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School SEN Details

All Saints CE Academy, Denstone

Oak Road, Denstone, ST14 5HT


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Children are identified as having SEN when their progress has slowed and stopped and the interventions, as part of quality first teaching and resources which we put into place, do not secure improvement. Once this occurs we add to their provision plans specific, individual educational targets which help support their development and accelerate their progress.
If your child is new to our academy, we gain information from yourselves, your child’s pre-school key workers or previous school and information from other services who have worked with your child, for example a speech and language therapist. This information will be used to ensure that we meet any additional needs your child may have. Once your child is in school we will monitor their progress and development. If we have concerns we may ask other professionals to give advice and support.

It is important to state that if they then consistently achieve good progress and the gaps close that they do not remain as an ‘SEN’ child. We consider this to be a reflection on the quality of the provision we offer to all our pupils, including those with SEN.
Programmes and processes we may use in the early identification process are:
• Differentiated work that continues to challenge
• Precision teaching
• 1:1 or small group support led by a TA or a teacher
• The Turnabout Intervention Programme
• Additional Phonics support
• Chunking work into manageable sections to aid the development of concentration and retention

If you are concerned about your child’s achievement and needs, please speak initially to your child’s class teacher who will refer your concerns to our SENCO (Special education needs and disabilities coordinator) / Executive Headteacher where necessary. Your concerns will always be taken seriously and your views are very important to us.
Mrs Rebecca Walker is the SENCO.
Mrs Claire Ives is now the joint SENCO having recently completed the Post Graduate SENCO Award

Special-Educational-Needs-SEN-Policy-2021.pdf (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)
Accessibility-Plan-2021-2024.pdf (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)
Assessment-2021-22.pdf (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)
Behaviour-and-Discipline-Policy.docx (live.com)
Equality-Policy-The-Saints-2022.pdf (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)
Layout 1 (churchofengland.org)
Health-Safety-and-Welfare-Policy-2021-22-1.pdf (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)

SEND Policy and other related documents

School Website Policies Page

Teaching, learning and support

Your child’s needs will be met within the class, supported by high quality teaching, including lesson planning that takes account of the needs of each child. This takes into consideration all types of learners and provides appropriate activities for kinaesthetic, auditory and visual learners.
• The progress of all children is reviewed on a regular basis.
• The class teacher will develop a plan for your child, setting appropriate targets which are overseen by the SENCO. This will be reviewed five times a year to ensure that support remains appropriate.
• Where necessary an individual programme of support will be used and progress monitored.
• Where necessary the school may seek support from outside services. This will be discussed with you and a referral made with your permission.
• The LAC (Local Academy Council) is responsible for ensuring that funding is used appropriately, and for monitoring teaching and accessibility. There is a designated SEN Governor who works with the SENCO. In our academies this is Tracy Ward.

You will have the opportunity to meet formally two times a year for a longer slot than standard parental consultations to discuss your child’s progress. You are more than welcome to meet with your child’s class teacher whenever you feel you need to discuss their needs. Your child’s targets will be shared with you and suggestions and resources as to how to help support your child at how will be provided. We also offer sessions on supporting children’s learning in many key areas such as phonics, reading, calculations and writing.
School provision:
• Teaching Assistants mainly working in the classroom or withdrawal areas within school with either individual children or small groups.
• ICT support in the form of reading and maths programmes and Lexplore Analytics, a reading screening and intervention programme, is delivered by teaching assistants during specified 1:1 and small group sessions, according to need.
• Teaching Assistants offering support for children with emotional and social development through nurture type activities including friendships groups etc.

• Lessons are pitched appropriately so that all children can learn and progress.
• Teachers take account of the needs of the individual child and plan different tasks and materials appropriately.
• Tracking and assessment enables each class teacher to analyse the progress of the child. (standardisation through tests and progression statements)
• Pupil progress meetings are held three times a year with the senior leadership team and class teachers to discuss suitable teaching programmes for each child.
• Reviews of learning targets for your child are reviewed five times a year with the SENCO and class teacher and new programmes or support is organised as necessary, leading to personalised learning.
• Targets are set to support children’s individual needs and are regularly updated.
• Children work in a variety of groupings, such as small supported groups, 1:1, mixed ability and similar ability groups.

You will have the opportunity to meet formally two times a year for a longer slot than standard parental consultations to discuss your child’s progress. You are more than welcome to meet with your child’s class teacher whenever you feel you need to discuss their needs. Your child’s targets will be shared with you and suggestions and resources as to how to help support your child at home will be provided. We also offer sessions on supporting children’s learning in many key areas such as phonics, reading, calculations and writing.

The special educational needs (SEN) budget is managed by the Local Academy Council and SEN Governor, the Executive Headteacher and the Office Manager.
• Funding is secured to pay for additional equipment and facilities if required such as the use of our notional SEN budget, applying for AEN funding, EHC funding and where applicable, school budget and capital funding
• Resources are requested and ordered as necessary to support each pupil’s learning once research into best value and effectiveness is completed.
• Regular meetings are held to monitor impact of extra support.
• The Local Academy Council is kept informed of funding decisions.

• Each child is assessed individually according to the SEN Code of Practice and LA guidance and personalised or group learning support programme (s) will be developed dependent on need.
• Additional assessments from outside services, such as educational psychologists and speech and language will inform the types of support and/or resources needed.
• Regular review meetings with appropriate staff are carried out to discuss your child’s progress and any additional needs that require support.
• Pupil progress meetings are held with the Senior Leadership Team and class teacher to track progress and decide upon further support.
• School based plans are discussed with parents and staff at least three times a year.
How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?
All parents are actively encouraged to take part in the school community. This may include volunteering, attending worship, workshops, sharing skills and school visits as well as PTA (FOAL) and Governance.

We are part of the East Staffordshire SEND Hub that meet termly. Professionals from a variety of sectors attend the meetings and good practice is shared. Schools requiring additional support and/or equipment and resources can put requests through the Hub and support is offered and needs met.

• Tracking and assessment enables each class teacher to analyse the progress of the child. (standardisation through tests and progression statements)
• Pupil progress meetings are held three times a year with the senior leadership team and class teacher to discuss suitable teaching programmes for each child.
• Reviews of learning targets for your child are reviewed five times a year with the SENCO and class teacher and new programmes or support is organised as necessary, leading to personalised learning.
• Targets are set to support children’s individual needs and are regularly updated.
• Children work in a variety of groupings, such as small supported groups, 1:1, mixed ability and similar ability groups.

You will have the opportunity to meet formally two times a year for a longer slot than standard parental consultations to discuss your child’s progress. You are more than welcome to meet with your child’s class teacher whenever you feel you need to discuss their needs. Your child’s targets will be shared with you and suggestions and resources as to how to help support your child at how will be provided. We also offer sessions on supporting children’s learning in many key areas such as phonics, reading, calculations and writing.

• The SENCo is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have.
• All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
• One page profiles of your child will be reviewed with your involvement on a regular basis.
• Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual requirements.
• A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
• We can provide you with resources to help you support your child at home.
• The school website offers videos and power points to help you with supporting phonics, reading and maths at home.

All pupils are involved in setting targets and creating success criteria for their work in the classroom. Class teachers involve them at every stage of their learning. We aim for our pupils to be independent and to have ownership of their learning journey. We actively encourage them to challenge themselves and work hard to develop resilience so that they are not deterred by finding things hard. Our KS2 pupils follow the Learning Without Limits ethos where all pupils are given the choice as to what level of challenge they feel is right for them. Each child is supported in making the right choices and resources and equipment are always provided to aid them with their work.

• Your child’s progress will be continually monitored by his/her class teacher.
• His/her progress will be reviewed formally with the Executive Headteacher and SENCo every term in reading, writing and maths.
• If your child is in Reception or above, a more sensitive assessment tool can be used, which shows their attainment in more detail – breaking learning down into smaller steps The Engagement Model.
• At the end of each key stage (i.e. at the end of year 2 and year 6), all children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS). This is something the government requires all schools to do and are the results that are published nationally.
• Where necessary, children will have targets set on their one page profiles which are regularly reviews or have targets set by outside agencies specific to their needs. Targets will be set in collaboration with the parents and pupil and similarly reviewed in this way.
• The progress of children with a statement of SEN/EHC Plan will be formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.
• The SENCo will also check that your child is making good progress within any individual work and in any group that they take part in.
• Regular book scrutinies and lesson observations will be carried out by the SENCo and other members of the Senior Management Team to ensure that the needs of all children are met and that the quality of teaching and learning is high.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Please read in conjunction with our accessibility plan.
• The academy site is largely wheelchair accessible
• We have a disabled toilet that is large enough to accommodate changing and suitable for wheelchair users.
• Visual timetables are used.

We recognise that some children have extra emotional and social needs that need to be developed and nurtured. These needs can manifest themselves in a number of ways, including behavioural difficulties, anxiousness, and being uncommunicative.
All classes follow a structured PSHE (Personal, Social, Health end Economic education) curriculum to support this development. However, for those children who find aspects of this difficult we offer:
• Friendship groups which are led by skilled TAs.
• Lunchtime and playtime support through planned activities and groups.
• Worship Leaders – these are trained pupils who can offer support to their peers.
• Relax Kids – We work closely with Claire from Relax Kids who delivers weekly sessions with all pupils around self-regulation and recognizing and dealing with emotions. We can arrange additional 1:1 sessions for pupils who require further support.
• Children’s counsellor – we now have access to a qualified children’s counsellor through our Multi Academy Trust. A programme of support can be provided to pupils who need this.

• Advice and guidance has been sought and implemented to respond to pupils who have significant medical needs e.g. asthma, diabetes, incontinence, anaphylaxis etc.
• Relevant staff have completed mandatory training to ensure safety in moving and handling
• All staff understand and implement the medicine administration policy and this measurably increases pupils’ safety and parents’ confidence
• We receive specialist training from the school nursing team for pupils with Asthma and those with allergies who may have Epi-pens.
• Relevant staff have the required First Aid training. All EYFS staff and a further 4 staff members have Paediatric First Aid training and we have one member of staff with Emergency First Aid training. The Executive Headteacher is also Paediatric First Aid trained.
The SENCO has completed additional specialist CPD to increase their effectiveness in offering advice and guidance to staff in meeting the needs of pupils with sensory, physical and/or medical needs.


• The behaviour policy identifies reasonable adjustments to ensure the need for pupil exclusion is very rare and well below national levels
• The school ethos is one where all pupils are valued and their diverse abilities equally celebrated
• Behaviour systems are predominantly run through a positive behaviour approach.
• Sanctions are based on restorative justice principles and result in pupils making more positive decisions about behavioural choices
• Risk assessment processes effectively ensure that action is taken to increase the safety and inclusion of all pupils in all activities
• Support is offered and signposted to families in need to reduce the impact disadvantage has on outcomes
• The school provides effective pastoral care for all its pupils and this is judged to be supportive of their needs by pupils themselves
• Access to information and support is provided within school in regard to pupils behavioural, social and emotional needs
• External support is sought and advice implemented to ensure that pupils with emotional needs are effectively responded to
• Pupil voice mechanisms demonstrably lead to changes in school policies and procedures and therefore greater autonomy
• The delivered curriculum ensures that Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development is central to all teaching
• The school has effective systems for ensuring that peer friendships are maintained and no pupil feels isolated
• Small group targeted programmes are delivered to pupils to improve skills in social skills and emotional resilience abilities. Relax Kids sessions weekly for all pupils.
• The effective engagement of parents and carers in formulating plans to support the pupil
• ‘50 things to do before you’re 9’ programme offers a different approach to the curriculum, to support children with social and emotional needs.
• Prayer and reflection spaces enable pupils to quietly reflect on things that may be worrying them.
• The ‘random acts of kindness’ encourages positive behaviour and kindness to all.
• Our Core Christian Values permeate school life and pupils are encouraged to show these behaviours in and around school and at home.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour and Discipline Policy

Children with incredibly specific and complex physical or learning difficulties may be eligible for an EHC (Educational health care plan, old code of practice statement). The success criteria to receive an EHC are highly specific and children have to be many years behind academically or have profound needs in order to receive this level of funding and support. Parents will be communicated with by the SENCO and other agencies in order to work through this process. When a child is at EHC we review their learning with you at an extended parents’ evening slot and a formal review in the summer in addition to their annual report as well as a formal EHC formal review meeting which is annual to the date of the plan.

Working together

Class teacher input, via excellent targeted classroom teaching (Quality First Teaching).
For your child this would mean:
• That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child and all pupils in their class.
• That all teaching is built on what your child already knows, can do and can understand.
• That different ways of teaching are in place, so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning.
• That specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCo) are in place to support your child to learn.
• Your child’s class teacher will have carefully checked on your child’s progress and will have decided that your child has a gap or gaps in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support to help them make the best possible progress.
The class teachers at All Saints are:

EYFS – Mrs Josi Wilson
KS1 – Mrs Fiona Tomlinson
KS2 – Mrs Emma Manby
The TAs in school are highly skilled and trained to deliver a range of SEND Intervention programmes. The TAs in school are:

EYFS – Mrs Jeanette Lord (p/t) and Miss Jess Roughton (p/t)
KS1 and KS2 support – Mrs Anna Brookes (f/t) and Mrs Kelly Hughes (p/t)

• The school provides training and support to enable all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children, including those with SEND. This includes whole school training on SEND issues, such as Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), Dyslexia and speech and language difficulties.
• Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class, e.g. from the Autism Outreach Team (AoT) service.
• Because we are a small school, the staff team are very close. We have daily discussions about pupils and teachers seek advice from colleagues on how best to support pupils in their class. Our experienced SENCO works closely with the teachers and TAs, offering specialist advice and support where and when required.

Currently, across the academy we have teachers and teaching assistants who have had training in the following areas:
• Speech and language
• Dyslexia
• Autistic Spectrum Condition
• A variety of areas for counselling support such as bereavement and separation anxiety.
The Executive Head Teacher is the CPD Co-Ordinator for all staff ensuring that all staff have the skills they require to support pupils.
• Skills audits are carried out and a rolling programme of training is delivered within school expertise or outside services.
• Shadowing/peer observation regularly takes place.
• Medical training to support pupils with health care plans.
• All staff have annual training to manage asthma and have epi-pen training.
• All staff have completed CPD in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN at Wave 1 (Inclusion Development Programme) and skills are updated through a variety of mechanisms (working in partnership with other schools, support from external advisors)
• Teaching assistants are effectively deployed to ensure pupil progress, independence and best value for money

We may access support from other services, for example;
• The local support team who support the commissioning of services for your child.
• SENIS – We are able to purchase a minimum of 3 annual sessions of SEN support from Entrust
• Educational Psychology Service – this is now a nontraded service and we are allocated three visits per year
• Speech and Language Therapy
• School nurse
• Autism Outreach Team – For pupils who have a working diagnosis or full diagnosis of ASC.
• Early years services
• Education Support, Behaviour and Attendance Service
• Occupational therapy
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
• Counselling services (YESS)
• Service for Children with Sensory Needs
• Relax Kids

• Class teacher – Mrs Josi Wilson (EYFS), Mrs Fiona Tomlinson (KS1) or Mrs Emma Manby (KS2)
• Senior Teacher – Mrs Emma Manby
• Executive Head Teacher – Mrs Rebecca Walker
• School website- Home - All Saints CE Academy (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)
• If you have a question, want to look around or perhaps you feel that your child’s needs are hard to meet and you want to discuss the matter in more depth please do not hesitate to contact us 01889590418

The SENCO is Rebecca Walker who is also the Executive Headteacher. She can be contacted via the School Office
Telephone number: 01889590418
E-mail: office@allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk

• The LAC (Local Academy Council) is responsible for ensuring that funding is used appropriately, and for monitoring teaching and accessibility. There is a designated SEN Governor who works with the SENCO. In our academy the SEN Governor is Mrs Tracy Ward

We have a very active school council at All Saints as well as a Worship Team. These groups of pupils meet regularly with adults in school to discuss future ventures and to express their views. All pupils are voted on by their peers and the process is open to all pupils.

All parents are actively encouraged to take part in the school community. This may include volunteering, attending worship, workshops, sharing skills and school visits as well as PTA (FOAL) and Governance. Positions on our Local Academy Council are formally advertised/communicated when they become available.

We offer support to our families where we can. This can be support in filling in forms and referrals or reading through and understanding professional reports and assessments. Please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with the SENCO/Executive Headteacher.

Tel: 01889590418
E-mail: office@allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk

Inclusion and accessibility

• We make sure that activities outside the classroom and school trips are available to all.
• Risk assessments are carried out for each trip and a suitable number of adults are made available to accompany the pupils, with 1:1 support if necessary.
• Parents/carers are invited to accompany their child on a school trip if this ensures access
• After school clubs are available to all pupils and adjustments will be made to support their participation.
• Health and safety audits will be conducted as and when appropriate.

Fully Accessible ?
Partially Accessible ?
Not Accessible ?
Are disabled changing facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Are disabled toilet facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Do you have parking areas for pick-up and drop-offs? Yes ?
No ?
Do you have disabled parking spaces for students (post-16 settings)? Yes ?
No ?

Please follow the link to our Accessibility Plan

Link to accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

• Advice and guidance is sought and implemented from the Sensory Impairment/Inclusion team to ensure that barriers to success are reduced or removed.
• Advice and guidance is sought and implemented from Key Learning Services (KLC) and Physical Disability Support Services (PDSS)
• EYFS use some Makaton signing to aid Early Communication

Our Academy offer pupils who require “additional to and different from support” the following in addition to the above.
• pupils with EAL- involvement of Ethnic Minority Achievement Unit (EMAU)
• young people in public care - involvement of virtual headteacher and social worker.
• traveller pupils - involvement of traveller team
• refugee and asylum seeker pupils - involvement of EMAU team
• minority ethnic and faith groups - involvement of EMAU team
• pupils with medical needs - involvement of Health services, Key Learning Services and PDSS
• young carers - involvement of Social Care teams and Virtual School
• pupils from families under stress - nvolvement of Families First and Local Support Teams
• pupils at risk of exclusios - involvement of Educational Psychology Service, Behaviour Support Teams, Behaviour and attendance team, Short Stay schools, SEND Hub
• pupils from different gender groups

Joining and moving on

Please contact the Office Manager, Mrs Joanne Goodwin on 01889590418 or e-mail: office@allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk
Executive Headteacher and SENCO – Mrs Rebecca Walker – executivehead@thesaintsacademies.co.uk
Please click on the following link to access our school website where you can find the admissions policy and other relevant documents and learn more about us! Home - All Saints CE Academy (allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk)

Visits to the school can be arranged by contacting the Office Manager, Mrs Joanne Goodwin: office@allsaints-denstone.staffs.sch.uk – 01889590418

• We always meet with parents and any transition teams when a child with SEN arrives at our school and depending on need, create plans for their arrival and effective transition.
• Induction events take place during the summer term for all children who are joining the Foundation Stage in September, they have several sessions at our academy and our Early Years leader also visits all nurseries or homes (where enabled) in order to ensure children are familiar with them.
• There is close liaison between the teachers in our feeder nurseries and middle schools and dual placement settings. This may involve multi-agency meetings to support the transition.
• Good transfer of all SEN information.
• Previous schools contacted for information sharing.
• Transition to new class facilitated by sessions during the summer term with new class teachers and environment.
• Transition sessions for Year 4 pupils at our middle schools during the summer term.
• New schools are invited to attend any reviews prior to transition.
• Pupil voice (children are asked their views on an issue either individually or in small groups)
• For children with ASC we work alongside AOT to provide bespoke transition sessions which include visits to the school and games based on the school building.

Additional information

Staffordshire Connects
SENDIASS - We provide an impartial and confidential service on matters relating to a child or young person’s special educational needs or disability from birth to 25 years. We are the Information, Advice and Support Service for Staffordshire SENDIASS - Staffordshire Family Partnership | Staffordshire Connects

Links to other support


This information was last updated in January 2022 and will be reviewed in September 2022

Please use the link to access the SUAT Complaints Policy

Link to complaints policy

Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Resource for moderate learning difficulty

Other setting facilities

  • Fully wheelchair accessible
School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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