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School SEN Details

Lakeside Community Primary School

Leyland Road, Glascote, Tamworth, B77 2SA


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

We know when pupils need help if:
• Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
• Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress
• Pupil observation indicates that they have additional needs in one of the four areas -
1. Communication and interaction
2. Cognition and learning
3. Social, mental and emotional health
4. Sensory/physical
• A pupil asks for help

Children who fall into one or more of these categories are monitored for a six week period, with regular discussion between the class teacher and SENCo. A conversation will also have been had with parents to explain the process. During this period, interventions or classroom adaptations are implemented to identify whether there is an additional need. In addition, standardised assessments in areas such as spelling and comprehension are undertaken to gain a more detailed picture of the pupil. Following this monitoring period, a further discussion is had to decide on the next steps for this pupil. Sometimes, a decision is made to place the pupil on the SEN register. A meeting is then called with the parents, class teacher, SENCo and pupil (where appropriate) to explain how the Individual Learning Plans are generated to support their child in school. The strategies which will be put in place which are 'different from' and 'additional to' the quality day to day practice experienced in the classroom are shared with all parties which will then be reviewed on a termly basis.

All parents will be listened to. Your views and their aspirations for your child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school.If you have concerns then please firstly discuss these with your child’s teacher as they have the most interaction with your child on a daily basis. Depending on the outcome, this then may result in a referral to the school SENCo where a monitoring process can begin for a six week period if deemed necessary.

The school website has a dedicated SEND section under 'Parents'. Here you can access the school's ethos surrounding SEN, as well as the school's policy which details the provisions available for children with SEN. In addition, explanations on how to access support for your child and the practices involved in placing a pupil on the SEN register can be found here.

Teaching, learning and support

Teachers plan using pupils’ achievement levels, differentiating work to better match ability to work provided for all pupils in the classroom. When a pupil has been identified as having special needs, their work will be further differentiated by the class teacher to remove barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily. In addition, they will be provided with extra support that may include specialised equipment or resources, ICT and/or additional adult help.

We follow a graduated approach which includes a cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review. Each pupil on the SEN register will follow this approach with an Individual Learning Plan. These will have specific targets for each pupil to achieve, along with the strategies, adaptations, resources or interventions put in place to help achieve each target. Sometimes, these plans include targets which have been set by outside agencies who provide specialist support. Those children who have an EHCP also have specific targets which are reviewed annually by the Staffordshire Hub Team.

Any interventions which are carried out on a small group or individual 1:1 basis are recorded and reviewed on a six week basis to identify the level of success. These may be carried out by class teachers or teaching assistants at set periods throughout the school day.

Teachers plan for the needs of all children in the classroom. Differentiation can be implemented in many ways. For example, the deployment of the adults in the classroom, or the use of concrete resources and scaffolds can be used to support the children. In some instances, adaptations are made to the task to support those who may have physical needs. These adaptations are utilised to allow opportunities for children to develop their independent learning skills. For example, we use strategies such as '3 before me' (children use their brain, board and buddy before seeking support from an adult) to encourage children to be resilient and persevere if they get stuck. Furthermore, where required, children may access learning which has been planned for from the previous year group's curriculum.

Outside agencies can be involved with pupils for various reasons. Following their visits, reports are produced with personalised recommendations for the school to implement. These will then inform part of the graduated response of Assess, Plan, Do, Review.

In addition to the main classroom teaching, 1:1 and small group interventions take place at particular points throughout the week. These can focus on a range of areas dependent on the child's needs, including speech and language, reading comprehension and social skills to name a few.

The subject leaders and members of the senior leadership team oversee the quality of education provided at Lakeside. It is the responsibility of the SENCo to support staff in planning for children with SEN, offering guidance and suggestions in how best to support each child's differing needs.

Following the guidance from the Standards and Testing Agency, access arrangements are put in place for children who have difficulties which range from reading, writing and concentration, as well as needs including English being an additional language, or physical impairments. The arrangements can include, but are not restricted to, additional time for children to complete the tests, a scribe, a reader for particular tests, or a modified version of the test (braille/enlarged print). Teachers who feel children will benefit from such arrangements must apply to the local authority in advance of the tests taking place, with appropriate supporting evidence. Particular circumstances, such as children who require modified large print or have an EHCP, do not require an application to the authority and automatically qualify for additional time.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources including: a proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit); The National SEN budget; The Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria.

In addition, for those pupils with the most complex needs, the school may be allocated Additional Educational Needs funding (the school must fund the first 10 hours of support). This funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities through:
• In-class support from teaching assistants
• Small group support from teaching assistants e.g. nurture groups, literacy and numeracy support
• Specialist support from teachers e.g. 1:1 tuition
• Bought in support from external agencies e.g. access arrangement assessment, speech and language support.
• Provision of specialist resources e.g. assessment software
• CPD relating to SEND for staff

For pupils with SEN but without an Education Health and Care plan, the decision regarding the support required will be taken at meetings with the SENCo, class teacher and Senior Leadership Team. Where pupils are accessing additional funding, whether that be through resources purchased by school or vai outside agencies, this is shared with parents.

For pupils with an Education Health and Care plan, this decision will be reached when the plan is being produced or at annual review. At annual review of pupils with an EHCP, representatives from the family, school, local authority and any other actively involved agencies will discuss and come to a decision on how best to utilise the funding allocated to that pupil.

Many of the resources pupils with SEND access at school, such as manipulatives to use in Maths or specific items to aid fine motor development, are purchased via the school's SEND or even main budgets. If a member of staff feels a pupil would benefit from such resources, they have unlimited access to these items without the need of putting in a request.

Sometimes, more specialist equipment or resources are required to support a pupil. This would also include accessing particular external agencies which are purchased in by school. If such resources are required, a discussion is had with the class teacher, SENCo and headteacher. Particularly when it comes to accessing external agencies, there may sometimes be waiting lists or a triage process will take place. All resources are documented towards each pupil's provision map, as this can help not only generate a better picture of the pupil, but can also contribute to the 10 hours funding when trying to secure Additional Educational Needs funding.

Each pupil is monitored on a termly basis as part of the pupil progress meetings which take place with the class teacher and members of the senior leadership team. In addition to this, each pupil is reviewed by the SENCo using the ILPs and discussions with the class teacher. The ILPs are updated in real time using a cloud based system meaning that pupils and the effectiveness of the additional support they are accessing is constantly under review. On a termly basis, these are updated with new targets as part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. When a planned intervention has been successful, this may not need to be continued the following term. However, if further support in a particular area is required, the provision for this area will be adapted to better suit the needs of the pupil.

The ILPs are shared with parents which list the attainment data on a termly basis. This demonstrates the progress the pupils are making. Twice yearly parents' evenings also allow opportunities for parents to discuss their child's progress. In addition, Lakeside operates an open door policy where parents can request a conversation, whether it be in person or over the phone at a convenient time, to discuss their child with the class teacher. When a parent has a further query which cannot be answered by the class teacher, contact can be made with the SENCo via the designated email address.

Some pupils, dependent on their needs, may have a home/school communication book if deemed necessary. This gives both parents and staff the opportunity to make all stakeholders aware of anything worth noting, including positive feedback, in a more discreet manner. However, this is decided on a case by case basis and is not needed for the majority of pupils on the SEND register.

Termly ILPs are shared with parents so they are aware of the specific support their child is accessing in school. These include clear, specific targets which parents can also support their child with at home. For example, a child may have access to a spelling intervention. The specific spellings which the pupil is working on would not only be listed on the ILP, but also sent home with the pupil so that they can continue their learning at home.

If a parent requests any additional resources, these can be arranged by the class teacher. Parent workshops have also taken place in the past, including awareness training on Autism for example, which also contributes to all stakeholders supporting to the best of their ability. Sometimes, school will direct parents to specific agencies or charities who also provide specialist training to support their child.

As part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, pupils will discuss their ILP with the class teacher. Part of this process also allows pupils the opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings about school and their learning. Pupils will be encouraged to articulate what they feel works well for them in school and what further support they feel they would benefit from. Younger pupils will have more of a structured Q and A session whereas older pupils will hold an open discussion about their learning.

There are many stakeholders who evaluate the effectiveness of the SEN provision at Lakeside. Class teachers are held accountable for ensuring quality first teaching takes place in the first instance. The SENCo, along with other members of the senior leadership team, ensure that such quality education is consistent throughout the curriculum and across each year group. The SENCo is also responsible for ensuring that all SEN pupils are accessing the appropriate level of support. Senior members of staff from other local schools will come in and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision in addition to there being a SEND link governor who will oversee the role of SENCo in school and report back to the governing body.

All parents will be listened to. Their views and their aspirations for their child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school. If a concern surrounding their child's provision arises, they are encouraged in the first instance to speak to their child's class teacher. Following on from this, if necessary, this will be further explored by the SENCo, who parents can contact via the designated email address.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate in all school activities. This includes PE lessons which can take place on the playgrounds or school field, but also applies to educational visits which may take place off site. All risk assessments are approved by our Health and Safety coordinator.

Appropriate ratios are met with children during break and lunchtimes. On occasions, where pupils have specific funding allocated for their social needs, additional support is provided on the playground.

A member of the senior leadership team is always present on the school path at the start and end of each day. The class teacher or member of support staff is also on the door each morning to welcome pupils into school. Pupils are dismissed one by one at hometime to an adult who has been specifically listed by the pupil's parent. Some pupils have a specific meet and greet section in a less overwhelming part of the school site where deemed necessary.

Lakeside has members of staff who are specifically trained in emotional development and wellbeing. Provisions such as HOPE (Helping Our Pupils' Emotions) and Positive Play can be accessed by pupils who have been identified as requiring support. There is also a qualified ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) in school who has had specific training on areas including attachment and trauma.

Some pupils access lunchtime 'nurture' where they are supported in making meaningful relationships with their peers. In addition, pupils may access a daily 'check in' with a designated member of staff to allow them to discuss their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Lakeside also has access to a family support worker who works across the multi academy trust. They work with both pupils and families who may require support not only surrounding wellbeing, but any aspect of family support.

All pupils who have a medical condition form part of the school's medical register which is overseen by the school SENCo. The register clearly states the medication required by each pupil in school, along with its location and expiry date. The register also identifies pupils with different allergies across the school.

Pupils who have asthma have an asthma card which details any triggers the pupil may have, as well as the recommended dosage from their doctor. Pupils who have any other medical condition have their own care plan which lists the name of their condition, their daily care needs surrounding their condition, and the actions which need to be taken in an emergency. These care plans are completed alongside the pupil's parent, and are then shared with all members of staff across the school. They are accessible in the classroom of each pupil and are also on display in the medical room should they need referring to at any time.

Lakeside also has an intimate care policy for pupils who may need support with toileting. This is shared with parents when pupils join the school and parents give written permission for school to implement such support when required.

Behaviour at Lakeside is closely monitored by all staff and pupils are aware of what is expected of them. Incidents of poor behaviour/low level disruption in lessons are rare and are dealt with immediately. Behaviour is tracked through the online system Track-it lights. Pupils are rewarded for their positive behaviour. Lakeside has adapted the system to allow pupils to gain points for reasons such as good teamwork or perseverance, which forms part of one of the school's key concepts, Growth Mindset. Track-it lights is visible in the classrooms and is updated in real time. SLT can quickly step in if needed if any negative behaviours are flagged onto the system.

Where children have specific behaviour needs, adaptations are made and support is offered. When needed, external behaviour support is sourced and a personalised behaviour plan is created and shared with all staff in school. The plans are created following discussions with pupils, their families and any external agencies involved and make a positive contribution to standards of behaviour, the pupil’s experience of school life and ensure consistency. Exclusions are incredibly rare due to the provisions in place and the continued support from all stakeholders.

Lakeside shares a family support worker across the trust who, along with the attendance officer, monitors attendance. Support is put in place to aid families in ensuring attendance and punctuality is of a good level.

Links to external agencies

Lakeside Primary - Behaviour Policy

Lakeside's family support worker works closely with the familiies of pupils who are looked after and attends the PEP meetings on the school's behalf. Feedback from both the class teacher and SENCo are sought ahead of any meetings and shared. The SENCo is informed of any actions which have been identified at the PEP (such as making a referral to a particular agency) and are immediately completed.

At the PEP, discussions are held with all stakeholders as to how to utilise the pupils' allocated funding. This may include seeking specialist support (such as an educational psychologist) or purchasing resources to be used at home or school to aid the pupil in making progress.

Working together

On a day to day basis, the pupil's class teacher is the first point of call. If the class teacher is unavailable to speak, then contact can be made via the school office email address. This will be passed onto the relevant teacher who will reply, again via the office. Most classes across the school also have access to a teaching assistant who will work with the pupils on a small group or individual basis.

It is the role of the class teacher to ensure that all pupils access teaching and learning at a level which is appropriate to their ability. This is overseen by members of the senior leadership team and is regularly monitored. The SENCo will also be involved in ensuring that each pupil is accessing the appropriate level of support. If required, parents can contact the SENCo directly on the designated email address. This is often used when discussions surrounding appointments or visits from external agencies take place and reports are shared between school and home.

Whether it be transition between schools, or transition into a different year group, in depth discussions are had between all relevant staff members who work with each pupil with SEND. The class teacher and SENCo will liaise with the pupil's previous teacher as well as parents to ensure all aspects of each pupil's needs are understood.

Previous ILPs are shared, as well as any resources and strategies which have proven beneficial to ensure consistency when transitioning throughout the school.

Lakeside has a member of staff who has completed the NASENCo award, which ensures that the coordination of SEN across the school is of the highest possible standard.

As well as having trained members of staff in Positive Play, HOPE and Emotion Coaching, the school also has a teacher who is a qualified ELSA, who oversees the emotional support required by pupils, in conjunction with the headteacher and SENCo.

Staff have had awareness training in a range of areas such as Dyslexia and Autism. Lakeside has also been awarded the Enhanced Dyslexia Friendly Status.

On site, Lakeside has access to a family support worker who works across the academy trust. Where required, external agencies are brought in to support pupils, including -

Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
Behaviour Support
Children and Young Person’s Autism Service
Autism Outreach Team
Hearing Impairment team
Visual Impairment team
Educational Psychologists
Educational Welfare Officers
Social Services
School Nurse
CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Malachi support service
Speech & Language therapists

If you have any concerns surrounding your child and SEN, the first point of contact would be their class teacher. This may be through discussions on the door at drop off or collection. If this is not feasible, it is recommended parents contact the school office who will arrange for the class teacher to call. This can also be arranged via the school office email address.

If further clarification is needed following discussions with the class teacher, parents can also use the designated SEN email address to speak to the school SENCo. However, this is advised to only take place following initial discussion with the class teacher, or if it is in relation to an external agency.

The SENCo for Lakeside is Mrs Whitney Davies, who is also a full time class teacher. The school phone number of 01827 213990 can be used to arrange an appointment in the first instance. The designated email address of sen@lakeside.staffs.sch.uk can also be used.

The SEN governor is David Ellis. David oversees the coordination of SEN and reports back to governors on at least a termly basis following meetings with the SENCo. It is the responsibility of the governing body to oversee the provision and coordination of SEN across the school, including those children who are looked after. Both the SENCo and Family Support Worker meet monthly to discuss pupils as well as share termly reports with the governing body.

As part of the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, all pupils have an active voice in their learning journey. They have the opportunity to share their views on their learning, what works well and what they would benefit from to aid them further. Pupils feel happy, safe and confident to air their concerns at any other point with the adults in the classroom.

As part of the curriculum, pupils learn about a range of significant people who have accomplished major achievements, despite them having an additional need. This supports pupils in ensuring they continue to have aspirations beyond their time at Lakeside.

Lakeside currently has 2 governors who are on the body as parent governors. Opportunities for such positions are made known to the school community when they become available, along with instructions on how to apply.

Lakeside can help families who may need support in completing forms, such as referrals to outside agencies, or to access Disability Living Allowance where applicable. The school office are on hand to direct parents to the appropriate person, who in most cases will be the school's Family Support Worker.

Inclusion and accessibility

Pupils can access all parts of the curriculum, regardless of their SEND. Lakeside has a wraparound service which caters to families who require childcare, starting as early as 7:45am and as late as 5:15pm daily.

After school clubs, focusing on physical activities/sports are available to all pupils. Clubs are grouped by age and 2 clubs are available each week per age group.

Pupils with SEND access all trips the same way every other pupil does. Appropriate risk assessments are put in place and share with relevant parties in advance of the trip taking place, to ensure that all pupils can access the same quality of education.

The school is all on one level which makes it very accessible for all. Adaptations surrounding lighting and providing a safe space for administering medication such as insulin have taken place to support specific needs. Further adaptations are made as and when necessary to support the individual needs of pupils.

Toilet facilities are available in close proximity to all classrooms, with designated changing facilities in our Early Years areas.

Lakeside has many resources which are used in the classrooms to support pupils with sensory needs. These include safe spaces such as tents, weighted blankets and soft lighting to name a few.

In addition, the school has a designated Positive Play room which can be used for pupils to discuss their emotions in a calming environment, or feel safe in an area where they can dysregulate. Furthermore, the school is fortunate in its amount of outdoor space, where pupils can spend time outside with specific members of staff.

Lakeside communicates with parents in a variety of ways, including email, text and phone call in addition to the regular face to face contact. The school also prides itself on the community it has created via Twitter.

For families who have English as an additional language, communication varies on a case by case basis. Sometimes parents bring along their own support to aid understanding. Where necessary, interpreters would be sourced by school.

Joining and moving on

The admissions policy for Lakeside is available under the 'School' section of the website, under 'School Policies' as is the Disability Access policy. If a parent is looking to enrol their child at Lakeside who has SEND, they can make initial contact with the school office to arrange a visit. Discussions will then be had with parents and SENCo prior to any pupil starting to ensure appropriate transition can take place.

Parents can contact the school office if they wish to look around the school when applying for a school place. Annual open evenings also take place to allow prospective parents to come to visit the school, particularly for our Reception and Nursery in takes.

A number of strategies are in place to enable effective pupil’s transition. These include:
On entry:-
• A planned timetable of visits are provided in the spring and summer terms for pupils starting in September.
• Parents/carers are invited to a meeting at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine.
• The SENCo meets with all new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be located prior to entry.
• If pupils are transferring from another school, the previous school records will be requested immediately and a meeting will be set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns.

Transition to the next school:-
• The transition programme in place for pupils in Year 6 provides a number of opportunities for pupils and parents to meet staff in the new school. These opportunities are further enhanced for pupils with SEND.
• Parents will be encouraged to consider options for the next phase of education and the school will involve outside agencies, as appropriate, to ensure information is comprehensive but accessible.
• Accompanied visits to other providers may be arranged as appropriate.
• For pupils transferring to local schools, the SENCos of both schools will meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEND in order to ensure a smooth transition.
• The records of pupils who leave the school mid phase will be transferred within five working days of the parents notifying their child has been enrolled at another school.

Additional information

There are many support services available to parents, which are listed under 'Family Support' under the 'Parents' area on the school website. Here, there is an introduction to the school's family support worker, as well as links to various agencies parents can access for support, including financial support and the local food bank.

Links to other support

Lakeside Primary - Family Support

The information was updated in February 2022, and is due for renewal in September 2022.

In the first instance, we always ask parents to speak to the class teacher to voice their concerns. This can be done by contacting the school office email address or using the 'Contact Us' section of the school website. The class teacher will then speak to parents. If it is required, the issue will then be passed onto the school's SENCo. Following from this, if the problem cannot be resolved or needs further consultation, the headteacher will get involved. If parents still wish to make a formal complaint following this process, they must follow the complaints policy as listed on the school website, under 'School' and 'School Policies'.

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Resource for social, emotional and mental health
  • Resource for cognition and learning difficulties
  • Resource for moderate learning difficulty

Other support/equipment

  • Outreach and family support
  • Bought in support services
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