Please upload a plan which clearly shows the property boundary and the context of its location.
This function is for the uploading of plans only. Questions or additional enquiries uploaded using this service will no longer be accepted. If you require additional questions, please use our other online facility for CON29 searches (available under the Highways Enquiries section on the main order selection page).
We provide a plan based on A4 size at either a scale of 1:1,250 or 1:2,500 or alternatively, with no scale and for the area to fit to one page. If you select a plan at a set scale this may mean that your location requires multiple plans to cover the area and this will attract additional cost per plan required. If this happens we will advise you, and you will need to re-apply for the number of plans that we advise that you will need. If this is required, please state in the Further Information box below, that this application is for additional plans to cover the area and provide your original 'OLF' number that you were given at point of initial application. Without this, we are unable to produce the multiple plans for the location requested.
Please read this information carefully before proceeding