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School SEN Details

Two Gates Primary School

Tamworth Road, Two Gates, Tamworth, B77 1EN


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Within our school there is a wealth of experience within our staff and this is used to ensure the early identification of pupils who may need extra help. Information that helps with this process comes from a variety of sources:

• Concerns raised by parents/carers, teachers, teaching assistants or the pupil’s previous school or nursery.
• There may be a lack progress so a child may be identified as performing below age related expectations.
• A pupil asks for help more frequently.
• There is a change in the pupil’s behaviour or low self-esteem that is affecting performance.
• Liaison with external agencies or a health diagnosis through a pediatrician.

If you are worried about your child’s learning, please talk to their class teacher. They will be happy to discuss your concerns and also evidence how your child is working in class, their targets and the progress they are making.

After this discussion, the class teacher will liaise with the Special Educational Needs co-ordinator (SENDCo).

You can find our school SEND policy and other related documents on our school website, or by clicking the links below:

SEND Policy and other related documents

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan

School Website Policy Page

Teaching, learning and support

• Adapted and differentiated Quality first teaching.
• Access to any required intervention as detailed on an agreed provision map.
• Additional support from adults around the school
• Access to other professional advice when required
• Regular dialogue between teacher, child and parent and termly SEND Parent Reviews

• All work is differentiated to meet the individual needs of all children. However on occasions it is necessary to personalise the curriculum to enable a child to be fully included. This is done by class teachers in conjunction with SENDCo and any external agencies involved.
• The learning environments are adapted to make the working areas dyslexic and autism friendly. Any support aids recommended by involved external agencies are provided.
• Some pupils with SEND will need support during assessment testing for example during termly standardised assessments or end of KS2 tests, support is planned according to the pupils' individual needs.

The SEND budget is managed by the Headteacher with the support of the Governing board. It is allocated on a needs basis and reviewed every financial year.

If there is a need to apply for additional funding for pupils this is done by applying to the Local Authority for Additional Educational Needs funding, or by working with the local SEND Hub.

A meeting is arranged with the parent, class teacher and SENDCo to discuss putting a Learning Plan in place.
During this meeting a plan will be put together to include referral to external agencies where relevant.
If needed, school will seek advice from external, professional agencies to personalise support.

Should it be necessary to have specific equipment to support particular additional needs, it will generally be provided from the school’s budget, as will any additional intervention support required. Should this not be possible, there are a number of outside agencies who can be contacted to provide specific equipment on a loan basis.
Partnership with other schools across the trust also provides an opportunity to share resources for specific SEND needs.

Your child’s progress is monitored by the class teacher through both formal and informal assessments.
The progress of children with a Learning Plan is formally reviewed termly with all stakeholders against the objectives set at the planning stage. As part of this plan, there are clear strategies for parents to follow at home to help implement the plan.
The progress of children with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child’s education.
We use a range of ways will be used to keep you informed, which may include:
o Home/school contact book;
o Seesaw;
o Letters/certificates sent home;
o Additional meetings as required;
o Telephone conversations;
If you need support to understand communication between home and school, please let us know. We are happy to communicate with you in your preferred method whether this be in person, writing, phone call etc. We are also happy to help with completing forms and paperwork to support your child’s needs.
We work closely with specialist services to support individual children when needed.

Parents are involved fully in the process of putting together a Learning Plan. They attend all meetings held between professionals to ensure their understanding of their child's difficulties and the plan.
Parents are signposted to support services and training.

The child is involved (as appropriate) in the process of putting together a Learning Plan. Their views are gathered prior to termly Parent Reviews and shared.
Targets will be shared with your child, in language appropriate to them.

• Review of the provision map and support plan on a termly basis.
• Tracking of data for that child
• Discussions with parents, adults and the child
• Detailed record keeping from staff on the impact of the provision
•The SENDCo measures and monitors the overall effectiveness of provision.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Bespoke handover arrangements for transition into and out of school are offered when relevant.
Individual risk assessments are made based on pupil needs to ensure their safety across the school site. Specialist support for these risk assessments will be sought as necessary.
Detailed risk assessments will be completed for any visit taking place outside of school that are approved by the Head teacher and the Local Authority.
All staff are trained in Safeguarding, and have completed relevant checks prior to working in school.
Adjustments to break and lunchtimes can be made and may include- alternate eating spaces, quiet play spaces.

Our school has a comprehensive personal, social, health and relationships education curriculum which includes all aspects of safeguarding education.
Weekly PSHE sessions are taught to develop good self-esteem, confidence and friendships.

All staff are trained in Emotion Coaching strategies and are pro-active in managing pupil well-being, confidence and self-esteem.

Children are aware of who they can talk to if they have any concerns.

The school’s Anti-Bullying Policy can be found on the school’s website: https://twogates.staffs.sch.uk/files/2021/02/Anti-Bullying-Policy.pdf#anti-bullying-policy/
This policy allows for bespoke behaviour plans which meet individual needs as necessary.

We understand that some children find it difficult to make and maintain friendships. Teachers work with individual pupils to set up buddy arrangements or a circle of friends at any time to help.

Counselling and psycho-therapy is offered in school to pupils who believe would benefit from this service.

The school has a policy regarding the administration and managing of medicines on the school site. We also have an Intimate Care Policy which can be found on the school website.

Parents need to contact school office and complete necessary paperwork if medication is recommended by Health Professionals to be taken during the school day. On a day to day basis named First Aiders oversee the administration of any medicines. First Aiders have regular training and updates on conditions and medication affecting individual children so that all staff are able to manage medical situations.

In case of medical emergency, we contact emergency services (and parents) and a trained First Aider will take care of the child.

If a pupil needs any personal care then a Personal Care Plan will be developed with the support of parents and medical professionals and the pupil’s views will also be listened to.

We would ask parents to make medical appointments out of school hours where possible, however, where this is not possible, parents are asked to inform school if a pupil has time off for medical appointments and we will record this absence as ‘medical’, when proof of appointment is shared with school.

As a school we use positive behaviour strategies with a clear reward system (Good to be Green) that is followed by all staff and pupils.

We have weekly and termly rewards.

For children with particular behaviour issues, individual behaviour plans may be introduced. If necessary, support from external agencies will be sought.

Exclusion is always the last resort; we will endeavour to avoid exclusion, however when a pupil's behaviour poses a significant danger or risk to other pupils or staff and all possible safety and risk assessments have been exhausted, the school will exclude.

The SENDCo works closely with all professionals involved in the care of all LAC, including the Lead Teacher for LAC in school. ePEPs are completed termly which include consideration of any additional needs. Appropriate support is provided in consultation with the Virtual School for Looked After Children.

Working together

People involved in your child's education include:
• The class teacher
• Teaching assistants
• Lunchtime Supervisors
• Admin staff
• Headteacher
• Students on placement
• Volunteers in school
• Visiting specialists
• You as the parent
• The SENDCo Mrs Dodds and Assistant SENDCo Mrs Pugh
• The Key stage Lead Teacher of the phase your child is in.

The role of the class teacher is to :
• Ensure adapted quality first teaching of all children
• Plan and assess differentiated lessons
• Ensure every child is included in all lessons
• Use a range of strategies and resources
• Track the progress of every child and report to parents termly
• Liaising with all stakeholders involved with your child to ensure a holistic approach

Please contact the school office to speak to a class teacher or SENDCo- office@twogates.staffs.sch.uk 01827 213855

Our school is committed to working in co-operation with all agencies. We regularly call, attend and lead multi-agency meetings to ensure our children are well supported.
At these meetings we take minutes and all parties are sent copies of the minutes for their files.
The SENDCO also shares any relevant professional advice with the Class Teachers and supports them to complete Learning Plans or SEND Concern Logs.
We raise individual cases with the Tamworth SEND Hub to ensure that pupils receive a coordinated approach, focussed on best outcomes.

Our Special Educational Needs/Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is a qualified and experienced teacher and holds the National Award for SENDCO.
Our Assistant SENDCo hold a certificate in Special Educational Needs.
We regularly invest time in training our staff to improve Wave 1 provision for all students, to develop enhanced skills and knowledge to deliver Wave 2 (short term support interventions) and Wave 3 (individualised support and interventions).
All our teachers including TAs, receive training on how best to support our pupils with SEND, for example in dyslexia, autism, speech and language needs and SEMH needs.
Specialist training is provided for staff working with pupils more complex, specific needs. This is sought by the SENDCo and provided by external agencies such as Educational Psychology or the Autism Outreach Team.

As a school we work closely with any external agencies that we feel are relevant to an individual child’s needs within our school.
External Agencies which may be involved in supporting and assessing your child’s needs, may include:
o Educational Psychology
o SEND Learning Support
o Children’s and Young Person Autism Service
o Autism Outreach Team
o Speech and Language Therapy
o Paediatrics
o Occupational Therapy
o GP
o Hearing and Visual Impairment Support
o Malachi/Early Help
o EY SENDCo/Forum
o Tamworth SEND Hub (Yellow Hub) and District Inclusion Panel

If you have any concerns we recommend you speak to your child’s class teacher initially, and at the earliest opportunity.

Mrs Michelle Dodds- Assistant Headteacher & SENDCO
School Telephone Number: 01827 213855
Email Address: office@twogates.staffs.sch.uk

Mrs Lydia Birds is the named governor for SEND who liaises with the SENDCo and ensures pupils with SEND are high priority within the school and are receiving the support they are entitled to.

Provision and outcomes for pupils who are SEND and/or are also Looked After are monitored by Mrs Sue Watts as part of her Safeguarding responsibilities.

We value and celebrate each child being able to express their views on all aspects of school life. As a Voice 21 school, the development of oracy skills to enable pupils to express their views is a central part of our curriculum and ethos.
All pupils are part of their class council which feeds into the Student Leadership Council. We ensure that pupils with SEND are represented in theses pupil forums.
The SENDCo carries out regular Pupil Voice with all SEND pupils to check on their learning and well being.
If your child has a EHCP their views will be sought before any review meetings.

Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning with regular advice attached to newsletters, Seesaw and the opportunity to talk to their child’s teacher regularly.

Parents are encouraged to become Governors through a democratic process.

We offer opportunities for parents to become volunteers in school.

The school has a successful family learning programme where parents can attain credits towards further study whilst learning how to support their children's learning in different subjects.

The school has an open door policy and always prioritises meeting parents should they request to do so.

Mrs Pugh is our Early Help Lead. She can be contacted through the school office and is able to provide advice and signpost families to access the best support for their needs. She is also available to help parents with completing forms or representing their views.

Inclusion and accessibility

All pupils are encouraged to take part safely in all social time activities. Adjustments to break and lunchtimes can be made and may include- alternate eating spaces, quiet play spaces.
All pupils take part in Outdoor Learning through our Forest School provision.
We aim for all children to be included on school visits and residential trips. We will provide the necessary support to ensure that this is successful.
All children have equal access to after school clubs and wrap around care.
Risk assessments are carried out regularly within school and prior to any off site activity to ensure everyone’s health & safety. Pre-visits can also be arranged. We will include parental views in these.
In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then alternative activities that will cover the same curriculum areas will be provided in school or adjustments made to the visit for the pupil.

We have an Accessibility Plan in place and where feasible, make reasonable adjustments to improve the accessibility of our environment to meet individual needs. Our policy and practice adheres to The Equality Act 2010.
Disabled access is through the main car park, the school site is accessible on one level from this point.
A wheelchair accessible toilet is available near to the school office.

All classrooms have quiet, calm spaces within the main room
All classrooms have direct access to the outside
Our classrooms use neutral displays to reduce visual sensory overload.
There is a sensory room on site which is available for use by identified pupils.
Pupils with SEND are supported to access all facilities by providing additional support from the class teacher or teaching assistant when necessary.

Link to accessibility plan

Two Gates Accessibility Plan

We monitor the languages spoken by families in our setting. Our school website offers direct translation into a number of languages.
We use translation software to support communication with parents and can arrange for a translator to attend meetings when necessary.
We communicate with parents in a variety of ways:
o Text message
o Phone Call
o Email
o Seesaw (home learning platform)
o Weekly e-newsletter (link via text)
o Twitter (@2gatesprimary)

Joining and moving on

For information regarding admissions please contact Mrs Michelle Render, Office Manager – 01827 213855 office@twogates.staffs.sch.uk

We welcome visits to our school and these can be arranged through the School Office.

The school complies fully with the Equality Act 2010 and the School Admissions Code 2012 in relation to the arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils. Where the school is oversubscribed, all children are admitted in accordance with the published over-subscription criteria. Where a child is disabled the school will make reasonable adjustments and provide auxiliary aids or services where reasonable to ensure that no disabled child is placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to other pupils.

Links to information

Admissions Information

For information regarding admissions please contact Mrs Michelle Render, Office Manager – 01827 213855 office@twogates.staffs.sch.uk

Open Days are offered to pupils starting in Nursery or Reception classes annually.

We welcome visits to our school for pupils wishing to join at any other time during the year; please contact the School Office to arrange.

We recognise that ‘moving on’ can be difficult for a child with SEND/and or disabilities and take steps to ensure that any transition is a smooth as possible.
• If your child is moving to another school:
o We will contact the new school’s SENDCo and ensure they know about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.
o We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.

• When moving classes in school:
o Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and in all cases, a meeting will take place with the new teacher.
o Transition booklets or Social Narratives can be provided to support children to understand moving on if necessary.
o Transition sessions are planned in advance of the new school year so children are familiar with their new classroom and teacher.

• Transfer to Secondary School
• Where possible your child will visit their new school on several occasions and in many cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.
• If needed, specialist teams can provide a range of transition materials that can be used on a 1:1 basis or in small groups
• Teaching assistants may accompany children to high school on individual transition days

Additional information

Support the school can access may include:
• Autism Outreach Service
• Educational Psychology
• Sensory Service for children with visual or hearing needs
• Speech and Language Therapy
• Occupational Therapy
• Physiotherapy
• Professional training for school staff to deliver medical interventions
• Family Support Workers.
•School Nurse (Staffordshire NHS Trust)
• Malachi/Family Support
• GP
• Paediatrics
• SENDIASS (to support families through the SEND processes and procedures).

Links to other support

SENDIASS Family Partnership

This information was updated in May 2022.

As a school we annually update the information provided on this form and our review date is set for September each year.

Updates may occur at different times should any significant change.

If at any stage as a parent/carer you are unhappy with the provision that we are making for your child, you should, in the first instance, approach the class teacher or the school's SENDCo.
If this does not solve the complaint, then a parent should then follow the school's complaints policy.

Link to complaints policy

Complaints Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other support/equipment

    • Sensory room/garden
    • Outreach and family support
    • Bought in support services

    Other setting facilities

    • Partly wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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