The school has an Intimate Care Policy in place which recognises that some pupils need assistance with their personal care needs within the school. Intimate care includes such activities as feeding, oral care, washing, changing clothes, toileting, first aid and medical assistance, comforting and support, and supervising intimate self-care that may be required to meet the personal needs of a child. We endeavour to develop independence in every child but on those occasions when children need assistance they must feel safe, have personal privacy, feel valued, be treated with dignity and respect, and be involved and consulted about their own intimate care. All staff receive training in Safeguarding, First Aid, and moving and handling, as appropriate.
Children who require medication in school and those with more complex needs will have Individual Health Care Plans drawn up in partnership with the whole school team and other healthcare professionals. These are shared with the class team and agreed by parents/carers so that all adults working with the child understand the care plan and how to meet the pupil’s needs. The school has a named school nurse who supports in this area. Where pupils have medical appointments, we ask parents/carers to consider the least impact on attendance at school, but where this is not possible, medical appointments are authorised absences.
In the case of a medical emergency, Individual Care Plans are followed as appropriate and/or emergency services are called. Listed emergency contacts are contacted by the school and we maintain communication and devise a plan of action with emergency contacts. It is important that all pupils have at least two emergency contacts.