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School SEN Details

Manor Hill First School, Stone

Manor Rise, Walton, Stone, ST15 0HY


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Children’s learning is monitored on a day-to-day basis and progress is rigorously tracked.
Staff are available to listen to parental concerns regarding individual needs.
We liaise closely with previous settings and external agencies.
We offer a range of assessments to identify individual needs.
Pupils may voice a need themselves which we will discuss with you.

After identification, we will liaise closely with you and external agencies to formulate a support plan.

We have several programmes in school for early intervention and help to support your child.

• Talk to your child’s teacher.
• Make an appointment to speak to the SENDCO (Mrs Harris)

• The SEND policy, Accessibility plan, Assessment Policy , Admission arrangements, Children with health needs who cannot attend school, Supporting pupils with medical conditions, Behaviour in schools, Schools Exclusion, Health and safety, Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication, Teaching & Learning Policy and Remote Education Policy can all be found on our school website:

SEND Policy and other related documents

Manor Hill Policies and Documents

Teaching, learning and support

• Every child will have access to high quality teaching which is matched to the diverse needs of all children.

• The quality of teaching is monitored in a number of ways:

1. Classroom observation by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the SENDCo and external verifiers
2. Scrutiny of planning.
3. Work sampling
4. Whole school pupil progress tracking
5. Ongoing assessment of progress made by pupil in specific intervention groups
6. Pupil Progress Meetings with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
7. Teacher meetings with the SENDCo
8. Pupil and parent feedback when reviewing progress and attainment
9. Individual Learning Plans (Pupil Passports)

• Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.

• All pupils have individual targets which are discussed with parents at Parents Evenings.

• Regular meetings take place between the class teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all children are making sufficient progress.

• Appropriate interventions will be implemented to address the needs of pupils not making enough progress.

• Outcomes of interventions will then be reviewed.

• Parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEN support if not enough progress is made. Partnership from parents will be sought in order to improve outcomes for the child.

• If “additional to and different from” support is required, the views of the parents, pupil and staff will be obtained. Appropriate interventions will be identified, recorded and implemented by the class/subject teacher with advice from the SENDCo.

• SEN support will be recorded on an Individual Learning Plan which will identify desired outcomes and the steps needed to reach these.

• Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed Half Termly with the parents and the pupil.

• If progress is inadequate, with parental permission, advice will be sought from the following appropriate external agencies:

1. V.I.P Education (Attendance and Educational Welfare)
2. Autism Outreach Team
3. Hearing Impairment team
4. Visual Impairment team
5. Summit Psychology Services
6. Primary District Inclusion Partnership (Primary DIP)
7. Social Services
8. School Nurse
9. Behaviour Support team
10. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
11. For children with severe and complex needs, a request will be made to the local authority to conduct an assessment of Education, Health and Care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.

We work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure our pupils are given equal opportunity across the curriculum;
• all pupils with SEND discuss their learning preferences which are shared with their subject teachers and other members of staff;
• pupils with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis are supported by the Autism Outreach team, teaching and support staff;
Additional Aids/Reasonable Adjustments
• specialist equipment to suit the specific needs of the pupil
• differentiated access to the curriculum

Class work is differentiated in small groups and individually, when required, based on agreed ‘Universal Quality First Teaching’.
• Use of specialist resources/equipment.
• Support from external agencies is sought as necessary
• Use of ICT resources.
• Differentiating and targeting outcomes for children.
• In the Early Years Foundation Stage all pupils have an allocated Key Worker, they use an age and stage based approach to match pupils’ learning needs;
• In Key Stage 1 and 2; transition to the National Curriculum is matched to the readiness of each pupil; effective tracking and interventions are in place to support progress and identify next steps moving towards Age Related Expectations
• All pupils have access to dyslexia friendly resources;
• Reasonable adjustments are made so that pupils with a physical disability fully participate in the learning environment where resources and equipment are adapted to suit need;
• Teaching assistants are deployed across the curriculum to support all pupils with or without SEND.

There is a ring fenced budget within the school budget specifically allocated for SEND. The budget is allocated on a needs basis supported through provision mapping.
Additional funding for pupils would be secured through appropriate educational funding processes e.g. Additional Educational Needs Funding, Early Health Care Needs Assessment.
To further meet SEND need we champion the teaching teams Continuous Professional Development and liaise with external agencies to ensure resources are appropriately provided and allocated to meet children's needs.

The decision about how much support a child needs is unique to each child.
For pupils with SEND but without an Education Health and Care plan, the decision regarding the support required will be taken at joint meetings with the SENDCo, class teacher, parent, Head teacher and external agencies as appropriate as appropriate.
For pupils with an Education, Health or Care plan, this decision will be reached when the plan is being produced or annual review.
Depending on the outcome through this process the type of support and how much support will then be agreed.

• School will make every effort to supply any equipment a child may need in school. Eg. pencil grips, sit fit cushions, sloping writing boards etc.

Needs will be addressed through:

• In-class support from teachers and teaching assistants.

• Small group support from teachers and teaching assistants.

• Specialist support from teachers.

• Provision of specialist resources.

• CPD relating to SEND for staff.

Every child will have access to high quality teaching which is matched to the diverse needs of all children.

The quality of teaching is monitored in a number of ways:

• Classroom observation by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), the SENDCo and external verifiers
• Scrutiny of planning.
• Work sampling
• Whole school pupil progress tracking
• Ongoing assessment of progress made by pupil in specific intervention groups
• Pupil Progress Meetings with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
• Teacher meetings with the SENDCo
• Pupil and parent feedback when reviewing progress and attainment
• Individual Learning Plans (Pupil Passports)

Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.

All pupils have individual targets which are discussed with parents at Parents Evenings.
• Regular meetings take place between the class teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure all children are making sufficient progress.
• Appropriate interventions will be implemented to address the needs of pupils not making enough progress.
• Outcomes of interventions will then be reviewed.

• Parents will be informed that the school considers their child may require SEN support if not enough progress is made. Partnership from parents will be sought in order to improve outcomes for the child.

• If “additional to and different from” support is required, the views of the parents, pupil and staff will be obtained. Appropriate interventions will be identified, recorded and implemented by the class/subject teacher with advice from the SENDCo.
• SEN support will be recorded on an Individual Learning Plan which will identify desired outcomes and the steps needed to reach these.
• Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed Half Termly with the parents and the pupil.
• If progress is inadequate, with parental permission, advice will be sought from the following appropriate external agencies:
1. V.I.P Education (Attendance and Educational Welfare)
2. Autism Outreach Team
3. Hearing Impairment team
4. Visual Impairment team
5. Summit Psychology Services
6. Primary District Inclusion Partnership (Primary DIP)
7. Social Services
8. School Nurse
9. Behaviour Support team
10. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
11. For children with severe and complex needs, a request will be made to the local authority to conduct an assessment of Education, Health and Care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.

Universal Provision – high quality teaching for all
For you child this would mean:

• the class teacher has high expectations of all his/her pupils in their care;
• teaching is built on what your child already knows, what your child can do and how they can improve;
• appropriate and effective strategies will be deployed by the class teacher to address specific needs of the pupil in order that learning is challenged and maximised;
• the class teacher will monitor your child’s progress and identify if there are any gaps in their understanding and learning. This information will be shared with the SEND team who will offer further support to ensure progress is made in line with their peers;
• parents and guardians will be informed every step of the way and information from any assessment will be shared and discussed.

Tailored Learning – specialist provision
For your child this would mean:
• intervention carried out within the classroom environment;
• small group work supported by a TA directed by the class teacher and/or the SENDCo;
• 1:1 support for specific literacy or numeracy deficits;
• 1:1 or group support for social, emotional wellbeing.

Specialist Groups (outside agencies)

This means a pupil has been identified by the SENDCo /class teacher as needing some extra specialist support from a professional outside the school. This may be from Local Authority’s central services, such as the ASD Outreach team, Behaviour Support team or Sensory Service (for students with a hearing or visual need) or the Education Psychology Service (EPS).
What could happen?
You may be asked to give your permission for the school to refer your child to a specialist professional. This will help the school and you to understand your child’s particular needs better and be able to support them more effectively in school. The specialist professional will work with your child to understand their needs and make recommendations as to the ways your child is given support.

• We will work with you in partnership in order to enable you to support your child’s learning at home.
• We will sign post you to appropriate and relevant events, agencies, parental support and training.
• The class teacher or SENDCo may suggest ways of supporting your child’s learning.
• We provided Early reading/writing/maths workshops.

Your child will be kept up to date on their progress regularly through communication in school.
Within review processes there clear opportunities for children to communicate their wants and needs.

• We monitor and review the support we give your child every 3 weeks;
• We adjust or change your child’s intervention as required;
• Your child is helped to set and review personal learning goals;
• Pupils that receive specific intervention for numeracy and/or literacy, work in line with class based work and intervention directly impacts of progress with this;
• Parents Evenings
• SEND parent meeting
• Annual report.
• Half termly Pupil Passport Updates

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

Class teachers have the responsibility for the day to day pastoral support for every pupil in their class. Where appropriate additional support staff will provide a start and end of day handover.
If a child needs additional support during breaks and lunchtimes this will inform provision mapping to ensure your child stays safe outside the classroom.
Individual Risk Assessments are in place as appropriate for PE lessons, moving around the building and on school trips.

Procedures are put in place to enable all pupils to participate and be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips

• Care Plans adapted, where necessary.

• A risk assessment is produced highlighting any risks.

• Parents of children with medical conditions may be asked to accompany their child.

• Class teachers have the responsibility for the day to day pastoral support for every pupil in their class;
• All teachers and teaching assistants ensure pupils are listened to and will address any issues which could affect your child’s well-being;
• If needed, we will contact outside agencies for further support for both parents and pupils;
• We take any suggestion of bullying very seriously and act in strict accordance with the school’s anti-bullying policy.
• A broad curriculum, which involves learning about emotional well-being.
• Small group support to encourage sharing, turn taking and other social skills.
• We encourage children to have a healthy lifestyle.
• Tolerance of diversity is promoted in school.
• We provide nurture sessions in school.
• Staff are trained in Emotion Coaching.
• We are able to offer a range of social and emotional support through specifically trained staff.

• A detailed care plan will be compiled by the school in partnership with parents and the pupil. If necessary, a health professional will be invited. The care plan is shared with all nessecary staff and included all medication information and emergency procedures.
• In case of a medical emergency if a child has a care plan this will be followed. In all other circumstances the steps in the Business Contingency Plan will be applied. This document is updated regularly and circulated to all staffs.
• All medicine administration procedures adhere to the LA policy and DfE guidelines included within Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (DfE) 2014.
• Administering medication is undertaken solely by trained first aiders. We can only administer prescribed medication.

If a child’s behaviour consistently raises cause for concern, then parents will be invited in to discuss strategies where we in partnership agree to support an improvement in the child’s behaviour. This could include individual behavioural targets, a home/school behaviour diary that details both positive behaviour and causes for concern; support from external agencies.

At Manor Hill First School we are committed to inclusive practices that support the needs of all our children. We are committed to working in partnership with parents to ensure that all our children reach their optimum level of learning, are safe and develop their independence, self-esteem and confidence. Exclusions both temporary (fixed term) or permanent, are seen as a last resort. However, if behaviour raises issues of safety and well-being to others, then the Head Teacher will follow the exclusion procedures as set out by the Department of Education.

We will work closely with the virtual school and carers, through regular meetings to discuss progress against SMART targets and ensure the appropriate use of funding. As a school we ensure the whole child is considered and provide a holistic approach to learning and wellbeing. The designated in-school teacher role is the Head teacher Jessica Roden.

Working together

The Special Educational Needs Disabilities Co-ordinator’s [SENDCO] Lindsay Harris (l.harris@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk 01785 812418)
• Oversees the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy.
• Supports teachers with the co-ordinating provision for children with SEND.
• Liaises with and advises fellow teachers.
• Oversees the records of all children with SEN.
• Liaises with parents of children with SEN.
• Contributes to the in-service training of staff.
• Liaises with local middle schools so that support is provided for Y4 pupils as they prepare to transfer.
• Liaises with external agencies including the LEA’s support and educational psychology services, health and social services and voluntary bodies.
• Co-ordinates and developes school-based strategies for the identification and review of children with SEN.
• Makes visits to classrooms to monitor the progress of children registered as receiving External support.
• Supports members of staff in recognising and understanding disabilities

Although the SENCO will support teaching staff throughout the 4 stages (Assess, Plan, Do, Review), their role is mainly strategic. The class or subject teacher remains responsible for working with the pupils on a daily basis, and has overall responsibility for their pupils' progress. Support staff working with your child will be directed by the class teacher.

The SENDCO ensures SEND information about a child is shared and understood by teachers and all relevant staff through regular progress meetings and regular communication.

The SENDCo has completed The National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO)

? Training for staff relates to the needs of the school and pupils and is carried out either in school or from specialist providers which includes:

? Setting effective targets.

? How to support pupils with a diagnosis of dyslexia.

? How to support pupils on the autistic spectrum.

? How to support pupils with behavioural difficulties.

? How to support pupils with speech, language and communication difficulties.

? Attendance at termly SENDCo Network Meetings (Creative Learning Partnership)

? Support staff have a range of experience and specialism in ASD, dyslexia, interventions in literacy, numeracy and phonics.

The Local Governing Committee challenges the school and its members to secure necessary provision for any pupil identified as having special educational needs. The SEND Governor meets termly with the SENDCo. They ask probing questions to ensure all teachers are aware of the importance of providing for these children and ensure that funds and resources are used effectively. The Local Governing Committee has decided that children with special educational needs will be admitted to the school in line with the school’s agreed admissions policy. The Local Governing Committee reviews this policy annually and considers any amendments in light of the annual review findings.

There are many services that school liaise with e.g. Speech and Language, Autism Outreach, Physiotherapy.

The external specialist may act in an advisory capacity, or provide additional specialist assessment or be involved in teaching the child directly. The child’s Individual targets will set out strategies for supporting the child’s progress.

These will be implemented, at least in part, in the normal classroom setting. The delivery of the interventions recorded in the Individual Learning Plan (Pupil Passport) continues to be the responsibility of the class teacher.

Your first point of contact would be the class teacher. They are available at the beginning or end of the day. You can email the office to arrange a meeting
with them either via phone call or face to face.

For further information or if you have any concerns you can contact:

• Mrs L. Harris, SENDCO, l.harris@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk 01785 812418

The SEN Coordinator is Lindsay Harris.
Contact email: l.harris@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk
Contact telephone number: 01785 812418

The Local Governing Committee challenges the school and its members to secure necessary provision for any pupil identified as having special educational needs including looked after children with SEND. The SEND Governor meets termly with the SENDCo. They ask probing questions to ensure all teachers are aware of the importance of providing for these children and ensure that funds and resources are used effectively. The Local Governing Committee has decided that children with special educational needs will be admitted to the school in line with the school’s agreed admissions policy. The Local Governing Committee reviews this policy annually and considers any amendments in light of the annual review findings.

We believe that pupils should have the right to participate in decision making about the provision made to meet their educational needs. Therefore, pupils are:

• involved in setting targets to support their progression;
• encouraged to understand their responsibility for their own
• encouraged to attend and contribute to review meetings;
• informed as to how external agencies play a part in
supporting their needs;
• kept informed of their progress.

In all student groups we ensure that there is a representative for pupils with SEND.

• The school has an active Parents and Friends of Manor Hill group which liaises with the local community.
• Parent Governor vacancies are advertised on the school website and newsletter.
• Where appropriate there are opportunities for in school parent volunteers and visits.

• We offer in school help with completing forms and paperwork
• Help is provided by the Office Team or is directed to the most appropriate person.
• Any SEN paperwork is supported by the school SENDCo.

Inclusion and accessibility

• Procedures are put in place to enable all pupils to participate.

• Care Plans adapted, where necessary.

• A risk assessment is produced highlighting any risks.

• Parents of children with medical conditions may be asked to accompany their child.

Wheel chair accessibility
Lifts in place throughout the school as split level building.
Access doors and disabled toilets on each level.
Allocated car parking space.

Please see the accessibility plan for Manor Hill First School.

Link to accessibility plan

Equality Duty and Accessibility Plan

• If communication is required with those whose first language is not English the school will liaise with Minority Ethnic Achievement Service (MEAS)
• We communicate via website, social media, text messaging, app, telephone, email, letter and face to face.

Joining and moving on

• Please the contact the Office in the first instance who will arrange for the relevant staff member to contact you on 01785 812418

• We offer regular open days throughout the year.
• Parents/Carers can contact the school office and arrange a visit to our setting with a member of our Senior Leadership Team. This will include a tour of the school and the opportunity to discuss any questions.

On entry:
• To prepare for transition to school, we offer a comprehensive induction programme;
• in the summer term, prior to your child starting school in September, we invite you to meet class teachers to discuss your child’s individual needs and requirements;
• Additional visits are arranged where it is deemed necessary.
• Close liaison takes place with feeder Nurseries.
• Transitions plans are put in place for children with known ‘additional needs’.
• Records are requested for pupils transferring from other schools and a meeting arranged with parents.

Transition to another school:
• The SENDCo ensures that all information is passed to receiving schools when a pupil leaves;
• Opportunities for Y4 pupils to meet with staff at the middle school are arranged as part of the transition arrangements.
• Accompanied visits to other providers may be arranged as appropriate.
• Care planning meetings with pupil, parents and staff are arranged, as necessary, for pupils with medical needs.
• For pupils transferring to local schools, the SENDCos or appropriate staff member of both schools may meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEN in order to ensure a smooth transition.

Additional information

• Special Educational Needs Support Service Enquiries senss@entrust-ed.co.uk 0300 111 8030
• Educational Psychologist eps.queries@staffordshire.gov.uk 0300 111 8007
• Education Psychology and Specialist Support Service (ASSIST, Autism , Hearing Impairment and Vision Impairment) sss.service@staffordshire.gov.uk 01785 356830
• Autism Outreach Team https://www.autism.org.uk/directory/s/staffordshire-autism-outreach-team julie.birchall@staffordshire.gov.uk 01785 356830
• Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Speech and Language Therapy Service https://www.staffordshireandstokeontrent.nhs.uk/Services/speech-and-language-therapy.htm 0300 1240109 ext 3058
• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) http://www.sssft.nhs.uk/camhs-home 01785 221 665 - Stafford Borough and South Staffs District (CAMHS West
• Young Minds North Staffs http://nsmind.org.uk/support-for-young-people/younger-mind/ 01785 283440
• Health Visiting & School Nurse Service https://www.mpft.nhs.uk/services/health-visiting-and-school-nursing
• Action For Children Parenting Support https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/how-we-can-help/get-parenting-support/
• SENDIASS SEND IASS - Staffordshire Family Partnership https://www.staffs-iass.org/home.aspx

• The information was updated March 2022 and will be reviewed March 2023

If you are unhappy with a decision or what is happening you can contact:
• Mrs L. Harris, SENDCO, l.harris@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk 01785 812418
• Mrs J. Roden, Headteacher, headteacher@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk 01785 812418
• SEND Governor, office@manorhill.staffs.sch.uk

Link to complaints policy

Complaint Policy

Specialisms, support and facilities


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