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School SEN Details

Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School

Murphy Street, Fradley, Lichfield, WS13 8TW


Please note that these details are as supplied by the school themselves.

How we identify and assess needs

Our school follows the graduated response after initial concerns from a teacher or parent. A child may go on to our Special Educational Needs Register at ‘Monitoring’ stage, while assessments and short-term interventions take place in school. Some of these will provide standardised scores and identify areas of need. These help us to identify whether a child has a specific need and which specific areas need to be targeted. Short-term interventions will then be planned and implemented. When a child is placed on the SEND Register at ‘Monitoring’ stage an Individual Support Plan (ISP) will be created with appropriate targets set. These targets are reviewed termly. If, after short-term interventions, further support is required (interventions have made an impact and pupil would benefit from further support) the pupil will continue to receive support and move to our Special Educational Need Register at ‘SEN Support’ stage. If the school requires advice with targets and further specialist assessments, a referral to an external professional can be made with parental consent, e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Occupation Therapist or a Paediatrician. This will provide the school and parents with recommendations and targets.

Initially, contact the class teacher or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (Miss Jessica Pearson) if you wish to raise any concerns.
Tel: 01543 761030 or email fps-office@fps.jtmat.co.uk

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs) achieve their potential in all areas of the curriculum and socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.

There are 4 areas of SEND and Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School supports children in these areas. They are:
• Communication and Interaction (ASC and related conditions)
• Cognition and Learning (specific learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties)
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health
• Sensory and/or Physical (includes speech and language difficulties)

The strategies that will be employed for pupils identified as having SEND will be recorded in an (Individual Support Plan, reflecting provision that is additional to or different from, normal differentiated provision. Contents of the ISP will include:
• Up to 4 short term targets for the child;
• Teaching strategies to be used;
• Additional provision, including resources, to be put in place;
• When the plan is evaluated and reviewed, with space for the outcome of targets.

The ISP will be communicated to all staff who support the child’s learning, as well as parents, the child and other professionals. Each term, a cycle will follow Assess, Plan, Do and Review. The review will involve looking at the progress made and the impact of the interventions, involving the same people, and from this the next targets and interventions can be planned. If, at review, the pupil has made adequate progress then, with parental agreement, they can be taken off the SEND register.

SEND Policy and other related documents

Teaching, learning and support

Children with more significant needs may be eligible for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This often secures funding for additional resources, 1-1 and/or small group adult support. Parents/carers contribute their views and must give their consent. An EHCP will outline targets for the end of the key stage and provides recommendations for provision. With an EHCP, a child will still have an ISP to ensure that the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle is adhered to on at least a termly basis, and recommendations and targets from external professionals will be followed.

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, we are fully committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve their very best, by offering a range of activities and styles of teaching to all. We consider the mental health and wellbeing of all our children. Equality of opportunity is a reality for our children, irrespective of all learning requirements. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is “additional to and different from” that provided within the differentiated curriculum to better respond to the four areas of Special Educational Needs. Class Teachers will ensure all children with SEND are given an equal opportunity to take part in all learning opportunities offered by the school, through Quality First Teaching, differentiation and by removing barriers to learning. The aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum while emphasizing the need to develop English, Maths and a range of skills. SEND pupils have the opportunity to work alongside pupils of all abilities, which provides them with challenge and ensures high expectations. High Quality Teaching is supported by effective, tailored support and interventions where necessary.

Barriers to learning can be very different between individuals. Appropriate recommendations from external professionals will be followed, for example a pupil with a visual impairment may need all reading books and photocopying to be of a specified font size, recommended for them by the Visual Impairment Team. The Autism Outreach Team support individual needs for pupils with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) through their recommendations which might include the use of headphones, visual timetables, now and next cards and structured writing frames. Pupils with hearing impairments will receive support from the Teacher for the Deaf, who will advise the school on where the pupil should be seated in the classroom and how to remove other barriers to their learning.

The budget for SEND is allocated and managed by the Headteacher. The SENDCO provides the Headteacher with information towards the decisions made being provided by the SENDCO. School is funded to meet the needs of all its pupils through the core budget, but receives additional funding to support provision for SEND through:
• Deprivation factors, based on the number of Pupil Premium children and those in long term care
• Funding for specific pupils to meet their assessed needs

Additional funding for a pupil can be temporary through Additional Educational Needs (AEN) funding or on a longer basis with annual review through an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School we also have smaller intervention rooms with various resources for children to support with sensory needs. All resources are employed effectively to meet the needs of individuals and groups on the basis of plans within the School Improvement Plan.

Monitoring Level

At Graduated response ‘Monitoring’ level support will be initiated where pupils have failed to make adequate progress. They will be identified by the SENDCO, who will consult with staff and parents, as well as the pupil, following evaluation of the school’s interventions and assessments of the child, the SENDCO will identify provision from within the school’s resources that are designed to meet the pupil’s needs. School interventions may include:
• Additional planning of learning programmes;

• Provision of different learning materials or specialist equipment;

• Additional staff training;

• Group support on a regular basis.

An ISP is drawn up by the teacher and SENDCO for each pupil identified for Monitoring support.

SEN Support Level

When a child requires further support and a pupil fails to make adequate progress, despite additional provision at Monitoring, then the school will seek the advice and involvement of external support services: e.g. the LA support Services (SENNS); Educational Psychologist; medical experts, speech and language therapist; and/or occupational therapists. They will be requested to:
• Provide specialist assessments;

• Give advice on teaching strategies or materials;

• Provide short-term support of training for staff.

As a result of this support, a child will move to ‘SEN Support’ level on the SEND Register. Parents and the child will also be involved and as an end result of this the ISP will be revised and new strategies put into place. Should the assessments identify that the pupil requires additional provision on a regular basis, for an extended period, then, the school may apply for additional resources. The application will be evaluated against criteria established by the LEA.

EHCP Level

Standardised scores from in house assessments such as the British Picture Vocabulary Scale and reports from external agents determine whether a pupil meets the criteria for an EHCP. Parental agreement is necessary. The SEND Assessment Team decide upon the provision required and the hours of additional support, and this is reviewed annually.

Resources, such as those provided by the Educational Psychologist may already be available at Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, otherwise the SENDCo can request them. Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School is part of the Lichfield District SEND and Inclusion Hub which is where additional advice and support can be sought from. With parental consent, the case of the pupil can be put forward for a meeting where all available support in the area is represented and offers can be made by external providers, such as, The Cornerpost Education Centre or the Locality Co-ordinator, for Staffordshire County Council.

Progress for individual and group interventions will be recorded on children’s Individual Support Plans (ISPs) and are assessed and reviewed termly. These will be discussed at ISP Review meetings and Parents Evenings where a decision will be made as to whether a pupil should remain at ‘Monitoring’ level or move to ‘SEN Support’ level. Parent views are recorded on the ISP Review form and are part of the formal review process. Expectations for progress are stated on ISPs, which are used to measure impact. Progress is measured through ongoing assessment as well as termly class assessments. Pupils with an EHCP will have their targets reviewed at least termly and their EHCP reviewed annually to ensure that it still meets the individual’s needs. Parents are invited to attend Annual Review meetings, where they contribute their views on their child’s progress. Additional meetings can be arranged with the class teacher and/or SENDCo at a mutually convenient time at any time during the year.

Regular ISP Review meetings will take place with parents, class teachers and the SENDCO to discuss how the child can be supported at home. Parent Consultations also take place termly where class teachers can share strategies to support a child at home. Parent Curriculum Workshops also take place where further information is shared with parents such as the Reception Reading Workshop.

Formative and summative assessment are used by all teachers to check that progress is being made. A provision map is completed by the SENDCO and regular reviews take place for children’s ISP’s where parents are invited. Children are asked to review their ISP targets through the ‘Self Evaluation’ sheet.

Once a year, parents are encouraged to take part in a SEND Parent Voice and this feedback is used to monitor the provision for children and young people with SEND.

Pupil progress meetings between the class teacher and a member of the Senior Management Team happen termly for all pupils.

There are risk assessments completed for all activities outside the school. The school’s website has our Behaviour Procedure which can be found in the Procedures section on our website.
Class Teachers welcome children at the start of the day and dismiss at the end of the school day. We welcome parents to discuss any concerns.

Keeping students safe & supporting wellbeing

There are risk assessments completed for all activities outside the school. The school’s website has our Behaviour Procedure which can be found in the Procedures section on our website.
Class Teachers welcome children at the start of the day and dismiss at the end of the school day. We welcome parents to discuss any concerns.

Teachers, the SENDCO and parents can request support for any child.
We use the ‘Zones of Regulation’ to help support children who find it difficult to self-regulate.
We can help children to make friends by having ‘circle times’, nurture groups and on occasions 1-1 TAs model the language and behaviour that will help establish friendships.
Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School takes part in Anti Bullying Week and other days to actively support wellbeing such as Kindness Day.
We use the Boxall Profile as a tool to measure progress in social, emotional and behaviour development for individual children who have been identified as requiring extra support within these areas.

Parent’s written instructions and consent for the administration of medicines are kept in the school office. Class Teachers are also provided with a copy of these instructions. Parent’s also need to discuss and consent to the actions involved in regular toileting or changing when nappies are used. An Intimate Care Plan will be written and actioned with parents permission. Further information can be found in our Intimate Care Procedure on our website.
Care plans are created with information provided by parents/carers for all children with an allergy or medical condition where consideration needs to be given to how the child can be best supported. Class Teachers are provided with a copy of these which are kept in the classroom alongside any medical equipment.
In a medical emergency an adult will stay with the child whilst another contacts emergency services and then parents/carers.

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, we will lay the foundations for a life-long learning journey which provides our children with the tools to achieve fulfilled and successful lives. Our primary intent is for our Happy, Healthy community to be living and learning in Harmony.

We believe that every member of the school community deserves to feel valued and respected, and that each person should be treated fairly and well.

Our Behaviour Policy is underpinned by the following essential principles:
• Recognising, praising, and celebrating good behaviour
• Building good, respectful, trusting relationships
• Supporting children to understand their rights within the UN convention for the Rights of the Child and respecting these rights for themselves and for others.
• Developing good home/school links

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, we are committed to placing the values and principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of our procedures and practice. It is important to us that children recognise their rights but also acknowledge the rights of others.

At Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School, children’s rights are promoted and realised, adults and children work towards this goal together. A Rights Respecting School is a place where everyone can feel valued, confident with themselves, and furthermore, encourages everyone to use their voice.

As well as this approach shaping the needs of our own pupils and creating a Rights Respecting community, we aim to use this shared understanding to work for global justice and sustainable living.

Being a Rights Respecting School also shapes our behaviour management. Every class draws up a class charter based on agreed rights and shares ideas around how adults and children will respect this right. We emphasise the ethos that rights, are linked with responsibility.

Pupils are expected to:
• Behave in an orderly and self-controlled way
• Show respect to members of staff and each other
• In class, make it possible for all pupils to learn
• Move quietly around the school
• Treat the school buildings and school property with respect
• Wear the correct uniform
• Understand their responsibilities and know/accept consequences for their actions.

All classes have access to a portal called ‘My Concern’ where behaviour can be logged and tracked. Teachers ensure all staff, including teaching assistants and lunch time supervisors know that a child is under sanction or has behaviour plan.
Please see out Behaviour Procedure found on our website here under the Procedures section for more information.

Where appropriate, individual behaviour plans can be created between the pupil, teacher and SENDCO and shared with the parent/carer. Sometimes regular timetabled support or additional TA support is provided. We try to determine the reasons for the behaviour and work as close as possible with parents. East Staffs Family Support offer support to individual pupils and their families. Other external support can be obtained through the local SEND and District Inclusion Hub. This may result in the child working with Burton Albion Community Trust or Cornerpost Education Centre.

Links to external agencies

Behaviour Procedure

Looked after children who have SEND follow the same Assess, Plan, Do Review processes for Additional Needs. The SENDCO works closely with the Designated Safeguard Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead in school regarding transition and reviewing progress with parents, and, where necessary, attends CIN/TAF meetings.

Working together

The Class Teacher is responsible for ensuring access to a broad and balanced curriculum. They are encouraged to seek advice from Subject Co-ordinators and the SENDCO. They follow advice from external agents who provide targets and recommendations for EHCPs and ISPs. These are set and reviewed with pupils and parents on a termly basis. Our whole School Team will work with your child/young person, including, Class Teachers, Teaching Assistants, the Headteacher, SENDCo, Lunchtime Support Assistants, and possibly external agents with parental consent. Our School Team can be contacted through the school office on 01543 761030.

The SENCO shares all reports with teachers, with notes for guidance and offers of support. In turn, teachers share the information with TAs who are always welcome to discuss this further with the SENCO.
Teachers are welcomed to discuss pupils with the SENDCO and their progress.

Miss J Pearson has the National SENCO Award. The school undergoes regular training provided by external agents and/or the SENCO, in particular, this follows any training that she has attended. Disability Awareness training is undertaken where appropriate, for example Deaf Awareness Training. Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School is a member of the John Taylor MAT and receives support from their Whole School SEND Reviewer.

We work closely and effectively with a number of external agents including:
Speech and language
The Language Centre
Occupational therapists
Educational Psychologists
The Hearing Impairment Team
The Visual Impairment Team
East Staffs Family Support
Action for Children
Together for Children

We also work closely with Fountains Primary School and take part in training led by them.

Miss J Pearson
Telephone: 01543 761 030
Email: fps-office@fps.jtmat.co.uk

Our SEND Link Governor is David Adams. David Adams is also the Looked After Children’s Governor and Pupil Premium Governor. Mrs Allen (Headteacher) is the Designated Teachers of Looked After Children.

The SEND Governor, David Adams, challenges and supports the SENCO through regular termly meetings and updates. Learning Walks are also undertaken with the SENDCO and SEND Link Governor. The Link Governor then reports back their findings to the rest of the Governing Body.
David Adams is also the Looked After Children’s Governor and Pupil Premium Governor and Mrs Allen (Headteacher) is the Designated Teachers of Looked After Children.

The SENCO undertakes a pupil and parent voice for pupils with SEND Annually. Pupils are also encouraged to be involved with reviewing targets and reviews of their ISPs and EHCPs.
All pupils are encouraged to stand for election for roles of responsibility e.g. school councillor.

Parents are encouraged to come into school as volunteers and to be a member of ‘Friends of Fradley’. We currently have two parent governors.

Parents can also access East Staffordshire Family Support and seek guidance from the Local Offer.
Support with completing of forms can be sought at the school office and, where appropriate, the SENDCO.

Inclusion and accessibility

Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School offers a before school and after school club.
Clubs, activities and residential trips are planned to ensure that they are inclusive. We only use providers who ensure this. To ensure needs are met the person involved in planning may contact parents/carers for their input.

Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School has one main building which is accessible to wheelchair users. We have a lift so that the first floor can be fully accessed and there is a disabled toilet facility available in school. We have three disabled parking spaces and room to pick up and drop off by the main entrance.
Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School’s Accessibility Plan Statement can be found on the school’s website.

Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School have plans for a sensory room to be created. We have a nurture provision and staff are going to be trained to deliver ELSA in September 2023.

A translator can be an option during meetings to communicate with parents who do not speak English.
We also use Tapestry at Fradley Park Primary and Nursery School as a form of communication to parents.

Joining and moving on

The Admissions Procedure is on the school website. Please contact the School Office with any queries.
Tel: 01543 761 030
Email: fps-office@fps.jtmat.co.uk

Links to information

Parents/carers are welcome to attend open evenings and can arrange visits by contacting the school office. Tel: 01543 761 030

Transition meetings and visits to the setting are encouraged for children with their parents. External agents will be invited to meetings where appropriate as will SENDCOs from other schools or settings. During the Summer Term, a meeting to review ISP’s will be called and the SENDCO at the school to be transitioned to will be invited to attend.

Additional information

Families Health and Wellbeing Service (0-19)
Locality co-ordinator for Staffordshire County Council

This document was most recently updated 23.05.2023
It will be reviewed by 23.05.2024

Initially contact the school office and arrange to speak to the class teacher or the SENCDO. If parents/carers wish or need to, they can contact the Headteacher, Mrs Allen through the school office. Final complaints can be made to the Chair of Governors Mr Tony Stainer.

Specialisms, support and facilities


    Other support/equipment

    • Bought in support services
    • Hearing loop

    Other setting facilities

    • Fully wheelchair accessible
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