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School SEN Details

Langdale Primary School, Newcastle

Langdale Road, Newcastle Under Lyme, ST5 3QE


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

We know when pupils need help if:
• Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school
• A teacher raises an internal referral
• Tracking of attainment outcomes indicate a lack of progress
• A pupil asks for help
• Data from pupil progress meetings indicates slow progress or low attainment

• How do we identify children or young people with SEND?
Pupil observation and intervention over time, with little progress, indicates that they have additional needs in one of the four areas
• Communication and interaction
• Cognition and learning
• Social, mental and emotional health
• Sensory/physical
• Of which the school aims to cater for all
Academically, Langdale looks at standardised scores where a score of 85 or below may indicate a special educational need. Langdale will also use documentation from outside agencies such as CAMHS, Speech and Language where diagnoses confirm a need.

• After identification, what would your setting’s first steps be?
A meeting will be arranged with the child’s parents or carers where next steps will be discussed. The aim of this will be to create an ADPR cycle or a learning passport that will support the child with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) targets or reasonable adjustments to support in a child in progressing. Views of the parent, child and class teacher will be taken in to account when deciding first steps.

• Does the setting/school/college have any programmes for early intervention/help?
Langdale has a variety of interventions that can be used in early intervention. These include Read Write Inc phonics, NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention), Power of 2 Maths. We currently support some children using the NTP tutoring programme on a 1:3 basis.

If you have concerns then please firstly discuss these with your child’s teacher.

This then may result in a referral to the school SENCO whose name is Mr. J. Baxter and who may be contacted through the school office at : 01782 948000 or via the email: office@langdale.staffs.sch.uk
All parents will be listened to. Their views and their aspirations for their child will be central to the assessment and provision that is provided by the school.

All of the school’s policies can be found online at www.langdaleprimary.co.uk

SEND Policy and other related documents

Langdale Primary School's website

Teaching, learning and support

SEN support will be recorded in an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will include stretching and relevant academic and developmental targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed half- termly with the parents and the pupil. Support in school will then be identified, either within the class through Quality First Teaching (QFT) which has the greatest impact on a child or through targeted interventions. Children who have SEN supported in school will be reviewed by class teachers and tracked by the SENCO. If a child in receipt of an EHC, their plan forms the framework for their support. Children will have targets reviewed through the ADPR cycle but in addition will have a yearly EHC review to update and discuss the targets originally written in to the plan.

• How and when will I be involved in planning my child or young person’s education?
If a child is on the school SEN register, half-termly ADPR cycles will be used to support children and their progress. These will happen half termly and will be reviewed in partnership with children and parents.

If your child in in receipt of an EHC, yearly reviews will provide an opportunity to feedback on how the child is progressing and to plan next steps and targets for the year ahead.
• What additional learning support is available? (IRR). Include examples of personalised intervention programmes and any external teaching and learning, eg outreach
Intervention programmes in place at Langdale include:
- Precision Teaching
- Staffordshire Recommended Literacy Scheme
- Nessy (reading and spelling)
- Power of 2 Maths
- Lego Therapy
- Reading fluency timed exercises
- Accelerated reading
- Read Write Inc. Phonics
- Mighty Writers

• How will you support children and young people with SEND with or without an EHC plan? (IRR)
• How does the setting/school/college plan the support?
SEN support will be recorded in an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle which will identify a clear set of expected outcomes, which will include stretching and relevant academic and developmental targets. Progress towards these outcomes will be tracked and reviewed half- termly with the parents and the pupil. Support in school will then be identified, either within the class through Quality First Teaching (QFT) which has the greatest impact on a child or through targeted interventions. Children who have SEN supported in school will be reviewed by class teachers and tracked by the SENCO. If a child in receipt of an EHC, their plan forms the framework for their support. Children will have targets reviewed through the ADPR cycle but in addition will have a yearly EHC review to update and discuss the targets originally written in to the plan.

• How and when will I be involved in planning my child or young person’s education? (IRR)
If a child is on the school SEN register, half-termly ADPR cycles will be used to support children and their progress. These will happen half termly and will be reviewed in partnership with children and parents.

If your child in in receipt of an EHC, yearly reviews will provide an opportunity to feedback on how the child is progressing and to plan next steps and targets for the year ahead.
• What additional learning support is available? (IRR). Include examples of personalised intervention programmes and any external teaching and learning, eg outreach
Intervention programmes in place at Langdale include:
- Precision Teaching
- Staffordshire Recommended Literacy Scheme
- Nessy (reading and spelling)
- Power of 2 Maths
- Lego Therapy
- Reading fluency timed exercises
- Accelerated reading
- Read Write Inc. Phonics
- Mighty Writers
• If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil. This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
1. Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
2. Behaviour Support Service
3. Dyslexia Centres
4. Autism Outreach Team
5. Hearing Impairment team
6. Visual Impairment team
7. Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
8. Staffordshire Educational Psychologist Service
9. Educational Welfare Officers
10. Physical and disability support service
11. Social Services
12. School Nurse
13. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
14. Homestart
15. Action for children
16. The Sapling project
17. Occupational Therapy
18. Peadiatricians

• How will the setting/school/college modify teaching approaches to meet my child or young person’s needs? (IRR)
Teaching approaches will be modified through reasonable adjustments. These will be assessed on an individual basis according to the children’s needs. These may include, but are not limited to, scaffolding within lessons, short interventions outside of the classroom, pencil grips, slant boards, modelling, 1-1 support (where we are in receipt of funding)

If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil. This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
1. Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
2. Behaviour Support Service
3. Dyslexia Centres
4. Autism Outreach Team
5. Hearing Impairment team
6. Visual Impairment team
7. Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
8. Staffordshire Educational Psychologist Service
9. Educational Welfare Officers
10. Physical and disability support service
11. Social Services
12. School Nurse
13. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
14. Homestart
15. Action for children
16. The Sapling project
17. Occupational Therapy
18. Peadiatricians

• How will the setting/school/college modify teaching approaches to meet my child or young person’s needs?
Teaching approaches will be modified through reasonable adjustments. These will be assessed on an individual basis according to the children’s needs. These may include, but are not limited to, scaffolding within lessons, short interventions outside of the classroom, pencil grips, slant boards, modelling, 1-1 support (where we are in receipt of funding)

How will the curriculum and learning environment be matched to my child or young person’s needs? (IRR)
• All pupils will be provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the diverse needs of all learners.
• Pupils with a disability will be provided with “reasonable adjustments” in order to increase their access to the taught curriculum.
• The quality of teaching and effectiveness of SEN provision is monitored through a number of processes that includes:
1. classroom observation by the senior leadership team, the SENCo and external verifiers
2. ongoing assessment of progress made by pupil in specific intervention groups
3. work sampling on a termly basis.
4. scrutiny of planning.
5. teacher meetings with the SENCo
6. pupil and parent feedback when reviewing target attainment
7. whole school pupil progress tracking
8. attendance and behaviour records

What is our approach to differentiation? How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted to meet the individual needs of children with SEND?
Langdale aims to support children by scaffolding and supporting children so that all children can achieve the same outcomes through varying levels of support. Work should be set on a top down basis so that children are supported to reach the same outcome as their peers but by using support mechanisms such as word mats, writing frames, sentence stems, diagrams and peer support or modified tasks, for example in P.E.. Interventions will be offered to children, but these will be short and sharp so that children do not miss learning in the wider curriculum
• What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning? (This may include support from external agencies and/or equipment/facilities)

If progress rates are still judged to be inadequate despite the delivery of high quality interventions, advice will be sought from external agencies regarding strategies to best meet the specific needs of a pupil. This will only be undertaken after parent permission has been obtained and may include referral to:
1. Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
2. Behaviour Support Service
3. Dyslexia Centres
4. Autism Outreach Team
5. Hearing Impairment team
6. Visual Impairment team
7. Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) Post 16
8. Educational Psychologist Service
9. Educational Welfare Officers
10. Physical and disability support service
11. Social Services
12. School Nurse
13. CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
14. Homestart/
15. Action for children
16. The Sapling project
17. Occupational Therapy
18. Paediatricians
• For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s own resources, a request will be made to the local authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.
• For pupils who despite relevant and purposeful action taken to meet their special needs, fail to make expected levels of progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.
• Who will oversee and plan the education programme?
The education plan will be planned and overseen by the child’s class teacher and the SENCO. School subject leaders will provide subject specific guidance and the SENCO will support in making sure that the work is accessible for children with special educational needs.
• What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support to the pupil during exams?
In school exams, it may be possible for children to receive 25% extra time, scribes or . Thisi s subject to agreement. In some rare circumstances, for example, if children have not completed the full curriculum, it may be that children do not take part in the tests butt his will only be done with the agreement of the Head Teacher and parents.

The school receives funding to respond to the needs of pupils with SEND from a number of sources: A proportion of the funds allocated per pupil to the school to provide for their education (the Age Weighted Pupil Unit); The Notional SEN budget: The Pupil Premium funding for pupils who meet certain criteria. In addition, for those pupils with the most complex needs, the school may be allocated Additional Educational Needs funding. This funding is then used to provide the equipment and facilities to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities through:
• In-class support from teaching assistants
• Small group support from teaching assistants e.g. nurture groups, literacy and numeracy support
• Specialist support from teachers e.g. 1:1 tuition
• Bought in support from external agencies e.g. access arrangement assessment, speech and language support.
• Parent workshops
• Provision of specialist resources e.g. assessment software
CPD relating to SEND for staff

Additional funding can be secured through Additional Extra Needs funding. Should a higher level of need be identified through school and support of external agencies, an Education Health and Care Plan can be applied for. The school can also access short term funding through the local SEND Hub subject to successful applications.

For a very small percentage of pupils, whose needs are significant and complex and the special educational provision required to meet their needs cannot reasonably be provided from within the school’s own resources, a request will be made to the local authority to conduct an assessment of education, health and care needs. This may result in an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan being provided.
For pupils who despite relevant and purposeful action taken to meet their special needs, fail to make expected levels of progress, the school or parents may consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment that will be undertaken by the Local Authority.

It is also possible for funding to be requested through the locality SEND Hub, though this is reliant on parents having agreed to a referral to the Send Hub before. This will be done in agreement with parents. Funding is not guaranteed by the school but is dependent on a successful application wbased on suitable evidence which will be assessed by a panel at Staffordshire County.

• How does Langdale further meet need?
Langdale can further meet need by engaging with other educational settings such as specialise SEN schools, sharing of resources with other schools in the Creative Learning Trust and supporting access to alternative provision if there is a need.

Decisions on how much support a child needs will be made in conjunction with the class teacher, parents and SENCO where a child has been identified as having SEN. When constructed ADPR plans, assessment data will be used to identify what a child needs support with, or reports for SEMH and C and I needs may also be used for this purpose. The school may seek specialist advice from outside agencies to support in the target-setting process.
How will the parent carer be involved? (IRR)
• For pupils with SEND but without an Education Health and Care plan, the decision regarding the support required will be taken at joint meetings with the SENCo, class teacher, parent and Headteacher and assessment coordinator, as appropriate. For pupils with a statement of educational needs/Education, Health or Care plan, this decision will be reached when the plan is being produced or annual review.

How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
There will be several opportunities to discuss planning for a child’s future. These include:
• Parents’ Evenings
• ADPR reviews
• EHC reviews

Parents will also be able to discussions with the class teacher, SENCO or senior leadership team member

School has access to a variety of environmental support tools such as pencils grips, sand timers, ear defenders, chunky pens and pencils mathematical equipment. School may also be able to secure physical support equipment if the child is under a paediatrician or occupational therapist who may be able to provide relevant resources. If equipment is required by a child, it may be that the school is able to use some of the notional SEN budget to secure resources with the agreement f the Head Teacher.
• What is the process to secure these resources?
Where extra funding is needed, the school will follow procedures for applying for funding through Staffordshire AEN or EHC funding. There is also the possibility to secure short-term funding through the locality SEND Hub. All of these are subject to a successful application and agreement of the relevant bodies.

• How will we assess your child’s progress? (IRR)
Most children will be assessed at least twice a year through the use of standardised tests. If a child is on the SEN register, ADPR cycles will take place at least 5 times a year where a child’s progress against agreed targets will be reviewed. For children in receipt of an EHC, a review will be held annually (or bi-annually in Nursery and Reception year groups). The SENCo or class teachers will discuss progress, explaining how this compares to expected outcomes and progress. Parents have two Parents’ Evening and two reports during the academic year which will be an opportunity to discuss a child’s progress and to plan next steps. Written reports will also be written twice a year as part of the school’s standard process.

Langdale is able to facilitate further communications through the use of a home/school link book here a need arises. Support can also be given from the Home-School Link worker who can provide further advice and meetings where needed.
• What measures do you take to assist communication with parents and carers with SEND?
The school can arrange meetings with the SENCO to support in filling out SEN forms and to explain SEN processes where they become confusing for parents. The school will also direct parents to SENDIASS who will further be able to support parents with children with SEN needs.
• How we work with specialist services to support learning
Langdale works with a variety of specialist services (see above). Referrals can be made through school or may have been made externally e.g. through a G.P. or paediatrician. The school will keep in communication with these services and will make every attempt to make reasonable adjustments based on the reports of these services. The school will also seek support from specialist services to provide further support for children for a variety of needs such as behaviour, ASC, health needs and

ADPR meetings and parents evening will focus on targets for children where school staff will be able to inform parents about how they can support their child’s learning.

The school provides parents support with phonics, Maths and reading and also provides access to support documentation through the school website and Google classroom.

Children will be part of the half-termly ADPR cycle and so their views will be sought each half-term. If a child in in receipt of an EHC, their views form a part of the annual review.

The school uses provision mapping to show how children are supported. When data is collected, Langdale will check to see if these interventions are having a positive impact on the children. Individual interventions are also monitored to ascertain their impact. Pupil progress meetings will also form a platform for interventions to be reviewed and their impact assessed. These take place termly in school with teachers and senior leaders.

When reviewing ADPR cycles, parents will be asked for their feedback on progress and whether they believe an intervention has had a positive impact on their child.

Children and young people will be invited to all meetings regarding target setting and needs and, if unable to attend, children will be able to input on their ADPR support in class or with the support of an adult.

The SENCO will carry out pupil voice to help to indicate how well interventions are supporting children. This helps the SENCO to understand how effective the interventions are for the children and to see if any changes need to be made.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

• What handover arrangements are offered at the start and end of the school day?
Langdale has a breakfast Club which can be used for up to 6 children at a time to support children in coming in to school. Class teachers and Teaching assistants may be able to hand over at the end of the day. Home communication books may also be used to communicate daily with parents. All children are released from school by class teachers or teaching assistants so there will always be a daily opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher for a handover.
• What support is offered during breaks and lunchtimes?
The school operates a lunchtime ‘Hub’ where children with (or without) SEN can drop in for support, especially based on SEMH and C and I
• How do you ensure my son/daughter stays safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons, moving between buildings and on school trips)
Children who have the support of 1-1 assistants will also have this support on school trips. It may also be that parents are invited on school trips to support children with SEN needs if
• What are the setting/school/college arrangements for undertaking risk assessments?
Risk assessments will be made in conjunction with the school Health and Safety Lead (currently Mrs C. Nadin). These are made as part of standard practise for every school trip and for every classroom. Individual risk assessments will be produced for children based on their need.

• What pastoral arrangements are in place to listen to pupils/students with SEND?
Langdale has a home-school link worker who is able to provide support through the day and can also provide an early ‘meet and greet’ at the school breakfast club from 8:30, subject to there being space available
• What measures are in place to prevent bullying?
• Where can I find details of policies on bullying?
All school policies are available via the school website: www.langdaleprimary.co.uk
• How do you help children and young people to make friends?
We encourage children to buddy up when new children arrive in school or if we feel that there is a social need. Our playgrounds also include playground bus stops where children can go to meet other children and our Y5 and Y6 children will help out in assisting children through their roles as sports ambassadors and House Captains and Vice Captains.
• How do you encourage and measure the development of good self-esteem and confidence?

Does the school/setting offer a counselling service or a learning mentor?

The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils. These include:
• A broad curriculum that aims to provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to enhance their emotional and social knowledge and well-being. Please visit our website to see the topics that are included within this area of the curriculum.
• Pupil and Parent voice mechanisms are in place and are monitored for effectiveness by the Governor for responsibility for this area.
• Small group evidence-led interventions to support pupil’s wellbeing are delivered to targeted pupils and groups.
• Pupils who find less structured activities or times difficult, are provided with alternative small group opportunities within the school, where appropriate.
• The school has gained Healthy School status which evidences the work undertaken within the school to supports pupils’ wellbeing and mental health.
• The school has completed the Anti-bullying Pledge and is audited annually for its provision in regard to ensuring pupils safety by external agencies.

Written permission must be given in order for the school to administer medication. Where this is a long-term need, a Care Plan will be written in conjunction with parents by Mrs Fox. Similarly, if there are toileting or dietary needs, these will also be written in a care plan for school staff to follow.

In case of medical emergencies, the school will always contact the emergency services first and then the parent. Where the possibility of this is already recognised, procedures will clearly be written in to the child’s care plan.

Langdale supports children attending medical appointments though parents should attempt to arrange these outside of school areas where possible. If this is not a possibility, proof of appointments (such as a letter) should be given to the school office. Children should return to school as soon as possible after their appointment.

Pupils with medical needs will be provided with a detailed Health Care Plan, compiled by the school nurse in partnership with parents and if appropriate, the pupil themselves. Health and Care plans will be completed in conjunction with parents and shared with all staff at school. This will include details of what to do in a medical emergency. This will be written with parents by Mrs Fox.

Staff who administer medicine complete training and are signed off by the school nurse as competent. All medicine administration procedures adhere to the LA policy and DfE guidelines included within Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (DfE) 2014

Care plans are kept in the school class Inclusion files which are in purple folders and shared with all staff who work with the children and should be shared by the class teacher with any supply or cover teachers in order that they are aware of all children’s needs.

The school behaviour policy can be found at www.langdaleprimary.co.uk
The school has access to behaviour specialists through the Trust it is part of and can also call on the support of Entrust behaviour support. The school also consistently attends the Newcastle area SEND Hub whose aim is to minimise exclusions and increase attendance and can request funding to support behavioural needs from this forum. Langdale’s exclusion rates are consistently below national averages as we strive to be inclusive and understand the reasons for children’s behaviour

Regular meetings take place as per all other chilodren but in addition, EPEP meetings are held with all stakeholders (parents/carers/social workers etc)
either face-to-face or online. Here funding is allocated, and spend agreed to best support children.

Working together

Your child’s class teacher will be your first point of contact. Teachers can be contacted at the start and end of day at pick-up and drop-off or a request to meet can be emailed to the school office: office@langdale.staffs.sch.uk
• What is the role of my child’s class teacher/s?
Your child’s class teacher plays a key role in supporting your child. They are responsible for providing quality first teaching and ensuring children’s needs are met, with the support of the SENCO and Senior Leadership team if needed. Your child’s teacher will provide all of the teaching within the National Curriculum.

All classrooms have a SEND inclusion file that includes all relevant documents such as ADPR cycles, EHCP documents and learning passports. It is a non-negotiable that all teachers read the documentation within the files and share with any other adults that support in the class such as teaching assistants or supply teachers in order that all children’s needs are known and can be addressed.

• What type of knowledge do staff members have in relation to SEND (awareness, enhanced or specialist)?
All staff have QTS and attend regular updates in staff meetings regarding SEN. Teachers and most TAs have also has the Level 1 Autism Awareness training via Autism Outreach. Individual members of staff in school have training in the following areas:
• Precision teaching
• Lego Therapy
• Staffordshire EPS Literacy
• NELI speech and Language (Early Years)
• Read Write Inc 1-1 support
• ELSA (Emotional Learning Support Assistants)
• Nessy – spelling and reading
• Comic Strip conversations and social stories
• What ongoing support and development is in place for staff with regard to supporting children and young people with SEN?
Every INSET day in September has an SEN focus and there is termly support for staff where needed with ADPR cycles to support all SEN children in their target setting. We are also constantly looking for further training to support children for common needs or individual support where required.

Although there are no specialist services based onsite at Langdale, we provide space and time for outside providers such as Speech and language, occupational therapists, bereavement support services, social workers, specialist teachers (e.g. Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Autism Outreach) and will gladly liaise with these and other organisations, along with parents to provide time for these services with children in school as well as suitable space also.

Your child’s class teacher should be the first point of contact for any concerns. They will be able to sign post you to other relevant staff such as the SENCO, Key Stage Lead, Home-School Links worker or a member of the Senior Leadership Team as necessary.

The school SENCO/Inclusion Lead is Mr J. Baxter
Please contact via the school office on 01872 948000 or office@langdale.staffs.sch.uk

Our team have governors have a dedicated Inclusion governor (currently Mrs L. Cartwright) who liaise with the SENCO termly to look at what the school provides for SEN children but also Looked After children too. The Inclusion governor is invited for walk-rounds with the Inclusion lead.

• How will my child/young person being able to contribute his or her views?
Children are asked to contribute their views at each ADPR cycle review, as well as EHC reviews where they are able to do so. This may be through formal processes or informal processes such as short chats in the classroom where necessary, depending in the child’s needs.
• How will the setting/school/college support my child/young person to do this?
Langdale encourages the use of visuals and, where needed, PECS and Makaton for children to share their views if there is a need. Oral responses can be scribed by an adult if a child is not confident in recording their conversations or can be recorded on line, for example on online EPEPs for looked after children. Pupil voice is used through staff conversations and monitoring to ascertain children’s views which is then used to support ongoing changes to interventions and support where needed.
Do you have any student focus groups, councils or forums within the setting?
Langdale has a school Council as well as a Head Boy and Girl and House Captains for each of our four teams (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) which all children are encouraged to attend or be part of. SEN need is no barrier to this.

Parents can put themselves forward to be a parent governor when a vacancy becomes available and this is communicated to parents through school channels such as ParentPay.

If a parent has need for support, support can be provided by the home-school link worker, or the SENCO for SEN specific paperwork is needed. Call or email the school office and this can be arranged.

Inclusion and accessibility

• What activities are available that can be accessed by children and young people with SEND in addition to the curriculum?
All extra-curricular activities can currently be accessed by the all children at Langdale Primary.
• Do you offer holiday and/or before and after school/college provision? If yes, please give details of what lunchtime or after school/college activities you offer? Do parents/students have to pay for these and if so, how much?
Holiday care can be provided by Langdale Care Club. If there are certain needs that are provided in school time by a 1-1 assistant, these cannot be provided through Care Club as school funding does not apply to these. If you have any questions regarding this, please call the school office or the Care Club manager, Collette Harper (01782 948000) who will be able to discuss what support can be offered. In term time, Care Club also operates a before and after school service from 7:30 until 9 and 3:15 until 6. Details of this are shared when children enrol in school or at Reception, Tadpoles (under 3 provision) and Nursery intake meetings.

Langdale also operates a breakfast Club for limited numbers of children from 8:30 in a morning for children who may find leaving parents tricky (attachment based needs), who need a meet or greet or for children who like to know what will be happening before the day starts (for example with ASC needs). This can be for longer or shorter term periods but this will be agreed with parents before starting the Breakfast Club.

At lunchtimes, we provide our ‘hub’ where children can go for support from an adult, to take advantage of a sensory friendly area or to go if they have concerns about friendships or a quiet area. We have a newly repurposed specially kitted out room soon to be finished for this to be based in from Summer 2022!
• How do you make sure clubs, activities and residential trips are inclusive?
We work with all providers to ensure that trips can be inclusive. We have provided social stories for children to ensure that new routines for trips can be shared and have used specialist equipment to ensure activities are inclusive. If a child has a 1-1 support, the relevant staff always accompany the children on trips. Full risk assessments are also carried out on all trips. In some cases, parents may be asked to attend with their child to ensure that all children are able to fully partake in all educational activities. Discussions will always take place with parents prior to this trips to ensure that needs are catered for.

Is the building wheelchair accessible?
Fully Accessible ?
Partially Accessible ?
Not Accessible ?
Are disabled changing facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Are disabled toilet facilities available? Yes ?
No ?

Do you have parking areas for pick-up and drop-offs? Yes ?
No ?

Langdale Primary has a sensory shed in our Nursery provision which can be accessed by all children if needed. The lunchtime hub also provides a quiet area during the busy and noisy lunchtime period should children need it.

• How do you communicate with those whose first language is not English (including parent/carers)?
The school can engage the services of MEAS via Entrust who can support with communication at Parents’ Evenings as well as supporting with communication with parents at other times through the provision of a report. In class, MEAS can provide children
• Does the setting encourage and make use of alternative forms of communication on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)?
Langdale currently has three members of staff who are trained to level 2 in Makaton. These signs, symbols words can be used with children to support speech. Langdale also has a Makaton Club which is very popular with children in Key Stage One who share their new skills in assemblies and to their classes. Alternative forms of communication that can also be included in school are PECS visuals and social stories and comic strip conversations (which may be provided with the support of Autism Outreach on an individual basis).

Joining and moving on

Contact the school office on 01782 948000. The staff will be able to advise on admissions procedures.

• What preparation will there be before my child or young person joins you?
• A planned programme of visits are provided in the summer term for pupils starting in September.
• Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school and are provided with a range of information to support them in enabling their child to settle into the school routine.
• The SENCo or member of the SLT meets with all new parents of pupils who are known to have SEND to allow concerns to be raised and solutions to any perceived challenges to be located prior to entry.
• If pupils are transferring from another school, the pervious school records will be requested immediately and a meeting will be set up with parents to identify and reduce any concerns.
• How will he or she be prepared to move onto the next stage?
Where further transition is needed, Langdale will work with High School/Specialist settings to try to arrange this. Most High schools in our locality are happy to facilitate this.
• What information will be provided to his or her new setting, school, or college?
Local High schools will provide all information for parents though Langdale will facilitate further meetings should the need arise. • The transition programme in place for pupils in Y6 provides a number of opportunities for pupils and parents to meet staff in the new school. These opportunities are further enhanced for pupils with SEN and identified on the website
• The annual review in Y5 for pupils with a statement of educational need or an Education, Health and Care plan begins the process where parents are supported to make decisions regarding secondary school choice.
• Parents will be encouraged to consider options for the next phase of education and the school will involve outside agencies, as appropriate, to ensure information is comprehensive but accessible.

Parents will be enabled to consider options for the next phase of education and may like to take advantage of the support offered by the independent Staffordshire School Choice. Information on this service is located on the Staffordshire website at http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/education/schoolsandcolleges/admissions/schoolchoice/homepage.aspx ,
• Accompanied visits to other providers may be arranged as appropriate.
• For pupils transferring to local schools, the SENCos of both schools will meet to discuss the needs of pupils with SEN in order to ensure a smooth transition.
• The records of pupils who leave the school mid phase will be transferred within five working days of the parents notifying their child has been enrolled at another school.
• How will you support the new setting, school, or college to prepare for my child or young person?
The school will liaise with the new setting and provide all relevant documentation as well as a face-to-face meeting or phone call with a suitable member of staff to ensure that all information regarding a child, their needs and support is effectively communicated with the new setting.
• Will you liaise with the child or young person’s previous education setting to share information?
Most schools provide information on a child prior to them starting at a new setting. Langdale will be pro-active in asking for this evidence and – where it is known a child is starting at school who may have SEN needs – will ask for a meeting with a member of staff from the child’s current setting in order to best provide for the new starter in school.

Additional information

• Who can I contact for further information and how? (SENDIASS etc.)
SENDIASS can provide further support - https://www.staffs-iass.org/home.aspx
Parent Action - https://www.staffsscb.org.uk/family-support-and-outreach-service-in-staffordshire-from-april-1-2022/

This information was completed in April 2022 and will be reviewed by April 2023

Staffordshire’s SEND Local Offer can be found at www.staffordshireconnects.info

• How can parents give feedback to the setting, school or college?
Feedback can be provided to school by:
- Emailing the school office: office@langdale.staffs.sch.uk
- Talking to a class teacher
- Completing Parent views on school reports
- Speaking to a class teacher at Parents’ Evenings
- Feeding back to teachers at an APDR or EHC review
• What is the setting, school or college’s complaints policy? (IRR)
The schools complaints policy and details regarding this can be found at www.langdaleprimary.co.uk

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other setting facilities

    • Partly wheelchair accessible
    School statistical data and design provided in association with School Guide
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