*Quality first teaching provided by your child's class teacher, this is achieved by:
The teacher having the highest possible expectations for all children in the class.
Teaching lessons which are carefully planned based on what your child already knows/understands (AFL Assessment for Learning).
Using different teaching styles, and duel coding where needed to enhance learning.
Working in the classroom with different children in pairs or small groups
Preparing learning tasks that are differentiated to ensure the learning of all children moves on.
Ensuring all children make progress towards their learning outcome.
Using resources effectively to support learning.
Working on specific intervention programmes.
Working with the class teacher or teaching assistant in small groups or 1-1.
*Children may work individually or in a small group with an adult in school:
This may be within the classroom with the class teacher or a TA (Teaching Assistant).
This may be outside the classroom with the class teacher or a TA.
*Children may work individually or in small groups with outside agencies/specialist support who may come into school to access or work with your child:
These outside agencies might include………… SENSS (Special Educational Needs Support Services), Educational Psychologist, Autism Outreach, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, School Nurse, Camhs (Child and adolescent mental health), ACTION FOR CHILDREN (This service was called YESS ( Youth Emotional Support Service ), Social Services, LST (Local Support Team), Local Paediatricians, Physical Disabilities Team Outreach work, Behaviour Support, Victoria Language Unit and voluntary agencies like Barnardos. Some children may travel off site to access additional provision with outside agencies
*Here are some of the ways your child's needs might be addressed…
Quality first teaching
TA support
Individual/group in or out of the class
Dyslexia friendly strategies
Support from outside agencies
Differentiation of learning and resources
Nurture Club (Circle Club)
Singing for pleasure
Significant children photo register - Protocols
SEND register and individual targets
Colour coded data sheets, blue, yellow
Anti-Bullying procedures (green sheets)
Child Protection procedures (pink sheets)
Behaviour Logs/Incident Diary
Children Causing Concern
Forest Schools … whole class or groups
Forest Schools … very small groups or 1-1
Drop in for Parents
Transition Programmes
Time Out Room ...2 tier system and self-referral as a strategy for some children
Pupil Learning Conversations and Safety Walks
Extra-Curricular Activities
Outreach work by particular agencies
*You can find out about the progress your child is making in a number of ways:
All children have Parents Evening Oct/Feb and Open Evening in July
Al children on the SEND register will also have a Parents Meeting in the summer term either during the Summer Open Evening or at another time where their progress and attainment will be reviewed.
Children with EHCP (Education/ Health Care Plan formerly a 'statement') will have an annual review in school.
Specific meetings with outside agencies.
Specific meeting EHA, BRF Child in Need (Section 17), Child Protection (section 47), TAF (Team around the family meetings), TAC (Team around the child meetings).
Annual written report plus phone-calls or emails from staff
Drop in for parents
Open door Policy - Ring, we'll always try and see you as soon as possible ... usually the same day
School website and regular newsletters
GWA (Good Work Assembly)
Class Assemblies
Open Mornings
Forest School Campfire ...3 times a year for each class
School Celebration Evenings
Year 6 Production
Information Evenings …e.g Year 6 SAT’s information evening