All our students are educated in small class group to facilitate differentiation. Staff individualise the support that is offered to each student within our broad range of curriculum subjects.
In Key Stage 3 classes, the class teacher overseas the education of each of their students. Our Key stage 3 classes are grouped socially and by age. Core subjects are streamed by ability within that year group.
In Key Stage 4 and 5 academic learning is monitored by the specialist teachers (e.g. English, Maths, Science) and overseen by Middle Leaders and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
In Key Stage 4, students take accreditation in the core subjects of English, Maths, Science and IT. They also have core PE and PSHE/career lesson too, Students have choice of option subjects, for example Art, Food Technology. As we are a small Special School. we have much smaller choice of options than a large mainstream school. For all of these subjects students can achieve accreditation at different levels. These include: GCSE, BTecs, Functional Skills, Entry Levels and Unit Awards.
Staff ensure that parents/carers understand which level of accreditation has been allocated to each student and kept under close review. Sometimes, a students achieves better than expected an their accreditation level is adjusted.
All students will have support from two adults in class - Teacher and Teaching Assistant; Word processing devices can be used in class if this is the pupils normal way of working and is a part of their provision (EHCP document). In terms of reasonable adjustments in exams pupils can have a range of adaptations if required such as: extra time, a reader, scribe and can use a word processing device (normal way of working).
Our Post 16 provision is for students ho would benefit from additional preparation for the move to learning in local colleges. We provide core subjects - Maths, English, Careers, PSHE and IT alongside Vocational Courses such as: Hospitality and Catering, Landbased Studies, Sports and Leisure, Retail and Administration and Health & Social Care.
Our students' pastoral needs are the responsibility of their class teacher (or form tutor in Key Stage 4 and 5 classes). We have a Pastoral Key Stage Lead for each group of students and they carefully monitor progress in this area. They are also responsible for organising the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) learning experiences. They are line managed by members of Senior Leadership Team.