Every child is special and unique, all support and interventions are carefully tailored to an individual’s needs. As concerns are raised and discussed with parents, children will be carefully monitored and the needs will be assessed on an individual basis.
All pupils will be provided with high quality teaching that is scaffolded with care to meet the needs of the learners.
The quality of teaching and pupil progress is monitored through processes including: classroom observations, discussions during pupil progress meetings, ongoing assessment of progress, work sampling, scrutiny of planning, meetings with SENCO and pupil and parent feedback/voice.
Pupils with a disability will be provided with ‘reasonable adjustments’ in order to increase their access to the curriculum e.g. in English, a child may need coloured overlays, work mats, writing slopes, IT equipment, specialist equipment and extra reading opportunities .
All pupils have individual age appropriate targets set in line with national outcomes to encourage ambition. These are discussed with parents at Parents’ Evening. Their targets are tracked throughout the year using the whole school tracking system, by staff in school.
Pupils who are not making the expected levels of progress are identified very quickly and are discussed in meetings between the class teacher and SENCO and the Senior Leadership Team.
If further action is required to increase progress this will follow the: Assess, Plan, Do, Review model.
Additional interventions will be planned to increase the rate of progress, the impact of the differentiated teaching being provided for your child will be recorded to assess progress made.
SEND support will be recorded on Assess, Plan, Do, Review assessment sheets, these identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will include SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely) Targets. The targets will be shared with parents and the children. Targets will be regularly monitored by the class teacher and SENCO. Half termly meetings will be held with parents to discuss the targets and the progress made towards them. Parental support is key to the success of a child’s education and we encourage all parents/carers to attend these meetings and share their thoughts and concerns in a supportive environment.
If progress rates are still judged inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil.
For a very small percentage of children, whose needs are sufficient and complex and the provision required to meet their needs cannot be reasonably provided within our academy resources, a request will be made to the Local Authority to conduct an assessment of their education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education Health Care Plan (EHC).