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School SEN Details

Codsall Middle School

Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, WV8 1PB


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Upon joining Codsall Middle School (CMS), all pupils are baseline tested in English and Maths through GL assessment, allowing for needs to be identified as early as possible. If a pupil performs significantly lower than expected for their age, then targeted intervention will be delivered by TA’s or subject specific teaching staff. If pupils continue to experience difficulties with their learning, further investigations will be carried out by the SEND team.

Some children may have already been identified as having a Special Educational Need/Disability prior to joining Codsall Middle School (CMS). Where a child’s needs have been previously identified, information relating to these will be received by the school prior to their transfer to CMS. This information is made available to teaching and support staff to ensure individual needs are met.

If you believe or are concerned that your child may have Special Educational Needs/disabilities, you should contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year in the first instance. Additionally, you can contact the school’s SENCo (Miss L Davies) to discuss your concerns further. Contact details for all staff are available on the school’s website.

Teaching, learning and support

The school’s SEN Policy includes a statement of the curriculum entitlement of every pupil, including those with SEN. All departments, promote the skills of oracy, literacy and numeracy through the every-day teaching of their subject. At Codsall Middle School classes are mostly mixed ability. Teachers are therefore responsible for delivering differentiated work and providing targeted support for children with SEN. In subjects where setting or banding occurs e.g. Maths and English, some degree of differentiation occurs through the setting by ability.

Teaching assistants help to support pupils with special educational needs in mainstream classes and provide specific help on a small group or individual basis.

It is expected that every pupil irrespective of their ability will have full access to the opportunities offered in the school, both educational and social. The use of teaching assistants, should aid the development of independence, promote confidence and build self-esteem in the pupil.

All pupils benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; a differentiated curriculum, a range of differentiated learning materials (both for reinforcement and extension), assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements, access to ICT, ability groupings and a broad range of extracurricular activities.

The provision for a child with special educational needs and / or disabilities is first and foremost designed by the staff members teaching the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies such as speech and language therapy support.

The views of parents form an integral part of any child on the SEN register and the annual review of those children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Review meetings are arranged at a time convenient for parents/ carers to attend and their views of the pupil’s provision are paramount to the successful implementation of that provision. The school utilises parents’ own knowledge of their child and recognises that parents have responsibilities towards the child in working effectively with the SENCOs and staff. Therefore, parents of pupils on the SEN register are invited to attend a termly Parent Forum where they will have the opportunity to discuss concerns, targets and progress with the SENCO.

The school’s SEN Policy includes a statement of the curriculum entitlement of every pupil, including those with SEN.

All departments, promote the skills of oracy, literacy and numeracy through the every-day teaching of their subject.

At Codsall Middle School classes are mostly mixed ability. Teachers are therefore responsible for delivering differentiated work and providing targeted support for children with SEN. In subjects where setting or banding occurs e.g. Maths and English, some degree of differentiation occurs through the setting by ability.

Teaching assistants help to support pupils with special educational needs in mainstream classes and provide specific help on a small group or individual basis. They aid the development of independence, promote confidence and build self-esteem in the pupil.

It is expected that every pupil, irrespective of their ability, will have full access to the opportunities offered in the school, both educational and social.

All pupils benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; a differentiated curriculum, a range of differentiated learning materials (both for reinforcement and extension), assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements, access to ICT, ability groupings and a broad range of extracurricular activities.

The provision for a pupil with special educational needs and / or disabilities is first and foremost designed by the staff members teaching them, their family and, where necessary, outside agencies such as speech and language therapy support.

Funding for SEN pupils is received by the school through formula funding arrangements and standards funds allocations.

All funds for SEN are spent on supporting pupils with EHC Plans and those with learning needs as identified on the school’s SEN register.

Responsibility for allocating staffing and physical resources, both within the departments and support across the schools, lies with the SENCO, in consultation with the Headteacher.

In the first instance support will be provided by class teachers in the form of differentiation and in-class intervention such as targeted class and homework. If the child continues to have difficulties that are significantly greater than that of an average child at the same age, the pupil will move onto the school’s SEN register and receive support identified through the SEN department in collaboration with the class teacher.

The SENCO will be responsible for overseeing the assessment of the pupil and setting up an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. At the end of the review period the SENCO and others involved will decide if the student:

Stays on the SEN register with continued SEN intervention,

Reverts to Classroom ‘Concern’ for monitoring,

If after two reviews there is no improvement, the SENCO may decide to seek help from support agencies outside of school who to carry out further assessment and provide additional information for the teaching programme for the pupil.

Parents are to be involved and kept informed of progress and assessments.

Where the issue concerns emotional or social difficulties, the Special Educational Needs team works in close collaboration with the pastoral team.

Formal Assessment

At this stage the school along with the support services involved, make a case to the L.A to formally assess the pupil with a view to gaining a health and care plan. The involvement of the Educational Psychologist is crucial at this point. Once all the necessary information is gathered, the local authority decides whether to pursue a formal assessment of the pupil. During the assessment stage the SENCO is responsible for:

Completion of all administration for the school-based stages of assessment.

Facilitation and co-ordination of L.A based stages of assessment.

Liaising with, and advising teacher colleagues, particularly lead teachers.

Co-ordinating provision for the pupil in question.

We currently have a range of resources available to all pupils that may enable them to successfully access learning at their own level. E.g: Well-Being Room, Respite Room, sensory toys. If a pupil requires a more bespoke provision, we will work with the parents/child and teachers to ensure that the provision can fit seamlessly into the school week. At times this provision may need extra funding. We have different pathways for this, such as an Education and Health Care Plan or funding specifically through an outside resource.

Appointments can be made to discuss specific subject related issues with class teachers, along with the SENCO, at parents’ evenings.

Parents of pupils on the SEN register are also invited to attend termly Parent Forums where they will have the opportunity to make an appointment to discuss concerns, targets and progress with the SENCO. The school utilises parents’ own knowledge of their child and recognises that parents have responsibilities towards the child in working effectively with the SENCOs and staff.

Codsall Middle School has an open-door policy and all parents of children with SEN are encouraged to make contact with the SENCO to form an effective working partnership. The views of parents form an integral part of any child on the SEN register and the annual review of those children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Review meetings are arranged at a time convenient for parents/ carers to attend and their views of the pupil’s provision are paramount to the successful implementation of that provision.

The school's parent portal, Arbor, is an effective way to develop the links between home and school.

In accordance with the SEN Code of Practice, the school believes that all parents of children with SEN should be treated as equal partners. Codsall Middle School provides user friendly information and strives to ensure that parents understand the procedures and are aware of how to access advice and support.

Parents are supported to: recognise and fulfil their responsibilities as parents by playing an active role in their child’s education, have knowledge of their child’s entitlement within the SEN framework, make their views known about how their child is educated, have access to information, advice and support during assessment and any related decision-making processes about special educational provision.

In accordance with the school’s ‘Open Door’ policy, parents are encouraged to contact the child’s class teacher and/or the SENCO as and when needed. Parents are encouraged to support the target setting process for their child and their views are sought for reviews.

By providing guidance on how to support their child at home, Codsall Middle School encourages active participation of parents. Contributions that parents make are highly valued and the critical role they play in their child’s education is much appreciated.

Pupils are continually kept up-to-date with the progress they are making in school through the use of ‘Progress Paths’. The progress made in each subject area is shared with pupils within the lesson. Upon completing pre and post assessments, every pupil sets a learning goal and through discussions with their class teacher is aware of how to move their learning forward.

Where a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan, they are invited to attend the annual review and be a part of the target review and setting process.

Pupils and parents will be provided with an opportunity each term to meet with the SENCO to discuss the current progress being made against previously set targets. We aim for this to happen three times a year, sitting beside parents evening, where parents will get chance to discuss progress with teacher staff also.

We believe that every pupil is able to demonstrate progress, no matter how small the step might be.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Individual risk assessments will be completed by relevant staff. These will then be shared to ensure that all staff are aware of the risks and how to limit them.

Pupils are supervised by teaching staff during morning break and a team of Lunchtime Supervisors at lunchtime.

Lunch Club is available every day for those pupils that find the busy environment of the dining corridor intimidating or for those pupils that may be experiencing social or emotional difficulties. It offers a quiet environment for the pupils to eat and then allows pupils to choose whether to play outside or take part in the activities provided by Lunch Club.

The school’s pastoral team consists 4 Heads of Year.

Teachers take account of different requirements that pupils have and make provision where necessary so that all individuals can learn effectively and participate in classroom and assessment activities. All teachers plan with the SEN code of practice in mind and recognise individual targets and barriers to learning.

Pupils who demonstrate behavioural difficulties are discussed with the pastoral team.

Pupils whose behaviour causes long term concern may be monitored through behaviour reports and receive support through a pastoral support plan. In this case, there will be regular reviews of the targets set against the success criteria. Referrals to the authority’s behaviour consultant will be made where appropriate. In addition to this, referrals to other professionals will be made.

At Codsall Middle School there are numerous opportunities for pupils to take responsibility for their school. Pupils can become school ambassadors, champions, sports leaders, members of the school council, eco council and fair trade team.

Pupil Voice provides a forum through which every child gets to discuss current issues within the school and air their opinions on how to improve the school.

A member of the TA team is responsible for the mentoring of identified pupils and runs a nurture programme designed around the pupils’ individual needs as well as delivering Emotional Literacy (ELSA).

Lunch Club is available every day for those pupils who find the busy environment of the dining corridor intimidating or for those pupils that may be experiencing social or emotional difficulties. It offers a quiet environment for the pupils to eat and then allows pupils to choose whether to play outside or take part in the activities provided by Lunch Club.

Information on how we will manage children's medicine or personal care needs can be found in our Managing Medication and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy

Information regarding the support provided for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance can be found in our Behaviour, Discipline, Sanction and Reward Policy.

We work together alongside the pastoral team in school to feed all relevant information into PEP meetings and any other required meeting to fully support the child. We work closely with foster carers at all points of contact from first visits to the school to daily phones calls to update on progress, it is important to recognise that each child is an individual and we need to work on that basis.

Working together


The Headteacher has responsibility for the day to day management of all aspects of the school, including provision for pupils with SEN.


The SENCO takes responsibility for the day to day running of the department and the provision for individual pupils. She provides professional guidance to inform teachers, to ensure high quality teaching and the effective use of resources.

The SENCO seeks to ensure that the needs of pupils with SEN are effectively communicated to teaching staff. Advice as how to support pupils and other relevant information on pupils is regularly disseminated to staff via SEN Updates. The SENCO also collaborates with subject teachers and disseminates examples of effective practice and shares strategies to support individual pupils.

Her main responsibilities are:

to oversee the day to day operation of the school’s SEN policy
to coordinate provision for pupils with SEN
to review the progress of SEN children and their change of needs
to liaise with and advise teachers and support staff
to oversee the records of pupils with SEN
to liaise with parents and pupils with SEN to ensure that they participate in the decision making process
to write group and individual educational targets
to contribute to the in-service training of staff
to liaise with outside agencies


All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEN. Teachers have the responsibility of:

checking information on pupils on the SEN support list on a termly basis
reading the SEN information and SEN updates on each pupil they teach to take note of each pupil’s strengths, weaknesses, appropriate teaching strategies and change in need
planning appropriate differentiation
sharing insights into successful teaching strategies and differentiation techniques for individual pupils with other members of staff
identifying pupils who are causing concern and collating evidence of such concerns
providing support and intervention at Wave 1/QFT.
liaising with the SENCO, fellow teaching and non-teaching staff

Form Teachers

Form teachers have the particular responsibility of making themselves aware of any children in their forms, who have been identified with SEN or who have been recorded as causing concern. At the beginning of each term they should ensure that they have read the SEN information on these pupils.

Teaching Assistants (TA)

Teaching Assistants have a crucial role to play in supporting the inclusion and achievement of pupils with SEN. In essence, they provide:

support for the pupil
support for the teacher
support for the curriculum
support for the school

The TAs work with the SENCO and teachers in providing support for children with SEN across the school, liaising with subject teachers, maintaining records of the children they work with, and attending reviews and meetings as requested.

The contact details for all of the above staff are available of the school’s website.

Staff at Codsall Middle School recognise that all teachers are teachers of children with SEND. Therefore, they have a good understanding of different SEND. The SENCO and Headteacher will meet with all relevant staff to ensure they fully understand a child’s needs and how the child is best supported in school. All staff understand that at any point they feel they need assistance to support a child, it is their responsibility to make it known to the SENCO or Headteacher who will ensure the correct support/CPD is provided.

All SEND information is held confidentially and only shared with teachers and relevant staff as required.

It is a policy of Codsall Middle School that all staff (teaching and non-teaching) are encouraged to remain up-to-date and skilful in their area, attending courses that will enhance their skills and knowledge.

In line with Codsall Middle School’s development plans, the SENCO should ensure that relevant courses are brought to the attention of the Teaching Assistants. Where appropriate, schools in the pyramid arrange joint twilight sessions to maximise resources.

Many of our teaching assistants are specially trained to work with pupils with specific SEN and deliver interventions providing a wide variety of additional provision.

Both the School SENCO and CMAT SENCO hold the National Award for SEN Co-ordination.

The SENCO's attend regular SEND updates (HUB).

Staff take part in regular insets to share ideas and resources for excellent classroom practice.

Codsall Middle School regards the support services and outside agencies as an essential aid in helping to meet the needs of students with SEND

The Educational Psychology Service provides:

Specific hours dedicated to the school to be used as and when needed.

Assessment guidance and advice for pupils who experience significant barriers.

Monitoring and evaluation programmes of work with these students.

Advisory work with parents and staff
Staff training courses, behaviour audits and advice.

The Special Educational Needs Support Service provides:

Support for SENCO in assessment and advice for pupils who are on the register who do not appear to be making the desired progress.

Assessment of and report compilation for pupils requiring exam dispensation.

Curriculum and resource development advice
Inset as course designers and tutors.

The Speech and Language Therapy Service provides:

Support and advice for pupils experiencing language impairments.

Discussion with parents/students/SENCOs and teaching assistants on appropriate programmes of work.

Monitoring of programmes of work with SENCO/teaching assistants/parents

The Vision Impairment Team (VI) provides:

assessment and monitoring of functional vision

assessment of educational need

advice for teachers and parents on access to the curriculum in mainstream and special schools

awareness raising and INSET (In-service training) for teachers and other professionals

teaching of specialist skills: e.g. Braille, Moon

assessment of the need for specialist equipment and training in its use

advice on and provision of adapted materials and large print, Braille or Moon

mobility assessment and training

screen assessments for ICT

touch typing lessons

training in the use of low vision aids

If you believe or are concerned that you child may have Special Educational Needs/disabilities, you can should contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year in the first instance. Additionally, you can contact Miss L Davies (School SENCO) or Mrs R Connolly (CMAT SENCO) to discuss your concerns further. Contact details for all staff are available on the school’s website.

Miss L Davies – School SENCo – senco@codsall-middle.staffs.sch.uk

Mrs R Connolly – Codsall Mutli-Academy Trust SENCo – r.connolly@codsall-middle.staffs.sch.uk

The governing body and the designated SEND Governor will support and challenge the school and its members to secure necessary provision for any child identified as having SEND. The SEND Governor will ask probing questions to ensure all teachers are aware of the importance of providing for these children and ensure that funds and resources are used effectively. The governing body ensures that children with SEND are admitted to school in line with the schools admissions policy. The Governing Body reviews the SEND policy annually and considers any necessary amendments.

All pupils have the opportunity to join the School Council, become an Eco Representative or Fairtrade Representative as part of the Student Leadership roles within school. During form time, pupils are given the opportunity to discuss wider school issues and share their opinions on school matters.

If a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan, their views are gathered prior to an Annual Review taking place so that the child is involved in the process and has the opportunity to share their feelings and wishes.

Codsall Middle School is part of Codsall Multi Academy Trust (CMAT) alongside St Nicholas First School and Birches First School. CMAT is governed by its Trustees and Members and operates within the confines of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Each school within the MAT is supported and governed at local level by a Local Academy Board (LAB), which is led by a Lead. Our LAB Lead is Mr D Smith who can be contacted by email on gov.dsmith@codsall-middle.staffs.sch.uk

Parents have the opportunity to join the LAB or CMAT Board when vacancies arise. Vacancies are made known to parents or you may register your interest by contacting the school office: office@codsall-middle.staffs.sch.uk

As part of our ‘open door policy’ parents are welcome to book an appointment to meet with their child’s form tutor, Head of Year, SENCo or the Headteacher to discuss any concerns they have. As a school we will always strive to support families as best we can. Teaching staff are available to discuss your child’s progress, with termly parents' evenings being held.

Each child is provided with a planner at the beginning of the academic year. This may be used to communicate with parents.

A home-school contact may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.

An ‘Early Help Assessment’ can be put in place to support families who may require additional support.

All families can be supported in accessing help from outside agencies and support groups upon their request.

Inclusion and accessibility

Pupils with special educational needs participate fully in arranged trips, optional extra-curricular clubs, arts activities, sports teams and school committees.

The school actively tries to ensure that all extra-curricular activities, including residential, accommodate children’s specific needs.

The school building is fully accessible by wheelchair.

Disabled toilet facilities are available. However, disabled changing facilities are not.

Parking areas are available for pick up and drop offs.

The school is predominantly on one level, with 3 mobile classrooms made accessible by a ramp.

We have disabled toilet facilities.

As a school, we believe that all children are entitled to participate in extra-curricular activities. Therefore, we will make reasonable adjustments to support those with children SEND are able to participate in such activities. This is discussed on an individual basis where a risk assessment is required to ensure a child’s safety is always maintained.

Our breakfast and after-school provision is accessible to all children, including those with SEND where possible. This is discussed on an individual basis where a risk assessment is required to ensure a child’s safety is always maintained.

Communication with parents is done through a variety of different ways. The first point of contact is with a child’s form tutor. You can contact them via email or make an appointment to meet by contacting the school office.

All parents are given information about how to access Arbor so that they are able to monitor their child’s attendance, behaviour, homework, timetable and school reports.

Links to letters are emailed to parents as well as being added to the school website.

Joining and moving on

Information regarding admission to our school can be found in our admissions policy.

As part of our ‘open door policy’ parents are welcome to book an appointment to meet with the Head of Year, SENCo or the Headteacher to arrange a visit to the school at any point throughout the academic year.

An open day is held annually, typically at the beginning of October.

To arrange a visit to the school, please contact the school reception on 01902 843177.

If your child is joining us from another school:

The SENCO will contact your child’s school to discuss your child’s needs.
Your child will be able to visit our school and stay for ‘taster sessions’ to meet members of staff as agreed with the SENCo
If your child would be helped by a book/passport to support them in understand moving on, then one will be made for them.
A 1-Page-Profile may also be used to help others understand your child and their needs.

If your child is moving to another school:

We will contact the school SENCO and ensure that they know about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child. Where possible, a transition meeting will take place with the SENCO from the new school, which parents are encouraged to attend.
We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
If your child would be helped by a book/passport to support them in understand moving on, then one will be made for them.
A 1-Page-Profile may also be used to help others understand your child and their needs.

When moving classes in school:

You and your child will be notified as soon as possible. The SENCO will discuss your child’s needs in a specific meeting, they may wish to invite you to attend this meeting also.

If your child would be helped by a book/passport to support them in understand moving on, then one will be made for them.

A 1-Page-Profile may also be used to help others understand your child and their needs.

Staff have access to specific information which they use to help support your child.

Additional information

If a family wishes to access additional support services, as a school, we are more than happy to direct them to an apporopraite professional.

Additional support is available through the following:
Staffordshire Local Offer
Staffordshire SEND IASS Family Partnership

This information was updated in December 2023 and will be reviewed in December 2024.

We do our best to ensure that all our children have the opportunity to flourish and achieve to the very best of their ability. Inevitably, there may be times when, parents feel we have simply not been able to do that. If you feel that things are not going as well as you had expected, you can:

Arrange to speak to your child’s teacher, the SENCO or Head teacher.
Contact the Parent Partnership Service for support and advice.

A copy of our Complaints Policy is available on our website.

Link to complaints policy

Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Fully wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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