The school’s SEN Policy includes a statement of the curriculum entitlement of every pupil, including those with SEN. All departments, promote the skills of oracy, literacy and numeracy through the every-day teaching of their subject. At Codsall Middle School classes are mostly mixed ability. Teachers are therefore responsible for delivering differentiated work and providing targeted support for children with SEN. In subjects where setting or banding occurs e.g. Maths and English, some degree of differentiation occurs through the setting by ability.
Teaching assistants help to support pupils with special educational needs in mainstream classes and provide specific help on a small group or individual basis.
It is expected that every pupil irrespective of their ability will have full access to the opportunities offered in the school, both educational and social. The use of teaching assistants, should aid the development of independence, promote confidence and build self-esteem in the pupil.
All pupils benefit from a range of teaching and learning styles; a differentiated curriculum, a range of differentiated learning materials (both for reinforcement and extension), assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements, access to ICT, ability groupings and a broad range of extracurricular activities.
The provision for a child with special educational needs and / or disabilities is first and foremost designed by the staff members teaching the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies such as speech and language therapy support.
The views of parents form an integral part of any child on the SEN register and the annual review of those children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Review meetings are arranged at a time convenient for parents/ carers to attend and their views of the pupil’s provision are paramount to the successful implementation of that provision. The school utilises parents’ own knowledge of their child and recognises that parents have responsibilities towards the child in working effectively with the SENCOs and staff. Therefore, parents of pupils on the SEN register are invited to attend a termly Parent Forum where they will have the opportunity to discuss concerns, targets and progress with the SENCO.