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School SEN Details

Edge Hill Academy

Sycamore Road, Stapenhill, Burton Upon Trent, DE15 9NX


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

• All children are subject to the whole school assessment policy which involves continuous ongoing assessment using PUMA/PIRA, End of Year Expectations and Fisher Family Trust termly judgements. Their progress is monitored termly and discussed at PPM with the Headteacher. Progress is also discussed within year groups to target intervention/ support. The SLT(Senior Leadership Team) also monitors the progress of children on the SEND register each term with regard to progress, attainment and attendance.
• Some children may require specific assessments carried out by outside agencies/specialists e.g. (we may use our Dyslexia Screener as a starting point for this). SENSS, SALT (Speech and Language Therapy),Educational Psychologist. We will always seek your verbal or written permission before any further assessments are carried out. We may call you or invite you in for a meeting before, during or after the referral to discuss the implications of this outside agency involvement.
• Referrals to outside agencies may come from school, parents, GP or other agencies.
• The recommendations they might make may require us to make changes to the way your child is supported in school, resources to be used and whether they benefit from working individually or in small groups or any additional activities/ exercises they may need to do at home.
• A referral may require a subsequent referral to a different agency.
• Where there are several agencies working together to support your child we may hold a EHAP (Early Help Action Plan - formerly known as a CAF) or a TAC/TAF (Team around child/family) in order to ensure that all agencies are aware of your
Child’s needs so we can all work together to best meet those needs.

We have a range of intervention programmes to support needs on an individual basis or in small groups.

Parents can raise concerns at any time through a range of activities: We are very approachable and offer a genuine 'open door' policy.
*Phone-calls or emails to the class teacher or other staff in school
*Talking to one of the Senior Leadership on the gate each morning or at the end of the day
*Drop in for parents available weekly
*Parents evening in the Autumn and Spring Term and Open Evening in the Summer Term
*Open mornings in school
*Visits into school for Good Work Assembly or Class Assembly
*Camp Fire visit as part of Forest School ...One Friday afternoon each term
*Sports days and other events in school
*New parents evening for Year 2 before your child even starts with us

*All policies are on our website or you can call into school and we can give you a paper copy

SEND Policy and other related documents

Teaching, learning and support

*Quality first teaching provided by your child's class teacher, this is achieved by:

The teacher having the highest possible expectations for all children in the class.

Teaching lessons which are carefully planned based on what your child already knows/understands (AFL Assessment for Learning).

Using different teaching styles, and duel coding where needed to enhance learning.

Working in the classroom with different children in pairs or small groups

Preparing learning tasks that are differentiated to ensure the learning of all children moves on.

Ensuring all children make progress towards their learning outcome.

Using resources effectively to support learning.

Working on specific intervention programmes.

Working with the class teacher or teaching assistant in small groups or 1-1.

*Children may work individually or in a small group with an adult in school:

This may be within the classroom with the class teacher or a TA (Teaching Assistant).

This may be outside the classroom with the class teacher or a TA.

*Children may work individually or in small groups with outside agencies/specialist support who may come into school to access or work with your child:

These outside agencies might include………… SENSS (Special Educational Needs Support Services), Educational Psychologist, Autism Outreach, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, School Nurse, Camhs (Child and adolescent mental health), ACTION FOR CHILDREN (This service was called YESS ( Youth Emotional Support Service ), Social Services, LST (Local Support Team), Local Paediatricians, Physical Disabilities Team Outreach work, Behaviour Support, Victoria Language Unit and voluntary agencies like Barnardos. Some children may travel off site to access additional provision with outside agencies

*Here are some of the ways your child's needs might be addressed…

Quality first teaching

TA support

Individual/group in or out of the class

Dyslexia friendly strategies

Support from outside agencies

Differentiation of learning and resources

Nurture Club (Circle Club)

Singing for pleasure


Significant children photo register - Protocols

SEND register and individual targets

Colour coded data sheets, blue, yellow

Anti-Bullying procedures (green sheets)

Child Protection procedures (pink sheets)

Behaviour Logs/Incident Diary

Children Causing Concern

Forest Schools … whole class or groups

Forest Schools … very small groups or 1-1

Drop in for Parents

Transition Programmes

Time Out Room ...2 tier system and self-referral as a strategy for some children

Pupil Learning Conversations and Safety Walks

Extra-Curricular Activities

Outreach work by particular agencies

*You can find out about the progress your child is making in a number of ways:

All children have Parents Evening Oct/Feb and Open Evening in July

Al children on the SEND register will also have a Parents Meeting in the summer term either during the Summer Open Evening or at another time where their progress and attainment will be reviewed.

Children with EHCP (Education/ Health Care Plan formerly a 'statement') will have an annual review in school.

Specific meetings with outside agencies.

Specific meeting EHA, BRF Child in Need (Section 17), Child Protection (section 47), TAF (Team around the family meetings), TAC (Team around the child meetings).

Annual written report plus phone-calls or emails from staff

Drop in for parents

Open door Policy - Ring, we'll always try and see you as soon as possible ... usually the same day

School website and regular newsletters

GWA (Good Work Assembly)

Class Assemblies

Open Mornings

Forest School Campfire ...3 times a year for each class

School Celebration Evenings

Year 6 Production

Information Evenings …e.g Year 6 SAT’s information evening

*Reasonable adjustments are made for all children at some time. They may have an academic or physical need but they may also have a social or emotional need and provision is given on a needs led basis. In the above section I have outlined all the ways that work can be differentiated or needs supported across school.
*Reasonable adjustments are made during all termly assessments for those children who need it and this can then be given to the end of key stage 2 SATs in year 6. This information about the adjustments made would also be shared with the high school during transition meetings.
*All staff have a responsibility for the progress of all children in their class, not just the SENDCo

*Teachers: are responsible for …

Delivering a differentiated curriculum to meet your child's needs to ensure they make progress with their learning. This differentiation may be achieved within the classroom through the task they complete, the resources used, the style of teaching, the group they work in or through additional adult support.

Writing individual termly targets for all children on the SEND register, which are renewed and shared with parents termly.

Engaging with and working alongside other adults in school as well as outside agencies to ensure your child makes the best possible progress.

Ensuring that the school SEND policy is followed within their classroom.

*SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) - is responsible for …

Co-ordinating all the support for children with SEND and developing school policy. She makes sure all children get a consistent, high quality learning experience that meets their needs.

Monitoring attainment and progress and using assessment for learning to plan interventions

Monitoring behaviour

Monitoring attendance

Ensuring that parents are involved in supporting their child's learning and are kept informed through termly meetings.

Sending you a letter to inform you that your child has been included on the SEND register in school.

Being available through her weekly 'drop in'(Wednesday 3.30-4pm) and a prompt response will always be made should you request a meeting or a phone call.

Training staff in school or arranging for training by outside agencies.

Liaising with all adults who work with your child in school.

Liaising with their previous or new school.

Liaising with outside agencies that may be coming into school to support your child e.g. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Social Services, Local Support Team (LST), Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).

Co-ordinating support, implementing school policy and keeping records with regard to child protection and safeguarding.

Updating the SEND register, school records and provision mapping.

Co-ordinating and monitoring our anti-bullying procedures, attendance, emotional wellbeing, ASPEN (additional support for pupils with emotional needs) and children causing concern.

*Headteacher is responsible for…

The day to day management of all aspects of school life including the support of children with SEND.

Ensuring that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in school relating to SEND.

*SEND Governor is responsible for…

Meeting regularly with the SENCO to ensure that she is fully aware of SEND provision within school.

Feeding back from these meetings to the full Governing body.

*Budget is allocated based on the needs of the children in school and this may be for support in an individual basis or a small group
*Additional funding may be sought through AEN funding
*Resources in school both physical and human may need to be re-distributed where a need arises and no additional funding is available

*How are children assessed and monitored and how will parents know:

All children are subject to the whole school assessment policy which involves continuous ongoing assessment using PUMA/PIRA/GAPS and writing tasks using End of Year Expectations and Fisher Family Trust termly judgements. Their progress is monitored termly and discussed at PPM with the Headteacher. Progress is also discussed within year groups to target intervention/ support. The SENCO also monitors the progress of children on the SEND register each term with regard to progress, attainment and attendance.

Some children may require specific assessments carried out by outside agencies/specialists e.g. (we may use our Dyslexia Screener as a starting point for this). SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), Midland Psychology, Educational Psychologist. We will always seek your verbal or written permission before any further assessments are carried out. We may call you or invite you in for a meeting before, during or after the referral to discuss the implications of this outside agency involvement.

Referrals to outside agencies may come from school, parents, GP or other agencies.

The recommendations they might make may require us to make changes to the way your child is supported in school, resources to be used and whether they benefit from working individually or in small groups or any additional activities/ exercises they may need to do at home.

A referral may require a subsequent referral to a different agency.

Where there are several agencies working together to support your child we may hold a EHAP (Early Help Action Plan - formerly known as a CAF) or a TAC/TAF (Team around child/family) in order to ensure that all agencies are aware of your child’s needs so we can all work together to best meet those needs.

*You can find out about the progress your child is making in a number of ways:

All children have Parents Evening Oct/Feb and Open Evening in July

Al children on the SEND register will also have a Parents Meeting in the summer term either during the Summer Open Evening or at another time where their progress and attainment will be reviewed.

Children with EHCP (Education/ Health Care Plan formerly a 'statement') will have an annual review in school.

Specific meetings with outside agencies.

Specific meeting EHA, BRF Child in Need (Section 17), Child Protection (section 47), TAF (Team around the family meetings), TAC (Team around the child meetings).

Annual written report plus phone-calls or emails from staff

Drop in for parents

Open door Policy - Ring, we'll always try and see you as soon as possible

School website and regular newsletters

GWA (Good Work Assembly)

Class Assemblies

Open Mornings

Forest School Campfire

School Celebration Evenings

Year 6 Production

Information Evenings …e.g Year 6 SAT’s information evening or New Parents Meeting

*Physical resources may include apparatus ,scaffolds and prompts , writing grids , coloured overlays and additional access to technology.
*Human resources may be additional time with the class teacher individually or in groups ... working in a small group with a TA (Teaching Assistant) or working with a professional from an outside agency

*How children are assessed:

All children are subject to the whole school assessment policy which involves continuous ongoing assessment using PUMA/PIRA/GAPS, End of Year Expectations and Fisher Family Trust termly judgements. Their progress is monitored termly and discussed at PPM with the Headteacher. Progress is also discussed within year groups to target intervention/ support. The SENCO also monitors the progress of children on the SEND register each term with regard to progress, attainment and attendance.

Some children may require specific assessments carried out by outside agencies/specialists e.g. (we may use our Dyslexia Screener as a starting point for this). SENSS, SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), Midland Psychology, Educational Psychologist. We will always seek your verbal or written permission before any further assessments are carried out. We may call you or invite you in for a meeting before, during or after the referral to discuss the implications of this outside agency involvement.

Referrals to outside agencies may come from school, parents, GP or other agencies.

The recommendations they might make may require us to make changes to the way your child is supported in school, resources to be used and whether they benefit from working individually or in small groups or any additional activities/ exercises they may need to do at home.

A referral may require a subsequent referral to a different agency.

Where there are several agencies working together to support your child we may hold a EHAP (Early Help Action Plan - formerly known as a CAF) or a TAC/TAF (Team around child/family) in order to ensure that all agencies are aware of your

Child’s needs so we can all work together to best meet those needs.

*You can find out about the progress your child is making in a number of ways:

All children have Parents Evening Oct/Feb and Open Evening in July

Al children on the SEND register will also have a Parents Meeting in the summer term either during the Summer Open Evening or at another time where their progress and attainment will be reviewed.

Children with EHC (Education/ Health Care Plan formerly a 'statement') will have an annual review in school.

Specific meetings with outside agencies.

Specific meeting EHAP, BRF Child in Need (Section 17), Child Protection (section 47), TAF (Team around the family meetings), TAC (Team around the child meetings).

Annual written report plus phone-calls or emails from staff

Drop in for parents

Open door Policy - Ring, we'll always try and see you as soon as possible

School website

GWA (Good Work Assembly)

Class Assemblies

Open Mornings

Forest School Campfire

School Celebration Evenings

Year 6 Production

Information Evenings …e.g Year 6 SAT’s information evening

*Support for parents:

Regular access to adults in school for help/advice.

Parents Evenings

Class Teacher and other staff available

Information is sent home termly about the curriculum

New Parents Evenings

Curriculum Evenings

Open Mornings and Information Evenings

Regular meetings with or without agencies including annual reviews, or termly meetings to discuss individual targets.

Home school link books

Referrals to support services e.g. LST (Local Support Team) FSS (Family Support Service) Well-Being Support

Other agencies e.g. GP, Camhs (Family Therapy), School Nurse, AO (Autism Outreach) Family Support Services ,SALT(Speech and Language Therapist)

*The voice of the child:

Children on the SEND register may have individual targets that are reviewed termly… These are shared with the children and there is also an opportunity to record pupil views

Singing for Pleasure … 'Tell someone in school' high spots, low spots

Circle Time in Class

Nurture Group (circle club)

Pupil Learning Conversations - within the classroom or as a withdrawn group

Safety Photo walks around school

Schools Council

Anti-Bullying days

Debating Club

Time Out Room - Children can take themselves or can be directed there

Incident Diary and follow up weekly meeting

Behaviour Logs and follow up weekly meeting

Weekly ‘Children Causing Concern’ meeting

Transition Programmes

Additional Transition programmes

Aspen (Additional support for children with emotional needs)

ECO Committee

On-Line Safety Committee (Digital Leaders)

Through regular daily interaction with their class teacher and TA

Monitors/yellow hats

On-Line Safety days

House Assemblies and House activities

Targeted 1-1 or very small group Forest Schools and whole class Forest School

Sports Council/Sports Leaders

*All children are monitored termly to assess the impact of Quality First Teaching and any additional interventions
*Data is tracked to look at both attainment and progress
*Feedback is given to parents at parent meetings or as requested
*All children are made aware of expectations and what they need to do to move their learning on through conversations or developmental marking
*Parent questionnaires are used to elicit parent views

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

*Member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team ) is always on the gate each morning and evening and conversations can be had with children and parents
*Office staff are extremely supportive and approachable and personalised arrangements can be made for individual children at the beginning and end of the day
*Children may have support from a specific member of staff at lunchtimes and breaks or they may have a named person who they know they can go to should they need help
*Additional support may be given for PE lessons and school trips if it is appropriate or necessary
*Additional risk assessments may be completed if activities are adjustments to usual provision or need

*We have a range of procedures/strategies/activities to support the well-Being of all our children. These are designed to address self-esteem and confidence, bullying concerns and friendship difficulties. These initiatives include ...

Nurture or Circle Club

Class PSHE

RSE Curriculum

Singing For Pleasure ...High Spots and Low spots

Class Worry Box

Worry Box on Teams

Children Causing Concern Meetings with Deputy Head Teacher

RSE Curriculum

Monitors and Playground Friends

Buddy system if needed

Additional Forest Schools in the mornings

Forest School ...Small groups with the animals

School dog ...POPPY


School Council

House Captains

Pupil Learning Conversations including feeling safe in school

Tell Someone in School ... Believe and Achieve ... SCHOOL MOTTOS etc

Rewards ...including Good Work Assembly

School Production ...other clubs and sporting events

Memory Garden

Anti Bullying procedures and Anti Bullying Days

On-line safety days and activities

Mindfulness Tasks


Support from Trust Mental Health Lead

Referral facility to School Based CAMHs (Education Mental Health Practitioner)

Referral to Action for Children (Formerly YESS)

Forest Schools

Relationships in school between children /children and adults /adults with adults and with parents

Visibility ...staff on the gate every morning and evening

Opportunities for parents to be in school (usually) ...GWA/Class Assembly/Open Mornings/Parents Evenings/Sports Day/Bingo/Production/Sporting Events/Forest School Camp fire

*We ensure that all relevant medical information is shared with the class teacher, office staff and kitchen . Contact sheets are colour coded to ensure medical needs are highlighted . We use a significant Photo Register to ensure awareness is shared.

*Care plans would be created in conjunction with parents and medical professionals

*Regular contact is made with parents and care plans are written and shared with all relevant staff.

*We have an Administration of Medicine Policy should your child need to take medicine in school.
*Should your child have a medical emergency in school we would follow the care plan if there is one in place ...or we might call emergency services and parents should the need arise.

*We are sympathetic to appointments taking place during the school day but we would always encourage (where possible) that a child is collected and dropped off so that a whole day of learning is not lost.

*We have initiatives in school to promote good behaviour and attendance and the children respond very well to these. Should the need arise we have additional initiatives and support we can implement and we would liaise with parents to initiate these actions .

*As a school we work closely with external agencies including Autism Outreach ,SALT(Speech and Language Therapy) School Nurse Team , Community Paediatric Team, Educational Psychologist, Family Support Services and Social Care

* Children who are Looked After (LAC) will have a PEP (Personal Education Plan)
*Termly LAC review meetings are held ,co-ordinated by the Virtual School for LAC ...with school, key workers and carers

Working together

*Class teacher and year group teaching assistant will have the most contact with your child .
*They may work in small groups or 1-1 with other adults in school .
*Where there are outside agencies involved they will come into school to work with your child or it may mean that you have to take your child to appointments in another location
*The SENDCo/Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher may do some direct work with you child if this is necessary

*Class Teachers: are responsible for …

Delivering a differentiated curriculum to meet your child's needs to ensure they make progress with their learning. This differentiation may be achieved within the classroom through the task they complete, the resources used, the style of teaching, the group they work in or through additional adult support.

Writing individual termly targets for all children on the SEND register, which are renewed and shared with parents termly.

Engaging with and working alongside other adults in school as well as outside agencies to ensure your child makes the best possible progress.

Ensuring that the school SEND policy is followed within their classroom.

Quality first teaching provided by your child's class teacher, this is achieved by:

The teacher having the highest possible expectations for all children in the class.

Teaching lessons which are carefully planned based on what your child already knows/understands (AFL Assessment for Learning).

Using different teaching styles, some might be practical or visual.

Working in the classroom with different children in pairs or small groups

Preparing learning tasks that are differentiated to ensure the learning of all children moves on.

Ensuring all children make progress towards their learning outcome.

Using resources effectively to support learning.

Working on specific intervention programmes.

Working with the class teacher or teaching assistant in small groups or 1-1.

*Deputy Headteacher/SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) - Jane Foster. Who is responsible for …

Co-ordinating all the support for children with SEND and developing school policy. She makes sure all children get a consistent, high quality learning experience that meets their needs.

Ensuring that you are involved in supporting your child's learning and you are kept informed through termly meetings.

Sending you a letter to inform you that your child has been included on the SEND register in school.

Being available through her weekly 'drop in'(Wednesday 3.30-4pm) and a prompt response will always be made should you request a meeting or a phone call.

Training staff in school or arranging for training by outside agencies.

Liaising with all adults who work with your child in school.

Liaising with their previous or new school.

Liaising with outside agencies that may be coming into school to support your child e.g. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Educational Psychologist, School Nurse, Social Services, Local Support Team (LST), Educational Welfare Officer (EWO).

Co-ordinating support, implementing school policy and keeping records with regard to child protection and safeguarding.

Updating the SEND register, school records and provision mapping.

Monitoring attainment and progress in learning and behaviour.

Co-ordinating and monitoring anti-bullying procedures, attendance, emotional wellbeing, ASPEN (additional support for pupils with emotional needs) and children causing concern.

Working closely with the Assistant Headteacher to monitor progress and interventions

*Headteacher - Who is responsible for…

The day to day management of all aspects of school life including the support of children with SEND.

Ensuring that the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in school relating to SEND.

*SEND Governors - Who are responsible for…

Meeting regularly with the SENCO to ensure that she is fully aware of SEND provision within school.

Feeding back from these meetings to the full Governing body.

*Information is shared in a timely manner through conversations with relevant staff and via email
*Appropriate information will be shared with groups of staff either during PPA (Planning Preparation and Assessment) or during staff meetings
*A relationship in school has been cultivated whereby staff will come and ask if they need to know something or have concerns
*Where possible class teachers are included in meetings with outside agencies ...where this is not possible, information is cascaded back

* We have had awareness training for Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia
*We have had 'precision teaching' training from the Educational Psychologist
*Staff have had or will be getting training on using our provision mapping platform (EDUKEY)

*We work with a range of outside agencies and services, these include:

Autism Outreach
Specialist teachers for hearing impaired
SALT(Speech and Language Therapy)
Occupational Therapy
Community Paediatric Team
Education Psychologist
Education Mental Health Practitioners
Action for Children
Family Support Services
Early Help Team
Social Workers
Probation Service
Young Carers Hub
Alternative Provisions
Other schools
Specialist language centres

*Parents can call the school office and request a meeting or a call back from the class teacher or SENDCo 01283 247440
*Parents can email the class teacher
*Parents can talk to a member of the SENDCo/ SLT (Senior Leadership Team ) on the gate each morning or at the end of the day
*Parents can come to the office and request a call back or a meeting
*Parents can have a TEAMS virtual meeting

*Jane Foster is the SENDCo/Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteacher ... You can contact her at school on 01283 247440

*We are currently in the process of identifying a new SEND link Governor as we have amalgamated our governing body with another local school from our Multi Academy Trust

*How is my child heard ?

Children on the SEND register may have individual targets that are reviewed termly… These are shared with the children and there is also an opportunity to record pupil views on this sheet

Singing for Pleasure … 'Tell someone in school' high spots, low spots

Circle Time in Class

Nurture Group (circle club)

RSE curriculum

Pupil Learning Conversations - within the classroom or as a withdrawn group

Safety Photo walks around school

Schools Council

Anti-Bullying days

Debating Club

Time Out Room - Children can take themselves or can be directed there

Incident Diary and follow up weekly meeting

Behaviour Logs and follow up weekly meeting

Weekly ‘Children Causing Concern’ meeting

Transition Programmes

Additional Transition programmes

Aspen (Additional support for children with emotional needs)

ECO Committee

On-Line Safety Committee (Digital Leaders)

Through regular daily interaction with their class teacher and TA

Monitors/yellow hats

On-Line Safety days

House Assemblies and House activities

Targeted 1-1 or very small group Forest Schools

Sports Council/Sports Leaders

* We have an active PTA (Parents and Teachers Association) which is open to all parents and meets termly to plan activities in school
*We have parent governors and when there are vacancies all parents are entitled to express an interest in filling one of these posts

*We can make referrals for help within the home through local FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES.

Inclusion and accessibility

*All children within school have equal access to extra curricular activities . Some of these are after school and some of these are at lunch times
*Year 6 children go on a residential trip, this is paid for by parents and all children are entitled to have a place. Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure all aspects of the trip are suitable to the needs of all children after consultation with parents.
*Each year group has trips or visitors and again all children can access these

* We have wheelchair access including lifts
*We have accessible toilet facilities

*We have not made any specific adaptations

*We call or email and have used interpreters in the past
* We are learning some basic MAKATON in school

Joining and moving on

* Contact the school office 01283 247440
*Policies can be found on the school website

*Contact the school office on 01283 247440
*We do open mornings throughout the year

*Moving from one year group to the next

Progress/Attainment data and information will be shared between teachers in advance of the move

Previous and current targets will be shared for children on the SEND register

A meeting may be called between staff and parents if needed

A photo book maybe made for your child to take home for the summer holidays - it has pictures of their new teacher/ classroom/TA's, the entrance into school they will use and where they will line up

Drop in facility to see SENCO - Wednesday 3.30-4pm

*Children moving from KS1 (main feeder school)

Our Year 3 teachers visit KS1 children in the class and talk to their current Year 2 teacher

SENCO's from each school meet

Additional circle club transition visit

New Parents Evening to meet Year 3 teachers, Head, Deputy, Chair of Governors

Open Morning to look around school one before the children come and one early in the autumn term

Children visit the school for 1 afternoon and then for a whole morning including diner time

Children are let out 5 minutes early for the first few weeks

Outside agencies may call a meeting with representatives from both schools

*Children moving from a different school

SENCO/Assistant SENCO will contact the class teacher/SENCO form current school

SENCO/Assistant SENCO may visit their current school

Child invited to visit school if they haven't already had a walk/look around

A meeting may be arranged between SENCO and parents to share any important information

Parents made aware of Open Evenings/mornings already on the calendar

Files sent from previous school

Child Protection (Safe Guarding) information is passed on and signed for.

*Year 6 children moving to KS3
Information sharing by Year 6 teachers and Head of Year 7

SENCO or Assistant SENCO's will meet to share information about strategies we have employed in supporting your child

Outside agencies may call a meeting

We encourage Year 6 parents to arrange a meeting with staff at the high school if they feel it would be helpful

Induction days - Year 5 children have a 'taster day' and then another full day in Year 6

High schools hold Open Evenings in Year 5 and Year 6

A series of additional transition sessions are held for some children in addition to this, some at our school, some at the high school

There may be some 1-1 visits with a TA

Additional information

*Talk to Jane Foster the SENDCo and she will sign post to other services 01283 247440

* First created February 2022

* Contact the school and talk to someone
*Complaints policy is on the website

Specialisms, support and facilities


  • Resource for social, emotional and mental health
School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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