needs
  • Visual impairment friendly

Other support/equipment

  • Outreach and family support
  • Bought in support services

Other setting facilities

  • Fully wheelchair accessible
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